Ditian had never heard of this method proposed by Huo Yuhao, and he didn't understand anything about the divine world.

However, Huo Yuhao didn't intend to say anything, he just wanted to tell Ditian the results.

After obtaining Di Tian's consent again, Huo Yuhao was about to take action.

Making protective talismans is very difficult for Huo Yuhao today, as he is not a professional.

Generally speaking, with only the combat power of a god, he cannot do such chores, but it is also Electrolux. His weird magic power system, coupled with the divine power that Huo Yuhao can control, allows Huo Yuhao to do it to a certain extent. Something functional that God can do.

Just like making this protective charm.

Every powerful person in the divine world can create such a talisman, and it won't take much effort.

But Huo Yuhao could only succeed by relying on Tang Wutong's soul as a medium.

Huo Yuhao looked at Tang Wutong's soul held in his hand. Tang Wutong had just been lifted out of the demiplane of the undead. His eyes were confused and he didn't know what happened.

In the demiplane of the undead, Tang Wutong suffered so much that she now only possesses godhood but not any divine power.

In other words, Tang Wutong could not defeat even the lowest level undead creature in the demiplane of the undead.

However, Tang Wutong's consciousness will never be broken up by undead creatures.

Tang Wutong was tortured by various creatures in the demiplane of the undead, but his consciousness was extremely clear.

She endured the most painful time of her life there.

But Huo Yuhao showed no mercy to her, and Tang San's unreasonable active malice towards Huo Yuhao was the most painful punishment in life.

Tang Wutong was fully aware of everything she had endured today, and Tang Wutong knew very well how she had fallen to this point.

But Huo Yuhao has been suffering from countless disasters.

Huo Yuhao's anger for Tang San's revenge was transferred to Tang Wutong. It was no one else's fault, it was her own fault.

If Tang Wutong had not participated in his father's plot against Huo Yuhao, Tang Wutong would not have fallen to this point.

Huo Yuhao looked at Tang Wutong, who had not yet reacted to leaving the demiplane of the undead. His mental power condensed into a green short knife in his right hand, and he swung the knife to remove an arm from Tang Wutong's spiritual body.

What Huo Yuhao holds is a small part of Tang Wutong's soul, not an entity.

After Huo Yuhao chopped off an arm with a knife, Tang Wutong was not disabled. Her arm quickly grew back. What Tang Wutong really lost was a smaller part of her soul.

But losing this small part of his soul brought great pain to Tang Wutong.

Tang Wutong was still confused at first, but suddenly, a tearing pain pierced Tang Wutong's body and mind.

Every inch of Tang Wutong's little soul was twitching. Even from the perspective of her soul, she was still a complete individual, with no damage on her body.

But only she and Huo Yuhao knew that Tang Wutong's pain occurred inside the soul.

This was the first time Tang Wutong had experienced such pain. When Tang San split this part of her from her body, he did not use such a strong method, but was very cautious, for fear of hurting her.

Huo Yuhao obviously would not show mercy to Tang Wutong.

Since Tang Wutong existed in the form of a soul, Huo Yuhao had to use god-level mental power to tear Tang Wutong apart.

You can also use divine power, but again, Huo Yuhao currently only has god-level combat power and does not have god-level auxiliary abilities, so Huo Yuhao will not use divine power to tear apart the souls of the divine realm.

He could only use his divine spiritual power of the same level to transform into a carving knife and cut off Tang Wutong's soul.

Tang Wutong, who was in so much pain, finally came to her senses. When she looked up, what she saw was Huo Yuhao's face that she hated so much but was so afraid of.

Tang Wutong wanted to curse, but she had long since lost her arrogance and could not stand up in front of Huo Yuhao. She endured the pain and looked at Huo Yuhao with tears in her eyes, wondering what he was going to do with her soul.

Of course Huo Yuhao would not tell Tang Wutong that after he took away the soul, without looking at Tang Wutong, he waved his left hand and threw her into the demiplane of the undead again to enjoy life.

Di Tian saw a human woman who looked exactly like the auspicious beast suddenly appearing and disappearing in Huo Yuhao's hand.

Huo Yuhao even cut off one of her arms with a knife. Judging from the expression on the human woman's face, she had quite a few complaints against Huo Yuhao, but she dared not speak out in anger.

Ditian suddenly became vigilant. It didn't know what was going on, and thought that what Huo Yuhao was holding was the soul of the auspicious beast.

The reason why Rui Shou was completely obedient to Huo Yuhao was probably because Huo Yuhao had the handle on her. Otherwise, why would Huo Yuhao have a female soul that looked exactly like Rui Shou in his hands.

Di Tian was furious. It could accept the auspicious beast leaving with Huo Yuhao, but it could never accept the auspicious beast being forcibly controlled by Huo Yuhao.

Ditian couldn't stand Huo Yuhao's control over the auspicious beast. Without saying hello, he immediately stepped forward and started a physical fight with Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao was already on guard against Di Tian's sudden move. The soul power in Di Tian's body was rapidly mobilized, and it was as if it was transparent in front of Huo Yuhao's mental detection.

However, Huo Yuhao didn't know the reason why Di Tian went crazy, so Huo Yuhao easily blocked Di Tian's attack.

Qiu'er has been staying by Huo Yuhao's side. Seeing Di Tian suddenly going crazy, Qiu'er was also very shocked and said loudly: "Di Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

From Qiu'er's point of view, they had obviously reached an agreement, so why did they still take action?
Moreover, Di Tian could not defeat Huo Yuhao at all. If Qiu'er could not stop him, it would not be Huo Yuhao who would suffer, but Di Tian.

Ditian believed in his heart that the auspicious beast was under the control of Huo Yuhao. Seeing Huo Yuhao being attacked, the auspicious beast was so anxious that he stopped himself loudly and strengthened his thoughts.

Huo Yuhao's previous transaction of exchanging the Lake of Life with him was naturally deceiving him.

Although Di Tian could tell from this fight that he was no match for Huo Yuhao, Di Tian would not give in.

The worst he could do was to die here today. Huo Yuhao didn't have good intentions anyway.

Ditian has always been proud, and outsiders can naturally make peaceful deals with him because of his strength.

The premise is mutual benefit, or there is no problem if outsiders take advantage of it. The rule of the jungle is engraved in Ditian's bones.

But Ditian couldn't stand power and deception.

Rather than live in humiliation, Di Tian would rather die standing.

Huo Yuhao had nothing to do against Di Tian's desperate counterattack. He could only subdue Di Tian first and then talk about anything else.

There was a huge difference in strength between the two. Huo Yuhao defeated Di Tian easily with three strikes and five divided by two.

Ditian had never suffered such humiliation before. He was pinned to the ground by Huo Yuhao. He refused to beg for mercy and shouted for Huo Yuhao to kill him.

Huo Yuhao would naturally not kill Di Tian, ​​but until now, Huo Yuhao and Qiu'er have not figured out the reason why Di Tian went crazy.

Huo Yuhao gave Qiu'er a look and asked her to come forward and talk to Di Tian to see what was going on.

Qiu'er had been waiting for Huo Yuhao's words for a long time. She immediately rushed forward and asked Ditian what happened and why he wanted to go to war.

Ditian's original auspicious beast had been completely controlled by Huo Yuhao, and he didn't want to say anything more to her. But Ditian felt the unique aura of Qiu'er that belonged to the auspicious beast, and the sincere concern in the eyes of the auspicious beast, so Ditian still softened his heart.

Di Tian told Rui Shou what he saw and what he had deduced.

It originally didn't want to say that it would fight to the death, but for the sake of the auspicious beast, it still told the truth.

Qiu'er and Huo Yuhao felt a little amused when they heard Di Tian's sudden thoughts, but they didn't blame him.

After all, Tang Wutong and Qiu'er looked exactly the same, and they didn't know the inside story, so it was normal for them to have misunderstandings.

Huo Yuhao let go of Di Tian and asked Qiu'er to briefly tell him the whole story.

The whole story was very complicated. Qiu'er just told Ditian the general situation, indicating that Tang Wutong was not her, but a proud princess from the God Realm.

Now it falls into the hands of Huo Yuhao.

Ditian was so shocked by the bizarre story told by Qiu'er that he temporarily lost his voice.

He was so stunned that he could only open his mouth but no sound came out.

Di Tian didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood.

Ditian can be considered an old man from Douluo Continent. He is very familiar with Douluo Continent, but he has never heard of this kind of gameplay.

When and how did Tang San put his daughter's remaining soul into the auspicious beast? How come it didn't know about it at all?
There were too few gods that Di Tian came into contact with, and there was naturally no such power in the Douluo Continent. However, the gods in the God Realm never thought this was a big problem.

Even the third-level gods can quietly annihilate Di Tian from the Douluo Continent, let alone the dignified god king who only placed part of his soul in the body of the auspicious beast.

Ditian had just turned this corner in his mind and understood what had happened. The next moment, a heavy "hum" sounded in Ditian's mind like a heavy hammer.

Di Tian's body was shocked and he stood unnaturally stiff for a moment.

The voice that appeared in Ditian's mind was very familiar to it. It was Ditian's boss. After hearing the story told by Qiu'er, it couldn't help but express its contempt for Tang San's despicable behavior.

Naturally, it didn't notice Tang San's actions inside the auspicious beast's body.

It has been in seclusion in the depths of the Star Dou Forest all year round, and is indifferent to everything outside. With Ditian around, it can most likely handle the affairs on the Douluo Continent very well.

Naturally, it cannot find anything fishy inside the auspicious beast. In fact, even if it does a full-body examination of the auspicious beast, it will not be able to find the soul of Tang Wutong hidden in the auspicious beast.

Unless it was by the auspicious beast's side at the moment Tang San took action, it would have been possible to discover what Tang San had done to the auspicious beast.

The power of the God King is not so easily perceived.

Due to the appearance of Huo Yuhao today, the boss was forced to find out the purpose of Huo Yuhao's coming here. If it was related to it, he would not be blind and could take the initiative in his own hands.

But the thought it extended did not hear Huo Yuhao's plot against it, but it was the first to hear the secret of the God King.

To do something so despicable is indeed in line with the boss's impression of those gods with high names. It is extremely shameless.

Even dirtier than their soul beast counterparts.

However, although the current boss despises God, it is unable to do anything.

If it had the ability, it wouldn't be in retreat here.

After the boss hummed, he stopped making any sound. Ditian also felt from the boss's behavior that he just wanted to express his dissatisfaction and had no further instructions.

Therefore, Di Tian quickly recovered from the stiffness and returned to normal.

But it was this moment of stiffness that was keenly captured by Huo Yuhao, who immediately realized that the person behind Di Tian had spoken.

Although Huo Yuhao didn't know whether there was any relationship between Boss Di Tian and Tang San, but from the fact that Tang San attacked the auspicious beast and Di Tian obviously looked uninformed, it could be judged that there shouldn't be any close relationship between Tang San and Boss. harmonious.

This made Huo Yuhao feel more at ease.

On Douluo Continent, Huo Yuhao would not let go of anyone who was known to be related to Tang San.

For Qiu'er's sake, Huo Yuhao didn't want there to be any trouble between the real master of the Star Dou Forest and Tang San.

Huo Yuhao doesn't want to do anything about destroying the Star Dou Forest just yet.

After Di Tian was treated like this by the boss, all previous doubts about Huo Yuhao disappeared. Even the boss admitted that there was nothing wrong with Rui Shou's words, so it naturally would not question it.

Ditian asked Qiu'er with great concern whether Tang Wutong's soul hiding in her body had any impact on her. Various questions about Qiu'er emerged one after another.

It can be seen that Di Tian really cares about Qiu'er.

Qiu'er knew Di Tian's feelings for her, so she answered Di Tian's questions one by one without any impatience. Only then did Di Tian put aside all his worries.

Don't blame it for being verbose, anyone knows that the person he treats as a relative is secretly plotted by Tang San and used as a tool, it would be strange for him not to be angry and worried.

They are all indigenous residents of the Douluo Continent. The aliens from outside are so powerful that the slightest move will make Di Tian fearful.

Di Tian didn't even have the qualifications to maintain courage in front of Huo Yuhao, let alone the God King.

However, it is impossible for Ditian to surrender to anyone if he cannot be defeated.

Huo Yuhao had to make a fair deal with Di Tian today to take away what belongs to Di Tian. Otherwise, Di Tian would defend the Lake of Life to the death.

Even if the Lake of Life has little effect on it.

Ditian will not care about the gains and losses of the Lake of Life, but he will not let others trample on its dignity.

Huo Yuhao understood Di Tian's need to be strong very well, because he was also such a person.

Others can defeat him, and when his own strength is insufficient, he can temporarily compromise and suffer a slight loss, but his dignity must not be insulted.

This is a necessary quality to be a strong person.

Without even this bit of self-esteem, it is absolutely impossible to break through the layers of difficulties and obstacles on the road to cultivation.

The inner demons who abandon your dignity are destined not to support you in becoming a strong person.

After Qiu'er explained the matter, Ditian smiled apologetically at Huo Yuhao, indicating that he was wrong.

Huo Yuhao responded with a smile. Di Tian's original intention was to care about Qiu'er, so he naturally wouldn't care.

Huo Yuhao turned his attention to a part of Tang Wutong's soul that he held in his hand.

After Di Tian's interruption just now, Huo Yuhao's protective talisman has not yet started to be made. (End of chapter)

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