Chapter 18 Dwarves
In the morning, the weather was not very good, and the sun appeared and disappeared in the clouds. Alan, who was climbing in the mountains, murmured in his heart. He felt that Arian, the goddess, did not drive the sun boat well today. Of course He only dared to complain a little bit in his heart, but didn't dare to say it out loud.

At this time, it was already two hours after they escaped from the tunnel in the Misty Mountains.

More than two hours ago, after Bolger escaped from Allen's blockade and fled towards the orc town in a hurry, Allen urgently gathered all the soldiers. He didn't even clean up the battlefield, but just put away Borg The huge net, and then let the wounded and captives be carried by those who are still physically strong, and they plan to return along the original road and escape from the tunnel in the Misty Mountains.

At this time, one of the rescued captives was an elderly dwarf, who struggled on Alan's back and said: "You must not go in this direction, this place is too close to Orc Town, I know otherwise A hidden exit was accidentally discovered by us dwarves when we attacked the half-orcs, maybe even the half-orc cubs didn't find this way, we can go that way, cough cough cough... "

Speaking of which, the old dwarf coughed a few times, rested for a while, and said again: "You can't just walk back like this. If you walk like this, the wargs can smell your scent and chase you. Go to your house, you don't want to be approached by wolf cubs in the middle of the night, I think you have a way to start a fire, you can pile up all the half-orc corpses here, and then the tunnel will be full of scorched corpses Smell, can disturb the sense of smell of the wargs, what do you say, human boy?"

Alan readily adopted the suggestion of the old dwarf. He is not a hard-headed idiot. If there is a better suggestion, why choose a more dangerous approach? As for helping the half-orcs to entrap them, during this period of time, the grievances between the dwarves and half-orcs living in Rovanian are simply too numerous to write.

Soon, Allen followed the elder dwarf's suggestion and led his men to pile up a large number of half-orc corpses at the mouth of the river, poured kerosene on them and lit the fire.

After that, everyone didn't pay attention to the burnt half-orc corpses. Instead, under the guidance of the old dwarf, after wandering through the tunnel for about a quarter of an hour, they found a bright exit and left. Tunnels in the Misty Mountains
What Alan didn't know was that just as they walked out of the tunnel, Borg rushed to the river again. If Alan followed the original plan, he would have to do another one with Borg in the tunnel.

But at this time, Alan is not in the mood to care about this kind of problem anymore. People of the older generation always tell him that going up the mountain is easy and going down is difficult. Alan has realized this time. Everyone is full of energy when going up the mountain, even though the road is not easy. , but at least everyone's spirits are still very good.

Now we are going down the mountain, and Ota, who is more familiar with the forest, is leading the way. Let’s not talk about whether the road is good or not. Everyone spent most of the time on the long trek for two days and one night, and only slept for three hours. After a fight, everyone was in a very bad state of mind. Some soldiers who were in a slightly better state of mind still had to carry or carry the rescued prisoners and wounded. The atmosphere of the whole team was very dignified. Hurrying in silence, it's not that I'm in a bad mood, it's that the big guys are too tired.

Although Alan was also very tired at this time, he was in a good mood. This trip not only rescued Beorn's family, but also gained three additional dwarves and two Silvan elves.

After these dwarves ate a little food and drank some water, they had already recovered to some extent. The two young lads could already walk slowly with the support of others. It is no wonder that they are famous for their strength and perseverance. I have to mention here that they are also famous for their greed. Of course, this is just one of their "insignificant" characteristics.

And the condition of the two elves is very bad. From the many scars on their bodies and the dull eyes, it can be seen how cruel and inhuman things the half-orcs have done to them. The physical consumption is really too great. At this time, they just closed their eyes under the care of Alan's men. In fact, the elves don't need to go to sleep on purpose. If necessary, they can even sleep while running. Alan guessed that they At this time, it should be healing my wounded heart.

The old man on Allen's back is different. His name is Fording. The two young dwarves, one of them is his nephew named Frey, and the other is his old friend's son named Tyr. There are more than 20 of them in a group. He was planning to cross the Misty Mountains and go to the Blue Mountains to visit relatives. There are still some Durin dwarves living there, and he and the ruler of the Blue Mountain dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield, can fight with eight shots. The reason is that he has a close relationship with the dwarf king of the Iron Hills, Dyne II, so naturally he also has a relationship with Thorin, which is too complicated, and Alan didn't fully understand it.

Dwarves are a long-lived race. By the time of the third era, they usually lived to be over 250 years old. Zhongji attaches great importance to family affection, especially the relationship between father and son. It is precisely because his son followed Thorin Oakenshield to the Blue Mountains that Fording wanted to go to the Blue Mountains to see his own son. How are you doing?

Due to well-known reasons, it was actually the matter of the dwarves and the Silvan elves. Fording and the others did not choose to go to the Misty Mountains through the old dense forest road, but took the risk to choose the river valley city-state that is actually ruled by evil dragons, starting from the northern end of the Black Forest They bypassed Huixiangshui, and then went to the Misty Mountains. Of course, they may not know that the old dense forest road is no longer safe at this time, and the forest elves have also given up the territory there.

They were lucky not to be discovered by Smaug who slept on gold every day, but they far underestimated the activity of the half-orcs in the wilderness. In his impression, the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains have been almost killed by them, but just after they crossed the gray water, they ran into Borg who came out to hunt. They are usually very high fighting power, they are all warriors who are good at fighting, but the old saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and they can't outrun wolf cavalry in the wilderness, so they died in battle. After some people were humiliated and captured, but now, only the three of Fording survived.

The old dwarf babbled a lot on Alan's back, from self-introduction to the process of being captured, from the past glory of the Durin clan to the prosperity of the Iron Hills now. He warmly invited Alan to go. He will definitely offer the best wine and food to thank Alan for his life-saving grace.

In fact, compared to humans, most dwarves are usually very honest. As long as a lot of gold or magnificent gems are not involved, they will generally abide by the oath they made, but this does not include the old man who has lived for a long time. Dwarves, it's not that their promises won't be fulfilled, it's that they bury what they want in promises.

Allen knew Fording's thoughts, the old dwarf needed Allen to send them back to Iron Hills, but Allen had no such thoughts at all, at least not now, it's not that Allen didn't think about how to help them and send them back to In my own home, there is really no good way to think about it.

With Allen's current situation, there is no way to pull out the army, spend a month or two, send them back, and spend a month or two to rush back. It is too difficult for the village.

But it's not impossible, but we need the help of those two elves, and all the prerequisites need to wait until they recover before we can talk about it.

So Allen said euphemistically that he will definitely have the opportunity to go to the Iron Hills in the future. He also admires the king who ruled there, Dyne II, and he will need Fording to recommend him at that time, but now his village A lot of waste is waiting to be done, and it may not be possible to go in a short time, but Alan did not say anything dead, but calmly proposed that if the two Silvan elves recover better, Alan will consider going first. Send them back to the Black Forest, so that Allen can take Fording and the three of them to the Iron Hills through the Black Forest, which will save a lot of time and be relatively safe.

Fording sneered at the proposal to send the elves back first, but he knew that this was the best way because of his rich experience, but he didn't stop there, but started to praise his nephew behind Allen's back, saying that Frey He is an experienced blacksmith, especially good at forging weapons. If Alan needs it, no, Old Fording is sure that Alan's village definitely needs such an experienced blacksmith. I hope Alan can give Frey one. job opportunities.

There is no reason for Alan not to agree to such a request, and he expressed that Frey is very welcome to come to the village to work as a blacksmith, and he will definitely give a very good reward.

Seeing that Alan agreed, Old Fording finally breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down, and soon fell asleep on Alan's back. The old man kept chattering along the way, and he was tired at this time.

And Allen finally had his own time to sort out his thoughts and recall the information about the dwarves in this world (a brief review, so as not to talk about water).

In Allen's view, the birth process of the dwarves showed their ill-fated fate. Aoli, one of the craftsmen of Vera, did not get the permission of Iluvita, the father of all things, when he created them, and Aoli The power of the dwarves is not enough to create a perfect creature. At that time, the newly born dwarves were like puppets, with only a little instinct, or the instinct for survival. After learning about it, Iluvita reprimanded Aoli. , but still chose to destroy the dwarves he created with his own hands. The benevolent Iluvita saw Aoli's obedience and also noticed the survival instinct of the dwarves. He forgave Aoli, adopted the dwarves as adopted sons, and gave Their souls, so that the dwarves can multiply in Arda, and Iluvita has not allowed the dwarves to wake up before Iluvita's firstborn elves and secondborn humans.

Allen always felt that the dwarf was raised by his stepmother, and fate did not let the dwarf go.

Especially the Durin family in the third era, they turned from prosperity to decline. Since their ancient hometown Kazadum (Moria), they were driven to the Lonely Mountain by the Balrog, and then migrated from the Lonely Mountain to the Gray Mountains, and then in the Gray Mountains. The mountains were driven back to the Lonely Mountain and the Iron Hills by the Cold Dragon, and finally lived a stable life in the Lonely Mountain for a period of time, and then were attacked by the evil dragon Smaug again, and were driven back to the Blue Mountains. There are countless tragic characters in this process.

Among them, the one that Alan regrets the most is Thorin Oakenshield, who finally regained the Lonely Mountain after untold hardships, but died in the hands of Asog in the end. Can Thorin Oakenshield rule the dwarves better than Dain II, and resist the dark forces in the north.

Of course, what I have to mention here is that their twists and turns of fate are naturally related to their greedy personalities, but Alan sometimes wonders whether this is Iluvita, the father of all things, in disguise Punish the dwarves, because humans are also very greedy, but they do not have the skill of creating wealth like the dwarves. Human greed is always displayed in treachery and slaughter of the same kind, so they have never been targeted by powerful aliens because of too much wealth , resulting in disaster.

However, the dwarves' attainments in craftsmanship are indeed second to none, and Allen is very happy that his village will soon have a dwarf craftsman.

 Thank you book friend Liien, your integrity, and the monthly ticket sent by inexplicable a, thank you, thank you for your support, thank you, please recommend, ask for collection, ask for monthly ticket, and ask for comments. This chapter is a bit short, and I will return it later There is a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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