Hong Kong comprehensive, catching tricks and becoming a fairy starts from the tricky house

Chapter 248 Incarnation outside the body!Follow the ancient covenant, I will fight by your side!

Outside this camp.

At this moment, the moonlight is dim, and it seems that even this round of bright moon has been concealed because of the existence of someone.

In a certain patch of grass, Jin McGee and Meng Chao were lying in the grass, looking at a strange figure not far away with treacherous faces.

Hearing this, Meng Chao wiped his eyes with his hand, and when he looked at it intently, the old face was visibly startled: "Yeah? It's really very similar to that zombie [Issey Miyake]! No? Is this guy the twin brother of [Issey Miyake]?"

After all, not long ago, they also saw She Ziming's twin brother, the Big Snake King...

Well, now, they saw the twin brother of [Issey Miyake], that is also a very normal thing...

"How about, let's go up and shake him..."

Soon, Kim McGee's eyes lit up, and he said to Meng Chao gloatingly.

When Meng Chao heard it, he seemed to have thought of something, nodded his head immediately, and said triumphantly, "Anyway, there is Master Zhou in this camp, even if there are any monsters, we are not afraid of them!"


As he said that, Jin Maiji and Meng Chao immediately leaned over and walked cautiously towards the Fusang Ghost King not far away.



Jin McGee and Meng Chao didn't know it, but when the two of them appeared, the Fusang Ghost King standing outside the camp immediately spotted the two of them.

It's just that Fusang Ghost King arrived here for the first time, so instead of directly killing Jin McGee and Meng Chao, he planned to hear if there was any information from these two stupid humans...


A few seconds later, a handcuffed right hand suddenly patted Fusang Ghost King's shoulder, and at the same time, Jin McKee's tugging sound rang in Fusang Ghost King's ear: "Brother, I You look familiar! I don’t know, do you know someone named [Issey Miyake]? Or are you the twin brother of [Issey Miyake]?”


Immediately afterwards, the other left hand holding the .[-] gun also patted the Fusang ghost king on the shoulder. At the same time, Meng Chao's mean voice continued to ring in the Fusang ghost king's ears: "Brother! , you are unlucky, you have offended our Jinmai Christcha, I think! You will be imprisoned for at least three or five years..."

After Jin McGee and Meng Chao put their palms on the shoulders of the Fusang Ghost King, they looked at each other and said in unison: "This time, you, the twin brother of [Issey Miyake], really want to Bad luck."


After finishing speaking, Kim McKee and Meng Chao both laughed with satisfaction.

"Ha ha."

Facing the proud words that came from his ears, Fusang Ghost King narrowed his eyes, and a black ghostly aura full of eerieness appeared in his pair of dark pupils.


In the next second, a roar full of anger came from the Fusang Ghost King's mouth.

In an instant, a black ghost aura condensed into substance appeared on the body of the Fusang ghost king, and then, the ghost aura trembled, like two raging waves, following some kind of strange connection, slamming fiercely In the hands of Jin McGee and Meng Chao.


As if sensing this gloomy and turbulent ghostly aura, a white aura suddenly appeared behind Jin McKee and Meng Chao.

The spiritual light was like a shield, resisting in front of the two of them, as if to resist this surging black ghost energy.

It's a pity that the shield glowing with white aura was defeated by this surging ghost energy after only defending it for a second, and then the remaining half of the ghost energy bombarded it one after another. On the bodies of Jin McKee and Meng Chao.

"Cinnabar Body Wash"!
Don't forget, not long ago, Jin Maiji and Meng Chao obtained the power blessing of this "Cinnabar Body Washing Technique" from Zhou Changqing, a monk.

At that time, Zhou Changqing's cultivation had already reached the realm of [Qi training·Twenty Qi Meridians]. It can be said that the "Cinnabar Body Washing Technique" he drew was enough to resist any evil spirits from the [Great Qi Training Realm] s attack.

Although this Fusang ghost king belongs to the [Third Realm] ghost, but he has very little power in his body. Therefore, the power of the Fusang ghost released from him can barely be suppressed by this school of "Cinnabar". The power of the "Body Washing Technique" offset more than half.

And this is also the limit of this "Cinnabar Body Washing Technique".

Because, the "Cinnabar Body Cleansing Technique" drawn on the backs of Jin McGee and Meng Chao had collapsed and shattered one after another because they couldn't bear the terrifying ghost power.

At this moment, it was visible to the naked eye that the skin behind Jin Maiji and Meng Chao was already covered with bloody scars. Therefore, the pattern of the [cinnabar charm] also collapsed and shattered.

In other words, in the future, unless Zhou Changqing redraws this "Cinnabar Body Washing Technique", otherwise, Jin Maiji and Meng Chao will lose the power of the cinnabar spell behind them.


First there was a cracking sound of bone fractures, and then, Jin McGee and Meng Chao felt as if they had been hit by a fast-moving car. They wailed, and their feet lifted off the ground. Can't help but fly backwards towards the grass.


In the blink of an eye, Jin Maiji and Meng Chao flew upside down for several meters, and finally, their figures slammed into the grass.


Grass edge.

"Oh! It hurts! Kim McKee, my, my left hand seems to be broken!"

Meng Chao, who was wearing a white shirt, fell heavily on the grass. He lowered his head, looked at his broken left hand, wrinkled his old face, and shouted at Kim McGee in pain.

At this moment, Meng Chao finally felt panicked.

"Meng Chao, me too. Not only is my right hand broken, I, I also feel pain in my back! It's like being cut with dozens of scars with a blade..."

It was said that Kim McGee, who also fell on Meng Chao's side, covered his broken right hand with his left hand, grinning, and said bitterly, "Meng Chao, it's too bad, this twin brother who is suspected of [Issey Miyake] is definitely not Simple!"

"Nonsense, can it not be simple?"

"This guy didn't even make any moves, just the breath on his body knocked the two of us into the air..."

Meng Chao raised his head and stared at Fusang Ghost King not far away with fear in his eyes. While moving his body with one hand, he said to Kim McGee in fear: "Jin McGee, you, hurry up and call someone! No more!" If you call someone, we, we will die!"

"Call someone? How do you call someone?"

Kim McGee was also mopping the ground with one hand, and slowly moved towards the grass behind him. At this moment, he had a look of panic and fear.

Because, Kim McGee himself could not have imagined that he would bump into such a terrifying monster just by going out, and now, he was broken by this monster and his right hand was fractured, not to mention casting spells. It's too late to take out this talisman...


As he spoke, a thick patch of cold sweat floated on Jin McGee's forehead.

Don't look at Kim McGee's arrogant appearance, but he is only bullying the good and fearing the evil. He is still very scared when he really encounters such a terrifying monster and ghost, and is really facing such a danger to his life. !


Grass edge.


Fusang Ghost King looked coldly at Jin Maiji and Meng Chao who were retreating. He waved his hand and dispelled the shimmering white aura in front of him. Immediately afterwards, he walked slowly in the direction of the two of them, speaking indifferently. He said without emotion: "Two lowly Chinese Taoist boys dare to attack me, they are courting death."

As soon as the word death was said, a deep black ghostly glow suddenly appeared in Fusang Ghost King's eyes. Then, his right hand formed a claw with a sharp black edge on the tip of the claw. Immediately afterwards, he moved towards Kim McKee's heart snatched away.

Now, Fusang Ghost King no longer wants to play tricks on these two stupid Chinese people, he just needs to swallow these two bloody food.

"Fuck! I'm fighting with you."

Seeing this, the fear on Kim McGee's face quickly faded away, and a look of fierce struggle appeared on his face. Then, he suddenly raised his left hand, and slammed the . [-] gun. gusset.


In an instant, three bullets exuding a breath of death hit the Fusang Ghost King fiercely.

However, ordinary bullets can't hurt the body of a ghost king at all!


Fusang Ghost King didn't even dodge, he directly resisted the three bullets, pierced the air with one hand, and with a fierce wave of air, pierced down fiercely towards the heart of Jin McGee.


Seeing that this sharp claw with a black ghostly aura was about to pierce through Kim McGee's chest, at this moment, an accident happened.


the other side.

A fairy soul thought with white jade-colored light leaped across the void and landed on the periphery of the camp with a bang.

With a flash of light, it condenses into shape.

In an instant, a Zhou Changqing in black casual clothes appeared in midair.

The fairy soul is transformed into an incarnation outside the body.

Now, what appeared on the grass outside the camp was a fairy soul thought released by Zhou Changqing just now.

Previously, after Zhou Changqing became a fairy, he accidentally found a ghost king approaching this camp. Therefore, he split into a fairy soul idea and rushed to this camp.

9000 meters away.

The idea of ​​the fairy soul, which was glowing with the color of white jade, had already rushed outside the camp in less than 20 seconds.

At the same time, this "incarnation outside the body" also saw the scene of Kim McGee and Meng Chao facing the ghosts and hooking their shoulders...

Rao Zhou Changqing was very clear in his heart that Kim McGee and Meng Chao were a pair of fierce men, but he never imagined that Kim McGee and Meng Chao were so fierce that they opened their mouths directly and provoked a person who was equivalent to a [Third Realm cultivator] 】The ghost king!

Although, Kim McGee and Meng Chao didn't know that the guy in front of him who looked like [Issey Miyake] was actually a terrifying ghost king.

However, Zhou Changqing couldn't help but wonder if Liang Jingru gave the two of them the courage with such monstrous courage.


Just like that, Zhou Changqing stood in the void with a calm face, watching the scene where Meng Chao and Jin McKee were knocked into the air by the Fusang Ghost King.

Meng Chao and Jin McGee are two guys with too free and easy personality and a little bit of a funny mind, so Zhou Changqing will let these two guys suffer.

Then, the development of the whole thing also reached the situation where the Fusang ghost king shot and killed Jin McGee...

"Forget it, you can make them suffer, but there is no need to let them die..."

"After all, behind these two guys, I don't know which immortal is reincarnated..."

He muttered something in his mouth, and then, Zhou Changqing's thoughts moved, his figure burst into a white jade-colored light, and then, he turned into a streamer, and suddenly flew towards Jin Maiji, who was 100 meters away.


Now, back to the field.

"Dead! I'm going to die!"

Looking at the ghost claw with a terrifying aura in front of him, Kim McGee's pupils were shrinking violently, and an emotion full of despair and fear surrounded him like a tide.

At this moment, in Kim McGee's mind, the feeling of death was unprecedentedly clear.

In the middle of nowhere, a round of light-golden radiance bloomed in Jin McGee's pupils. It seemed that because he sensed his dangerous situation, there was some kind of terrifying power. The seal was released from his body.


This round of brilliance is constantly flickering, and it is rapidly changing from weak to rich. It seems that a certain power sealed in it is about to be born...


In the next second, a piercing sound of ghost claws piercing through everything came into Jin McGee's mind.


Under such a situation full of fear, Kim McGee let out an instinctive howl, but then, unexpectedly, he felt that his body did not produce any pain. Suddenly, Kim McGee was trembling all over. , The pair of closed eyes slowly opened.

What came into Jin McGee's eyes was a figure with hazy green light all over his body.

However, no matter it was the stalwart figure or the black clothes, they all made Kim McGee feel very familiar.

"Master Zhou! You saved me!"

After seeing the familiar figure in front of him, Kim McKee suddenly let go of his heart, and then he shouted to Zhou Changqing excitedly while wiping the cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this moment, Jin McGee could only feel that the green light in front of him had become an unforgettable white moonlight in his life!


On Zhou Changqing's white jade-colored radiant body, a ghost claw containing everything that corrodes is grasping heavily on his body. Pierce through the seemingly weak Sanxian power on his body.

Dispersed immortal power, firm and immortal.

That's right, even the immortals at the Sanxian level, they themselves have this kind of power called immortality.

Although this kind of [immortal power] is only the lowest level of immortal power, otherwise, Sanxian would not have a lifespan limit of three thousand immortals.


Under the moonlight.

"Hey, if I hadn't come, I'm afraid, you brat wouldn't know that you've caused a disaster!"

Zhou Changqing first looked at the ghost claw on his heart disapprovingly, then he teased Kim McKee and said without looking back: "I have to say, you two are really daring, how dare you fight against each other?" A ghost king who is equivalent to a [third-level cultivator] made a move, who gave you this kind of courage?"

It's just that the immortal soul power released from him has been falling on Jin McGee's pupils... In Jin McGee's pupils, a little golden light is emerging...

This vision is also attracting Zhou Changqing's attention.


Hearing Master Zhou's words, which were obviously full of ridicule, Kim McKee's face turned awkward, and then he stood up tremblingly, and said to Zhou Changqing flatteringly: "Isn't Master Zhou helping you, my Jin McGee knew that Master Zhou would definitely protect us..."

"Yeah yeah!"

"Master Zhou, with you here, we will definitely not be in any danger!"

On the side, Meng Chao, who was trembling, got up from the grass on the ground. Regardless of the weed debris, he lowered his head and said flauntingly: "With Master Zhou, a living god, and a mere ghost king, it must not be a big deal. ..."

"You guys... Zuidun, right?"

Hearing this, Zhou Changqing shook his head and said something helplessly.

Then, with a thought in his mind, the rippling white jade-colored light trembled slightly, and then, as if a stormy sea had been set off, the light flashed and hit the black ghost claw heavily.

In an instant, a hurricane seemed to blow up on the entire grass, and the weeds scattered and flew all over the sky. At the same time, it also sent the Fusang Ghost King flying a distance of more than ten meters.


the other side.

At this moment, Fusang Ghost King, who was blown away in the grass, had a ghostly look all over his body, and then his figure stood on the grass in an instant.

Looking at the white jade-colored figure in front of him, the Fusang Ghost King's face became serious, and a pair of black ghost eyes stared at Zhou Changqing sinisterly, and he yelled in doubt:

"A monk from Kyushu?"



At this time, when Jin McGee stood up and saw the ugly Fusang Ghost King in front of him, for some reason, the scene that he almost died appeared in his mind.


All of a sudden, the anger in Kim McGee's mind seemed to be ignited by some kind of terrifying force.



In the dark, in Jin McGee's mind, a roar full of fighting intent was constantly roaring, and scenes of ancient memory fragments even surfaced in his memory!


PS: Everyone, the identity of Kim McGee, who do you guess?Currently there are Eight Immortals and other Immortals...

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