Chapter 74 Awakening

A cluster of colorful and huge fireworks, with human facial features and dozens of tentacles growing on the body, is a strange substance. Its body is full of elasticity, expanding and collapsing for a while, making strange breathing sounds.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran couldn't help thinking of a virus in his previous life.

In the past, viruses were viewed only through microscopes and special equipment. How could I have imagined that a virus as big as a person would appear in front of him and talk to him.

That was the appearance of the lunatic Pang Lai after he was demonized, and it was also the appearance Li Ran had glimpsed in the [Mirror of Reality] before.

"Indeed, that's what I saw in the glass of water."

Li Ran quickly calmed down. In the past eight days, there was nothing he hadn't experienced before. The demonized form of a lunatic still couldn't scare him.

Unlike other enchanted monsters, a madman can recognize himself as a monster.

The demonization of the lunatic is not to attack Li Ran, but to confirm that Li Ran saw the content urgently.

If Li Ran saw a pile of shit in the water, maybe he would really turn into that shit.

"This is the truth of this world." Pang Lai, who had turned into a monster, said.

"the truth?"

"They are the aborigines of this world!" said the lunatic.

Hearing this, Li Ran was shocked.

"Viruses are natives, so what are humans? Invaders?"

"Who can guarantee that they are not intruders?" The monster Panglai stretched out a tentacle and pointed to the ground and continued: "Maybe there is life under our feet. You suspect that they are too hot underground to survive. It's poisonous gas (oxygen) and life is impossible."

What the lunatic monster said seemed to open the door to a new world for Li Ran.

"If the virus is an aborigine, where did humans come from?" Li Ran asked.

The lunatic monster pointed at Li Ran with a tentacle: "How you got here is how they got here."

What the hell!

The words of the lunatic monster made Li Ran stunned in place as if struck by lightning.

He is a player selected by the strange world.

Are the aborigines also selected players?
Thinking of this, Li Ran felt that his head was not enough.

Aboriginal people are players?

Are you kidding me?
Could it be that his wife and son were also players?
"Can a player become an aborigine if he dies in the copy?"

The player dies... and becomes an aborigine?

No... it shouldn't be like this?

Death is a process of disappearance, and aborigines are living people.

"Wait, there may be hope of life if you die here!"

"Dark Temple!!"

Suddenly, Li Ran seemed to have discovered something, inexplicably thinking about it and becoming terrified!
If the aborigines in the dungeon are players, and the player must experience death, because the living players will eventually leave the dungeon.

So the question is, how does the player become an aborigine after death?
Bring back to life?

"Yang Ping!"

Li Ran suddenly thought of someone.

Yang Ping and the three actors playing Zhao Yingzhi's family are all from the Dark Palace.

And they all have one thing in common, they are all dead people!

But the existence of the Dark Temple brought these dead people back to life.

The virus adds to the dark palace, bringing the dead back to life? !
"I'll go, no way, is this the truth of this world?"

Li Ran's whole world view has been greatly impacted!
"By the way, there is also Zhao Yingzhi!"

Li Ran thought of Zhao Yingzhi who had just left the Dark Palace.

At this moment, Li Ran seemed to have a flash of light in his mind, thinking of many impossible possibilities.

When Zhao Yingzhi left the dark hall, there were two souls in her body.

"If Zhao Yingzhi's body is occupied by another soul, Zhao Yingzhi will not be the original Zhao Yingzhi, but another person!"

"If Yang Ping's memory doesn't just stay on the last day of her death, if her cyclic memory of one day is removed, won't she be able to live in the community like an aboriginal?"

"But, after they came out of the dark hall, were they implanted with memories or original memories?"

Li Ran felt that he was about to go crazy. At this moment, his head was about to explode.

He looked at the lunatic monster and asked, "Are you awake?"

Mengge, Su Bingyao, Li Ziyang, including the lunatic in front of them, seemed to realize that they were monsters, and at the same time awakened human consciousness, so Li Ran thought it was a state of awakening, the awakening of human consciousness.

The monster slowly returned to the appearance of the lunatic Pang Lai. He walked up to the cage and bent down. A tentacle grew out of his palm, and quickly entangled the mutated mouse.

"What is awakening?" Madman Pang Lai had a sickly smile on his dark face.


The entangled little white mouse let out a scream, and its body shriveled up quickly.

Li Ran witnessed with his own eyes how the little white mouse was decomposed by a lunatic, just like a process where burnt charcoal disintegrates into black ashes.

The black ash fell on the ground, and the wind blew by, leaving no trace of the little white mouse.

"You should go." The lunatic said suddenly.

Li Ran still had a lot of questions to ask, but the lunatic had returned to the original state of insanity, and he kept repeating that sentence.

"Do you believe that this world is a cage, they monitor everyone on it, if we don't live according to the program they designed, we will be exiled..."

At the same time, Li Ran heard the sound of the completion of the cold task.

[Complete the task: Pang Lai's test. 】

[Completion reward: Weird power +200, points +2000, rare equipment*1]

He half understood what the madman meant by repeating that sentence, which probably meant that he couldn't say too much and had to follow the rules, otherwise he would end badly.

The lunatic's words also meant something, and it was hard for Li Ran to guess at the moment.

He picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on again.

Looking back at the lunatic in a state of epilepsy.

The scariest thing in this world is that you see the truth, but those blinded people regard you as a lunatic.

Originally, Li Ran just wanted to go to the rooftop with the mentality of doing a task, but when the task was completed, his perception of the world seemed to have been greatly impacted.

Didn't you decide from the very beginning that no matter what the madman said, you would ignore it?
He didn't know why he believed the madman's words.

[Mirror of Truth] It has been reminded a long time ago that those who have peeped into the truth of this world are crazy.

"Damn, I won't be crazy too?"

He can ignore all his conjectures just now.

But there was a conjecture that made him feel absurd, but he had to face it head-on.

That's how the Aboriginals are the players.

If this is true, all the aborigines in the community are players who have died.

They were all controlled by the virus and became programmed NPCs to play a role in this community.

So is Su Bingyao!
Then the problem came, Su Bingyao woke up.

Whose consciousness did she wake up?

(End of this chapter)

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