Genshin, but the real world

187 Chapter 186 - Favorable Conditions

187 Chapter 186 - Favorable Conditions
"So that's the case, no wonder the guards are not very powerful."

This is Mandrill's answer.

He never underestimated the threat the Order might pose.

In the land of Kanria 500 years ago, the trouble they caused literally buried the god, never to appear again.

No matter how Kanria did it at the time, at least they did have a chance to kill the seven demon gods at this level.

For this alone, Mandrill dared not underestimate the threat posed by the opponent.

But the person who carried out this plan was really limited in strength. He sent the opponent back to the leylines with only two shots, and he was never able to climb out again.

Now it seems that this plan itself has no value in implementing it.

The leader of the sect himself felt that it was impossible to expel the curse. This was just an attempt, and it was really not worth wasting too many elites.

He just let him know that he had already defended the Hanging City and the pool, and he had no intention of asking about the extra things.

Ying just simply explained the function of the device and the success rate, which can be regarded as an explanation.

For more things, none of them asked, and the other didn't say anything.

When they returned to the camp, neither Jiang Qing nor Ye Lan seemed to know anything and had no intention of asking.

There is value in such things as secrets, but since the person concerned has no intention of bringing it up, there is no need to ask about it.

But in the end, Ying still mentioned something to Yelan, hoping that she could temporarily let the Qianyan army rest for a while, and give those Qiuqiu people lying in the corner of the cave a quiet time to die.

Of course Yelan agreed.

Ying's value was repeatedly weighed in her heart, and finally it was raised to a certain value.

Such a person's request is worth revising the plan.

Because her debt of favor is more valuable than the plan itself.

Besides, it's nothing more than a little later, whether it's the black mist or the fools, it's impossible to run away.

It doesn't affect the benefits of the plan itself, just pause for a while, so there is nothing to worry about.

So on the second day, the Qianyan Army stayed in place and did not act casually. Accordingly, Yelan and Ying formed another team and found a way down.

This is the penultimate level of the layered rock abyss, and the degree of rapid crash landing is even more exaggerated. It belongs to the level that if you don't stare at it, you will be wounded to death at any time and then dissolve into the ground.

And once you reach the bottom, you can see the big mushroom.

Jiang Qing originally wanted to try to get some information from Zamalan, but this mushroom monster is well versed in the art of whoring for nothing. Opening his mouth means clearing up the filth and closing his mouth means you are helping my kind. As for useful information... ····
"Hey, Zamalan seems to have fallen into a deep sleep?"

Paimon looked at the shimmering mushroom monster, and couldn't understand for a moment.

You can still talk when you just ask someone to do something, and you start to deal with it after finishing the task?

"Why don't you try burning it." Jiang Qing was thoughtful, "Didn't Yingni buy a batch of alchemy bombs from Keli?"

"Just use this mushroom monster to try the destructive power of the bomb."

Whoring for nothing?Fall asleep after helping?
How dare you!

Buildings cannot be destroyed in the game, so there is nothing to do with this big mushroom monster. If it falls asleep, let it fall asleep.

But now... try it?

Ying was naturally eager to try.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe Ying or Jiang Qing with no taboos.

The behavior styles of these two people are actually quite similar, but Ying is limited by her own goals and often needs to do things according to the arrangements of others.

But Jiang Qing knows who can give him what, so he can arrange in advance instead of following the other party's request.

"I don't want it anymore," Gan Yu said with a headache, "This thing seems to have something to do with the family of the God of Sumeru. Aren't you two going to Sumeru?"

"Under the rocky abyss, this mushroom monster is dead, can he also perceive it?"

Jiang Qing was a little surprised.

No, why just assume that he is "dead". Didn't you just want to teach the other party a lesson?

"It's hard to say," Gan Yu recalled, "The current God of Grass, Sumi, seems to have not shown up for a long time."

"But since the other side has inherited the seat of King Dacishu, they should also have such abilities."

Gan Yu recalled it carefully, only to realize that she hadn't heard the news of the new God of Grass for 500 years.

A god, no matter what his philosophy of governing the country, will definitely intervene in it.

Even gods who have been inherited in the same line will have different concepts from each other.

Since it is different, it must be adjusted.

The Great Mercy Tree King is certainly the God of Grass, but the new God of Grass has taken over the position for 500 years.

In 500 years, hasn't He actually issued any decree with a slightly greater impact?
"It's not just government orders, I also rarely collect information related to the God of Grass." Ye Lan recalled a little, "It seems that the Sumeru people seldom chant the God of Grass, and I haven't seen them holding a ceremony on weekdays." Related sacrificial ceremonies."

The two of them looked at each other and instantly realized the problem.

"Speaking of which, the intelligence personnel have recorded that they said that the Xumi people have a strange attitude towards the gods."

Things like sacrifices and celebrations should always be put first for mortals.

Because there really are gods in this world, and these methods are the only tricks they can use to please the gods.

It can be said that even if all the rice wives at the bottom want to smash the shogunate, if the shogunate is preparing a ceremony to worship the gods, these ordinary people will stop and celebrate.

They can try to smash the shogunate, but it is absolutely impossible to disobey the general.

If the general personally sat on the high platform to watch the celebration, they not only had to applaud, but also had to participate in and entertain the gods with their performance.

None of them can disturb the spirit of the god until the celebration is over.

Of course, there is no such god in Tivat yet, and no god and the governing body formed by him can be disgusted by the people to such an extent.

But the logic and core are not changed.

Pleasing gods who have invincible power and can leave them alone at any time.

The core of the celebration is not to celebrate, but to express to the gods that we appreciate all your contributions, but we don’t know how to repay you, so please accept our trivial respect and belief.

Although this little reward is insignificant, we are very sincere. Just give any order you have, and we must take it as our lifelong mission to do it well.

All actions are to please the gods, nothing more.

But Sumeru... There have not been two or three formal sacrificial ceremonies in the 500 years of riding a horse, and individuals have to be aware of the problems.

Could it be that Sumi has no god?So what new God of Grass is fake?
Even a god like Barbatos who gave up his rule actually disappeared completely in Mond after supporting Vanessa and the Zephyr Knights.

And the God of Grass doesn't seem to be doing anything... He has taken over Sumeru for 500 years, but hasn't he carried out his own orders at all?
Not only did they not issue an order, but the Academy dared not to hold a celebration ceremony on time to express the people's gratitude to their gods.

This kind of thing is very strange.

The Knights of the West Wind organizes various festivals every year to honor Barbatos. If they dared not to do so that year, the people rushed to the Knights' residence and cursed at them.

In Mond, if you don’t come and say a few words [may the wind god protect you], you can’t even enter the gate.

Not to mention Liyue, Qixing had this idea, and Mandrill could hang them in Your Excellency Qunyu to watch the moon overnight, and let them know that although the old man faked his death, there must be one thing that should be done.

What rule by man!
Letting you rule Liyuegang when I'm not fighting, you really think of yourself as the boss, don't you?
I really did it, how can you still be stubborn with me when you stack them together?

Inazuma... General just crushed a group of people to death, presumably the shogunate would not have such courage.

Only Xu Mi is very strange.

How dare they not hold sacrificial ceremonies to lead the people to feel grateful for the grace of the gods. Is this still a theocratic country?
This kind of problem has always existed, and Ye Lan and Gan Yu also know it, but they don't care about it.

The people of Sumeru and the gods of Sumeru have nothing to do with them.

Anyway, the cooperation between the Holy Order Academy and the Seven Stars has never been interrupted, and Liyue can still benefit from it. For your internal affairs, you can fight as you like.

It doesn't affect my interests, just use your brains as you please.

Even now, their doubts are only scratching the surface and have not continued.

Instead, Ying was thinking about the situation.

"If you have any information about the Academy and the God of Grass, please... Forget it, anyway, it's probably your next place to go to some other country." Ying clicked her tongue lightly.

No more research.

Anyway, these gods either don't know, or they don't tell you if they know, in short, they highlight a prostitution.

This time, instead of playing with the gods, try to take the route of the Holy Order?

Or simply traveling around Sumeru, according to Kong Shi's words, really be a traveler?
Ying really doesn't want to play with the gods of Tivat anymore.

She doesn't care about the temperament of these gods, even if they are indifferent and stubborn gods like the general, she is not unacceptable.

But Ying couldn't accept that this group of people didn't pay them every time they entrusted them with tasks, so they just highlighted a prostitution, right?
"Xu Mi's Little Grass King is in a special situation."

Jiang Qing looked at the mushroom monster in front of him, but finally gave up the idea of ​​sending this big mushroom back to life.

"By the way, does Liyue have an idea to launch a just war against the outside world?"

he asked in a low voice, his expression casual.

"Are you sure you're talking about war?" Ye Lan had a strange expression on her face, "You shouldn't use such a casual tone for things like this."

"War and justice?" Ying tilted her head, "There are also just wars, but what you said doesn't look like a just war, does it?"

Whether the war is just or not depends on two points, the teacher is famous, the winner is the king and the loser.

The former is very simple. Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, you have to put a hat on him and prove the other party wrong. You are an upright teacher of the king.

If he is wrong, you can be right.

This struggle of opposites is so simple, there must be evil and good.

It is even easier to win the king and lose the enemy. Whether it is to initiate a war or passively bear it, if the final result is failure, history cannot record justice.

Justice does not lie in people's hearts, not in history, but only on the edge of the sword and within the sound of the cannon.

Jiang Qing had no intention of discussing justice with them.

This is a necessity, not an option.

Once there is a war in mind, one's own side must be just, even if the war started for this will lead to the death of countless people, it is also just.

"I know I'm wrong when I say it. I shouldn't expect you to think like this."

During this period of time, Jiang Qing thought about it, and thought that it might be possible to replicate what Dao Wife did.

Sumeru only forest people, desert people?
I don't know, I don't understand.

There are no desert people in Sumeru, right?

This is a rather complicated issue. In fact, if you want to argue about the differential treatment between desert people and forest people, as well as various complicated relationships, it should be able to support three or four Alani graduations.

It is this kind of paper that cannot be published, because the Holy Order will never admit that it is also considered valuable.

To put it simply, Xumi's leadership is in the Academy of Order, and the Academy of Order's position is the Forester.

Dixia used very simple lines to describe the reason for everyone's conflict. The desert people are tools, labor, and obedient animals.

You can actually use desert folk as cattle, but you can't make them aware.

They realize that it's okay to treat them differently, and such people can actually form an organization to publicize your injustice.

A group of people have spread this idea of ​​rebelling against the Holy Order, you don’t kill them, but give them a stage to play, let them continue to promote...
Niubi is incomprehensible.

Fortunately, the Academy is not purely cerebral palsy, they just mastered the new god, so they don't feel the need to care what the desert people think.

Although Little Grass King is a younger sister, I still have the God of Chance who can single-handedly kill the desert people.

Are you going to resist?


I can push you flat on my side, and if you punch down, your ancestors will owe me three blood bars for three generations.

In this case, you tell me that you feel bad, you want to resist, you want to be fair...
What do you want me to say... Do you want me to be blunt - who are you hooking up with?Also match?
That's how you're satisfied, right?

Well, it is not difficult to understand why the desert people on the other side of the desert want to overthrow the Holy Order.

This is normal. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Unless you can't resist and you can only let others slaughter you, there is nothing you can do about it.

Not being able to resist is a matter of ability, and wanting to resist is a matter of attitude.

It is good that the desert people can think of resistance.

It's good to want to resist, Jiang Qing appreciates such a warrior who resists fate.

"You want to take advantage of the conflict between the desert people and the forest people?"

Ye Lan understood Jiang Qing instantly.

Speaking of the war, and thinking of the general environment of Sumeru, and Jiang Qing's experience of using the rebel army and the shogunate army, she reacted easily.

"I had some ideas." Jiang Qing nodded, "But the desert people are a bit xenophobic."

The radical leader of the Gilded Brigade, Rahman, who appeared in the plot, is really a genius.

I don't know if what you said is right or if it makes sense. Considering that you may lie to me, I don't listen to a word.

I give orders and make demands, and you just do it. Don’t have your own ideas or suggestions, because I won’t listen to you.


Follow your own ideas wholeheartedly, follow the path you think is right, do not accept rebuttals, do not accept suggestions, because I suspect that you will lie to me.

Don't say, although it sounds like a second pen, but this hand is really easy to use.

Especially when you ask him for something, his logic is invincible, and he insists on disgusting you to death.

But on the other hand, if you have nothing to ask of him, he will still use this logic to run amok, Jiang Qing intends to explain his own reasons to him.

It's okay to ask for something, but don't let him feel that you need something from him, otherwise this person will use his own logic to judge you.

Really, you think it's a second stroke, but he has a lot of experience in this field. Once you get to the same level and line up, you must be second to him.

Reasonably speaking, even if the people in the desert are not on the same side, the radicals seem to be at the level of being fooled casually, but the chances of winning this wave are very high.

Because the Holy Order has no god.

The Little Grass King of the Holy Order is not a god who can do anything to the people, not to mention, he has no reason to participate in the battle between the forest and the desert.

Narugami is the lord of the shogunate, and in this confrontation, the rebels are the weak side without gods.

But King Xiaocao is the god of Sumeru, and deserts and forests are part of Sumeru.

Not to mention the 500 years of being imprisoned in the Jingshan Palace, He will not separate the desert from the map of Sumeru.

The probability of the rebels winning depends on the cooperative relationship with Coral Palace Xinhai for a period of time. Jiang Qing is willing to give a 0.1% probability.

This is purely high, and it is actually zero.

Because General Thunder can kill the rebels at any time, how long the rebels can live depends on how much time the generals are willing to waste.

But the desert people of Sumeru are different.

Their opponent, there is no god.

The stragglers have become gods, and Lei Movie will handle them personally.

The first-generation machine finally got the heart of God, fulfilled its inherent mission, and became a demon god capable of carrying the heart of God and ruling a country.

Then the pity from the maker is to personally end up fighting with him.

Although there is no such dispute in the plot, the result of the battle is probably stable.

If the general loses, then Jiang Qing has nothing to say.

One came to an end in the war of demon gods, killing Daoqiu all over the place, and finally won the seat of the God of Thunder, but lost to a straggler who had just ascended to the gods.

No reason, no reason, no way.

Without stragglers and King Xiaocao will not help the Academy, the desert people have a great chance of winning.

Everyone does not have the help of the gods. This is a favorable condition that Haizhi Island could not have dreamed of back then.

Whenever they had this kind of opportunity, Coral Palace Xinhai's thinking circuit at that time was not how to join the shogunate decently, but to find a way to bring down the shogunate, and let Haizhi Island and Coral Palace rule Inazuma.

(End of this chapter)

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