Chapter 211 The Ship and the Marshal
Changhu Lake is about [-] kilometers long from north to south and about [-] kilometers wide from east to west. It is inlaid on the northern land like a flawless emerald.

The River Run from the Lonely Mountain flows in from the north of the lake, while the Forest River, which flows through the Woodland Kingdom, rushes in from the west and joins the River Run.

And when the river fills the long lake, which was originally a canyon, the water will bypass a huge rock and fall along the southern end of the lake, forming a waterfall that can make a loud noise.

After that, the river water falling from the high place will continue to flow southward, until the Inner Sea of ​​Rune is farther away.

The military port in Allen's plan was built downstream of this waterfall. After being washed by the river for many years, it has an extremely wide river channel and a large flat river bank, which is more than enough to complete Allen's plan. .

At this time, Allen, who had arrived at Changhu Town a day before, was standing on the shore of the port with his subordinates, watching a pure white flat-bottomed river boat with Jamila being pushed into it by hundreds of boatmen. into the river.

This is a ship that is completely different from sailing ships at sea. Its front and rear are not the keel that runs through the head and tail to support the hull, but a plane made of several neatly bound boards. Only the bottom of the ship can see the knife-shaped sword. pointed.

The four sides of the hull are protected by parapets, and there are three layers of cabins including the deck.

And italier, the master shipbuilder from Linton, is also introducing the details of the ship.

"The flat-bottomed boat that entered the water now should meet your requirements. Its speed is not fast, but it has an extremely wide platform and a strong load capacity. The first deck can carry up to fifty fully armed soldiers. , and let them have enough space to shoot bows and arrows. At the stern and bow, I also designed platforms that can place four large ballistas. Fifteen each, your soldiers can attack the enemy through perforation on the second floor, you can also store a lot of supplies there, and the bottom floor of the ship can arrange sailors for rowing operations."

As a technician of this period, there are no other elements in Italil's words other than the data related to the ship.

In the Teleri family, most of the master shipbuilders are male elves, while female elves can use dexterous hands to weave sails for sea ships. Female elves like Italil who study shipbuilding skills are actually An outlier among the people of Faras.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the inability to gain real recognition among the same race that this extremely tall female elf with long black hair took over Cirdan's mission and traveled thousands of miles to Changhu Town , to build ships that are more suitable for big rivers.

"Of course, I not only designed this kind of big ship as a combat platform, but also designed two other types of small boats to cooperate with. The first one is mainly good at speed and can carry fifteen soldiers. It is used to cooperate with the big ship. Combat, or for some tasks that require fast travel, such as chasing fleeing enemies, or quickly supporting allies who are fighting."

Italil, who kept introducing the ship's information, had silver-white eyes that seemed to be shining.

"The other biggest feature is that it is very convenient to operate. One or two people can maintain a good speed on the river, and its loading capacity is also good. The original intention of my design was to transport troops, but carefully If you think about it, it might be more suitable for transporting supplies, or for commercial transactions. By the way, the wooden boards used in these three types of ships are all specially treated, which can defend against minor attacks and general flames, so when fighting It can also guarantee considerable robustness.”

After the introduction, Italil turned to look at Alan, and asked expectantly, "How is it? His Majesty Alan who rules Rovanian, are you satisfied with my work?"

In fact, after hearing Italil's words, Allen really wanted to explain that he only ruled part of the land of Rovanian, plus most of the humans. Other races and most of the forest are not in his hands. within the control range.

But after thinking about it, forget it, there is nothing to explain.

Allen, whose mind turned to nowhere, looked at the warship driving on the river and nodded.


When Allen was recuperating in Pelakire, he actually saw the sailing ships that Gondor used to fight at sea. Aside from the difference in appearance, the performance of those sailing ships, compared with the white ship in front of him, was completely different. Not too much, maybe Etalil's design is better.

As far as Allen knows, whether it's the Númenóreans of Gondor or the Teleri elves, most of their original intentions for building ships are because of their love for the ocean.

Therefore, the ships they designed were really just vehicles for exploring the edge of the ocean, not for war.

However, this situation changed in the later stage. According to legend, with the help of Sauron, when Númenor attacked Valinor, the Armada he built even had engines. Allen did not know whether the rumors were true.

As for the three types of ships designed by Italil, in Allen's opinion, they are enough to defend the Running River and the Red Water River, so there is only one problem left.

"Italil, how long does it take to build the largest ship, and is the daily maintenance troublesome?"

Hearing Alan's question, Italil showed a brighter smile on her fair face. These words showed that the result of her hard work had been recognized by Alan.

"According to the current investment, the time required to build a large ship should be about one year. The maintenance is about this time. Some simple maintenance needs to be done every year. Of course, this is just the hull. You install it on it. I don’t know exactly how to maintain your weapons, and you also need to consider the sails, our family does not provide sails for sale.”

Although she also participated in many wars that took place in Eriador, Italil, who has always loved the sea, didn't really understand why these humans built the ships used for navigation into small war fortresses.

On the other hand, the elven fleet docked at Gray Harbor seldom carried weapons on the sailboats. Most of the troubles could be solved by the elves relying on the bows and arrows in their hands.


Allen nodded again after listening to Italil's explanation, turned around and said to Malhebi on the side: "I need you to increase investment in the later stage, and build a ship as soon as possible at a rate of four ships a year or faster. Fleet, well, at the moment I need twenty large ships, fifty small ships for troops, and after that, as many ships for cargo as possible, because they are also needed on the other side of the Anduin River .”

After hearing Allen's order, Malhebi carefully wrote it down, because from today onwards, he will be the governor of Changhu Town for Allen.

On the night when he came to Changhu Town, Allen had a long conversation with Fatis after a simple banquet.

Allen hopes that Fatis can take his newly conferred knights to the waters of the Runliu River to build a defensive military area against the Dongyi people on the land that the Dongyi people have already developed.

Its combat strategy is to use cavalry combined with water troops to try to intercept the invading Dongyi people on the other side of the Hongshui River.

The cavalry can use the speed of the horses to conduct reconnaissance on the banks of the river. Once they find the enemy's traces, they will send out signals or use the flying speed of the animals to transmit the information to the navy fleet that can gallop on the river.

The warship built according to the small war fortress can allow soldiers to use its speed and platform to conduct long-range attacks on the enemy and prevent any troops from crossing the river. Moreover, the ship has a large storage space and can provide soldiers with a steady stream of ammunition.

Moreover, the bow and stern of the warship are also equipped with terrifyingly large ballistas, which are enough to cause a devastating blow to the enemies who want to cross the river.

Even if there are so many Dongyi people that the warships cannot intercept them all, then the cavalry can still entangle the Dongyi people with the assistance of the warships.

In this set of battle plans, the cavalry only need to persist for a short time, because as long as a large-scale battle occurs, the reinforcements from Changhu Town, Heidelberg, and River Valley City will also be used immediately. The ships that were used for transportation rushed to the boundary river that was resisting the enemy.

In order not to lose the most important line of defense in the eastern part of Rovanian in a short period of time.

At present, there are as many as [-] cavalry troops assigned by Allen to Fatis. Even if they are on duty in shifts, their number is enough to complete the task of reconnaissance and initial defense against the enemy.

The first fleet of [-] large ships under construction is only the first step of Allen's current plan. With the passage of time and the development of Changhu Town, Allen will continue to build a second fleet. There is a fleet and a third fleet.

According to the plan that Alan spent more than half an hour telling Fatis, he felt that as long as there were 30 to [-] years of peace, the days when the Dongyi people would harass Rowanian at will would never happen again.

At least until Allen himself dies, there will be no tragedy like that in Iron Wall Town.

Fatis, who received Allen's latest order, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, because he had already spent enough time in Changhu Town.

As the direct heir of the military aristocracy of the Calradia continent, the education Fatis received since he was a child has nothing to do with business at all.

Because most of the Swadian nobles simply look down on businessmen, they will only find some agents to handle business activities, and they will never end in person.

Therefore, Fatis learned more about how to manage, that is, control those who can create wealth for himself, rather than how to create wealth himself.

Such a situation made Fatis encounter great difficulties in his work in Changhu Town. He had to deal with businessmen every day, but these businessmen were not under his command, so they could not take some gentle measures.

Moreover, he has to obtain as much wealth as possible for the kingdom within a reasonable range, so as to realize the plan proposed by Allen at this time, which is a bit difficult for a noble young man who leads troops to fight all the year round.

In fact, in the past few years, Fatis has done well, because his character is upright enough to give most people a fair business environment.

And in his bones, like Allen, he also has some kindness, so most of the townspeople in Changhu Town also support his governor very much.

It's just that Fatis is not particularly happy in what he does. He is as busy as a headless chicken every day, and he does not have the slightest sense of accomplishment in the work he does.

To put it bluntly, Fatis didn't like his current job, but in order to fulfill Allen's order, he persisted.

Therefore, when he heard that Allen asked himself to go to Rovanian in the east to rebuild a territory, Fatis was very happy. This is not only the life and work he likes, but also the same as the education he received since he was a child. If it fits, it will be very handy to do.

In order for Fatis to have enough rights to accomplish these things, Allen gave him the title of Marshal of Eastern Rovanian, who is qualified to command all human soldiers living in the east of the Black Forest, and also has the right to recruit militia right.

At the same time, Allen also sealed Ashur's palace and a large area of ​​land around the hillside to Fatis, and gave his old friend the right to name the territory.

Moreover, Alan also helped Fatis figure out where his first group of leaders should go to gather, that is, the northern humans living south of the Runliu River, especially the people living in the Donglinwan area.

Two years ago, Ashur, who was still occupying Eastern Rovanian, also wanted to cross the River Run to plunder slaves. Unfortunately, the plan was defeated by Allen's army before it even started, and the northern humans over there were also able to escape. Saved from a massacre, and gained a peaceful life for more than a year.

It's just that Dol Guldur is once again occupied by evil, and half-orcs and giant spiders have become active in the forest. Presumably, the northern humans there will once again live a life of avoiding and hiding.

Allen felt that as long as Fatis's propaganda was in place, he would provide some material help. Under such circumstances, it should not be difficult to attract a group of residents to live near the Running River.

A stable life in the current turbulent situation is enough to attract the attention of most people, the key is to see how Tiss operates.

To find ways to attract people from other regions to live in his own territory, Fatis has also received relevant education, which is not a rare thing in the Calradia continent. Lead the soldiers to make a big shot.

Because in their view, the untouchables in the territory are also their own property, and the loss of the territory is equivalent to others plundering their own wealth. This is something that needs to be clarified with the other party by using a knife.

Some tyrannical lords even executed civilians who escaped from their territory.

However, among the nobles of Calradia, Fatis is also considered the best type. Alan never worried that his old friend would do things that abused the people.

In the end, two old friends who had known each other for more than ten years happily decided on an important matter for the north.

And this plan will start in more than a month. At that time, it is the season of warm spring and flowers, which is suitable for the people to reclaim their own land again.

 In fact, my understanding of the ship is really too limited. I can only rely on Baidu to find some information. Some of the writing is wrong. I hope everyone will not be serious.In addition, continue to ask for monthly tickets, big brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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