Hong Kong comprehensive, catching tricks and becoming a fairy starts from the tricky house

Chapter 320 Celestial Weakness!Ancient Heaven! !First sight of Tiangang 36 supernatural powers!

Chapter 320 Celestial Weakness!Ancient Heaven! !First sight of Tiangang 36 supernatural powers!
A successful harvest!

This is Zhou Changqing's extremely high evaluation of this trip.

This time, Zhou Changqing not only figured out the cause and effect of the possessed body, but also roughly knew the cause and effect of his previous life.

In addition, Zhou Changqing also harvested a [Heavenly Immortal Level] treasure.

Such a huge harvest, how could it not be called a complete harvest?


In this white space of hundreds of feet.

Zhou Changqing turned his head, glanced at the unconscious Qimen Dunjia and the two seniors, and then at the [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] held in his hand, a very happy smile appeared on his face, After this time, his harvest can almost be said to be huge.

At the same time, Zhou Changqing also believed in his heart that the power of this [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] was not limited to the level of this [Middle Grade Magic Treasure].

Because, compared to the rank of this [Middle Grade Magic Treasure], the greatest value of this [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] is the hidden [Heavenly Immortal Remnant Soul]...

And, in this [Heavenly Immortal Remnant Soul], all the mysteries, all strengths, and all weaknesses of this [Heavenly Immortal Realm]!
That's right.

Everything in the world, mutual generation and mutual restraint.

There is no absolute invincibility in the world.

Therefore, Zhou Changqing also understands very well in his heart that unless he becomes an invincible existence in this world, otherwise, even the existence of the [Heavenly Immortal Realm] is not absolutely invincible.

Why does Zhou Changqing think so?
Very simple, it was the appearance of this [Heavenly Immortal Remnant Soul], which let Zhou Changqing know that even the existence of this [Heavenly Immortal Realm] would be defeated and even sealed by other existences.


[Introduction: This is a magic weapon that contains the power of the [Queen Mother of the West], and it has been completely unsealed after being enlightened by some kind of treasure. 】


Why is a magic weapon of [Queen Mother of the West] sealed?
The reason contained in this is naturally worthy of Zhou Changqing's deep thinking. Therefore, after thinking about it in his mind, he can only come to this conclusion.

[A strong man in the realm of immortality is not absolutely invincible. 】

This is a secret that Zhou Changqing obtained today.

This secret doesn't seem to have much effect, but for Zhou Changqing, it gave him a way of thinking, a way of using external force to deal with the strong [Heavenly Immortal Realm].


Just when Zhou Changqing was thinking.

The [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] in his hand suddenly rang non-stop, and at the same time, a [vicissitudes of life female voice] full of surprise and uncertainty rang out in his mind:

"Zhou Changqing, you, how did you do it?"

"Why can you destroy this [Heavenly Immortal Rule] power? You are now, even if you are [one who has escaped], but that is also a matter of your first life..."

"In the thousands of reincarnations after this, you will not be able to break this [Heavenly Immortal Rule]..."

"Why? Today you are basically a [Sanxian] with average strength in hundreds of reincarnations, but why can you destroy this [Heavenly Immortal Rule] that is equal to each other?"

All of a sudden, the vicissitudes of life [female voice] questioned Zhou Changqing again, and at the same time, a very crucial message was revealed in the other party's words.


Today's Zhou Changqing, with his strength, is an average [Sanxian] in hundreds of reincarnations...

So, from this sentence, does it also explain a fact from the side - that is, in Zhou Changqing's hundreds of reincarnations, he may have been certified as [Human Immortal]? 【Dixian】?Even to the realm of [Half-step Celestial Immortal]?


"It seems that among so many reincarnations, I, Zhou Changqing, still have a relatively poor life?"

When he came back to his senses, Zhou Changqing said something to himself with a self-deprecating face, and then, with a shake of his right hand, the bloody aura entwined all over his body poured into this [Ancient God Bone Fairy Bell] again, temporarily Seal this 【Heavenly Immortal Remnant Soul】.


The blood light is like a light, reflecting the heaven and the earth.

Soon, this [Ancient God White Bone Immortal Bell] was enveloped by the endless bloody aura and turned into a blood-colored immortal bell.

"No? This bloody aura?"

"This kind of enchanted power, you, how can you completely control this power?"

"Why? Why don't you become enchanted?"

Accompanied by the last trace of bloody aura, it fell into this [Ancient God Bone Fairy Bell], and this [Heavenly Immortal Remnant Soul] seemed to have just noticed something, and finally let out an unbelievable cry from his mouth Come.


In this white space.


With the disappearance of the last trace of bloody aura, the tall figure floating in front of Zhou Changqing suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Zhou Changqing's evil spirit filled with [Demonic Aura] also disappeared, and he changed from [Enchanted] to [Normal] again!
This kind of magic power belongs to the magic power of this [Heavenly Transforming Blood Sword].

However, don't forget that Zhou Changqing has a stronger power!
Of course, Zhou Changqing is not afraid of the mere [Enchanted State].


After putting this [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] into the [Pocket Space], Zhou Changqing was about to take back the [Pocket Space], and then, the next moment, an unexpected thing appeared in his perception.

"Dong dong!"

When this [Ancient God Bone Bell] was put into the [Pocket Space], a strange force of space wrapped itself around this [Ancient God Bone Bell]. Immediately afterwards, the space shook, but Self-expanded double the space range.

"what happened?"

"The power of this [Ancient God Bone Fairy Bell]? Is it actually related to the power of this [Spirit Card of the Evil General from the Eighth-Rank Spirit Realm]?"

After seeing the strange scene in front of him, Zhou Changqing was stunned for a moment, then he calmed down, and created a plate of peanuts with his right hand out of thin air. While eating melon, he looked curiously at this sudden change .


After this [portable space] doubled its space range, this sudden change quickly returned to normal.

It seems that this accident is just to expand the scope of this [portable space], is it gone?
"I've prepared peanuts to appreciate, but in the end, just show me this?"

Facing such an unexpected scene in front of him, the corners of Zhou Changqing's mouth twitched, and then he opened his mouth and ate up all the peanuts, and then opened his mouth, summoning this book [Book of Paper Wedding Dress] Come.

That's right.

He, Zhou Changqing, may not be able to understand the mysteries between this [Spirit Card of Evil General from the Eighth-Rank Spirit World] and this [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell], but this [Book of Paper Wedding Dress] can definitely penetrate the mysteries.


Soon, this [Book of Paper Wedding Dress] quickly turned the pages, and a new page was displayed in front of Zhou Changqing.


[Resolve the Evil Immortal General Talisman Order from the eighth-rank spiritual world]

[From the eighth grade soldier talisman (?? Magic weapon)]

[Soldier: 10/10]

[Attribute: Summon Dazang Soldiers: In this [Amulet Order to Relieve Misfortune from the Eighth-Rank Spiritual Realm], there are six wandering Dazang soldiers. Talisman order], summon these wandering soldiers, and let these wandering soldiers do anything. 】

[Attribute: Suppressing Evil: This [Amulet of Evil Immortal General from the Eighth-Rank Spirit World] can suppress evil things, up to 200 years old. 】

[Attribute: Lingtai Qingming: Wearing this [Amulet Order from the Eighth-Rank Spiritual World Relief Evil Immortal] can make the soldier feel that the Lingtai is clear. In this way, whether it is meditation or cultivation, it can get twice the result with half the effort. 】

[Attribute: Returning to the Origin Spell: The soldier master can consume 10% of his true energy to activate a recovery aura, which can restore all the injuries of one of the wandering soldiers. 】

[Attribute: Body of Immortal Soldier: The soldier master has the characteristic that "span" is equal to "life" in this world. Even if he suffers any serious injury, he will not die, but can consume his own lifespan for one day to make this serious injury It can heal on its own and can be used once a day. 】

[Attribute: Portable space: The soldier master can use half of the true energy as the source to open up a portable space of 3 cubic meters (up to 9 cubic meters of storage space) in the soldier talisman. As long as he has this true energy, then, this The portable space will not collapse, and no one else can get the contents except yourself. 】

[Attribute: The technique of conferring talismans: the soldier master can confer the power of a [Youshan Dazang Soldier] to any mortal, so that the mortal has a cultivation level equivalent to [Practicing Qi·Xiao Zhoutian]. However, from now on From now on, the life and death of this mortal will be in the mind of the soldier. 】

[Attribute: Portable? ? : After the talisman obtains a part of the missing magic weapon, the space in it will undergo transformation and evolution (evolving...)]

[Attribute: fixed ground, water, wind and fire: after Fu Ling obtained a part of the missing magic weapon, he obtained the power in it, and he also has the mysterious power to fix a space. 】

[Remarks: The evolution process will take two months. 】



When Zhou Changqing saw the attributes of this 【Resolve Evil Immortal General Talisman from the Eighth Grade Spiritual Realm】, his face was filled with surprise, and even a burst of unbelievable emotions emerged in his mind.

"The talisman and this [Amulet of the Evil Immortal General from the Eighth-Rank Spirit World] are actually one?"

"When did the magic weapon and the magic weapon become one?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Changqing's mind was full of doubts. After thinking for a while, he sank this consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness. Obviously, he did not intend to let this question go.

"Let me see if there is any memory of this [spell and magic weapon as one] in the memories of the two ghosts..."

Muttering a few words in his mouth, Zhou Changqing, who had descended into his own sea of ​​consciousness, raised his head, and looked at the portals in front of him full of majesty, which contained the memories of ghosts and immortals. After thinking about it, his immortal soul trembled, Divided into countless tiny immortal soul consciousness, submerged in these memory portals.

One thought of ghosts and immortals, split into thousands.

A thought of Sanxian, each cost me.

Don't look at Zhou Changqing just releasing countless immortal soul consciousnesses, but these immortal soul consciousnesses have the most basic self-consciousness, they can search and explore by themselves, and they are also used by a [Sanxian] to search the heavens and myriad worlds. A means to an end.

Today's Zhou Changqing has completely obtained (unlocked) the power of this [Sanxian Dao Fruit], so naturally, he can also use this [Sanxian Means].


After half an hour.

In this white space of hundreds of feet.


A piece of white jade-colored light containing a mysterious aura flashed away from Zhou Changqing's newly opened eyes. At this moment, there were three points of doubt in the depths of his eyes, six points of suddenness, and one point of confusion. Can't explain the unclear look.

Zhou Changqing just found the answer in the memory of one of the ghosts.

[In the ancient times, the heavenly court was powerful in all directions. Among them, the heavenly court also gave birth to a kind of heavenly fairy art that uses magic weapons and magic weapons to cooperate with each other to erupt powerful power. 】

[Erlang Shen Yang Jian's [Fa Tian Xiang Di] is a powerful supernatural power that can only be displayed by the cooperation of magic weapons and magic weapons. 】

[Not only that, even Nezha's [Three Heads and Six Arms], Sun Wukong's [Golden Eyes and Fire Eyes], Tathagata's [Three Lives and Three Worlds Buddha's Supernatural Powers]... that is also a kind of power formed by the cooperation of magic weapons and magic weapons... 】

[Tiangang 36 supernatural powers!This is another name for this heavenly fairy art. 】


The magic weapon and the magic weapon are one?
Zhou Changqing already had an answer to this question, but there was one more question in his mind.

That is, what kind of power is this [Spirit Card for Resolving Evil Immortal General from the Eighth-Rank Spirit World] and this [Ancient God Bone Immortal Bell] combined?

At this moment, Zhou Changqing was very curious.

"What kind of magic weapon can be combined between these two magic weapons?"

"Unfortunately, it may take two months before the answer can be revealed."

As he spoke, Zhou Changqing raised his head, and looked at the white space with nostalgia on his face. Immediately afterwards, he stomped the ground with his right foot, accompanied by a burst of obscure formulas... …

A bronze-colored streamer mask enveloped Zhou Changqing's whole body in an instant, and then, as if his figure had transformed into a fairy, it turned into a bronze-colored rainbow light and disappeared.

Just when Zhou Changqing's figure turned into a bronze-colored rainbow light.

In this white space, on the ancient streamer mirror standing in the center of the space, a faint ripple suddenly appeared, and the ripple was like opening a certain passage for a lifetime, which also made this bronze-colored Rainbow light pierced through it.


Mid-level villa.


Inside the villa, exotic flowers and plants are blooming in brilliance one after another; the Linghe River hangs in the air, and the water is rippling, gradually glowing.

The huge locust tree, with twisted branches and leaves, seemed to have transformed from a dead ancient tree into a terrifying tree demon.

This mysterious and mysterious scene, but ordinary people can't get a glimpse of it.

However, outside the villa, there is a figure of a man in black who looks exactly like Kim McGee, staring at this illusion...


PS: Everyone can guess, what is the magic weapon of this combination called?Just a reminder, this is a treasure belonging to Heaven...

(End of this chapter)

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