Lu Mingfei Returns from Monster Hunting

Chapter 202 Seeing Yuan Zhinv for the First Time

Chapter 202 Seeing Yuan Zhinv for the First Time (4.8k)

With the help of several Patriarchs, Lu Mingfei and the others don't have to continue to live a fugitive life as a wanted criminal.

At first he didn't think Zero's wound was serious.

But after the doctor came, he strongly recommended hospitalization immediately, saying that a knee fracture is not a serious injury, but if the wound is not treated properly, there will be infection, and in severe cases, the kneecap may even become necrotic and lead to amputation.

And the doctor claimed that he did not bring anesthesia.

The petite girl obviously couldn't bear the pain of the operation.

Zero picked up an unopened bottle of vodka from the counter and drank half of it in one gulp.

"Doing it here, I can bear it."

The doctor was so frightened that his hands softened, thinking that the second master Guan in Romance of the Three Kingdoms was playing chess with Ma Liang while receiving Hua Tuo's bone scraping for healing, and he didn't say a word after the whole process was over.

But he is not Hua Tuo, girl, you are not Guan Erye either!
"Don't be afraid, just do it." Zero drank another sip of wine, staring at the doctor, without any hesitation or fear in his eyes.

The doctor had no choice but to cut open the wound on her leg in fear, and replaced the faintly visible white broken bone.

Zero didn't say anything during the whole process, and kept drinking.

Her crystal clear skin gradually turned red from drinking, and even her complexion became the same as Guan Erye's.

The doctor admired her in Japanese and asked her if she was Russian.

She nodded as an answer, and the doctor said it was no wonder they were so ferocious. The Russians deserved to be a fighting nation that dared to fight polar bears.

After a bottle of vodka, the doctor completed the operation.

And Zero was already soundly asleep.

The girl obviously didn't like skin-to-skin contact, so she dismissed the others before the operation.

Only Lu Mingfei was sitting not far away.

He drew the curtains to prevent the morning sun from waking the girl up, and then sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Ling's blushing face seriously.

In fact, it was not his intention to live alone in the same room at night.

But among the three, he was the most familiar with Zero, so he was the one who was left to take care of Zero.

Before leaving, Fingal smiled wretchedly and told him not to do anything to the patient.

Will this iceberg-like girl be interested in herself?
Lu Mingfei only listened to this as a joke.

But at this moment, this girl who always refuses to be thousands of miles away is lying quietly next to him, with the quilt covered up to her neck, sleeping so honestly that she seems to be buried...

Looking at the girl's face, Lu Mingfei vaguely felt that there was indeed a strange relationship between himself and Zero.

It cannot be described in words, but it is real.

He sat on the edge of the bed, thinking wildly.

But there was never a spark between him and Zero.

The closest he got to Ling was at the ball at the Amber Pavilion, where Ling invited him to dance a tango, and he didn't show much affection for Lu Mingfei afterwards.

However, those present would not feel that Ling was expressing "I like you" to Lu Mingfei.

She probably just wanted to find a rookie with relatively good dancing skills to set off her superb skills.

Zero became famous in the academy headquarters with that tango.

After that, even the lunatics in the equipment department knew that there was such an interesting and beautiful Russian girl among the freshmen.

This is evident from their frequent replies to zero posts on the Night's Watch discussion boards.

Many boring members of the equipment department always discuss whether this girl has a boyfriend in the middle of the night. If not, I don't mind giving her the newly modified Gatling M134 as a token of love.

Of course, no one has successfully sent it out so far.

Zero has the same habits as a cat.

Every time a cat goes to a new place, it will wander in a huge space, sniffing around, looking for a safe place that meets its requirements, sometimes under the bed, sometimes in a cardboard box.

You can't say what a cat's definition of security is.

Sometimes cats wrap a thread around themselves, and when they lie down in a corner, they feel safe.

It is true that such a judgment is outrageous, but there is no doubt that the place where the cat can sleep must be the place it thinks is safe.

Many cat owners see their cat sleeping with them as the final stage of their relationship.

Because a cat sleeping next to you is trusting you.

A cat won't love you, but trusting you means loving you.

And Ling showed a tired look from entering this room, lay down on the bed and never got up again, instructing Lu Mingfei to do this and that for her.

Looking at the stainless steel brace the doctor installed on her knee, Lu Mingfei finally understood why she didn't call the doctor at first.

Apparently she understood that the wound on her knee had to be treated in a closed manner. After the treatment, it was difficult for her to even stand up without the support of others. She was no longer a terrible soldier but a seriously wounded person.

She has been propping up until now before falling asleep because she feels safe.

How long does it take for a cat to develop a sense of security with a person?
Lu Mingfei has never raised a cat in this world, but he did in another world, but the cat can speak human language, obviously it is not the same breed as the cats here.

Based on pure guesswork, he felt that it would take a month or so to develop a good relationship with a cat.

The treated knee wound had to be ventilated outside. Zero was covered with half of the quilt, and the injured leg was exposed outside the quilt.

Her height is about the same as that of a girl who has just started to develop, and she is praised when she is thirteen or fourteen.

But the proportion of the body is like that of a mature girl, with slender and straight legs and a firm grip on the ankle.

Lu Mingfei can see more than that. After taking the medicine, Ling will sweat non-stop.

Before leaving, the doctor told Lu Min to wipe her body with a hot towel every hour.

Lu Mingfei had wiped it twice for her. Under the quilt, she was only wearing close-fitting underwear, and there was a wound on the side of her lower abdomen and on her left shoulder.

These wounds came from the elites of the former Japanese branch, and many of them were outstanding students of the "A" bloodline of the former Kassel College.

Fighting them was equivalent to fighting ten opponents like Chu Zihang and Caesar at the same time.

Zero is just a freshman who has just entered school for less than a year. I can't imagine that such a girl can defeat them in the dark, and only get three injuries.

Her underwear is not the lace or tulle style that girls like, but more like white interlaced belts, which tighten her body tightly, like a close-fitting corset.

This treatment is to avoid the two lumps of meat in front from hindering the high-speed movement. Lu Mingfei has heard that female athletes sometimes use tape to fix them so as not to affect the speed.

Zero actually has a very feminine body.

If she is scaled up, she will also have a figure like a supermodel.

Lu Mingfei is not a monk. When he was in high school many years ago, he was also keen to read those Japanese manga that were about to come out, and his mouth was dry.

But it was strange that when he wiped Zero, he was very calm.

Maybe it's because Zero is so petite, and the seductive figure shrunk down, it's as unreal as looking at a plus-sized Barbie doll, or maybe it's... too familiar.

Yes, the strange feeling that Zero gave him was "too familiar", as if the two had known each other for a long time.

So long that it seemed as if they had said everything and there was only silence.

Couples who live together will start to hate each other for familiarity as time goes on, although they rarely communicate in a family.

He and Zero are like this kind of relationship, and it's like a person with a handicap and a crutch.

You're used to having the cane within reach, and you don't care or care about it until one morning you wake up and reach out...and she's not there.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to test Ling's forehead, and his body temperature had gradually dropped.

Running around in the heavy rain after being injured last night would undoubtedly cause her wounds to become inflamed. Fortunately, the mixed race was not the weakest, and the inflammation had been wiped out by the fierce and violent dragon blood.

He was also a little bit weird, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, and he planned to go out and buy something to eat.

Anyway, the agreed negotiation time is tonight, and the clock has just passed zero.

A scheming person like Tachibana Masamune would most likely not take the initiative to attack.

Lu Mingfei even felt that Tachibana Masamune would run away early, and if Tachibana Masamune ran ahead of time, they would have nothing to do with him.

But when the time comes, there will be less fighting, less bloodshed, and more harmony.

The hall was empty, the sofas and the reception desk were empty.

Fuma Kotaro was very thoughtful, he booked the entire hotel, and even kicked out the service staff.

Just when Lu Mingfei was still lamenting how peaceful the hotel was, someone knocked on the door.

If it is during the day, it is easy to understand that uninformed guests come to ask if the hotel is open, but at one or two o'clock in the evening, who comes here?

Lu Mingfei thumped in his heart, wondering if it was the old man Tachibana Masamune who didn't talk about martial arts morals and launched a sneak attack.

He quietly touched the door, and the person at the door still knocked on the door leisurely.

Lu Mingfei listened carefully for the sound of another bullet being loaded.

"Is anyone there? Kazama Ruri came to visit."

The person outside the door spoke softly, and slipped in a business card by the way.

Hearing the name Kazama Liuli, Lu Mingfei immediately buckled his ears, fearing that he had misunderstood.

Kazama Ruri is...

Now the No.1 cowherd in Japan!
There are his advertisements on the flashing shopping mall screens in the streets of Tokyo.

Although it is an unrecognizable profession like a cowherd, as the old saying goes, 360 lines of work make a champion.

It is also a state when a certain profession is reached to its peak.

The status of Japan's No. [-] cowherd is equivalent to Einstein in the physics world, and he is the spiritual leader of the entire Japanese cowherd world!
He is not called a cowboy!They have a large number of men, and they call geisha to dance a little dance, why call cowherd to come?

Lu Mingfei almost thought it was Finger who did a good job, but when he looked back, he must have fallen asleep because Finger's style is comparable to that of a pink pig.

Neither is Caesar.

Couldn't it be that Ling was afraid that he would be alone at night and invite him here?
He took the business card in the crack of the door.

On the front is a chrysanthemum drawn in ink, and on the back is "Kazama Liuli" in regular script.

In the lower right corner, there is also a kid who patronizes regular customers and enjoys a [-]% discount to get started. Lu Mingfei didn't pay much attention to it.

This is indeed Kazama Ruri's business card.

The leading figures in the industry are all so dignified.

He opened the door.

After the creaking sound, a black figure appeared outside the door with his back to the heavy rain.

Originally, Lu Mingfei was mentally prepared.

If this is a comrade who engages in stock attacks, kick him out.

But Lu Mingfei never expected it.

The person at the door didn't have any masculine feeling, and he looked a bit like... Momoe Yamaguchi!
If it weren't for the masculinity in his voice, Lu Mingfei would have thought he was the plus version of Momoe Yamaguchi.

He has straight hair that is almost between long hair and short hair, and he has a beautiful and quiet smile.

Just like the most beautiful girl in your high school class, she may not be a big star that everyone admires, but she will always be the white moonlight in your heart without flaws.

And this master of the cowherd world is really wearing a woman's attire.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

"Did you find the wrong person?"

"I didn't make a mistake. We met for the first time. Please take care of me, Mr. Lu."

Kazama Ruri smiled and bowed to him.

Lu Mingfei shuddered.


He is obviously a man, but he is as beautiful as a woman, without any trace of a womanizer.

"How do you know my name?"

Lu Mingfei suddenly became vigilant.

This guy is not an ordinary person. Although he concealed it well, the faint dragon smell on his body is still a bit exposed.

Sensing Lu Mingfei's hostility, Kazama Liuli smiled helplessly and closed the door.

"I can't let people know that I have been here, please forgive me if I am presumptuous."

Kui Kui moved to the sofa and sat down, only then did he start to change his appearance.

The gentle Yamato Nadeko-like man was gone, replaced by an indifferent, disdainful mixed race.

"Kazama Liuli, whose real name is Yuanzhinv, the king of fierce ghosts and dragons, second in command, Mr. Lu, please call me Kazama Liuli, I am used to this name."

"Yuanzhi... What is your relationship with Yuanzhisheng?"

Lu Mingfei sent a message to Caesar.

He was already on his way down with Fingel.

"Yuan Zhisheng is my twin brother, isn't it a coincidence?"

Kazama Liuli smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Lu Mingfei was silent.

Kazama Liuli continued: "You shouldn't have strayed into this war. The battle between the fierce ghosts and the Sheqi Eight Families, with or without you, will eventually happen, and blood will flow like a river."

"But your appearance ignited the fuse of this war in advance, and you were also involved in it, unable to get out."

"So you hate us?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Kazama Ruri shook her head with a smile: "Jika Yimasi (no), I am very grateful to you, because of your arrival, I finally have the opportunity to leave the demons."

Lu Mingfei frowned. He wondered if the child's head was damaged by the rain, and he was talking nonsense here.

"You are the second-in-command of the ghost crowd... you want to leave the ghost crowd?"

"That's right, actually I have no feelings for this organization, and I hate General Wang so much that I even want to kill him."

"Isn't the general already dead?"

"What are you talking about? The king has always been alive." Kazama Liuli's expression became extremely creepy, with a sinister smile, "He is an immortal evil spirit. I have tried to kill him many times before, but every time the next day He can appear in front of me alive."

Is it eloquent?

Lu Mingfei murmured to himself, no wonder the general was "killed" so easily by him that time.

It turned out to be a hybrid with the ability of "immortality".

"So what are you here for?" he asked.

"Of course it's to seek your cooperation." Kazama Liuli shook the empty cup in her hand, "You guys are fighting among themselves before the war with the demons started. This is not what I want to see."

"You know the news?" Lu Mingfei caught a glimpse of the two shadows standing at the corner, and signaled them not to come out.

"I know everything. I know the purpose of the Bajia of Snake Qi, and I also know the purpose of the general."

Kazama Ruri said slowly.

"The people in the headquarters frequently interfered with the affairs of the Japanese branch. After Masamune Tachibana realized that something was wrong, he began to revive the great cause of the White King. They couldn't wait to send you to the bottom of the sea, just to confirm whether the bones of the White King were there."

"What about you? The purpose of the ghosts?"

"The fierce ghosts are afraid. Miracles have appeared in this generation of Sheqi Bajia. Two of the 'emperors' who were dreamed of in the past have appeared in this generation." Kazama Liuli said, "This kind of hybrid and pure-blooded dragons beyond the limit They are the strongest existence in Japan when the White King is not awake, and the general Wang thinks that the only possibility is to snatch one of the 'emperors' over."

"Uesugi Eriyi." Lu Mingfei murmured.

There was no surprise in Kazama Ruri's expression.

"Is it called Erika... What a nice name, she is my brother's new sister."

Lu Mingfei could even see that his pupils were filled with envy and a little disgust.

At this moment, Kazama Liuli seemed to have become another person.

That person is called Yuan Zhinv.

"What happened between you and Yuan Zhisheng?" Lu Mingfei was curious about his expression.

"No, our relationship is very good, we are the best brothers in the whole world."

Kazama Ruri stood up.

"Mr. Lu, you have to hurry up, the food of the night is about to open, you have to solve the matter of the Sheqi Bajia and the fierce ghosts as soon as possible."

"The Food of the Night?"

"That's what you call Nibelungen. It's the mirror image of Takamahara. The living gods live in Takamahara, and the dead souls sleep in the Nocturnal Foodland forever." Kazama Ruri said, "But it's different from Takamahara that sank into the sea. , Ye Zhiyuan still stands on the land of Japan, but it is closed, and when you entered Takamahara, you quietly opened Pandora's Box."

"Tokyo is built on the exit of the food of the night, open the exit wantonly, the souls of the dead will cross the border, hunt and kill in the noisy city."

He patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder.

"Tonight I will lure the king general and the elites of the fierce ghosts to Tokyo, and deal with the elites of the ghosts first. Even if the king is reborn infinitely, there will be no big waves. Success or failure depends on one stroke, Mr. Lu."

He smiled, his smile was more beautiful than that of a japanese flower, but it revealed an indescribable weirdness and coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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