Huo Yuhao, newborn of Douluo continent

Chapter 299 I have a solution

Chapter 299 I have a way

However, it is not easy for Zhang Lexuan to command these people. Although she is the master of the Sea God Pavilion, she has also united the Douluo Allied Forces, and made a successful plan to consume the national power of the Sun Moon Empire, but she still cannot make a promise on this occasion.

After losing Mu En, Douluo Three Kingdoms has a lot more voice in front of Shrek, and the civil sect's service for the country has greatly enhanced the actual power of the Three Kingdoms, and Shrek's previous dominance situation no longer exists.

Now the overall strength of each of their families is very strong. Even in terms of high-end combat power, Shrek can no longer form a tendency to crush these countries, not to mention the mass army and a large number of low-level soul masters. So Shrek was allowed to maintain the title of the leader of the coalition headquarters in name only because Shrek's name was placed there, and the Douluo coalition was formed at Shrek's instigation, which allowed Shrek to continue to maintain this position. leader's position.

But in fact, Shrek is no longer the strongest force in the coalition.

In such a huge organization as the Douluo Allied Forces, the folk sects in the three countries must rely on the power of the empire, otherwise their individual sects are too weak, and if there is no empire behind them to plan their interests, they will definitely be defeated. The coalition headquarters arranges the most dangerous missions, and the first to consume power, of course, except for sects like the Noumenon Sect, no one dares to count them.

However, Du Bushi, the patriarch of the Ontology Sect, has no intention of establishing his own family. In the brutal war that just passed, he has already recognized the future development trend of the mainland. Without the help of the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Ontology Sect would not be able to develop soul guides quickly. device.

Therefore, although the Noumenon Sect has the ability to choose independently, Du Bushi still chose to advance and retreat with the Heavenly Soul Empire. This is a super powerful sect that can rival Shrek. The empire's confidence and right to speak made the Heavenly Soul Empire the strongest force in the Douluo coalition.

In such a complicated internal environment, Zhang Lexuan had to put in more energy to direct the coalition forces on the right path, but fortunately, she had the first successful experience, and now she still has a certain prestige, and, the main body Zong's Du Bushi also recognized this young girl, and asked the representatives of the Heavenly Soul Empire to support Zhang Lexuan as much as possible, she is a decision maker with great wisdom.

Xuanzi is also here to escort Zhang Lexuan at this time, these people have to weigh their own weight if they want to make trouble in front of him, after all, this person is not easy to deal with, especially not to slander Shrek in front of him and offend Shi Lake's majesty.

Although I don't know Xuanzi's opinion on Zhang Lexuan's appointment as the head of the Sea God Pavilion, it is impossible for him to discuss this matter in front of outsiders. Even if he has any opinions, he will only raise them at the Sea God Pavilion meeting.

"Everyone be quiet, I want to say a few words."

Zhang Lexuan stopped all kinds of gossip in the hall. They were mainly trying to tell who should be responsible for Huo Yuhao's escape, but it was meaningless to discuss this kind of matter. They just wanted to get more from the aftermath. interests.

Huo Yuhao's escape is a fact, and the future threat to Douluo Dalu has not been eliminated. Now is not the time to consider the interests, and we must continue to consider the future fate of Douluo Dalu.

After Zhang Lexuan opened her mouth, the meeting room was indeed quite quiet. As I said before, Zhang Lexuan's plan was very successful. Although Huo Yuhao escaped, they all knew in their hearts that this matter had nothing to do with Zhang Lexuan. She was in the hearts of these people. Zhong is undoubtedly a strongman. Even if Mu En is alive, he doesn't know whether he can formulate such a plan. It is too involved.

"The future of the Douluo Continent has not been determined. We have only temporarily defeated the Sun Moon Empire's recent offensive and have not harmed their fundamentals. Although we have also gained opportunities for development, the potential of the Sun Moon Empire is even more terrifying. I think everyone here Everyone has not forgotten the combat power that the Jihad Ultimate Douluo could display 3000 years ago, right? That is the situation we will have to face in the near future."

"If you don't want to end up like the Sun Moon Empire 3000 years ago, I think it's time for us to think about how to deal with the next thing."

Zhang Lexuan's voice is not loud, but every sentence hits the hearts of everyone here. Although the Sun Moon Empire failed in the war 3000 years ago, the original forces of the Douluo Continent at that time did not really fight against the Sun Moon Empire. The empire's homeland has caused damage. If it is their turn to lose in this war, they will probably suffer worse than the Sun Moon Empire.

"But Huo Yuhao has already returned to the Sun Moon Empire, what else can we do?"

After Zhang Lexuan used anxiety to pull everyone's thoughts back, a representative of a sect of the Star Luo Empire stepped forward and said.

This meeting was not only attended by representatives from Shrek and the Douluo Three Kingdoms, but also some powerful sect forces in the three countries. Strength needs to rely on the power of the country, but it already has a certain degree of freedom.

Although what he raised was a problem, the meeting was already moving in the right direction, which was huge progress.

Zhang Lexuan couldn't give an answer to his question. If he could still think of a way, she would not have held this meeting and would have notified the coalition headquarters directly.

Zhang Lexuan is not omnipotent. Although she is smart, she can't solve everything by sitting here. There will always be capable and righteous people in such a large coalition force. Maybe they will have a more suitable way. The purpose of the meeting is to let Everyone discusses a plan together.

"After Huo Yuhao returns to the Sun Moon Empire, he will definitely be protected by layers of protection. He even stays in the Mingde Hall and will not come out easily. The seniors of the Noumenon Sect have already raided the Mingde Hall. In order to avoid similar things from happening, Mingde The defense of Detang has increased, and it is impossible to attack Mingdetang again."

The representative of the Sky Soul Empire stood up and said.

Before they came to the meeting, they had roughly guessed the theme. Everyone would have an idea more or less, but the atmosphere at the beginning made them fall into the stage of quarreling that they couldn't help themselves. Now they started to discuss the business, but someone could say something.

"You can't just focus on Huo Yuhao. Shrek's Wang Qiu'er is also a big hidden danger. Don't forget, she is also the ultimate soul master."

Representative Xingluo added, and glanced at Zhang Lexuan when he was speaking. He specifically pointed out that it was Shrek's Wang Qiuer who was complaining about Shrek. You received such a good student but didn't cherish it. Let her run to the hostile forces, I don't know how much trouble it has caused everyone.

Zhang Lexuan didn't respond to this person's insinuations, but Xuanzi who was listening on the sidelines couldn't help it, accusing Shrek was something he absolutely couldn't bear.

Zhang Lexuan stopped Xuanzi's anger in time. Now is not the time to get angry. The meeting finally got back on track. Xuanzi was so angry that he couldn't discuss things properly. Besides, Shrek didn't keep Wang Qiu'er in the first place, so he should tell others of.

Now Shrek's strength is not dominated by one family, everyone is prosperous, everyone is hurt, and some places should not be so strong anymore.

"Two Ultimate Douluo..."

As soon as Representative Xingluo's words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room became even more dull. Back then, Shrek, an ultimate Douluo, defeated the invincible Sun and Moon Empire, and honestly guarded his original position. The territory lasted for 3000 years, and now the Sun Moon Empire has obtained two ultimate soul masters at once. If both of them are allowed to grow into ultimate Douluo, the fate of the Douluo Three Kingdoms will be gloomy.

"Both of them must be strangled in the cradle. If I remember correctly, the strength of both of them is the soul emperor. Their strength is very close to that of a high-level soul master. We can't let them grow again, otherwise the ultimate soul will soon be destroyed. The master's slow cultivation will no longer have an effect on them, and with the Sun Moon Empire's vigorous training for them, becoming a Titled Douluo is close at hand!"

The representative of the Dou Ling Empire said with a firm gaze, vowing to tear the two of them into pieces. Information on Huo Yuhao and Wang Qiuer had already been shared with the Allied Intelligence Network, so he knew how powerful they were.

"No, the latest information from the Heavenly Soul Empire shows that Huo Yuhao already has the strength to kill Title Douluo, so don't miss every key point."

After the representative of the Douluo Empire finished speaking, someone soon raised objections.

"But that's because he has the help of another mysterious woman. Judging from the traces at the scene, she is also the killer of this woman. We still don't know her identity and specific strength."

"Huo Yuhao also contributed his strength during the killing process. His existence cannot be ignored. Moreover, Huo Yuhao stole all the ice-attributed treasures from the secret place of the Dilongmen. His strength will definitely be greatly improved. Do you think about it?" Have you ever had this problem?"

"Even if he stole an unknown treasure, it's impossible to absorb and digest it in such a short period of time. Exaggerating Huo Yuhao's strength will also affect the plan."

"When considering a plan, we must think of the worst angle, otherwise when it comes time to act, we will regret it too late."

After the representative of the Dou Ling Empire made a start, a big discussion about guessing Huo Yuhao's strength started in the conference room. This should indeed be considered as a problem. If Huo Yuhao's strength cannot be correctly estimated, it will not be possible to formulate a suitable plan. action plan.

"I have a way to measure Huo Yuhao's strength, and I can also launch an action to kill him."

Just as everyone was discussing it, the representative of the Sky Soul Empire suddenly spoke.


(End of this chapter)

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