Chapter 125 Zhang's Bold Fight!God gene! (with pictures)
in the interrogation room.

Ah Zhen, a female ghost with an indifferent face, after hearing what Zhou Changqing said...

She immediately widened her eyes, and in a flash, she appeared in front of Zhou Changqing in an instant, and asked excitedly: "Is what you said true? As long as I can help you find the statue of Guan Erye , then, will you help me fulfill my wish?"

A wish, or an obsession!
But for these sneaky people, the reason why they still exist in the world for so many years, then, it can only be said that they have unfulfilled wishes and obsessions, so they linger in the world, constantly suffering from hardships in the world torment.

And for this female ghost Ah Zhen who died in prison, she has only one wish!
That is escape from prison.

She couldn't escape from the prison when she was dying, so after she was dying, she had to escape from the prison justifiably.

This is Ah Zhen's obsession.

Beside the desk, Zhou Changqing looked at the female ghost Ah Zhen who appeared in front of him. He reciprocated this attitude of appreciation, looked at the other party with great interest, and said calmly: "Yes, as long as you can help me find that A second master Guan, then I can help you escape from prison."

At this moment, after getting Zhou Changqing's personal consent, the female ghost Ah Zhen's pretty face suddenly showed a bit of excitement.

But, all of a sudden, the female ghost Ah Zhen seemed to have thought of something, she turned around, and saw her friend Zhang Sanmei, who was looking at her happily...

As a sneaky ghost, Ah Zhen is not very capable, but she can perceive many human emotions.

True and false loyalty and treachery can be discerned at a glance.

Now, in the perception of the female ghost Ah Zhen, she can clearly perceive that this human friend in front of her is really happy for her.

This alone caused the female ghost Ah Zhen to feel an indescribable emotion.

When she died, she was alone.

Now, he has become a [Wild Ghost], but has a sincere good friend. It has to be said that this is simply a matter full of irony.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly appeared in the mind of the female ghost Ah Zhen!
"Then, let's go find this statue of Lord Guan immediately."

Beside the desk, Zhou Changqing looked at the female ghost Ah Zhen who was stunned in place. He stood up quickly and urged the other party eagerly.

Since Zhou Changqing already knew that there was a [God Fighting God Statue] in this prison, he naturally went all out to find this [God Fighting God Statue] quickly.

"Okay, let's go."

After a few seconds of silence, the female ghost Ah Zhen nodded, and then, her figure suddenly turned into a puff of smoke, floating around the locust tree.

"Come with me……"

"Third sister, you also follow up."

Immediately, the voice of the female ghost Ah Zhen resounded in this piece of pagoda tree.


Seeing this, Zhou Changqing naturally didn't have any objection, he swayed with his right hand, and said politely to Zhang Sanmei.


Soon, Zhou Changqing and Zhang Sanmei walked towards the exit of the interrogation room under the leadership of the female ghost Ah Zhen.

"Mr. Zhou, do you need any help?"

At the door of the interrogation room, a short-haired female prison guard with a pale face looked at Zhou Changqing who walked out of the door of the interrogation room. She hurriedly lowered her head and asked politely.

Warden Feng had told these female prison guards before that Zhou Changqing was an expert with real abilities, and these female prison guards must treat Zhou Changqing politely, so naturally they did not dare to neglect Zhou Changqing in the slightest.

"I need this female ghost and female prisoner to lead me to find the whereabouts of the sneaky..."

"You are by our side, and it is convenient for us to enter and leave the prison."

Zhou Changqing looked at the female prison guard carefully, and he seemed to recognize something, so he casually said something to the female prison guard.

"This? I..."

Hearing this, the female prison guard could only put on a bitter face and followed behind Zhou Changqing and the others.

In fact, this female prison guard really didn't want to go, because she didn't want to go to hell at all!
So, under the leadership of this female ghost Ah Zhen, a group of three people and one ghost walked slowly towards a certain place in the prison.


Along the way, Zhou Changqing could clearly see that the female prisoners in the cell were sticking their heads out one by one, whistling at them with a playful face.

Some of the more arrogant female prisoners were unrestrained in public, shouting at Zhou Changqing constantly.

"Handsome! Come on! Be merry!"

"Handsome guy, how did you get in? I didn't expect that a male prisoner came in in our Notre Dame Prison today!"

"Handsome, come to live in our cell tonight! I will keep you satisfied."

"Handsome guy, don't be shy? As long as you are willing to nod and agree, then, tonight, I promise you can do whatever you want, whatever you want!"

Along the way, these female prisoners were full of heroic speeches, which kept ringing.

Fortunately, today's Zhou Changqing, because he has more important things to do in his heart, so he just got over his eye addiction a little bit, and didn't put much energy on these female prisoners.

However, Zhou Changqing never imagined that there were so many female prisoners who were selected as grade C in the cells of the No. [-] warehouse.

He was almost trapped by these monsters.

ten minutes later.

Zhou Changqing followed the female ghost Ah Zhen to the door of a dilapidated interrogation room.

The door of this interrogation room was covered with cobwebs and dust. It seemed that no one had been here for a long time.


Warehouse No. [-].

on the corridor.

Zhou Changqing, Zhang Sanmei and others were staying at the door of this interrogation room.


Immediately afterwards, a black mist flew out from the piece of pagoda tree on Zhang Sanmei's body, the black mist condensed, and then, the figure of the female ghost Ah Zhen appeared.


On the side, after seeing the scene where the female ghost Ah Zhen appeared, the short-haired female prison guard wailed, then rolled her eyes, and passed out completely.

Even Zhou Changqing didn't expect that the female prison guard would faint as soon as she said she fainted. Fortunately, he is now a "Qi Practitioner" with agility, and when he turned around, he supported the fainted female prison guard up.

Put the female prison guard on the ground slightly, and then Zhou Changqing raised his head and asked the female ghost Ah Zhen standing in front of him: "Is the second master Guan you mentioned in this interrogation room?"


Hearing this, the female ghost Ah Zhen nodded, and then, with a wave of her right hand, a gust of dark wind appeared around, and at the same time, pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

All of a sudden, a cloud of flying dust filled the surroundings of the interrogation room.

Zhou Changqing and Zhang Sanmei stood outside the door of the interrogation room for several minutes. They waited for the dust in that interrogation room to disappear before they walked in.

Interrogation room.

Zhou Changqing stretched out his hand and pressed the button of the switch. Immediately, after a flash of lightning, the dark interrogation room became bright again.

Unexpectedly, this interrogation room seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, with cobwebs overgrown, and the whole room looked empty, that is, in this corner, there were a few pieces of statues of Guan Erye.

"Hey, how did this idol turn into pieces?"

In the next second, Zhang Sanmei, who was looking for the statue of Guan Erye, had keen eyesight, and she immediately found the broken pieces of Guan Erye's statue in the corner of the wall. Suddenly, she exclaimed in fear. .

However, whether it was Zhou Changqing or the female ghost Ah Zhen, the two of them didn't feel any fear or tension when they saw this scene.

Because, they all know one thing clearly!
The statue of Guan Erye was not broken at all!

In other words, the broken statue of Guan Erye was not the statue of Guan Erye they were looking for.


At this moment, Zhou Changqing was standing in the middle of this abandoned interrogation room. With a thought in his mind, his Qi pulse circulated, and a mystery suddenly emerged.


Immediately, Zhou Changqing only felt a 'buzz' in his head, and then, that mysterious feeling of keen five senses surged into his heart again.



In Zhang Sanmei's eyes, after seeing Zhou Changqing's eyes bursting out with a crimson aura, she quickly covered her mouth with her right hand, and let out an exclamation in shock.

Even Ah Zhen, the female ghost, looked at Zhou Changqing in surprise.


Just when Zhou Changqing was circulating the three yang qi, the scene of the abandoned interrogation room in front of him seemed to be a different world.

Clear the clouds and see the sun, open your mind!

At this moment, Zhou Changqing, who opened the [Mind Eye], concentrated his attention and looked around the interrogation room carefully.

Entrances, walls, floor tiles, abandoned bookshelves, abandoned altars...

Under the probing of this [mind-eye] power, Zhou Changqing walked in this interrogation room step by step...

In the dark, the tiny and broken clues are also under the prying eyes of this [mind eye], and there is nothing to hide.

After a full ten seconds, Zhou Changqing seemed to have discovered something. He quickly walked to the corner of the interrogation room, next to the abandoned altar nailed to the wall, and looked at the pile of discarded documents and papers placed on it. , he stretched out his hand and swept these discarded documents on the ground.

Soon, Zhou Changqing cleared out the shrine full of rubbish.

At the same time, Zhou Changqing also saw that there was actually a wooden statue of Guan Erye in this abandoned altar.


It was also when Zhou Changqing saw the wooden statue of Guan Erye for the first time, he vaguely noticed that a faint spiritual light was floating on this statue of Guan Erye.

The statue has a spirit, and the aura is pervasive.

At this moment, Zhou Changqing knew in his heart that the purpose of his trip had finally been achieved.

"Wait a minute, if, if I add a [Shen Dao] practice method, can you help, help to rescue the third sister from prison?"

Just after Zhou Changqing accepted the statue of Guan Erye with satisfaction, he heard the nervous voice of the female ghost Ah Zhen suddenly.

Hearing this, Zhou Changqing's eyes suddenly showed a touch of surprise, he turned around directly, fixed his eyes on the female ghost Ah Zhen, and said with affirmation: "As long as the spell you give me is real, then I can I agree to your request."

A 【God Strike Secret Technique】!
In exchange for Zhang Sanmei's freedom!

For Zhou Changqing, he naturally felt that this deal was a good deal!
Because, in the records of [Burning Ground Lineage], Zhou Changqing knew very clearly how terrifying a god-fighting cultivator who had entered the rank of [God Fighting] was!

"Under the shattered statue, there is a piece of yellow silk paper, on which is recorded a [Divine Fighting Formula]."

Listening to Zhou Changqing's promise, the female ghost Ah Zhen didn't continue to play riddles, she pointed to the fragments of the god statue on the ground beside her, and said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhou Changqing frowned, and then he went straight to the corner, and respectfully removed seven or eight fragments of Guan Erye's statue. Sure enough, at the bottom, a piece of yellow silk paper reflected his in the eyelids.

Zhou Changqing carefully picked up the yellow tissue paper, walked to the abandoned interrogation table, spread out the dusty yellow tissue paper, and then, he opened it and looked at it carefully. glance.

A few minutes later, Zhou Changqing's face changed suddenly. He looked at the yellow silk paper in front of him with a strange expression, and murmured, "God of the Zhang family fights!"

"Moreover, this Zhang family is actually Zhang Bold's Zhang family!"

"What is this? Is it passed down from generation to generation?"

"Zhang Boldly learned from Xu Zhenren's "Maoshan God Fighting", and he called it "Zhang Family God Fighting""

"It's just that I really didn't expect that the technique of divine strike is really so powerful!"

At this moment, Zhou Changqing finally knew the power of [God Fight] from this "Zhang Family God Fight".

[Skill of God's Strike], this is a thaumaturgy that is neither Daoist nor witchcraft. Those who have achieved success in cultivation can borrow unknown and vast divine power with every gesture to make their bodies inferior to swords and guns, and to ward off all evil. The strength of the arms is infinite, and the cultivation is to the extreme, and it can even move mountains and seas, omnipotent.

According to this [God's Art of Strike], once those with advanced skills reach a certain level, then the martial arts or spells they borrowed from the gods can also be used by themselves. It can be said to be an immortal technique with infinite power. .

However, because of the many inheritances of the divine strike, there are three different divine strike techniques.

The first type of divine strike technique is the bloodline divine strike method. Although this method can effectively inherit the god invited by the previous generation, but with the severance of the direct bloodlines of some families, the bloodline of this lineage has been cut off. His Shen Da Kung Fu was also lost.

The second technique of divine strike is the method of the sect's divine strike. In this way, the god invited by the sect can be invited by the disciples of the sect. Moreover, ordinary families can only invite one or two deities. Gods, however, the sect can invite at least ten gods.

The third kind of magic strike technique is the method of the other side's magic strike.

For this type of gods, they only summon a group of gods that have been passed down the longest in the world, Monkey King, Erlang God, the third prince Nezha, and the Eight Immortals!
That's right!

In the "Ghosts Fighting Ghosts" with Zhang Boldness, whether it is Qian Zhenren or Xu Zhenren, the three gods they can summon seem to be these gods.

Of course.

This is not what shocked Zhou Changqing the most, but what shocked him the most was that in this door [Zhang Jia Shen Da], this door [Shen Da Mi Zhao] was left behind!
As long as Zhou Changqing masters this "Shen Da Mi Zhao", then he can take the God of Guan Er Lord that Zhang Boldly left in the wooden statue of Guan Er Ye for himself!
In this way, Zhou Changqing can also have a god who obeys him!

At the same time, he can also refine his own god gene!
If Zhou Changqing had more courage, maybe he could pursue the so-called becoming a god...

 As usual, the title is accompanied by a picture. Readers, tell me, do you want Uncle Biao's family to appear?
(End of this chapter)

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