Chapter 208 Ambush
Whether it is work, games or dealing with some daily things, when people are in a busy state of concentration, time will always pass very fast.

The sun rises and sets, the stars twinkle and the moon is cold. Middle-earth once again entered the Frost Moon, which is December every year.

It’s always cold in the north this season, but compared to last year’s heavy snowfall, this year is indeed much warmer. The cold air didn’t go all the way south along the Black Forest, but stopped near the lonely mountain. pace.

In fact, Rovanian's climate has been like this for most of the past years.

Because whether it is the towering misty mountains or the gray mountains that may be entrenched by cold dragons, they will intercept most of the cold air on the other side of the mountain.

A cold climate like last year's is truly a once-in-a-hundred-year event.

The rushing river with a total length of nearly [-] kilometers flows from north to south to the Inner Sea of ​​Loen without end. On the river, from time to time, several cargo ships of different sizes can be seen, full of goods, going down the river.

At this moment, most of the merchants have already sold out their goods at the nearby human gathering points. Instead, they need to buy a lot of Rovanian specialties and sell them to the south.

This situation will continue until next summer, when some merchants will return here with goods from other places.

Sometimes commodity trading is like a reciprocating circle after another, and there will always be people who are exhausted in this circle because of chasing wealth.

Most of the time, this is a good thing, but at some point, it is also a bad thing, because business knows no borders.

On a cloudy morning, several sailing ships flying the banner of King Rovanian were heading north along the River Run.

Although it is said that the ship is going upstream, through the efforts of the sailors to paddle, they can still maintain a fairly good speed on this relatively smooth river.

Allen, who was invited to Long Lake Town, stood on the bow of the boat.

At this time, he was wearing a luxurious white robe sewn with gold thread, a scabbard decorated with magnificent gemstones was worn around his waist, and the Noldor Rune sword was quietly wrapped inside.

And in the short black hair, there is a thin crown, and three shining white gems are inlaid among the three stars in the center of the crown.

At this time, Allen was smiling and chatting with Jamila who was snuggling beside him, talking about how he hunted and killed Azog's son Borg all the way.

The Twilight Knights who completed the hunt with him stood at other positions on the sailboat, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

Wearing a gorgeous long dress, Jamila nodded with a smile while listening to Allen "boasting" that she brought twelve personal guards and killed hundreds of wolf cavalry.

No matter what her lover is talking about, it is a very good thing for Jamila to go out with Allen to take a boat to see the scenery and take a rare short vacation.

Of course, this is also thanks to Alan's help, otherwise, at the end of the year, it would be difficult for Jamila, who is in charge of the prime minister, to spare nearly a month to go back and forth to Changhu Town.

From Changhu Town to Feisleite, the total length of the waterway plus land is about [-] kilometers.

If it is a military emergency, the time to run the [-] kilometers will be shortened to the limit.

The messenger set off from Changhu Town by boat, all the way down the river with the help of the north wind blowing in winter, and arrived in Heidelberg in half a day.

Then he galloped quickly without hesitating horsepower, and changed horses at several post stations on the dense forest road. It only took three or four days to arrive at Feslet.

Of course, Allen and his group would naturally not do this.

Before setting off, besides being accompanied by Jamila, Allen only brought the Twilight Knight and the Young Ranger.
And the other personal guards have paid a lot of hard work because of the war going south to Gondor.

Therefore, Allen gave them a long vacation. By the time these guards go to work, it will probably be the New Year. These bachelors also need to live their own lives.

Allen's expectation of them is also that they can start their own family here.

And in his own territory, Alan didn't feel that he would encounter much trouble. The west of the running river was the territory of his ally, the Silvan elves. Loyal vassal Allen.

Could it be possible that two thousand more orcs, under such circumstances, would run out of the forest to ambush themselves?
This should be impossible.

And if there is any small-scale attack, relying on the fighting power of Allen himself and his personal guards, it is enough to deal with most of the situations.

He still has that confidence.

However, in recent days, the Dark Lord who has frequently turned his attention to the north may just not understand Alan's self-confidence, or it may be because of the hatred in his heart and the temptation mixed with a certain meaning.

Therefore, Alan's life is destined to be impossible to be stable for a long time. When he walks out of the heavily guarded palace, darkness will follow him like a shadow.

On the wide and stable river, seven or eight merchant ships with dwarf flags began to encircle Allen's fleet intentionally or unintentionally.

That's not the Durin dwarves from the Lonely Mountain. The flag on the bow with the black background and the fiery red steel ax drawn should be a dwarf tribe from the Far East.

Horimion, who was standing behind Alan and doing guard work, immediately realized that something was wrong. Amidst his shouts, three huge Noldor-enchanted shields blocked Alan and Jamila. before.

Because according to the regulations of the Rovanian Kingdom, all boats departing from Changhu Town from north to south should proceed along the river on the east side.

Those dwarf ships occupied too many river channels at this time, and they obviously wanted to do something.

As Alan's personal guard captain, Hermione felt that in the face of this unusual situation, one should always be more cautious.

Even if it is a misunderstanding, the two parties who are about to meet will have nothing to lose. In this seemingly calm but dangerous age, carelessness is the most unacceptable mentality.

Just a short moment later, Alan, who was holding Jamila in his arms, immediately understood what Horimion meant.

Before that, Allen had been chatting with Jamila about the past, so his eyes had been focused on the west bank, and he didn't notice the situation on the river, but this didn't affect his thinking and reaction.

The moment the Twilight Knight stared at the shield and stood in front of him, Allen knew that things had changed. He reacted immediately and protected Jamila with his body, and then began to retreat towards the center of the boat.

There is a larger area, and the shield is more used to defend against attacks from all directions.

Moreover, the bow of the ship is also the closest position to the enemy. It is still dangerous for Alan and Jamila, who are not equipped with any armor, to stand there.

When hundreds of black arrows pierced the sky with a whistling sound and flew towards the sailboat from all directions, the caution of Alan and Hermione seemed extremely correct.

Of course, for these soldiers on the ship, this situation is at most at the level of drizzle, and it is not uncommon for Alan to have seen scenes hundreds of times larger than this.

So when he learned of the enemy's ambush, Allen did not give an order to retreat. On the one hand, he was indeed confident in his men.

On the other hand, he wanted to see which blind guy disturbed him when he was pretending to be aggressive, and it was in front of his woman.

Allen's self-confidence is certainly not without reason.

At this moment, all the arrows flying towards Allen and Jamila were intercepted by silver shields.

As for the Twilight Knight under the arrow rain, he protected his face with his arms wearing silver gauntlets, and then he didn't care about the enemy's shooting.

Because of the ancient plate armor they were equipped with, they were not afraid of bows and arrows at all. Unless they were facing a large ballista, the Twilight Knights would not dodge at this moment.

Because the space on the ship is too small, and they have to protect the king and queen behind them.

Of course, it is impossible for siege weapons like large ballistas to appear on the river.

The law made by Allen did not prohibit caravans from carrying weapons. After all, this is a continent full of dangers. If you forbid them to carry weapons on rivers and wilderness, it is no different from murdering for money.

But it is also certain that no one will be allowed to carry siege equipment, and even any similar parts will not be allowed to pass through the level.

At this time, bursts of hail-like arrow rain in the sky kept attacking the sailboat where Allen was on, making sounds of "ding ding dong dong" and "duo dang dang", and from the opposite side would come from time to time. There were horrific screams.

The girl rangers standing on another sailboat started to counterattack the enemy as soon as the rain of black arrows flew up. One by one, cone-headed arrows like meteors were continuously nailed on the enemy's bearded face. face.

After a while, the sailboat where Allen was on was filled with black arrows, and the enemy also lost more than a dozen lives in a short period of time.

And a small boat at the end of Allen's fleet quickly turned its bow and sped towards Heidelberg in the south. The figures of Malhebi and Desaiwei sitting on the boat became smaller and smaller, and soon Disappeared in the river soon.

At the same time, the distance between the double-engined boats driving on the river was getting closer and closer. Through the gap in the shield, Allen could already clearly see the enemy's messy beard like weeds.

Even if no one explained the identity of the enemy to Allen, he had already guessed the origin of the opponent.

"I just want to go to Changhu Town to relax and see old friends by the way. Sauron, you don't miss any chance to attack the enemy, right?"

Allen, who was full of anger in his heart, had already started to flash crackling lightning in his left hand.

As early as the end of the second era, when the Last Alliance War took place, some dwarves living in the Far East began to serve Sauron in the dark Mordor.

And when the coalition of humans and elves left the Black Gate, Sauron, who was vengeful and cautious, thought that he should spend more energy to deal with Alan, a newly rising force in the north.

And the flickering white lights outside the black gate really caught the Dark Lord's attention.

So sending spies to inquire about news naturally became a good choice.

But under Sauron's command, there are very few subordinates who can successfully take on this responsibility.

Because most of the human beings loyal to him have extremely distinctive features, that is, they are particularly ugly.

The slightly better-looking Dongyi people and Harad people also couldn't complete this task, because Rovanian didn't welcome these two peoples to trade here.

Even without weapons, Allen would not allow any Dongyi people to cross the Hongshui River.

As for this point, Barr, who was once entrenched in Red River Town, tried it himself, and he was quickly driven out of Rovanian by the army led by Fatis.

A year ago, he fled back to Loen with his subordinates in desperation.

As for the Haralds, they lived too far from Rovanian to be realistic at all.

So Sauron, who had no choice, set his sights on some dwarves who surrendered to him. For him, this was a good choice.

Although these dwarves served him, their appearance didn't change much, but some of them didn't like cleanliness very much. Unlike other dwarves, they regarded their beards as sacred and precious, and cleaned them up very carefully. neat.

But this is a little different, and will not be suspected by too many free people. They just don't want to clean up their beards. Is it because of this that they are expelled?
This is too unreasonable.

And Sauron paid a lot for the help of these dwarves.

He gave a ring that once belonged to the dwarf king to the leader of this dwarf tribe, and asked them to help him complete some ulterior secrets.

In fact, when Allen returned to Rovanian, this group of dwarves had already appeared in Long Lake Town.

As for the dwarves living in the Far East, Rovanian actually did not reject them, because the king who controlled the place had received their help, and Sauron had just learned of this news.

So when Allen recognized the identity of the dwarf, he figured it out in a very short time.

While full of anger, Allen also had to admit that Sauron was indeed a thoughtful and omnipotent enemy.

"Come on, kill all the elves and humans present."

A voice like a rock colliding came into Alan's ears at this time.

And following the order of the enemy leader, the stocky figures in black leather armor and holding small shields and axes also roared before the battle.

The enemy planned an ambush, and at this moment began a full-scale attack.

 I haven’t recovered from the cold yet. In fact, I coded this chapter for five or six hours, but I am very dissatisfied with the code. Let’s change it first. If I have time tomorrow, I will watch it and change it.

(End of this chapter)

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