Chapter 214 Knowledge of Rune Equipment

When Allen returned from the hidden camp of the Red Brotherhood to the elf city of Eraclay, he immediately lived a fairly stable life.

Moreover, at the invitation of Aldalia, he also participated in an annual sports meeting held by Ella Clay, and even won the runner-up status.

Even though Allen's combat effectiveness is strong enough, he is not considered top in this castle full of elves, and this is not counting the four masters of the elves who are the knights of the apocalypse.

Without casting magic, Allen was defeated by a Twilight Knight who was stronger than Hermione in the finals, which can be regarded as reconfirming his combat effectiveness in Pendor.

Although it is not as good as the top strength, it still looks like it is in the first echelon.

As for why he didn't cast magic, it was because Allen felt that his foundation in Pendor Continent was too shallow, and he didn't have a certain basic disk as his backing, so even in front of his allies, he was quite cautious.

However, even the runner-up made Alan's reputation spread throughout the elf city, and the Noldor Council, which held the competition at the same time, also rewarded Alan with a dragon tear gem.

After all, a human who can fight inseparably with the elite Twilight Knight is too rare, especially this human has a deep relationship with elves, so it is even more commendable.

And Allen, who has achieved good results in the competition, has become more popular in Ella Klein.

The attitude of the elves towards him even gave Allen the illusion that as long as he continued to work hard, he believed that he would soon be able to learn the secrets about elf equipment.

This is what Allen has been pursuing from the very beginning, whether it is building rune equipment in Middle Earth to arm his troops.

Whether to form your own knight order in Pendor Continent is very important knowledge.

But Risadiran, who traveled with Alan in the human world, could no longer bear the dull and boring life in the Noldor Forest. Every day, he brought his little friends to pester Alan to go again. human world.

Compared with the living environment of human beings, the forest where the elves live is indeed too stable to a certain extent, and it is not suitable for Lisa Dilan's detached character.

Moreover, in order not to make themselves look like piles of walking dinars, Lisa Dilan and the others really need Allen's help and cover.

On the other hand, these elves are also willing to travel with Allen, because this human being's way of doing things is in line with their temperament, and they also cannot tolerate human trafficking.

In fact, the elves living in the Noldor Forest were not so xenophobic when they came to Pendor. Otherwise, where did the elf blood of the Son of Prophecy come from?
However, in the active contact of the Noldor elves, except for a very small number of nobles and the Silvermist Rangers of Ravencrow, almost no one is willing to accept their foreign tribe.

Not only that, the humans living around the forest will also destroy the homeland where the Noldor elves live for wood.

Yes, there are some Noldor who live in families besides Eraclea, and live in tree-houses like the Garazmen of the Golden Forest.

That is to say, throughout the forest, there are, so to speak, small settlements of the Noldor.

Otherwise, there would not be such elves captured by the ebony knights, the Red Brotherhood, and Jatu marauders who rushed into the forest, and then sold to human nobles.

As for Lisa Dilan's request, Allen did not agree immediately. He also wanted to stay in the forest for a while to test the favorability of the Noldor elves towards him.

What if Islandil suddenly figured it out and asked the family's master elf craftsman to teach him how to forge sigil equipment?

Even if he wanted to leave Erakle at this time, Allen would not take Lisa Dilan and the others with him, but quietly returned to the human world, and returned to the forest immediately after completing the commission from the elf owner.

If you leave for a long time, you may miss the opportunity to learn knowledge. Allen feels that he can stay here for a while.

However, the peaceful life in the forest did not always exist, after Allen had just completed a task alone.

A wind blew from the northwest of the Noldor Forest, and blew in River-town.

That is Juda the "Destroyer", one of the two chiefs who ruled the Jatu people. In the name of the incarnation of the Jatu war god Indar, he was preparing to carry out a massive plunder against his neighbors.

Countless Jiatu tribes are there for wealth, for belief in gods, or to understand their feuds with their neighbors.

They gathered under the banner of the bloodthirsty and tyrannical Judah, ready to step into the Noldor Forest to have a carnival belonging to the Jatu people.

This kind of thing has happened every few years since "Destroyer" Zhu Da became famous in the Jiatu Grassland. The only difference is the scale.

And Alan finally ran into it once during the several years of simulation in Pendor Continent.

What's more interesting is that Alan spent a little dinar to get this news from members of the Red Brotherhood.

It has to be said that other than money, these guys have no preference for formation at all.

Allen didn't bother to get involved with the Red Brotherhood, and brought the news that shocked the elves back to Ella Klein.

Then in the face of the large-scale aggression of the Jatu people, the elves naturally have to prepare for the battle with all their strength, and there is no escape from this.

The elves living in the forest even fought against the Jatu on the edge of the forest.

If the elves don't protect their homeland, the Jatu people will definitely use one forest fire after another to force them to come out to fight, and when the fire reaches Erakle, where can the elves retreat? ?
These words were spoken by Aldalia to Allen in a voice full of hatred, in order to answer Allen's question of why not fight the enemy deep in the forest.

The Jatu people, who are also foreign tribes, live a very typical nomadic lifestyle and do not establish a fixed residence. For them, grasslands and water sources are extremely precious resources for survival.

But the forest, they didn't pay that much attention, especially the "neighbors" with extremely bad tempers lived in the forest, so they didn't hesitate at all to set fire.

In the eyes of the Noldor elves, this kind of destruction of the forest is very different from the empire and the humans in the Sarleon Realm. This is not a demand for resources, but naked destruction.

Therefore, the human beings that the Noldor hate the most are the Jatu people who live in the grassland.

Then in the face of the upcoming war of the Noldor Elves, it is naturally impossible for Allen to stand by and watch.

And out of trust in Allen, Islandil also temporarily handed over the command of a ranger unit to him.

At the same time, Lisa Dilan and his restless friends were all given to Allen.

And this army appeared at the edge of the forest, always on guard against the arrival of the Jatu people.

Regarding the unusual gathering of the Jatu people, it wasn't just the elves living in the forest who were nervous.

The nobles of the Lion Land living in Changhe Town and Lion Lake City quickly jumped up and down like ants on a hot pot.

Who knows whether these savage prairie wolves will be abducted to rob the country of Sarleon just because they are unhappy.

Such things have happened too many times in the history of Sarleon Land, and the properties and fiefdoms of these nobles are all here.

As for the Shield Brave Fort and Eagle Claw Fort guarding the border, it would be great if they could let the surrounding peasants escape in and protect themselves against the swift Jatu people.

Every time the Jatu people plundered on a large scale, it was necessary to mobilize the knights of the king and the great nobles to be able to resist the enemy's attack.

For example, the Horn Call Ranger Squad serving the lord of Changhe Town, the Green Hat Rangers who are equipped with eagle bows and long spears and are proficient in riding and shooting, the main role is to guard against the Jatu's looting and the elves chasing out of the forest. Vendetta.

Of course, these rangers and their attendants really like to paint their helmets green, so they have the title of green hat ranger, not because of some unspeakable family scandal.

According to the rumors circulating in the taverns in various cities and towns, the rangers are quite powerful in combat, and can be called the most powerful rangers among human beings.

It's just that their number is too small. Facing the overwhelming Jatu invaders, they also need the cooperation of other knights.

So, one after another, messengers carrying letters for help rushed all the way to Sarleon City on fast horses, asking for help from King Ulric who ruled the entire kingdom.

And following Ulrik's order, the army of Sarleon also began to gather towards Changhe Town.

During this period of time, the elves and the Jatus had already fought countless small-scale wars.

Groups of small elf rangers patrolled the edge of the forest, fighting desperately with the Jatu marauder squad trying to enter the forest.

Although the elves are skilled in archery and can pour a dense rain of arrows on the target in a short period of time, the charge speed of the Jatu people is as fast as the fire blown by the wind, and they will burn to the enemy's side in an instant .

Moreover, the Jatu Marauders who are attacking are often coordinated by several teams.

They will let the extremely fast light cavalry charge to attract the attention of the elves.

Then several squadrons of cavalry in heavy armor walked around the edge of the battlefield to the back of the elves to form a siege, and then launched an attack from an unexpected position.

Even an elf as strong as an elf must pay the price of his life in the face of the overwhelming charge of the Jatu people in order to prevent the enemy from destroying his homeland.

However, this fighting strategy of the Jatu people had no effect on the ranger team led by Allen.

Whenever he was fighting with the enemy, Allen was always able to find a gap with great precision, leading his troops into the forest in advance before Jatu's troops completed the encirclement.

At the same time, after retreating, with the help of the cover of trees, they can use the fast and silent speed to surround those enemies who are still searching for their whereabouts in the forest.

Then at the right time, with the powerful bow and arrow in his hand, he took the lives of these Jatu people without any mercy.

The other elf ranger squads don't have such good "luck" as Allen. When facing the charge of the Jatu marauders, whether they choose to meet the enemy or immediately hide in the forest immediately, they may be killed. Enemies from other positions entangled each other, and fierce melee battles broke out one after another, and the Jiatu people paid a very heavy price under the honor spear.

Compared with other elf teams, after the battle commanded by Allen, it was too easy to win.

After more than a week of fighting, the ranger team following Allen has not lost a single member, but they have captured more than two hundred enemies.

Such deeds quickly spread throughout the borders of the forest, and were praised by all the elves, and the Jatu people were no longer willing to approach the forest guarded by Alan.

And through one battle after another, Allen finally understood the difficulty of the Noldor elves defending the forest.

The situation here is different from that in Middle-earth. Although the half-orcs would set fire to the woodland kingdom when they invaded, the forests in Middle-earth are protected by Yavanna's power, so the loss will not be too great.

But the gods of Pendor Continent did not protect the Noldor Forest. Once those Jatu people approached the forest, they would really set fires everywhere, even under the rain of arrows, they would do the same.

Because the Jatu people also knew that it would be impossible to force the elves out of the forest without doing so. After all, no cavalry would consider the forest as their main battlefield, and the dense trees would seriously hinder the horses from advancing.

And the large-scale troops of the four major families of the Noldor Elves quickly gathered in small battles on the border, and stationed at the edge of the forest, waiting for the arrival of the Jiatu army.

Zhu Da, who didn't know that the plan had been seen through, was naturally keenly aware that the timing was wrong when he brought the army to the Noldor Forest.

Zhu Da is just tyrannical and unscrupulous, but he is definitely not stupid. If he has the advantage of surprise, he can naturally grab huge wealth in this operation, and his own reputation in the grassland can also be raised to a higher level.

But Zhu Da, who has dealt with the Noldo elves all the year round, naturally knows the horror of the enemy. He brought his people here to plunder, not to fight the Noldo elves to the death.

Now that those handsome monsters have already taken adequate precautions, it might be a good choice to change their target.

After thinking for a short time, the Jatu army that turned into the wind rushed to the Sarleon Realm, and began to plunder everything in sight.

In order to protect his reputation, Zhu Da absolutely does not allow his tribe to return empty-handed.

With the large-scale invasion of the Jatu people, Ulrik, who was going to watch the show, quickly took action with his troops, blocking the enemy's looting near Changhe Town and Lion Lake City.

It's just that the Sleet Lion Realm, whose army has not yet been fully assembled, can barely maintain the situation, and is at a disadvantage in this battle.

Now, the audience suddenly became the Noldor elves. Originally, Islandil wanted to lead a small number of elf cavalry into the Sarleon Realm to hunt down the enemies, but Aldalia sternly refused.

He will never allow his family members to intervene in human battles, especially when there are disgusting enemies on both sides.

Although the heads of the other two major elf families did not object publicly, they also euphemistically suggested that they can look at the situation before making a decision, so in the end this matter can only be left alone.

However, neither Islandil nor Aldalia, who has the worst attitude towards human beings, has denied Alan's achievements in this battle, especially the timely bringing of precious treasures from the human world. The news saved the elves from an extremely sudden war.

In this regard, Islandil has already planned to reveal the secrets of the Noldor elves to Alan, but Aldaria still hopes that Alan can help him complete one thing, and he will not stop Alan no matter whether he succeeds or not Learn everything about elves.

And this task is to find Finnis from Diggitt. Aldalia has learned from somewhere that this bookseller is selling potions that can increase lifespan and abilities.

And such potions must be related to magic, so he hoped that Allen could invite this mysterious bookseller back to "Ella Klein". He wanted to know something, if not, it would be okay to get some potions.

Such a thing is actually not too difficult for Allen. After leaving the southeast of the forest, Allen found members of the Red Brotherhood in the towns of the Empire, and quickly determined the location of Finnis. Just some dinars.

At this time, Finnis was also in trouble that he couldn't solve himself. I don't know what the bookseller was thinking, but he went to sell potions in Fieldsway, who was not much different from a robber.

As soon as his true identity was found out, he was arrested by Earl Sigimonde, who has the title of "Rock Arm". Thinking about the fact that this big guy's personal soldier is a Vanskerry pirate, you know this Earl's composition is what it looks like.

In the end, it was Allen who relied on his own ability, coupled with the strong personal combat power of the elves, to rescue Finnis, and successfully became the bookseller's guard.

And the gratitude and reward that Allen received were the bottles of potions of immortality and several dragon tears, otherwise Allen would not have so many rich potions to give to his subordinates who have followed him for a long time.

As for the elf's invitation, Finnis did not mean to refuse at all, saying that he had never done anything to offend the elves, and naturally he was not afraid to go to Ella Clay as a guest.

Of course, it would be very difficult for Finnis to refuse. His original guards had been slaughtered by the Fieldsville people, and now he was a bookseller alone, and it was impossible to escape Allen's surveillance.

After bringing Finnis to Aldalia without any surprises, Allen began to learn about the sigil equipment.

At the same time, he also embarked on the road of searching for gems in the magic continent.

 Going home today to accompany my wife and children, 5000 calls are all made by mobile phones, if you have any questions, please ask everyone, I will change it, thank you for your support, the simulation will end tomorrow, (_).

(End of this chapter)

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