Chapter 14 The Ending Post-War

Misty Mountains, Orc Town.

At this time, the half-orc king had already received the news of the defeat in the battle. His fat face was full of resentment, and he sat melancholy on his throne in the center of the half-orc town. No half-orc around him dared to stand around him. Within ten meters.

At this moment, he was in no mood to punish the escaped guards. After the defeat of this battle, he suffered heavy losses and foreseeable troubles.

He wondered if he needed to start another fight to preserve the face that had been thrown to the ground.

He also understands that this is more difficult. The half-orcs who have escaped will definitely magnify the horror of the enemy and spread it in the group. If they gather a wave of troops in a short period of time, the price will be very high, even if they are barely summoned. , everyone's desire to fight will not be very high, he is not Sauron, and he does not have the kind of magic that can make his subordinates crazy.

Moreover, nearly two hundred wolves died in a row, and the leader of the wolf pack was not willing to cooperate with him anymore. It would not be so easy to form a wolf cavalry in the future.

The most important thing is the appearance of the big eagles. The orc king and them are old enemies. The big eagles often attack the orcs in the misty mountains, disrupting their plans, but the orc king has nothing to do with the big eagles. But the half-orc king knew that the big eagle was fighting against the humans in the wilderness, he thought that there should not be a big eagle this time, but for some reason, the big eagles appeared again and ruined his good deed, which made the half-orc While the Beast King was angry, he also felt helpless.

In the end, the half-orc king gave up his plan to attack Allen again. If he lost again, it would really be impossible to end. Now there are already some half-orc communities who publicly stated that they would no longer pay him tribute. Prioritize solving this part of the trouble. Thinking of this, the fat orc king moved his sedentary buttocks and took a deep breath.

Then, a sigh echoed for a long time in the empty cave in Orc Town.

The impact of the war will not stop immediately the moment it ends, and a lot of aftermath needs to be dealt with.

On the battlefield, Allen collected a lot of weapons and equipment left by Orcs, and those ordinary Orcs held very rubbish weapons.

But the equipment worn by the wolf cavalry is a bit elite. Many weapons Alan thinks are a bit like dwarf things, which are all good equipment.

Allen asked people to collect all these things. When he has a blacksmith in the future, it depends on the blacksmiths' intentions whether to repair them or melt them down for re-forging.

For those who died in the war, let alone those who have no family members, Allen promises to support their children to adulthood, and will give a large amount of food and a certain dinar at one time as compensation for the sacrifice of the soldiers, and Allen wrote this clause on his seat in the lord's longhouse.

"Anyone who died fighting for me, I will support their family members. After I die, my descendants will also abide by this oath."

What's more embarrassing is that Alan doesn't know whether it's Calradia's text or Middle-earth's text. This line of text was engraved by James and Dossie together.

At this point, the impact of the war has really come to an end, and the village has finally ushered in a truly stable life. There are big eagles who come to deliver news from time to time, and Alan no longer has to worry. Suddenly, there are large-scale orcs attacking the village. more energy to pay attention to the development of the village.

Under the leadership of various leaders, the villagers have entered into a prosperous life. A large number of houses and roads have been built according to Yatiman's plan through everyone's efforts. The longhouse of the lord has also been built. It expanded a lot towards the surrounding area, and finally had the appearance of a village. Allen thought about it carefully, gave up many beautiful names, and decided to call it Wilderness Village. When it develops well, it will be renamed Wilderness Town, Wilderness City or something. Expressed his idea of ​​taking root in this place.

Immediately afterwards, Carl told Allen that he learned from Dossie that the current season is spring, and there is still one month until summer. If you hurry up, you can still plant a wave of crops in time, Allen heard In the end, I felt that it made sense. Agricultural development should not waste time.

So Allen ordered Carl to lead the villagers to start reclaiming wasteland around them. The residents in the forest didn't have much experience in this job. For the Rhodoks, it was very simple.

Karl first led the villagers to pick up the sickle and cut out firebreaks in the area to be reclaimed, then dried the cut grass, spread part of it in the grass with firebreaks, and lit the grass with a fire. For places that are not easy to burn, dry firewood and hay are constantly added to the flame. After the flame dries the surrounding grass, it will be burned naturally. With the isolation of the fire belt, there is no need to worry about control Can't hold the fire.

After the fire was extinguished, the land was loosened with hoes and other agricultural tools, so that the soil was mixed with the plant ash left after the burning, and finally the wheat was planted on the reclaimed land.

Karl also arranged for special personnel to consciously collect everyone's daily excrement, and pile it with grass and soil into manure, which can be used on the land in the coming year.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Allen. He wanders around the village every day, and most of his work is to give orders and make decisions. For Allen, who has rich theoretical experience, this kind of thing is almost equal to no difficulty. , which caused him to be very idle, so idle that Jamila even wanted to give him the work in her hands.

Since Ota made a good start, people from three other villages came to seek Alan's asylum one after another within a period of time after the battle. A meeting of the chiefs of the villages (including Ota) was held to explain the obligations and responsibilities of both parties.

Several things were decided at the meeting. In terms of safety, all of them need to relocate to the wilderness village, so that when they encounter danger, it will be easier to gather strength to resist the threat of orcs or other things. .

In terms of daily management, under the current situation, Allen will not interfere with their own management. For example, when there are fights and petty thefts, they naturally have a set of rules handed down to make punishments they agree with. With the development of the village, there will be corresponding laws in the future, but there will not be any in a short time.

In terms of obligations, they need to give a quarter of all their income to Allen, and respond to Allen's call when needed to deal with security issues or construction issues. Allen needs to The basic material needs to ensure their survival are not to starve to death.

Of course, there are many details. For example, although Alan does not pay them when he recruits them, he will take care of the food. For example, Alan will provide them with a large number of farm tools for free for them to reclaim the land. They compensate and so on.

In short, Alan did not take all the rights in his own hands from the beginning, and he did not want to do so. Alan believed that if he did well enough, the villagers would naturally obey his orders. What's wrong with a good living environment?
Moreover, there are not many people for him to manage. The current situation can only be hunting in various places, even lacking in commercial activities. Is it really necessary to formulate such clear laws and regulations?
If a town is established in the future, corresponding laws will naturally be established to manage it. Now, Allen thinks it's better to forget it.

In this way, the number of people under Allen's jurisdiction has reached more than 1000. When needed, Allen can recruit more than a hundred soldiers on the basis of the existing ones. Although they are equipped with protective gear with a history of hundreds of years, they use They have simple weapons, but they are good at using big axes and bows. They are excellent hunters, so their combat effectiveness is not too low. Of course, they usually spend most of their time hunting and in the fields.

Allen's daily routine now is to exercise and chat with the Nuohuangs, go out on patrol with the Siqis, work with the villagers in the fields, and keep abreast of everyone's current living needs at all times. Going to Karl Rock to see the scenery around, I have to mention that I really can't see the lonely mountain.

Recently, in the process of chatting with soldiers, Alan learned that many soldiers hope to have a place to drink and chat, and now they have no place to spend their salaries. In addition to standing guard, find a place to chat happily and soothe your mood.

Allen thought about it, and felt that it was time to get some commercial buildings and recycle the dinars sent out.

For this matter, Allen found Yatiman, and was going to negotiate with him about the location of the tavern. Yatimeman smiled reservedly, and took Allen directly to the edge of a large open space, telling Allen that the entire area The place is reserved for commercial buildings, whether it is a grocery store, tavern, clothing store, or inn, it can be built here, and the blacksmith shop is arranged in other places because of its particularity.

Allen praised Yatiman fiercely for this, saying that this week's salary doubled, and asked Yatiman to organize personnel to repair the tavern, clothing store, and inn as soon as possible. Silly can find some honest and reliable villagers, and give them to Jamila for preliminary training, and they will manage the shops in the future.

I don’t know if it’s Alan’s illusion or it’s just like this. When these shops were built this time, many soldiers’ labor emotions were particularly high. Many people worked overtime to help with the construction. Alan didn’t understand what happened, but soon three A shop is completed.

Alan bought a large amount of goods from the simulator and put them in the store, and sold them to the villagers in the wilderness village at a quarter of the original price. For the villagers who did not have dinars, Alan discussed with Jamila. Let Jamila set up a purchasing station based on her business knowledge, and provide an estimate for the goods that the villagers take out, so that the villagers can buy items conveniently.

This matter can only be discussed with Jamila. Since the establishment of the village, Jamila's identity has directly transitioned from Allen's personal maid to the logistics manager. At this time, she has begun to evolve into the identity of the village chief. Yep, it was basically Jamila who was responsible for the eating, drinking and lazing of thousands of villagers.

Jamila didn't complain to Allen, because she didn't want Allen to think that she was a person who would shrink back when encountering a little suffering, but when she reported to Allen about her recent work situation, she looked at Allen with aggrieved eyes, There are a lot of blood in the eyes, and the dark circles on the face have not faded for a long time.

Seeing Jamila so haggard, Allen felt a little regretful. After the battle, he only cared about checking the construction of the village and understanding the living conditions of the villagers and soldiers, but he didn't care about how busy the people around him were. This is really inappropriate.

In order to solve the problem of Jamila's dark circles, Alan called Ota, Carl, and Dosley to formally plan the power structure in civil affairs. In name, Alan himself will be the village head of Wilderness Village. The daily management is definitely in charge of Jamila, and Allen doesn't want Jamila to serve him every day, which is a waste of Jamila's talent and ability.

According to their respective identities, Karl, Dosley, and Ota helped Jamila share part of the responsibilities and powers, reducing Jamila's workload.

Jamila was not particularly happy with such a result, but she did not disobey Alan's order either.

In terms of military affairs, Allen has not made any major changes. He is still in the hands of the highest authority and has the right to order all the soldiers in the village. Fatis, Bandak, and Allen still manage their own teams , but Gang Ding has the identity of the captain of the Nord Royal Guard.

After a while, Allen found that there were many single Rhodok soldiers who began to take the single women in the village to buy some beautiful clothes, some would buy some daily necessities in the grocery store, and some would buy some daily necessities in the tavern. Drinking, eating, and eating, sometimes they are shy when they are met by Allen head-on, and they dare not say hello to Allen. Allen understands why these soldiers were so active when they built the store. Allen was a little surprised. It's only been less than a month.

What's more, he found Alan directly, hoping that he could also open up his own fields around the village, because he was about to start his own family, and hoped to live a life full of wives and children. Speaking of which, it's not a bad thing.

Allen didn't know if all the soldiers had this idea, so he started chatting with the soldiers in private, hoping to understand their next thoughts.

After understanding, almost all the soldiers of the Rhodok family hope to get their own land, and they can give up their weekly salary, because most of their weekly salary is paid by Rhodok crossbowmen and Rhodok spearmen Weekly salary, this amount of money can’t bring them and their families a prosperous life, but it’s okay to farm now, because the policy given by Alan is whoever cultivates it. After the cultivation is completed, it will be in Yami Pull there to register, and after you have your own land, you can get as much output as you want with your own hands.

And the Swadian knights, Rhodok sharpshooters who followed Allen from the beginning, and the Nord royal guards who were later recruited, they didn't have this idea. They felt that farming was too boring, and their salaries It is very high, and you can get a very good life on salary alone, even if it is enough to support a family.

Then Allen summoned all the soldiers who were willing to give up their weekly wages to the square in front of the lord's longhouse, and agreed to their request. His original words were: "I will never stop those who follow me from getting a better job." Life, since you have better ideas, why don't I agree?"

But then, Allen stated his request. Like the residents in the forest, they must also hand in a quarter of all income. When Allen needs it, they respond to Allen's call, and every half a month A training is required, and the weapons and equipment need to be returned to Allen for unified storage, but they can keep their melee weapons to protect themselves and their families in daily life.

Alan promised that he would still be responsible for their food and clothing until they got their harvest, and, Alan told them, they would be paid their usual wages before their lives were gone, as a reward for their valor in the last battle. Battle rewards.

The matter came to an end amidst cheers, and Allen also really felt that these soldiers are not like in the game. They can ignore everything else if they have food, drink and money. They have flesh and blood and have their own needs. , is a living person.

With the disarmament of these soldiers and their return to the fields, Allen's village developed faster, and farmland was opened up everywhere.

The days passed peacefully in this kind of stable and busy life, until one morning, a person floated from the surface of the Anduin River.

 Thanks to inexplicable a Moming for the reward of 1500 starting point coins, thanks to the first-generation leader, night without light and darkness, love to drink yogurt 1234, inexplicable a Moming for the monthly pass, thank you to all the friends who support me, thank you, today is still These are all, please recommend, please collect, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments, all kinds of requests, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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