Chapter 63 Wedding dress ghost!Psychic Dragon! (Seek to follow up)
Outside this villa.

Just when Zhou Changqing came to the outskirts of the villa, the [Frost Orb] he was holding in his arms suddenly trembled slightly, and then, a tragic voice seemed to float in his ear:

"In July and a half, when the bride is married, relatives and friends cry heartbroken; paper wedding dresses are worn on the body, and the lover will never be seen again."

Zhou Changqing's pupils suddenly shrank when he heard this miserable tone, and then he found an excuse to distract Zhong Fabai and came to the edge of the woods near the villa.

After looking around, Zhou Changqing took out the [Ice Orb] from his bosom.

It was a white bead that looked the size of a walnut. At this moment, the bead was shining, and there seemed to be something inside the bead, and it turned into a looming red figure.

"what is this?"

While thinking, Zhou Changqing's thoughts moved, and he operated the "Visualization Technique", and penetrated the weak soul power in his mind into the [Ice Orb] in his hand, and then, a burst of The mysterious and mysterious information suddenly appeared in his mind!
Frost beads!
A half-human, half-ghost existence is sealed within it.

As long as this [Ice Orb] can swallow the power of one of the [Singing Ghosts], then she can be unsealed.

At the same time, any Taoist priest who unblocks this [Frozen Orb] will be regarded as a dear relative by that half-human, half-ghost existence.

The last piece of information was not given to Zhou Changqing by [Frost Bead], but by this [Book of Paper Wedding Dress] to Zhou Changqing. At the same time, this [Book of Paper Wedding Dress] also specially marked that any Only Zhou Changqing can use and recognize the masters of the magical artifacts from [Paper Wedding Dress World].

In other words, Zhou Changqing has the sole right to use the magic weapon from [Paper Wedding Dress World].

Among them, this [Ice Orb] and the existence of the seal inside [Ice Orb] are also included.


"It's just that the master didn't realize the weirdness of this [Frozen Orb]?"

Standing in the woods, Zhou Changqing squinted his eyes, with a vague expression on his face: "It seems that the power of this [Frost Orb] is deeper than I imagined."

After all, this [Ice Orb] can deceive the perception of a [Qi Practitioner], which has already explained many problems.

"Fortunately, it's still my golden finger that can help."

After a while, Zhou Changqing put away the [Ice Orb] casually, and then he tidied up the black sword bag he was carrying, and walked towards the villa with a calm face.

What is contained in this black sword bag is that low-grade magic weapon [Soul-destroying Knife].

Now, Zhou Changqing has already refined this low-grade magic weapon [Soul Absorbing Knife]. Therefore, with the knife in hand, his combat power can be doubled, and he can also master the power of [Soul Absorbing Mana].

Just ask, how could he not carry this [Soul-destroying Knife]?


Under the night.

After Zhou Changqing walked out of the woods, he walked along a gravel path and came to the door of this villa. There were some weeds in front of the door, and it seemed that no one had lived there for a long time.

It's no wonder that this villa has been abandoned for at least five years, and it is impossible for the Housing Department to send someone to clean it up.

Zhou Changqing walked in slowly along the big iron gate of the villa. Looking at the brightly lit appearance of the villa in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This villa was built 20 years ago, but after some renovations later, it still has a somewhat novel style overall.


When Zhou Changqing came to the courtyard outside the main entrance of the villa, he saw Zhong Fabai, Director Ashin, Jin McKee, Meng Chao, and a woman in black in her fifties standing outside the courtyard.

"Eh? Why don't they go in?"

Looking at the strange scene in front of him, a strange color flashed in Zhou Changqing's eyes, and then he walked forward quickly, and asked curiously: "Everyone, don't you go in and sit down here to enjoy the scenery? "

"Master, it's good that you come, we are waiting for you!"

In the yard, Director Ashin looked at Zhou Changqing who was coming, and he hurried forward and said flatteringly.

Who knew that after Director Ashin finished speaking, Meng Chao, who was standing behind him, said with a look of fear on his face, "Master, we are not here, so we dare not go in!"


After Meng Chao finished speaking, Director Ashin, Kim McKee and the others immediately gave him a hard look. Immediately afterwards, Kim McKee covered Meng Chao's mouth to prevent Meng Chao from talking nonsense.

Hearing this, Zhou Changqing's face revealed a somewhat strange look, and then he turned his head and gave Zhong a blank look, but in the end, the other party gave him a helpless look.

"This one must be Zhou Changqing, Master Zhou."

"I'm from the Housing Department, you can call me Miss Long."

On the side, the woman in black who looked to be in her fifties also came forward. She slowly extended her right hand and greeted Zhou Changqing politely.

"Dragon Mother?"

Following the polite voice, Zhou Changqing narrowed his eyes and almost called out the familiar name.

But, very soon, Zhou Changqing suppressed the surprise and doubts in his heart, and then he also extended his hand and shook hands with the woman who looked like a dragon mother in front of him.

The next second, when Zhou Changqing and Miss Long were holding hands, he noticed that a strange force was spreading along Miss Long's palm towards his whole body.


In the dark, Zhou Changqing seemed to be able to clearly see that a strange light blue evil spirit was emerging from Miss Long's body.

Amidst the evil spirit, there was a faint cry full of pain: "I am of the Long family lineage, and I possess psychic powers. It seems lucky, but it is actually unfortunate!"


Just when Zhou Changqing heard the cry of pain, there was a sudden sound of cutting everything in front of his ears, and then, a sea of ​​flames that burned everything fell from the sky, which also turned the strange scene in front of Zhou Changqing into a scene. The illusion was burned to nothingness.


outside world.

Kim McKee, Director Ashin and others shouted out with strange faces.

"what is this?"

However, they saw a faint blue light appearing on Miss Long's body. The blue light was like a ghost, and it was turning into a blue skull, emitting a strange blue energy continuously.


At this moment, a red flame that burned everything suddenly appeared on Zhou Changqing's body.

 The role of book friends is coming out little by little, I hope everyone can support this book a lot, love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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