Chapter 702: Blocking at all costs
It’s scary to think about it!

Zeref recalled the details of the collapse of the mysterious stone tablet's energy black hole.

It seems that his attack caused an energy imbalance.

But his attack shouldn't be enough to shake the power of the energy black hole.

It is even more impossible to cause such a terrifying phenomenon of energy collapse.

His attacks can at most destroy the moon wheel instrument of the teleportation channel.

"It would be really terrible if that were the case," Zeref said.

Dr. Shezhi didn't want to doubt her husband, but Indra's behavior in the video said everything.

Zeref's attack was not the culprit of the energy black hole's collapse.

The more Dr. Shezhi thought about it, the more he felt that her husband Indra's behavior was a bit strange.

When Zhi Nao had self-awareness, she wanted to report it to the authorities, but Indra advocated completely suppressing the fact that Zhi Nao had self-awareness, and persuaded her on the grounds of the iteration of human civilization.

Looking back carefully, Indra should have already started planning this action at that time.

For the first time using human body teleportation research, Dr. Shezhi proposed using death row prisoners to conduct experiments to collect data.

But Indra once again rejected her idea and insisted on entering the energy black hole transmission channel in person.

She couldn't resist him and had no choice but to agree.

Before living people entered the transmission channel, they had already conducted experiments with mice, monkeys, and other animals, and the data detected through the energy black hole were complete, and even better data was obtained.

After being transported to the new world, those experimental subjects not only lived well, but also became stronger.

Moreover, the data of the experimental products are very well preserved, and there are no abnormalities.

It was for this reason that she agreed to Indra's experiment on human teleportation.

"If your husband is responsible for energy exploration and sucking the entire Jinling City into this world, what is his purpose?" Zeref asked.

"Invincible, immortal, dominating, dominating!" Li Ran said.

Dr. Shezhi and Zeref looked shocked after hearing this.

Li Ran felt that it was necessary to tell them some of the things Indra would do in the future at this moment.

The amount of time he can stay in the past is very limited.

I don’t think Dr. Shezhi and Zeref can change anything.

But some things are like the butterfly effect. If people in the past are prepared, they will change in the future.

In the future, although the Babel Tower will be destroyed, the rule world will also disappear, and the law of conferring gods will be destroyed by him.

He should be the person Indra wants to kill most now.

The realm of gods has countless gods, and these gods all obey Indra.

Li Ran had no chance of winning against him.

If Dr. Shezhi can change the past, he may have a chance of survival in the future, or he may not have to experience the advent of a strange world at all.

Of course, no matter what the situation is, it is good for him.

"I think your husband Indra may have learned some information about the dark world in the mysterious stone tablet in advance through his brain, but he hid this information and hatched a big plan in his mind."

"When a person knows that entering a world can lead to immortality and power like a god, everything is no longer attractive to him."

"If it were me, I would be ready to make a move." Li Ran said.

Zeref said in confusion: "As far as I know, gods existed in this world in ancient times. How can Indra, as a human being, compete with those ancient gods?"

"Dark virus!" Li Ran and Dr. Shezhi said in unison.

Dr. Shezhi looked at Li Ran and explained: "While researching the "New Life" project, I did see a piece of encrypted data in the database. It was encrypted by my husband. At that time, I asked what it was, and he casually prevaricated it. Yes, I have no doubts."

"But now that I think about it carefully, I still remember that the day before the data was encrypted, he suddenly said excitedly that the brain could communicate and integrate with the energy of that world."

"I didn't take it to heart at the time. After all, no matter how powerful the brain is, it can't enter another world."

"But I never expected that my husband had already planned to use the energy of the mysterious stone tablet to collapse and teleport the entire Jinling City to a different world. In this way, the brain can contact and merge with the energy of this world. , evolving into a ubiquitous dark virus.”

When Zeref heard this, he was confused and asked: "But can you fight the gods by becoming a dark virus?"

Li Ran was able to explain it. He said: "If the flu and cold viruses with fever are regarded as a dark virus, who can escape it?"

"For the original Xiling Continent... Oh, Xiling Continent is what I call the dark world. For this world, whether it is a weak life or a powerful life, the dark virus is a foreign virus to them and cannot be resisted. "

Through this explanation, they understood.

"Even the ancient gods can't resist the invasion of the dark virus?" Zeref said in shock.

Li Ran is relatively familiar with the dark virus.

The dark virus can not only invade living life, but also dead life and even souls.

This may have something to do with the energy of this world.

Because all life in this world depends on energy, just like people cannot live without oxygen.

The power of the dark virus is that it is as ubiquitous as the air.

Even gods cannot guard against the air.

Once the virus enters the body, the gods will also become the puppets of the virus.

But people with stronger strength have relatively fewer weird forms and can still stay sane.

And those weak gods turned into extremely strange creatures.

What's even more terrifying is that those creatures are completely unaware of it.

If we say that each person is infected by the virus individually, then the infected people are different.

But if the whole world is infected, it will all be the same.

So in the future, every living thing Li Ran sees will be mentally infected.

The only person who was asymptomatic was the Immortal Penglai who saw the dragon on the mysterious sea but never saw its end.

In this way, Penglai Immortal became an alien.

"Is Indra infected?" Zeref asked curiously.

Dr. Shezhi also looked at Li Ran.

Li Ran shook his head and said, "I can't answer this question. I haven't seen him yet."

"But in the future, he killed many gods, monopolized all energy resources, expelled or killed those who opposed him, and established his own laws."

"What's the difference between this and a dictator?" Zeref said angrily.

Li Ran said slowly: "In the future, the entire dark world must abide by his laws of conferring gods and the rules of heaven's selection. Moreover, the so-called heaven's selection activities will come to various worlds in the name of the strange world, and people will be selected from each world." Provide them with greater resources and energy for the chosen ones.”

"Nearly all life in the future world will be infected."

"Only a few people still have self-awareness."

"But the vast majority of people are infected and don't know it."

While saying this, Li Ran had been observing Dr. Shezhi.

There was one thing he did not emphasize.

That is, in the future, he will destroy Indra's law of deification, and Indra will hate him deeply.

Dr. Shezhi and Indra are husband and wife. Are they on the same side?

Regarding this point, Li Ran didn't dare to bet.

He simply told him some of the things Indra would do in the future. "It seems that I was also deceived by him." Dr. Shezhi said.

"Are you husband and wife still hiding things from each other?" Zeref asked, and he seemed to have noticed this.

Dr. Shezhi nodded and said, "Although we are husband and wife, we don't care much about work matters. We also agreed not to talk about work matters when we return home."

Li Ran nodded and said: "Many couples who work in the same place do agree like this, otherwise life and work cannot be balanced."

"Then what should we do now? The brain is now in the hands of my husband, and we don't know where he has gone now?" Zeref said. He looked at Li Ran and continued: "The energy of the two of us persists in the power of the time mirror. It won’t be long.”

Zeref and Li Ran thought the same thing.

Just solve the problem from the source.

If we can’t fight against it in the future, what about in the past?

Li Ran didn't think that he would be able to deal with Indra when he reached the god level.

He had just made a clear decision between reaching the god level and 4000 years after reaching the god level.

What's more, Indra has monopolized resources for thousands of years.

The current strength is definitely invincible among the gods, that is, the strength of the peak of the gods.

As for Li Ran, he hasn't even found the opportunity to become a god now.

If he was still going to die at the hands of Indra in the future, it would be better to deal with Indra in the past.

good for everyone.

Dr. Shezhi frowned and looked towards the passage in front of the cloud platform.

"I think I know where he went."

She stood up and walked to the air passage in front of the cloud platform.

Li Ran and Zeref immediately followed.

Dr. Shezhi explained: "There is a passage leading to the ground laboratory, which is the laboratory of the particle collision machine."

When Li Ran heard this, he felt something was wrong.

He didn't understand science, but he still knew something about particle collider.

At present, his planet is also using particle collider to obtain larger and more powerful energy. At the same time, scientists can also observe or cut particles microscopically through collision experiments.

"What's the use of this thing?" Zeref asked.

Dr. Shezhi said: "It's a little troublesome to explain. You just need to know that it can provide huge energy. If the intelligent brain is involved, it can continuously reproduce endless dark viruses."

"Once the virus reaches a large enough scale to rule the world, the dark virus will be omnipotent and can even control the power of nature."

Zeref said: "In the future, your husband has completed this experiment. There are rules everywhere, and there are endless viruses outside the rules."

While talking, the two came to an elevator at the end of the Yuntai passage.

Due to the independent power supply system, the elevator can still move smoothly.

The three of them took the elevator to a huge hall behind the scientific research building.

As soon as they arrived on the ground, countless monsters appeared all around.

"Zhi Nao can control monsters so quickly?" Zeref asked in shock. He also twitched his sword and released streams of sword energy to attack the incoming bat monster.

"This should be the nearby monster tribe. The entire tribe has been infected by the virus." Li Ran said.

"Teng She, I leave this to you." Li Ran said.

Li Ran slapped it with his palm, and a wave of fire swept directly from the hall to the open space outside. In an instant, dozens of bat demons were burned to ashes on the spot.

"plz follow me."

Dr. Shezhi took the lead and walked into a passage entirely made of glass.

Under Li Ran's order, Teng She had already fought her way from the hall to the square outside.

The low-level bat demon was unable to cause any harm to the Soaring Snake. The Soaring Snake's fight from the hall to the square was like a lawnmower entering the grass.

Countless bat demons fell on the ground in large areas like rain.

The three of them walked through the glass corridor, and Li Ran looked outside.

After passing through two scientific research buildings, a spacious street appeared ahead.

The streets are already filled with demon wolves and bat monsters.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

A burst of tinnitus like an air explosion suddenly sounded in the ears of the three people.

As an ordinary person, Dr. Shezhi suddenly couldn't bear the harsh noise and squatted on the ground in pain, covering his ears.

Li Ran released a layer of Yun Nian ice crystal defensive shield for her.

He looked up at the sky. Under the black sky, bookshelf fighter planes flew across the sky.

Not far away, there were more than a dozen armed helicopters flying in their direction.

On the ground, groups of heavily armed troops appeared, including tanks and armored units.

Dr. Shezhi was dumbfounded on the spot.

"These are the armed forces of Jinling City, why..."

Li Ran said coldly: "It is the dark virus that controls the creatures in other areas, and then mobilizes the armed forces in this city!"

"Zhi Nao wants to stop us from passing at all costs." Zeref said.

Although the monsters and armed forces blocking their advance are not very strong.

But the number is very large.

Whether it's a monster or the city's armed forces.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The fighter planes flying quickly in the sky took the lead in attacking Li Ran and the others.

More than a dozen missiles flew down from the sky, leaving more than a dozen tail marks in the sky.


Li Ran snorted coldly, and the dark aura lingering around him turned into countless dark arrows and shot towards Feilai's missile.

The pursuing missiles were all destroyed by Li Ran in the air before they even got close.

In fact, he didn't need to worry about those missiles and bullets at all. Yaonie's red scales would automatically block incoming attacks by his side. Li Ran's current body could completely resist missile attacks.

His current physical strength is equivalent to that of Superman on Blue Star.

But Dr. Shezhi is a mortal body and cannot withstand even one attack.

Dr. Shezhi was so frightened that she screamed repeatedly, but she also knew that with Li Ran and the others around, she would be fine for the time being.

"We have to cross this square and go to the particle collision chamber." Dr. Shezhi said, pointing to the area where the enemies are most densely packed.

Li Ran looked away and saw an extremely majestic arc-shaped building in the distance.

It was a building similar to an observatory. At this moment, the arc roof of the building was slowly opening on both sides, revealing a giant device like a coil pipe inside, and there was a mass of energy surging violently in the center, which looked very dangerous.

"Oops, he turned on the particle collider!" Dr. Shezhi said.

(End of this chapter)

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