People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 713 The Origin of God-level Forbidden Actions

Chapter 713 The Origin of God-level Forbidden Actions

Erin's eyes trembled, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Although she has been separated from her husband Zeref for 1000 years.

But she never forgot his face.

During the hundred years when she sacrificed herself to become a dark creature, she was desperate and lonely, licking her wounds alone for countless nights.

At that time, she wished that someone could be by her side.

During that time, what she missed the most was her husband, Zeref.

But she knew very well that she had been selected into a strange world and turned into a dark creature, so it was impossible for her to see her husband again.

Even if Zeref could accept the so-called difference between humans and ghosts, she herself could not accept it.

Later she learned that a divine man named Zeref was looking for his wife, and his wife was named Irene.

At that time, she knew that Zeref had also entered the strange world and was frantically looking for her.

But she couldn't see him.

She spent a long time running away and hiding.

Until one day she came to the sea of ​​Janna, and when her body was about to be torn into pieces by countless sea monsters, Lilith appeared, walking towards her like the queen of darkness.

Lilith told her that by trading her soul with her, she could regain her life.

At that time, she was on the verge of death and was so desperate that she agreed to Lilith's conditions without even thinking about it.

After that, she began the hundreds-long process of growing from an unknown god to a twelve-winged seraph.

No one knew that her soul had already fallen, and no one knew that she had been loyal to Lilith.

In the eyes of the gods, she is still the aloof and arrogant twelve-winged seraph.

This is also the reason why she cannot meet her husband Zeref.

When she wanted to see him, Zeref had disappeared.

Irene stared blankly at the person who took off his armor, it was her husband Zeref.

The person who made her miss her day and night was standing in front of her.

So Zeref has been in the Dark Temple all along?
But why...

"What's wrong with him?" Li Ran asked.

Zeref's eyes were empty, without any focus, and he stood there like a soulless body.

"When I picked him up, he was already dead and his soul had long since dissipated," Lilith said.

"Picked it up?" Li Ran asked.

Traveling back to the past to fight Indra, Zeref finally sent him and Dr. Shezhi away, while he rushed to Indra and hugged him, traveling together to the past time and space.

Before leaving, he remembered that Zeref had said that he would send Indra back.

That is, 4000 years ago.

Lilith was able to pick up Zeref's body. Did she meet him 4000 years ago?

"Do you remember Safis?" Lilith asked.

Li Ran felt that the name was very familiar, and after thinking for a while, he remembered who it was.

Fallen angel Saphis?
In the dungeon of Cangming Airport, when he assisted Zhao Yingzhi in the second bloody mission, he came to the edge of the Sea of ​​Deception, where the tribe of Safis lived.

At first, Li Ran learned from the prompts from the Heart of Chaos that the Saffis tribe was expelled to Cangming Airport by Lilith.

But Li Ran didn't know the specific reason for being expelled.

"It seems you have remembered." Lilith walked up to Zeref and lightly snapped her fingers. The soundproof barrier set up by Li Ran disappeared, and instead, a scene of light and shadow appeared in front of everyone.

Li Ran and Irene looked at the light and shadow in front of them.

"This is……"

A dark regular world and a dark sea appeared in the light and shadow. The picture was from a bird's-eye view, and you could just see the landforms in the regular world. It was a regular world with an "∞" landform.

Li Ran was extremely impressed by this, it was Cangming Airport.

The four-day rule when he first entered the sea of ​​​​ghostland almost caused his death in the sea of ​​​​reverse yin and yang.

"I believe you are familiar with it," Lilith said.

“Cangming Airport.”

Lilith nodded and continued: "Pay attention to the sky."

Li Ran squinted his eyes and looked at the sky at the edge of the regulation boundary of Cangming Airport. Silver lightning appeared in the sky, and the silver lightning filled the entire sky like cracks.

As the silver thunder and lightning spread, the clouds in the sky also changed, and a group of silver light emerged from the clouds.

The naked eye can see that the clouds have collapsed at the silver light.

After a while, a person wrapped in silver light fell from the collapsing clouds.

The silver light distorts the surrounding light, and wraps the figure inside like a protective shield.

On the sea, a sea ship happened to arrive nearby, and the person standing on the bow was Saffis.

"Lord Safis, what is that?"

The Kraken tribe behind Sephis pointed to the sky and said.

Safis spread his wings and flew towards the sky, releasing a piece of sacred golden light from his hand that turned into a ray of light and pulled the person wrapped in silver light.

As the person is brought onto the ship, the scene becomes closer.

The person who appeared in the silver light was Zeref.

It's just that Zeref seems to have no life breath, his face is pale and his body is stiff.

If it weren't for the silver shield of light protecting him, his body would soon rot.

"What is the light on this person? How come I have never seen this kind of power?" said the subordinates behind Safis.

A sharp cold light flashed in Safis's eyes, and he suddenly stood up and killed the men behind him with a sword.

The sudden killing shocked the other tribesmen on the ship.

Safis glanced at the people on the boat with cold eyes and said: "If anyone tells what happened here, he will end up like him."

This is the end of the screen.

Li Ran looked at Lilith with a surprised look on his face and said, "Because you concealed it and didn't report it, you were deprived of your power and then deported to Cangming Airport?"

"Nothing about the Kraken tribe can escape my eyes. Saffis's behavior is undoubtedly challenging my bottom line. Originally, she could be a very good seedling." Lilith said.

"Why is he there?" Erin asked.

Lilith looked at Li Ran and said, "You have to ask the Heart of Chaos?"

"Ask me?" Li Ran frowned slightly.

To be honest, he didn't know why Zeref appeared near Cangming Airport.

He only knew that after Zeref chose to die with Indra, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

But how could he not have imagined that Zeref would travel through 1000 years to their era.

But what's the point after traveling through time? It's just a corpse.

"I don't know why he came to our era." Li Ran shook his head.

If I had to make some connection, it would be that I told him that I came from 1000 years after his era, and that was it.

Could it be that after Zeref chose to die with Indra, he left the power of the Mirror of Obsession in his body, and after his death, this power brought his body to his own era?
Although it's a bit ridiculous, this is the only possibility Li Ran can think of.

"The silver light on his body is the power of time that can travel through time and space. It is almost the same as the energy of the time and space storm. In other words, he came through time and space, and the time he traveled through should be when you first came into contact with the mysterious stone tablet." Lilith said.

Li Ran was shocked and asked: "When did I first come into contact with the mysterious stone tablet?" He remembered that the first time he came into contact with the mysterious stone tablet was because Cangming Village arrested Wang Xiaodong, the Time Realm Master, and heard from him that he was looking for clues to solve the problem. The source of the mirror, he tells about the Moon Clan and the mysterious stone tablet.

Then he went to the mysterious stone tablet. He originally wanted to understand the source of the broken mirror, but he saw the inscriptions on the stone tablet.

The little devil baby also completed its first promotion after absorbing the dark power in the mysterious stone tablet.

"I did come into contact with the mysterious stone tablet on the retrospective cliff at Cangming Airport, and my contracted pet completed a transformation, but this has nothing to do with the time and space when he came to us, right?" Li Ran said.

"Not necessarily. Most people can't use the mysterious stone tablet. Even I have studied it before, but I can't analyze the mystery." Lilith looked at Li Ran and said with interest: "I think it was you who led him to come."

"Perhaps he still had an obsession before he died. He could see nodes in various time and space. The so-called nodes should be when someone touches the mysterious stone tablet and reacts. It was this obsession that brought him to our time and space. node."

Lilith looked at Irene again and said, "Of course, part of it is Irene's fault. Maybe there is a connection between them."

Erin stood in front of Zeref with red eyes, her voice choked with sobs, and she hesitated to speak.

Zeref's death is actually a pity, Li Ran still likes his straightforward character.

Unfortunately, if he used the mysterious little bottle to collect Zeref's soul, he might be able to resurrect him.

But now, I'm afraid Zeref can only be an incorruptible corpse.

"Let them stay for a while, Chaos Heart, you come with me." Lilith said.

Li Ran nodded and followed Lilith into the depths of the Dark Temple.

Following Lilith, Li Ran couldn't help but sigh at how powerful Lilith was.

Now that he has reached the god level, he still cannot see through Lilith's strength.

Lilith seemed to see through what Li Ran was thinking. She walked in front and said:
"The gap between god-level experts is much wider than the gap between world masters."

"Although some people have become gods, their limit is god level."

"Some people become gods because the limit is only god level."

Li Ran understood.

Everyone's room for growth is different.

The strength and growth values ​​​​of the gods in the God's Domain are also different.

Just like studying, the goal is university.

But there are differences between 985 and 211 universities, and some people even go to prestigious foreign universities for further studies.

This is the gap.

We are both in university, but our lives have already opened up the gap invisibly.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Taisui should be regarded as the group that has reached the limit in the realm of gods. No matter how hard he practices, his cultivation level is like a snail crawling.

After 3000 years, the cultivation level has only increased to 1699 million.

And just because he broke through to the god level, his magic value soared to 3000 million.

Is this the difference in growth value?

"Where are you taking me?" Li Ran asked.

Lilith smiled slightly, put her hands behind her back, and jumped deeper.

"You'll know when you get there."

Wan Qian continued walking for a while.

The two came to a huge bloody door.

Li Ran raised his head and looked at the majestic and terrifying bloody door. He felt inexplicably that this door seemed to be connected to hell.

"This door is forbidden to those below the god level!" Lilith said.

Then, she stretched out her hands and pushed open the blood-red giant door that was completely unequal to her body proportions.

The bloody giant door made a low and loud noise, and as the giant door slowly opened, a soft light fell on Li Ran's face.

"This is……"

After the bloody door opened, it was completely different from what Li Ran had imagined.

He originally thought it was an extremely terrifying bloody hell, or at worst a gloomy place related to blood.

Who would have thought that behind the bloody door, which is inaccessible to those at the god level of the Folding Fan, there is actually a land of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers.

"Let's go."

Lilith took the lead and walked into the land where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

Li Ran also walked into it, feeling as if he had stepped into the back garden of the palace.

"This is the birthplace of humanity in this world. The Human Emperor, the owner of the King's Sword in your hand, was born here."

"In addition to the Human Emperor, many ancient mythological beings were born here, such as Cain, the ancestor of vampires."

Li Ran followed Lilith into this garden-like place and asked in confusion: "What kind of place is this?"

"You can call it the place of birth, or you can call it the place of origin. I am also from this place." Lilith said.

Li Ran couldn't help but be speechless.

Powerful people like the Human Emperor and Lilith all come from here?
And Cain is an existence at the level of ancient myths, the ancestor of the blood race.

It is said that Cain can be summoned only by gathering all the Thirteen Holy Artifacts.

At present, Li Ran owns three holy artifacts of the vampire clan, the evil bone harp, the Holy Grail, and the golem. He is still far from collecting all thirteen.

What Li Ran didn't expect was that Lilith was actually born here.

At the same time, Li Ran felt that the energy here was something he had never seen before.

The elemental energy was extremely abundant, and he felt like he was in a sea of ​​elements.

If you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and maybe you can directly trigger the opportunity to become a god.

But the condition for entering this place is god level.

"You came here to tell me more than this, right?" Li Ran asked.

Li Ran was not interested in hearing stories about the origin of mankind.

He just wanted to know what Lilith's purpose was in bringing him here.

Lilith walked to the middle of a piece of grass and lightly stamped her feet. The ground beneath their feet suddenly sank.

The ground dropped to the ground like an elevator.

When they reached a hundred meters underground, a huge and twisted white corpse caught Li Ran's attention.

It was a corpse of a creature that looked human but not human. It had six eyes on its face, but there was no breath of life overall.

"What is this?" Li Ran looked shocked.

Because the body of the creature was just lying quietly on the ground, Li Ran had a feeling that his hair was counting down his hair. It was obviously lifeless, but it was staring at him as if it were alive.

Looking at him, Li Ran instantly felt extremely small.

"This is Eve, the Mother of the Earth, the mother of the people of the Western God Clan. The God Clan was created by her." Lilith said.

Li Ran never thought that the Protoss was created by such an extremely terrifying creature.

"In fact, the gods and demons are one and the same, and they were both created by Eve. However, demons had not yet been given a bad name at that time. Many people did not expect that the current situation of irreconcilable power has occurred."

Lilith looked at Li Ran and said: "Indra's tribe has come to the Jana Sea. My siren tribe can't resist it for long. Soon I will fight against the gods. Indra will not let me go." I won’t let you go.”

"You are still too weak now. I need you to grow up quickly and fight against Indra together!"

The elevator continues down, and the underground seems to be an elevated fortress.

When the elevator sank, Li Ran's pupils shrank when he saw a huge twisted life form in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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