Hong Kong comprehensive, catching tricks and becoming a fairy starts from the tricky house

Chapter 106 The secret method of burial turns evil into good fortune!Mortals can see the spiritual p

Chapter 106 The secret method of burial turns evil into good fortune!Mortals can see the spiritual power of gods!
In this intensive care unit.

Defeat the green ghost?
On the side, Shen Cihang and Mrs. Li, after hearing what this [Che Qing Ghost] said, they all looked at Zhou Changqing in shock.

Among them, old lady Li's eyes were even more tearful, and she looked at Zhou Changqing excitedly!
Defeat 【Cheqing Ghost】!
Zhou Changqing actually has the power to defeat [Sheqing Ghost]?

All of a sudden, Mrs. Li made up her mind that no matter how much she paid, she would ask Zhou Changqing to save her son.

Standing beside Zhou Changqing, Shen Cihang first showed a shocked look on his face, then he turned his head and looked in the direction of Inspector Fanny and Yun Jin, but unexpectedly discovered that these two girls who were following Zhou Changqing After seeing the appearance of this [Cheqing Ghost], at most it was a look of doubt and surprise...

Besides, there was no trace of fear on their faces!
It seemed that they didn't pay attention to this [Che Qing Ghost] at all.

"Could it be possible? Is it because the two of them suddenly decided that Zhou Daoyou could get rid of this [Sheqing Ghost] body?"

All of a sudden, an unbelievable thought flashed through Shen Cihang's mind.

This burst of unbelievable thoughts made Shen Cihang turn his head away, and looked at Zhou Changqing and that [sheqing ghost] with inexplicable meaning on his face...

In fact.

It can only be said that Shen Cihang's guess was half right. Inspector Fanny and Yun Jin, the reason why they showed indifferent expressions was for this reason.

It's no wonder that Inspector Fanny didn't know, she didn't know how powerful this [Cheqing Ghost] was at all, and thought Zhou Changqing was only dealing with the ordinary sneaky things in the past.

As for Yun Jin, she has absolute confidence in Zhou Changqing.

From her point of view, although the power of the [Cheqing Ghost] in front of her is powerful, once she activates the [Wedding Dress Avatar], then she can still get rid of this [Cheqing Ghost] .

Yunjin alone has the strength to kill [Sheqing Ghost], let alone Zhou Changqing whose strength surpasses Yunjin's?

By the bedside.

"Sheqing Gui, it seems that your Taoism has really been cultivated to dogs!"

"How dare you show up on my home court?"

When Zhou Changqing saw this [Cheqing Ghost] dared to attach himself to the blind man, he couldn't help showing a mocking smile on his face, and said gloatingly in his mouth.

At this moment, the blind man (sheqing ghost), who was staring at a pair of white ghost eyes, showed a gloomy sneer, he lowered his hands, and said lightly in his mouth: "Little Taoist priest, I am not the real one now." Come on, but to attach a trace of thought to this old immortal, if you dare to hurt me, it is tantamount to hurting this old immortal."

"Haha! You can do nothing to me!"

In the next second, a strange voice full of eerie laughter came from the mouth of the blind man (sheqing ghost).

This burst of laughter from him was very weird, it was obviously the laughter of one person, but the sound came out as if two people were laughing.

However, Zhou Changqing doesn't like this blind man (sheqing ghost).

His right hand held his sword finger upright, and he silently circulated the three yang zhenqi in both hands, and said to the other party with a disdainful face: "Why are you so sure, I can't do anything to you?"

These words were not because Zhou Changqing was being stubborn, but because he had a sense of confidence in his heart.

You must know that part of their inheritance of the "Burial Ground Lineage" was passed down from Maoshan; another part of their inheritance was passed down from Uncle Yizhuang's Ninth Uncle!
It just so happens that among the spells that Yizhuang Jiushu is good at, there is this kind of spell of fighting in the air!
Didn't I say earlier that the successor of [Burning Ground Lineage] learned a lot of spells from this Yizhuang Ninth Uncle?Among them, there are such spells as air combat.


By the bedside.

The Sheqing Ghost, who was controlling the blind man's body, suddenly felt uneasy when he heard Zhou Changqing's seemingly blunt words.

Today's Sheqing Ghost uses the [Seven Souls] of the blind man who was devoured by him to perform this kind of possession technique, so that he can cross a distance of thousands of meters and possess the body of this blind man. body.

In theory.

Any mortal who is possessed by a ghost, once the possessed ghost is injured, then the mortal will be injured accordingly.

This is also the reason why Sheqing Ghost dared to show up in front of Zhou Changqing!


"Fellow Daoist Zhou, what this sneaky one said is very likely to be true."

Hearing this, Shen Cihang, who was standing beside Zhou Changqing, said with a serious expression: "I tried to deal with an evil creature before, but because that evil creature was possessed by other mortals, I was tied up and unable to surrender."

As he was speaking, he changed his subject, but looked at the blind man with compassion, and said, "However, I practice both Buddhism and Taoism, so maybe I can use the power of this body of Buddhist scriptures to save this one. Photo green ghost]."

"Haha! Save me?"

"Boy, you are dreaming!"

The [Cheqing Ghost] attached to the blind man stared at a pair of ghost eyes, and said something to Shen Cihang with a look of disdain.

Then, he stared at the old lady Li with a pair of white ghost eyes, and said with a sneer: "Old lady, wait, sooner or later I will make your Li family last forever."

After finishing speaking, he continued to turn his head, and then, looking at Inspector Fanny and Yunjin with a treacherous face, he said excitedly: "Not bad! Not bad! This time, I can actually find an excellent cauldron. Ha ha……"

"Skin and bone elephants are all top grade!"

"Hehe, I am an old ghost, but I have never fucked a girl before!"

In an instant, a burst of words full of arrogance came from the mouth of this [Che Qing Ghost].

He is so unscrupulous!

At this moment, Shen Cihang looked at the [Cheqing Ghost] who was laughing wildly, put his hands together, and hurriedly recited Buddhist scriptures.

Visible to the naked eye, streaks of dim golden Buddha's light quickly flew out of Shen Cihang's body, and then turned into a golden shackle of Buddha's light, enveloping the [Cheqing Ghost] attached to the blind man.

It's just that this [Cheqing Ghost] was full of blue ghost energy, and at the same time as the ghost energy exploded, it shattered the shackles of Buddha's light with its hands.


A sound full of disdain suddenly came out from the mouth of this [Cheqing Ghost]. After finishing Shen Cihang, it continued to turn its head, staring at Yunjin with a greedy face, and kept licking it with its black tongue. Mouth……

Today's [Sheqing Ghost] can almost be said to be present in person, so his body is almost comparable to [Qi Lian·Xiao Zhoutian] level of sneaky power, which is not comparable to that of Shen Cihang in the mere [Entered Dao Realm].

at the same time.


After the shackles of Buddha's light were broken, Shen Cihang, who had suffered backlash, seemed to be hit by some kind of force, and he took three or four steps backwards.


Seeing that the master Shen Cihang was repelled by [Sheqing Ghost] with one move, the old lady Li's old face was startled, and she yelled in fear.


the other side.

Yun Jin listened to the words of this [Cheqing Ghost], her eyes suddenly became a little cold, and then her hands were lowered, and the white and tender nails suddenly turned into pitch black.

Obviously, the hostility of this [Sheqing Ghost] caused Yunjin to react instinctively.

It's just that this [Sheqing Ghost] didn't know, and Zhou Changqing was also very displeased by what he said.

"Old ghost, your tone is quite loud!"

Just when everyone was afraid of this [Sheqing Ghost], Zhou Changqing took a step forward, looked at the [Sheqing Ghost] attached to the blind man with a sneer on his face, and said coldly : "I want to see, after you are dealt with by me, can you still breathe so loudly!"

His words were clearly murderous, obviously not joking.


By the side of the hospital bed.

"Ha ha!"

The [Sheqing Ghost] who was staring at Yunjin greedily, seemed to have sensed the murderous intent unleashed from Zhou Changqing, he immediately turned his head and stared at this young man who made him unable to see the truth clearly with a face full of vigilance. people!
Originally, this [Cheqing Ghost] thought that Zhou Changqing would be hindered by the blind man's body, so he restrained his hands and feet. However, judging from Zhou Changqing's words, it seems that Zhou Changqing has a way to avoid harming the blind man's body. , deal with it?
"You, don't mess around..."

"If you hurt me, this old man will get hurt too!"

Thinking of this, the Sheqing Ghost controlled the blind man's body, and said to Zhou Changqing with a threatening face: "Xiao Daoist, the consequences of being a hero indiscriminately are very serious!"

"The rope of the world of mortals binds all beings!"

It's a pity that Zhou Changqing didn't continue to listen to what this [Cheqing Ghost] was saying. Immediately, a deep red aura emerged from this section of the red dust rope.

In a flash of inspiration, it shines brightly.


This piece of mortal rope broke free from Zhou Changqing's hand, following a certain dark trajectory, as if binding a fairy rope, it turned out to be the blind man (sheqing ghost) who was standing by the hospital bed. tied up.

This is the second usage of this "Spirit Pulling Body Art".

Pulling the soul and pulling the body can restrain the soul of the enemy, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the opponent's body...

At the same time, it can also be used to restrain the opponent's body and temporarily trap the opponent's soul in a prison.

This prison naturally refers to the body of the blind man.

"You... what did you do?"

"No! No! You actually trapped me in this old immortal body!"

"You, what are you going to do?"

In the next second, the blind man (sheqing ghost) saw his body tied up by this red dusty rope, and said something bad in his heart, and then his whole body began to violently shake. She struggled to break free, but she couldn't break free from this thin rope of mortals.

This is the power of Taoism.

A red dust rope that ordinary people can break at will, but under the power of this Taoism, it becomes very strong.


"Let me try it, how powerful is that secret method of burial!"

After Zhou Changqing tied up the blind man (sheqing ghost) with the power of this red dust rope, a formula for the secret method of burial flashed in his mind. Talisman Paper] was held in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Changqing stepped on the gangster step, chanting a mantra in his mouth, and then, the three [Sanyang Talisman Papers] in his hand ignited spontaneously without fire.

When the three [Sanyang Talisman Papers] were half burned, Zhou Changqing's right hand shook suddenly, and then he circulated the power of the Sanyang True Qi, and quickly pointed forward.

"go with!"

The three [Sanyang Talisman Papers] in Zhou Changqing's hand burned out in an instant, turning into three balls of Sanyang flames, flying towards Blind Man's shoulders and the top of his head respectively.

At this moment, Zhou Changqing's body suddenly erupted with a creepy and inexplicable divine power!

That's right!

It is Kamui!

The secret method of burial "Tao Dharma Blessing"!
The body of a mortal can glimpse the power of the gods!

On the side, the [Cherqing Ghost] attached to the blind man, when it sensed the inexplicable supernatural power emerging from Zhou Changqing, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, full of ghostly aura, and almost lost control Live in the body of the blind man!
"This kind of power?"

"What kind of power is this power?"

For some reason, a very bad thought suddenly appeared in Sheqinggui's heart.


In the ward.

When these three flames came into contact with the blind man's body, they immediately merged into them. On his body, except for a big hole in the hospital gown, no one could see it from the skin inside the clothes. Show a little burn marks.

at the same time.

Just when the three flames merged with the blind man, the three Yang flames on his body changed instantly.

The flames were dim and faltering.

This is the original situation of the three yang fires on the blind man.

However, in the next second, the originally dim Yanghuo started to burn slowly as if gasoline had been added to it, and in the end, it turned into three bright red fireballs!
At this moment, the three big balls of fire on the blind man's body were burning rapidly, and the fire that emerged from his body became more and more hot and dazzling.

In the dark, it seems that there is some very strange thing that is about to happen.

At the very least, in the eyes of Shen Cihang, Mrs. Li and others, they saw that the blind man seemed to have turned into a burning man. This situation looked very horrifying and terrifying.

The Sanyang Talisman Paper can summon a ball of Sanyang Talisman Fire.

The Three Yang Talisman Fire itself is a substantive power belonging to Yang Qi. Besides subduing demons, it also has other wonderful functions.

 I hope you all enjoy watching, and ask for tickets, rewards, and recommendations.Thank you, Time Snow, for your 500 starting point reward today.

(End of this chapter)

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