Chapter 21 The Dust Settles
[You look at the man in front of you, and your eyes unconsciously reveal a strange expression. 】

【"Blade" Yawen noticed your eyes, he raised his eyebrows, and asked you with a smile, have you heard of him? 】

[You told the truth that you heard the news, the famous agent of the Red Brotherhood, who doesn't know who doesn't know? 】

[The people in the room laughed loudly, and one of them told you mockingly that "Blade" Yawen was just one of the agents of the Red Brotherhood in Boshi City, and the other was the proprietress of the Green Vine Tavern, Mrs. Sophia, and here His business is mainly based on Mrs. Sophia. 】

[You look at Mrs. Sophia in surprise, you can't understand that such a beautiful woman is actually a poisonous woman with a heart like a snake, because you know that the Red Brotherhood sells more than just elves, they will do anything for money, everything can be sold. 】

【Ms. Sophia looked at you in surprise, smiled and said, since you already know some things, you are already half of your own, and the mission can be told to you in advance. 】

[It turns out that you were responsible for all the incidents. The female elf you rescued from the Beard Gang was a trade item offered by the Red Brotherhood to Governor Justus. Now this female elf has been rescued by you, and the goods have not been handed over. In the hands of Governor Justus, the transaction is not considered complete. In order to make up for this mistake, and for the Red Brotherhood's business in Boshi City, Sophia and the others must find two female elves again and hand them over to Justus. Governor's hands. 】

[In fact, their speed is very fast. In half a month, they have already contacted the seller, which is the Ebony Knights who hunt elves all the year round. What you need to do this time is very simple, that is, go to Immel, just go and pick up the reserved female elf. 】

【You're wondering why the Ebony Knights didn't send people here?Sophia said angrily, elves are all commodities that are in short supply. This is a seller's market, where you can pick and choose, and it is precisely because of the short supply that it is easy to attract others' covetousness, so the person who is going to complete the transaction this time , there are only five of you, go quietly, go back quietly, the sooner the better. 】

[You nod and understand. Soon, Sophia will arrange a room for you, and tell you mysteriously that you can ask her for all your needs, everything. 】

[Two days passed in the blink of an eye. After you stayed in the room for two days honestly, in Sophia's slightly sad eyes, you brought your own noble gauntlet cross sword, and the compound compound that Sophia prepared for you Bow and arrow, mount the horse and set off with "Blade" Yawen, who is the leader of the team this time. 】

[From Boshi City to Yimer, it only takes one day on a fast horse. You started to set off in the morning, and you two horses along the way, and you arrived at the village of Yimer in the afternoon of the second day. 】

[This village is very close to the Noldor Forest. Many villagers were shot and killed by elves when they went hunting or chopping firewood at the edge of the forest. Here, the bad debts between elves and humans are countless. It is about survival, and there is no right or wrong. You rested here for one night, and left the village the next day to go to the place agreed with the Ebony Knights. 】

[The ebony knights have been waiting there for a long time. In fact, it’s not just you as a buyer. They don’t just sell elf slaves. Many elf weapons and elf goods are also within their sales range. 】

[When "Blade" Yawen and the leader of the Ebony Knights were negotiating about elven slaves, you fell in love with a Noldor composite bow. You inquired about the price and took out a small bag of diamonds, but the merchant who was trading with you on the opposite side But he didn't take it right away, but said to you with a very bright smile, if you are willing to take out another bag of the same diamonds, he will not only give you a barrel of Noldor arrows, but also the Noldor elf horse behind him can also be sold to you. you. 】

[Obviously, this shrewd and sharp-eyed businessman saw another bag of diamonds in your arms, and you handed all the diamonds to the businessman without hesitation, thinking that you took a lot of money. 】

[In fact, what you don’t know is that Noldor’s elven horses are far less easy to sell than elven slaves. These horses are too difficult to tame. Many people can’t ride them when they buy them back, they can only watch them. 】

[If you don’t know this, you rode that elven horse. With your powerful strength and superb riding skills, you tamed the horse directly. Multiple compound bows. 】

[Your actions have attracted the attention of many people, especially "Blade" Yawen, who has already negotiated with the leader of the Ebony Knights about elf slaves. He frowned and looked at you. Slave, greet you and leave here together. 】

[On the way back to Boshi City, the atmosphere was very dignified. You found that four other people surrounded you intentionally or unintentionally. They found out that something was wrong with you. People, actually took a huge sum of money to buy a lot of elf items. If you can't see the problem, I'm too sorry for their status as core members of the Red Brotherhood, but they haven't done anything too much to you yet It may be that they don't understand your purpose yet. 】

[Of course you know that they will find something is wrong. In fact, you have been familiar with the speed of the elf horse, and let the elf horse get acquainted with your new master. At this time, you feel that you are almost familiar with it, and your killing intent is no longer needed. suppressed. 】

【In the terrified eyes of the two people behind you, you put the Noldor Arrow on the Noldor Compound Bow, then aimed at them, and shot an arrow at each of them. 】

[It was just two arrows, before they could escape, they took their lives, and then you drew your weapon to the right and shot an arrow towards the brotherhood members who were approaching you, taking another sinful life away , now only "Blade" Yawen is left. 】

["Blade" Yawenle who heard the scream stopped the steed under his crotch. He knew that he couldn't run by himself, and it was impossible for a human-raised horse to beat an elf horse in terms of speed. 】

【He looked at you cautiously and asked if you had any misunderstandings. 】

【You held up the Noldor compound bow and let him dismount without any relaxation, otherwise, you wouldn't mind shooting his horse to death and then shooting him to death. 】

【"Blade" Yawen got off his horse with a dead gray face, and stood on the ground. He still didn't understand what kind of grievances you, a child of Paul's relative's neighbor, have with them. 】

[Watching "Blade" Yawen dismount obediently, you gently retracted the Noldor compound bow in your hand, and pulled out the noble cross sword from your waist. You told "Blade" Yawen, it is best not to resist, otherwise you will want to A happy death is hard. 】

[Then you asked your own question, why did you offer a reward to the young man who just came back from the outside, "Blade" Yawen, who was full of displeasure, answered your question despite repeated misunderstandings. 】

[Not only the Red Brotherhood of Boshi City received this notice, but all the hunters, killers, intelligence organizations, and slave traders in the entire Pendor Continent received this reward. This reward came from King Ulrik, The reward was a title of nobility and a fief the size of a village, which made countless people crazy about it. 】

[The main initiator of the Red Brotherhood is the agent of Lion City. "Blade" Yawen recently had a little business dispute with the agent of Lion City "Moon Shadow" Sifford, and it was just casual in Boshi City Do me a favor, I didn't expect to kick such a piece of iron like you. 】

[As we all know, members of the Red Brotherhood in different regions look down on each other. Because of business problems, it is common practice to send killers to assassinate each other. They do not belong to each other, nor do they have a common philosophy. Their creed is only One, money. 】

[As for why Ulrik issued a reward order for you, "Blade" Yawen didn't know. He just knew that King Ulrik wanted a young man who came to Pendor Continent recently, regardless of life or death. 】

[He doesn't know, of course you know what's going on. As the former ruler of the Pendor Continent and the blood of the Pendor royal family, you are born to be hated by Ulrik, because his family was hundreds of years ago, and it is your family. Your vassal, you are inherently suppressing Ulrik in terms of bloodline jurisprudence. 】

[His ancestor Alfred was just the Duke of your family before the Scarlet Terror. During the invasion of the Bacchus Empire, he carried the banner of resisting the invasion of the Empire, but after that, under the instigation of the Lion Knights Now, you have shamefully usurped the country, and you are now the first king of Sarleon. You don't need to think too much about why. You were Ulrik's archenemy the moment you were born. 】

【"Blade" Yawen looked at your cloudy face. From the sleeve of his right hand, he slowly slipped out a short knife with a cold light. There was an abnormal color on the knife. It was a poisonous blade. 】

[Many people may think that the word "Blade" is used to describe the gorgeous scimitar on Yawen's waist. In fact, this poisonous blade is the real face of "Blade". 】

【Actually, you didn’t relax your vigilance in your memories. You saw the short blade shining with strange light, and you didn’t give Yawen any chance. When he just grabbed the handle of the short blade, the long sword in his hand flew across You scratched his neck and murmured "Why bother." Then you searched him for a while, unfortunately he didn't have much money on him, but you found a map from him , looking at the terrain, it seems to be in the mountains near Sarleon City, you didn't care, put it away】

【You came to the two bound female elves, removed the shackles that blocked their mouths, and waited for their hysterical venting to end, then untied the ropes that bound them, and told them, In addition to the two of them, you also saved another elf, and now you have to pick her up. 】

【You gave them two choices. The first one is that they ride their horses back to their forest. You can’t send them off because you have more important matters. The lives of Paul’s family and Freya are still in your hands. The second is that you will find them a safe place near Arhun, and you will go to them if it is as short as a day or as long as two days. 】

【Your current position is already some distance away from the forest of the Noldor elves. If these two female elves walk back by themselves, it may be a disaster, so they chose to trust you. 】

[Afterwards, you put together two sets of clothes for the two female fairies on the bodies of the people who were shot. After all, their beauty is far beyond what can be described as beauty, and you also gave them two weapons. 】

[The girls who got the weapons obviously trusted you more. You picked a few horses at random, and left this place without caring about the corpses on the ground. 】

[Ahuen is a village located half a day away from Boshi City. It is also very close to the forest of the Noldor elves, but it is the edge of the forest. That place is not safe for the elves. 】

[You found a big tree with luxuriant branches for the two of them in the small forest near Ahuen. You left a lot of supplies and hid them there. You told them not to come down in the daytime. Things have to be settled in the middle of the night, you emphasized, everything; at the same time, you put the extra horses in the inn of Arhun, you know, you can still use these lovely horses. 】

[When you returned to Boshi City alone, it was already noon. You did not enter the city, but disguised yourself a bit. At the gate of the city, you found a child who makes a living as a guide for others. You took out a silver coin and One dinar, you tell the child to go to Mr. Paul of the Abundance Tavern, and say that his shareholders are waiting for him at the gate of the city, and hope that he can bring his sister who is fostered there to meet you, and then you tell him to hand over the silver coins. Give it to the child, you tell the child, when he comes out with Mr. Paul, the gold coin will belong to him. 】

【The kid has never encountered such a big deal in his life. He quickly took the silver coins you handed over and ran towards the city quickly. 】

[Soon, a fully enclosed carriage stopped beside you, and the driver was the guard who was sleeping peacefully in the tavern. He was Paul's younger brother. Compared to Paul, his mind was not particularly good. He is useful, but he knows a few swordsmanship, which is very casual. Paul is just supporting him. 】

【You heard Paul's voice from the carriage, and handed the dinar to the child who came with him. The child left happily, and then you followed the carriage and left the gate of Boshi City. 】

[Paul came out with his wife and children with that female elf. He knew that something must have happened if you called him out in such a way. He was shrewd and took all his assets and closed the Harvest Tavern , "rented" a carriage and ran out. 】

【You looked at him and his family and laughed, you really started to like this smart guy. 】

[You briefly talked about the things on the road, and told him that if he wants, he can wait for you at the entrance of Ahuen's village. If he doesn't want to, he can leave after leaving Freya. At the same time, he can Take away the bag of diamonds in Freya's arms, Freya no longer needs that bag of diamonds to trust you, in fact, it's just a way for you to fool children, no matter where the bag of diamonds is, in fact you rule. 】

[Paul listened to your words, pondered for a while, and said that he would wait for you at the entrance of the village of Ahun, and Freya in the carriage asked you anxiously, why didn’t you go with them, and you told her gently, you There are still some things to deal with, don't worry, you will catch up soon, Freya doesn't quite understand, but she nodded to indicate that she will also wait for you in Ahuen. 】

[You watched Paul and the others drive away in a carriage. An hour later, you returned to the gate of Boshi City again. You took out a document that you had prepared before, and a small bag of dinars that you found from Yawen. , and handed it to the chief guard at the gate of the city. 】

[You tell him that you are Madam Sophia's subordinate at the Green Vine Tavern. This document can explain your identity. It is not convenient for you to go in now, but you have urgent news to pass to Madam Sophia, and I need his help to deliver a message . 】

[Of course he knows Madam Sophia. He took out the document and confirmed your identity. The document is of course true. It was for the convenience of you when you bring the elves back to the city. Madam Sophia asked the Governor's Mansion to open it. Ask why you're the only one coming back. 】

[You tell him that you were attacked on the road, and Yawen said that the attacker is quite powerful in the city, so you can’t go in. If Mrs. Sophia wants to know more information, you need to go to Arhun’s inn, you guys Will wait for her there. 】

【The officer thought for a while, weighed the weight of the purse in his hand, and told you that he helped you with this favor. You should go back and wait for the news. After speaking, he took two people and walked towards the city. 】

【You didn't go to Ahuen, but you were waiting for Madam Sophia 500 meters from the gate of Boshi City. 】

【Half an hour later, the guard of the Green Vine Tavern you are familiar with drove a carriage and left Boshi City, followed by a dozen light cavalrymen, walking towards Arhuen. 】

【You know that this woman, Sophia, will probably come out. Even if she is smart, she can't guess that your target is them, and the two elves are still in your hands. She has to come out anyway to confirm the safety of the goods. 】

【You are riding behind them on an elf horse. You don’t want to start a massacre near Boshi City. It’s not at night like last time. It’s easy to attract other people’s attention during the day. No matter how strong you are, you can You can't kill an army by yourself, not to mention that the top combat power here is not necessarily weaker than you. 】

[Soon, you feel that the time is right, you took out the Noldo compound bow again, and drove the elf horse to catch up with Sophia's convoy. 】

【For you, this battle is just a simple massacre. The speed of the elf horse can guarantee you to catch up with anyone here. You can accurately shoot enemies more than 100 meters away on the horse. If you dismount, the distance can be extended to 300 meters. You are already a little tired of this kind of massacre. After all, killing humans and killing half-orcs is not the same thing. 】

[After killing everyone, you came near the carriage, and you heard Mrs. Sophia's voice. The sweet and seductive voice was a little panicked. She asked you why you did this, and she was obviously helping you all the time. 】

[You told her the truth, she was silent for a long time, she begged you to give her a way out, she said she can work for you, she has a strong network in Boshi City, and also has a lot of money, if you want to restore the country If so, she will be very useful. 】

[Obviously Madam Sophia has obtained far more information than Yawen, you ignored Madam Sophia's pleading, but raised the Noldo compound bow in your hand, and said softly again, "I can't let go You." Through the door curtain of the carriage, an arrow shot and killed Madam Sophia inside. 】

【After waiting for a while, you opened the door curtain of the carriage, and saw Mrs. Sophia who had lost her life with a light crossbow in her hand. You sighed, lowered the door curtain, and rode away on the elf horse. 】

【When you arrived at Ahuen, it was almost evening, and the Paul family and Freya were waiting for you in the carriage. 】

[You asked Paul what his plans were, and Paul said that his business was completely ruined. Even if you killed Mrs. Sophia, it would not be able to stop the crazy revenge of the members of the Red Brotherhood. He asked if he could follow you and work for you. 】

[You have already fallen in love with this smart man, so you still took out the bag of diamonds and told him that if he is willing to follow you, he can open a tavern in Changhe Town in the Sarleon Realm. If there is no accident, you will soon Will go there, the boss took the bag of diamonds and left. In fact, this bag of diamonds is more than his entire net worth, but in the past, he dared not take it. 】

[You and Freya watched Paul's family leave. You know that this smart man will take care of himself and go to Longhe Town smoothly. Now, you and Freya are going to find the two elves and head to Noldor together. The forest of elves is gone. 】

[When you and Freya found the two elves with a few horses, it was already night. I didn't expect them to know each other, and they chatted for a long time, but you had no choice but to interrupt them Catch up on the old days and tell them your plans for the future. 】

【You are going to enter the forest from the edge of the forest near Volvin. One person and two horses can get there before dawn, and then enter the depths of the forest and hand them back to the elf patrols that may be encountered,】

[When you said this, you jokingly said that you hope that after sending them back, you can leave the forest safely, instead of being filled with arrows and becoming the fertilizer of the forest. 】

[After hearing this, Freya patted her trembling chest and said that she would keep you safe. You glanced at this silly little girl, and wondered where her confidence came from. Are you Al? Dalia and Islandil's daughter is not successful, even if it is, the hatred between humans and elves cannot be overcome by one life or two. 】

【It's not like you haven't thought about building a good relationship with the elves, but in your memory, it's extremely difficult to have a good relationship with the elves, and it's far from something that can be done by saving a few elves captives. 】

【Although you don't believe the little girl's words at all, you still expressed your thanks to Freya, and then you rushed towards Walvin. 】

 There is a map in the title, thank you for the reward of 1500 points for Qi Ye being poisoned, thank you for the high-energy literature club, Qi Ye was poisoned, love to drink yogurt, book friend 20190911214458901, book friend 20190422191709173 monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you all, Thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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