Huo Yuhao, newborn of Douluo continent

Chapter 224 Duke White Tiger's Revenge Plan

Chapter 224 Duke White Tiger's Revenge Plan

As for withdrawing from the mission without authorization, Shrek Academy will punish him?

Please, I'm leaving, do you still care about this?

Huo Yuhao didn't care about the consequences of leaving the team this time.

He rode his exclusive seventh-level flying soul guide all the way north, heading towards the extreme northern ice field.

Shrek's mission team temporarily put the mission on hold, and returned to the college to report the matter to the Sea God Pavilion, and passed it on to the leading teachers of the Sun Moon College. If anything happened to Huo Yuhao during this period, they would not be responsible. Because this incident caused unnecessary friction.

It can be seen that Shrek is still very nervous about Huo Yuhao's life. If he dies due to unauthorized actions, it will not only affect his life alone, so Shrek will notify the people of Sun Moon Academy as soon as possible to avoid misunderstanding .

"Yuhao left by himself? Are you sure?"

After Ma Lao died for the country last time, Mingdetang sent another ninth-level soul instructor here, and this person is the new ninth-level soul instructor sent by Mingdetang.

The Shrek teacher who came to inform was a little speechless. Huo Yuhao's private departure gave them a lot of pressure, because first, it is not easy to convince others of this fact.

Their first reaction would be, did Shrek do something to Huo Yuhao?
"Old Zhen, we are very sure that Huo Yuhao is the night watchman that night. You are also aware of his concealment ability. You dare not say it when you are awake, but sneaking away while everyone is resting is definitely something Huo Yuhao can do. .”

Teacher Shrek said helplessly.

"By the way, this is the handwriting left by Huo Yuhao. You can check it out. Although Huo Yuhao acted without authorization, we don't want anything to happen to him at this juncture. Therefore, we decided to send a force to find him. . Regardless of the outcome, we did what we could."

"I hope that your court can understand, and I hope that your court knows that Shrek is not mainly responsible for this matter. This is Huo Yuhao's personal behavior. If the matter develops to a stage that no one wants to see, we hope that your Please don't affect our cooperation because of this matter."

Shrek Academy has said a lot in a very official way. Shrek's attitude towards this matter is very nervous. After all, they still have a lot of hostages in the Japanese Empire. They are the hope of the development of Shrek's soul guidance department. was abandoned.

The ninth-level soul instructor known as Mr. Zhen took Huo Yuhao's handwriting from Mr. Shrek. He looked at it and found nothing wrong with it. autograph.

Besides, even if it was Huo Yuhao's own handwriting, he couldn't easily decide on such a big matter.

"I can't give you a final conclusion on this matter for the time being. It needs to be discussed before it can be confirmed. No one wants such a thing to happen. As for whether the cooperation between our two colleges will be affected, we need to confirm this matter The nature of the matter can only be determined.”

Old Zhen didn't immediately agree to Shrek's request, the protagonist is Huo Yuhao, this matter is not trivial.

"This is your right, and I hope to get a satisfactory answer from your court."

After listening to Mr. Zhen's answer, Mr. Shrek said.

Then, he left the camp of the Sun Moon Academy. They did everything they could do, and they couldn't control how things developed. They could only do everything they could.

The Sea God Pavilion meeting had already decided to recall all Sun and Moon students who were going out to perform missions, preparing for the worst. If something happened to Huo Yuhao, they also needed to have the conditions to negotiate.

At this time, Meng Hongchen was on a mission, but in the academy, there was Xiao Hongchen who was very familiar with Huo Yuhao, so Old Zhen gave Huo Yuhao's handwriting to him for judgment.

"Mr. Zhen, this is indeed Yuhao's own handwriting, but I don't understand why Yuhao has such an urgent matter? How could he do it without telling us?"

Xiao Hongchen said after reading the words written by Huo Yuhao.

"I don't know either. I haven't been here much and I don't know Yuhao well. Do you have any clues?"

When Mr. Zhen heard that it was written by himself, he thought for a while and said.

"If Yuhao really has something urgent, it's not impossible for this to happen, but I still doubt whether there is Shrek's shadow in it."

Like Huo Yuhao, Xiao Hongchen couldn't trust Shrek's character.

"From a rational point of view, at this juncture, Shrek should not have any troubles. It is possible that Huo Yuhao really has something urgent. Go to Yuhao's room first, and maybe you can find some clues."

After listening to Xiao Hongchen's words, Mr. Zhen said so.

It's not because he believes in Shrek's character, it's just that he looks further than Xiao Hongchen and the others. Shrek really has no reason to hurt Huo Yuhao. The hostages in the Sun Moon Empire are more important than them.

Before Huo Yuhao's matter was found out, they would not let the other party's person go back. This was the capital of their negotiations.

The Sun Moon Empire can lose some geniuses, but Shrek must not lose its mainstay and hope for the future.

"What Mr. Zhen said is true. Yuhao is not the kind of person who will act on the spur of the moment, especially if it is such a big matter, but he also understands that if he tells us about this matter in advance, we will probably stop him. If, he I really have something I want to do and I have to leave alone, I can’t think of the current situation, it should leave us some hints.”

Xiao Hongchen heard Mr. Zhen said that he wanted to go to Huo Yuhao's room, and said after analyzing Huo Yuhao's character.

"Well, let's go."

Elder Zhen nodded, and then led everyone to Huo Yuhao's room to check if he had left any messages.

Before arriving at Huo Yuhao's room, Xiao Hongchen opened the door. Huo Yuhao's room was very simple. There was a wide table facing the door. Huo Yuhao had made the soul guide on this table for half a year.

The table was very empty. Huo Yuhao put all the materials into the space soul guide and carried them with him. Now, there is only a piece of paper on the table, lying quietly on it. Sure enough, Huo Yuhao left a note for them. information.

"Old Zhen, it seems that Yu Hao really acted on his own, and has little to do with Shrek."

After Xiao Hongchen saw the note, he went straight to pick it up, read it and said.

Before Huo Yuhao left, he really thought about the current situation. If he didn't leave this letter and caused a misunderstanding between the two academies, those friends who stayed behind at Shrek Academy would be in great danger. Huo Yuhao didn't want to See this happening.

As for why he didn't say it in advance, Huo Yuhao was worried that they would stop his actions. After all, it was impossible for him to reveal his real purpose and revive the Snow Empress.

"Let me see."

Old Zhen took the letter and read it carefully.

Huo Yuhao explained his actions in the letter, and also predicted the actions Shrek and Sun Moon would take, so he deliberately left this letter to explain the situation.

"Okay, this matter has nothing to do with Shrek, everyone go back, I will negotiate with Shrek."

After reading it, Mr. Zhen had neither joy nor sorrow on his face, and said to everyone, it was hard to see if he was angry with Huo Yuhao because of this matter.

"Old Zhen, what do you think of Yuhao?"

After everyone had left, Xiao Hongchen stayed by Elder Zhen's side. He was worried that Elder Zhen would feel dissatisfied because of Huo Yuhao's unauthorized actions, so he wanted to say something nice to him.

"How can I see it, I don't see it very much, we can't stop him now. This guy really sees it thoroughly, you know, I can't agree with his actions, using this form of killing first and playing later."

Mr. Zhen said angrily, Huo Yuhao did not explain his purpose in the letter, and Mr. Zhen would never approve of such an action.

Xiao Hongchen breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Mr. Zhen was not angry because of Huo Yuhao.

"Mr. Zhen, I'm still a little bit worried. Tell me, will Shrek take this opportunity to make a fake show and secretly give Yuhao to..."

Xiao Hongchen didn't finish his sentence. Since they confirmed that Huo Yuhao acted without authorization, then Yuhao only needs to be responsible for himself if he encounters anything outside. Shrek has no worries. Huo Yuhao put himself in a dangerous environment.

"If you can find him on the mainland, go and kill him,"

Old Zhen glanced at Xiao Hongchen, gave him a supercilious look and said.

That's right, with Huo Yuhao's concealment ability, not to mention that he has been away for more than two days now, even if the Shrek people found out that he had left and searched for him immediately, they would not be able to find him unless he came back by himself .

"That's right, I'm also concerned about it, and I'm confused, and I forgot about it."

After listening to Old Zhen's words, Xiao Hongchen smiled awkwardly.

"Go ahead, I'll go and negotiate with Shrek. Now that Yuhao has escaped, they should be quite frightened. Believe it or not, they must have recalled the students who went on missions."

Old Zhen smiled with some relief, and he was a little happy when he thought that Shrek was more nervous than them.


Xiao Hongchen couldn't believe it.

Elder Zhen didn't explain anything to him, took the letter and left the Sun and Moon Camp.


"Marshal, the information shows that Huo Yuhao left Shrek's team and headed north."

In a military tent, an orderly said to a man wearing armor and shining with awe.

"Detached from the team, why? Where is he going?"

The mighty man asked.

Although his aura looks very mighty, there is a lot of sadness in his eyes that cannot be concealed, especially when it comes to Huo Yuhao, besides his sadness, there is more anger that cannot be suppressed.

"Report to Marshal, this subordinate doesn't know about this matter. The mark we left on Huo Yuhao can only give us a general idea of ​​his location, but cannot accurately measure his position. You also know that Huo Yuhao is an extremely powerful soul master. In order not to be discovered by him, the mark we leave can only be as concise as possible."

The soldier with the appearance of an orderly said.

"The mission target of Huo Yuhao's team is within the territory of the Star Luo Empire. This commander personally arranged the reception ceremony for him, but he ran away. Is there something wrong with you?"

The mighty man said this, his expression became extremely angry, and the anger hidden in his eyes burst out, occupying most of his eyes.

"Marshal, that's not the case. If Huo Yuhao really found out the clues, he couldn't take such a risk and leave the team alone. We responded from Shrek's internal line that Huo Yuhao really took the liberty of arbitrarily advocating to leave. On this point, people from Sun Moon Academy I don't know."

The orderly responded.

"Could it be that he has already noticed and deliberately set a trap for the handsome?"

The mighty man calmed down a little.

"This subordinate doesn't dare to say for sure, but we are confident that the imprint left on Huo Yuhao's body can't be detected even if his mental strength has reached the Title Douluo level. This subordinate believes that this possibility is very small."

The orderly added his own judgment.

"I see, you go out first, I will think about it myself."

The mighty man fended off the orderly.

"Yes, Marshal."

The messenger retreated under the command, leaving only the man of the gods in the army tent.

The man in the military tent looked a bit tangled, which was very different from his usual calm and calm appearance, as if everything was under control. It was hard to imagine that this man would have such a tangled moment. This man was Xing Luo The White Tiger Duke of the Empire.

From his conversation with the messengers, it can be known that they are planning a conspiracy against Huo Yuhao.

The location originally prepared for Huo Yuhao should be within the Star Luo Empire, which is the location of Huo Yuhao's current mission. The White Tiger Duke has arranged a lot of people there to wait for the rabbit, just to put Huo Yuhao to death.

The unknown mark on Huo Yuhao's body was also prepared by him to ensure the accuracy of his actions. In Shrek Academy, it was hung on Huo Yuhao's body without anyone noticing through the inside line he arranged.

It was a mark specially used for tracking. Even with Huo Yuhao Hanhai Wuya's mental power, he didn't notice it. It shows how secret it is. No matter how powerful this thing is, it shouldn't be possible to hide it from Elder Yi and Tianmeng.

However, because these two were dormant recently, they were unexpectedly retained by accident and were not discovered. This made Duke Baihu discover Huo Yuhao's trace.

As for why Duke Baihu took action against Huo Yuhao, it was naturally because of his two sons.

Dai Huabin and Dai Yaoheng are Duke Baihu's eldest son and youngest son. He is very satisfied with these two sons, and these two sons are also very up-to-date. Compared with him, their cultivation talent is even worse than his.

But these two excellent sons fell into Huo Yuhao's hands at the same time!
First, Dai Yaoheng was killed by Huo Yuhao in the Soul Master Competition, and Dai Huabin was beaten into a disability by Huo Yuhao in Shrek Academy. Even with his title of Duke of White Tiger, he has not been able to cure Dai Huabin for so long. Medicines for injuries.

It can be seen how ruthless Huo Yuhao is!

But Huo Yuhao did such an evil thing to their Dai family, but he couldn't find a legitimate reason to take revenge. How could he not be annoyed?
The action against Huo Yuhao this time was planned out of such hatred.


(End of this chapter)

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