Chapter 202 Victory
In the evening when the sun was setting like blood, a gust of fresh wind blew over from the east, which lowered the temperature by a few points.

And the bloody smell before the black gate seems to have dissipated a lot.

But the shouts of killing, the sound of horseshoes, and the clash of weapons still resounded through the sky.

This war against the Black Gate is in full swing.

After getting rid of the interception of the Haralds, Allen immediately ordered the assault cavalry under his command to defeat the half-orc archers who kept shooting.

When these guys faced the pursuit of the DĂșnedain, they simply had no power to fight back.

Even they wanted to draw out the short knives around their waists to resist the cavalry raids, but they quickly lost their ability to organize in the face of repeated cavalry attacks.

The rest began to fight on their own, losing the ability to threaten the army of Gondor.

After ordering the rangers of Dunedin to drive out the archers, Allen led the remaining hundreds of heavy cavalry to the west of the orc army, which was the right flank of the Gondor soldiers.

Facing the densely packed enemies, Allen ordered his subordinates to form the most powerful wedge formation.

Then, using himself and the twenty Griffin Knights as the sharpest and hardest points, they penetrated the half-orc formation while the horseshoes were flying.

Any half-orcs in front of them, like fallen leaves blown by the autumn wind, flew around, and knocked over one after another half-orcs when they landed.

After rushing out of the enemy's formation, the Gondor cavalry led by Allen and Adrasil quickly joined together.

At this time, the prince's heir was in a state of embarrassment. He led the cavalry under his command and kept supporting the left and right wings of the entire army. It can be said that he was exhausted for the safety of the two wings of the Chinese army.

He didn't dare to stop at all. If he stopped, the Chinese army, which was still fighting the enemy tenaciously, would soon be surrounded by half-orcs.

In the case of enemies on all sides, the surrounded Gondor soldiers are likely to collapse in an instant.

Because there are many soldiers in the army formation, they are all militiamen who have not received standard training, so it is okay to stand behind the elite and help out.

They cannot be expected to maintain the belief of going forward bravely regardless of their lives when they are surrounded.

So at such a critical moment, Adrasil's face was full of incomparable joy to see Allen who had returned to the Chinese army.

Allen really didn't have much free time to say something to Adra Hill. The heavy cavalry under his command needed a short rest.

Even if the cavalry in heavy armor can still persist, those bloody horses need to rest, otherwise they may fall to the ground and die when they charge.

And Allen himself nodded to Adrasil, crossed the blue swan flag directly, pulled out the sapphire rune bow behind his back while speeding fast, and shot continuously at the ring spirits in the sky Count the arrows.

At this time, most of the Nazgul were riding ferocious behemoths, hovering over the headquarters of the Gondor army.

This put pressure on Saruman, who had always been at ease.

Don't look at the extremely smug face of the white-robed wizard when he was yelling in front of the black door.

But when Sauron really set up an army several times his own and launched an attack brazenly, Saruman was still very shamefully afraid.

After returning from the Black Gate, Saruman stayed by Exelion's side because of fear in his heart, and defended the place commanded by the Chinese Army together with Kress, Aragorn, and Grimm.

But soon, the Nazgul who performed the beheading tactics focused on this place, and the white-robed wizard had to bite the bullet and compete with the swooping Nazgul.

Fortunately, Saruman in white robes has more power than Gandalf.

The fireballs released from his white staff, and the manipulative powers that prevented the ferocious beasts from descending, really made the master of Orthanc shine.

However, the good times didn't last long. The ring spirits who originally attacked Sengar and Alan saw that they could not achieve effective results in a short period of time, so they turned their attention to the central army guarded by Saruman.

Who made Exelion, who was in charge of the command, unable to move around at will? It was impossible for the flag representing the Kingdom of Gondor to leave its original position when the battle was fierce.

That would likely represent the retreat of the ruling prime minister, the supreme commander, with a huge impact on the soldiers still fighting.

And more and more ring spirits naturally made Saruman tired of dealing with it. The originally elegant white robe was extremely embarrassed at this time, his dignified gray face was covered with sweat, and his originally extremely soft white hair had become extremely bad.

And those human soldiers who were far away from the battlefield could only use the bows and arrows in their hands to cover and harass the vicious giant flying in the sky.

Facing the monster-like Nazgul, their attack effects were extremely limited. Even Grim, who had transformed into a giant bear, could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything about the current situation.

As soon as Allen rushed to the central army, he sensed the crisis facing Saruman and prepared to support him immediately.

Even though he hated this duplicity guy extremely, but for the sake of victory in this battle, Allen couldn't just watch Nazgul act recklessly.

As several arrows flashing blue light pierced the sky, two ferocious giant beasts hovering in the sky suddenly let out extremely shrill screams.

The ice-cold magical power made them unable to maintain their flying posture, and they fell crookedly towards the distant shadow mountain range amidst painful wailing.

And Allen, who finished shooting, shouted at the hunter, and increased the speed of the charge again, while his left hand emitted a strong light amidst the flashes of lightning.

This chain lightning, which was exchanged with gems, has become more and more powerful as Allen continues to use it, and its power has more than doubled from the beginning.

Allen didn't even expect that the spell from the simulator would have a proficiency setting.

When approaching the battlefield where Nazgul was fighting Saruman, Allen released the chain lightning with full power, and he aimed at Angmar wearing the steel crown.

The last time I let this nasty guy run away, this time I must let him taste the taste of lightning.

"Boom rumble~~"

As the power increased, the movement caused by the chain lightning release became more and more frightening, and the flashing white light swept across all the darkness nearby.

The huge bifurcated lightning flew to Angmar who couldn't dodge in the blink of an eye. He really felt the familiar hot breath, and wanted to run away immediately at this moment.

However, the control power from Saruman greatly reduced Angmar's ability to react, causing the leader of the Nazgul to be struck by chain lightning.

In the dazzling light, there were screams of screams, and the chain lightning released by Allen with all his strength jumped repeatedly in the low sky, causing huge damage to Nazgul in black robe .

Even the huge and ferocious behemoth was interrupted from its take-off posture, and fell violently from the low sky.

The Nazgul who rode them also returned to their master's side before the lightning strike.

The moment these evil servants received the electric shock, their strength was greatly reduced, and even the distorted soul felt extremely intense pain, which they had never felt for thousands of years.

Among them, the Witch King of Angmar has the deepest experience, because he is the primary target of the chain lightning attack.

However, with the fall of the ferocious giant beast, the lightning that kept changing its target jumped to the shocked Saruman in an instant.

After a painful howl, thanks to Alan's support, the white-robed wizard, who was able to breathe a little, was looking at Alan approaching in disbelief with an exploding head emitting white smoke.

After receiving the support, Saruman had great doubts in his heart. He couldn't understand why the human being in front of him had such powerful power in such a short period of time.

After being affected by lightning, this kind of doubt immediately turned into surprise, because this magic caused obvious pain to his body, which is by no means something ordinary humans can do.

In fact, it is true, because Saruman still has full power at this moment.

No matter what vicious thoughts he has in his heart, the white robe at this time is still the trusted messenger of the Villars, possessing a power far stronger than that of ordinary humans.

Given some time, the white wizard could unleash such a powerful bolt of lightning, but that would need to be at the top of Orthanc's tower.

At the same time, a lot of preparations are required, it is absolutely impossible to release such a huge power at will during the charge on horseback.

Saruman stared closely at Alan, whose figure seemed to have grown enormous, and various conflicts between the two flashed through his mind.

A trace of fear gradually appeared in those eyes full of surprise, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

The proud white-robed wizard in his heart did not allow himself to be afraid of the human lord in front of him. Allen was just an ordinary human being.

Even if you don't know where you learned powerful magic, it's just a human being with a limited lifespan.

In fact, when Allen released the chain lightning, he considered that his own attack might affect Saruman who was fighting Nazgul, because he knew very well that the lightning attack does not distinguish between enemy and friend.

But Allen didn't care. In his opinion, Saruman, who is Maia, could not return to the Mandos Hall because of a weakened lightning.

If that is the case, maybe this is still a good thing, both for Middle Earth and Saruman.

Because Mai Ya also has the treatment that can be resurrected.

In addition, the two of them did have some personal grievances to discuss. During the fall of Saruman, Allen felt that it should be harmless to charge a little interest in advance.

However, the public apology is still ready to be made, after all, the two sides are not yet to the point of completely tearing each other apart.

However, Saruman, who was affected by the lightning, just glanced at Alan who was approaching, and left without saying a word.

Because fear is fear, the thoughts buried in the heart will not be completely offset by pride.

For a person like Saruman, unless he possesses stronger power, it will be difficult for him to take a tough attitude in front of Alan at this time.

Because it doesn't fit the character of the white robe wizard. However, evasion, deception and secret jealousy are his first choices.

To put it simply, I was cowardly and didn't want to have a head-on conflict with Allen.

Saruman knew very well in his heart that he couldn't resist that powerful lightning no matter what.

But Saruman's strange behavior made Alan, who was about to apologize, feel a little surprised. He was also planning to have a verbal confrontation with the white robe.

It's just that this thought didn't last too long.

Because the extremely heroic Rohir people, under the leadership of Sengar, rushed to the battlefield again like a storm.

And their goal is the half-orc army that has circled behind Gondor.

In the current war situation, there is not much time left for Allen to think about these unimportant things.

After helping Saruman solve the immediate crisis, Allen turned his horse's head and returned to Adrasil's side. He took over the command of the Gondor cavalry from the hands of the prince's son, and headed towards the encircling enemies. rush away.

Rovanian and Rohan's support to the Kingdom of Gondor was very timely.

Because the situation in Gondor was very critical at this time, although the half-orcs with very weak combat effectiveness did not break through the human formation head-on.

But their huge numbers have already begun to outflank them from all directions.

Allen led the first round of assault by the heavy cavalry, which effectively eased the situation on the right wing of the Kingdom of Gondor.

And Senger's timely support also interrupted the ambition of the orcs to surround the soldiers of Gondor.

As the two cavalry kept charging repeatedly in the orc army, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the alliance of free people.

The Swadian knights who were fighting the black scorpions ended the battle first, although their number was several times smaller than the Haradians in front of them.

But the excellent equipment armed with the whole body, as well as the characteristics of tirelessness and pain, let the Lion Hunting Knights attack the enemy in front of them all the time.

The dark and brutal mace, as well as the sharp and heavy two-handed sword, can easily tear apart the armor of most enemies.

But the Haralds watched helplessly as their attacks had no effect, because the scimitar could not pierce the armor of the enemy at all.

And the enemies in front of them don't seem to know what fear and death are. Even if they are thrown off their horses by the fearless Haradians, their first reaction when they stand up is to kill the enemy.

The pain caused by a bruise or a fall seems to be of no use to them.

Some people's arms have obviously twisted weirdly, but they still don't make a sound, only knowing to brandish their weapons and slaughter the enemies who surround them.

Fighting with such an army caused the Black Scorpion tribe to suffer a large number of casualties in a short period of time, and one third of them lost their combat effectiveness in the melee.

The most important thing is that after paying such a huge casualty, the damage done to the enemy is extremely limited.

The heavily armed enemies on the opposite side showed no signs of fatigue at all, not even a single one who lost combat effectiveness appeared.

Such a huge contrast brought the morale of the Harald people to the brink of collapse.

The Harad leader who led the Black Scorpion tribe, surrounded by his subordinates, looked at the battlefield in front of him with an expression of seeing a ghost.

He felt that the enemy he was fighting against was not a normal human being at all, and the huge casualties of his subordinates made him stop insisting and directly gave the order to retreat.

The advantage of the light cavalry is that they can leave at any time when they want to leave. Although the Swadian knights can fight against the Harads on the frontal battlefield.

But in the face of the fleeing enemy, they had no choice but to watch the light cavalry leave their pursuit range.

They were just idle, and soon received a new order. The cavalry who dismounted from their horses issued short whistles and recalled their horses.

After a simple arrangement, nearly [-] Swadian knights lined up again and charged directly behind the orcs.

The Swadian knight, whose horse couldn't move, spread his legs and rushed towards the army of Mordor.

Facing the constant onslaught of the three cavalry, the half-orc army could no longer maintain the high morale it had at the beginning, and their troops were divided into several parts by the cavalry who kept charging.

With the help of their allies, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gondor burst into cheers, and the faith that had been shaken became firm again.

As time passed, the sun slowly set on the west side of the Misty Mountains, and the sunset glow reddened all the clouds in the sky.

And the black gate that guards Mordor has been quietly closed since no one knows when.

Although the magic eye located in Barad-dur is still staring at the battlefield all the time, there is no cruelty and viciousness in the eyes, but more doubts and thoughts.

And before the sun completely disappeared, the battle before the black gate ended at noon at this moment.

The Dongyi people who helped Sauron at the beginning had already disappeared in the northeast.

The Haradians, who were used by Sauron as a trump card, were beaten up by the elf cavalry led by Allen's Knights and Lindir, and finally ran to the east along the Ash Mountains in desperation.

And the half-orc army, which numbered as many as [-] to [-], after more than half of the casualties, finally got rid of the frenzied magic, and fled back to the dark caves on both sides of Molanong amidst the cries of ghosts and wolves. among.

In the process of their escape, they were chased by cavalry again, and there were very few half-orcs who were able to escape back to Mordor.

So far, there is not a single surviving enemy on the war plain outside the black gate.

And this battle finally ended with the victory of the free people.

Allen, who led the team back to Exelian, even said hello in a weak voice.

In order to win this battle, he has tried his best, and the condition of Sengar, Gandalf, Lindir and others who arrived one after another is not much better.

In addition to these generals who returned to the battlefield safely, there are countless soldiers who stayed here forever.

But everyone present knew that after this great war, peace was not far away, and it was a long-term peace.

(End of this chapter)

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