Chapter 217 A Short Trip to Eriador

When the time passed by 2946 of the third era of Middle-earth and officially entered 2947, Rovanian also entered into a busy year again.

Malhebi stayed in Changhu Town with Desaiwei. In any case, Allen handed over his territory directly under the two of them, and also handed over his plan to transform the waterfall to them for management.

As for how the relationship between the two of them will develop, Alan doesn't want to get involved. He is not the kind of king who regards everything as his own property. He will not be involved in the emotional life of his retainers and who he decides to be with for the rest of his life. Intervened or personally arranged.

After Fatis took over the specific work of Long Lake Town in Malhebi, he also returned to Feslet with Allen, and began to prepare for the seal of the territory. This time, he was going to move to the knights of Eastern Rovanian , Most of them are his old subordinates, and there is no command problem.

Moreover, with the help of the cabinet, they prepared very quickly. Dozens of knights have already brought their leaders and prisoners of war together on the road. As for the rest, they will continue in half a month. Leave the Dales and make your home in the area north of the Riverrun.

This time, more than 1 people were diverted from the river valley, and after the knights left, this long and narrow plain seemed to be much deserted in an instant.

And after Allen returned to Winterrey Castle, he began to write letters to his friends all over the place, inviting them to come to his wedding in the summer. This sudden decision really needs to be notified earlier, otherwise many people It is likely that Alan will get the news after he gets married, which is a bit embarrassing.

And after a large number of messengers left Rovanian, the people on this land fell into exciting joy. Their great king was about to hold a wedding, and the queen was a respectable prime minister.

In their opinion, there is nothing more convincing than this combination, and it can make people feel joy from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, Alan just decides a general direction for the management of the people, and the person who really shows up to ensure the prosperity and prosperity of the territory has always been Jamila.

Whether it is those officials who hold great power or those young people who are engaged in specific things, they are more willing to deal with Jamila.

In front of Alan, they would be involuntarily nervous, even if the king never showed anger, they never dared to speak loudly, so from the perspective of intimacy, Alan may never be better than his own queen.

After hearing the news, James, who looked back to his 30s and [-]s, approached Yatiman who was about to go out with a big smile, and said in an excited and contemptuous tone: "Look, I'll just say that the two of them will Come together at the best time, you lost Yatiman!!!"

Yatiman, who also recovered his youth, was stunned when he heard the words. After a while, he showed a dazed expression, but he just sneered, and said in a light tone: "So what if you win? I'm going to give the two My lord has prepared a wedding gift, so you can bask in the joy of victory, idiot."

After speaking, he didn't care about James' next words at all, and strode out of the city.

After seeing the beauty of the elves, Yatiman really thinks that he has a very high chance of having an elf queen, while James thinks that Yamila will definitely be able to impress Allen's heart, and the two bet on this, but During the emotional debate, the two did not place a bet.

Several years have passed since this incident, and it should have happened at the banquet after the Battle of Lonely Mountain.

So winning or losing has no effect on Yatiman at all, and what he needs to pay attention to is what to prepare to express his respect for the king and queen. He already has some ideas.

As the news of the wedding spread, the merchants still in Feisleite Panheng received a large number of orders, including drinks, gorgeous fabrics, various decorations, and other things related to the wedding. , As long as Alan and Jamila can think of things, all of them have become the materials that the merchants continue to buy.

During the week of the wedding, the entire territory will hold a large banquet, whether it is the people of Rovanian or the friends of the kingdom, whether they have received an invitation or not, they can come to attend.

When Allen finished writing all the letters, he was going to leave Feslet for a while.

As a king, he needs to find a witness for himself, and after counting the outstanding figures in the entire Middle-earth, there are not many people who can witness the marriage for Alan, and counting these bigwigs, Alan is willing and the other party Will happily agree, maybe only Gandalf.

But Gandalf doesn't know where to travel in Eriador now, and he has always been the only one looking for you. If you want to find him, it may be a bit difficult.

However, this is not too difficult for Allen. As long as he is willing to spend dinars, he can vaguely see the approximate location of Gandalf in Rovanian, and when he secretly brings his bodyguards After they crossed the Misty Mountains, they were able to clearly grasp the distance between Gandalf and themselves.

The gray-robed wizard is not alone at this time, there are handsome elves and tall young men standing beside him, they are Legolas and Aragorn who have left home to travel, if you add that they are close to 70 Year-old Gimli, the big men in the Fellowship of the Ring were almost rounded up.

And to hobbits, the little one among the dwarves is almost as good as the tallest among them.

And according to the sun's instructions, and Gandalf and his party were heading north on a north-south road, Allen guessed that they were probably going to Fornoster Elain, the old capital of Acedan.

Perhaps, what Allen told Aragorn in front of the gate of Minas Tirith did indeed play a role.

A month later, everyone met at Bag End at Mr. Bilbo Baggins' house, because Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas didn't stay in Fornoster Elaine for too long. After they stayed there briefly for a day, they embarked on the road back to Shire.

And Allen, who had been chasing after them, followed all the way to Hobbiton. He didn't go any wrong way, and walked all the way along the East-West Avenue across Eriador, and directly entered Hobbiton.

In fact, after returning from the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo Baggins became a legend in this area very smoothly, but his reputation among the Hobbits was not particularly good, because his adventure stories are very important to the comfort-loving people. For friends and neighbors, it is simply deviant behavior.

"Look, look, some strange people have come to find Mr. Baggins who lives in Bag End. Where is he going to venture this time? The towering and dangerous mountains or the perilous forest, I just hope he Don't go for too long like last time, I don't want to serve people like Loberia Sackville-Baggins, it's too much trouble to deal with them."

Hamfast Gamgee, who was sitting at the door of his house basking in the sun and smoking a pipe, watched a dozen cavalry pass by him and headed to Bag End, chatting with his wife behind him who was preparing lunch stand up.

And Holman, who had just received this week's salary from Bilbo, looked at Alan's figure and muttered.

"Okay, okay, the last two days have started to be weird again. First, a tall human, an old man in a gray robe, and an extremely rare beautiful elf came to Mr. Baggins. Today is even a good guy. A dozen knights in full armor came, and those who didn't know it thought those dirty orcs had invaded Shire again."

For the Hobbits living in Hobbiton, the arrival of Allen and his party is like a stone being smashed into the calm water by an urchin. In a tavern, in some hobbit's dining room.

All in all, these halflings who like to live a stable life feel uncomfortable because of this, but they don't pay too much attention to it due to various reasons.

As far as Mr. Bilbo Baggins is concerned, the five or six years of returning from Lonely Mountain are all added up, and he is not as happy as he is today. If his dwarf friends can also come to visit, then his joy may be It will make the whole Hobbiton lively.

The three of them who had just rested for a day in Bag End didn't expect to see Alan here and now, but after being surprised, they were happy to meet again.

After the entire process of tea, banquets, and tobacco pipes, Allen also learned about the experience of the three of them for more than half a year. After leaving Do Amroth, the three of them took a human ship all the way to the north and came to Qier. Gray Harbor where Dan lives.

After resting there for a week, Aragorn began to travel in Eriador with the help of Legolas and Gandalf.

They also specifically went to the Ened area mentioned by Allen, and indeed found many fishermen and herdsmen there.

Although the land in the Enaid area has become beautiful and fertile again after years of restoration, the lifestyles of fishermen and black barbarians are very scattered. Most of them fish on the coast in the form of families or small tribes. Or grazing on grasslands.

Unguided, most of them lived miserable lives, and their daily gains were mere subsistence, not to mention strong houses and fine furniture.

Although the people who live there are not particularly rich, the number of people is not rare. The three of them found no fewer than dozens of small settlements along the way. Roughly, there are at least nearly [-] people.

But they are very wary of strangers, and they are not even willing to talk to the three of them easily, and most of them act brutally, and they will raise their weapons to make threats at every turn.

When Aragorn talked about these things, he sighed softly. This young man naturally felt a little compassion for these people whose lives were not easy. Whether it is a human, or a Hobbit of the Shire, the life of that life is really too happy.

However, the rangers guarding the north have never paid attention to the Ened area, probably because that land belonged to the joint rule of the two countries before the Kingdom of Arno was destroyed, and with the rise of the dark forces and the power of the kingdom Such places are naturally ignored.

After that, their whereabouts were as Allen expected. They first went north all the way to repair in Bree, and then went to the old capital of Asedan to remember it, because Aragorn had never been there before. When the opportunity arises, it is natural to take a look.

In fact, they also went to the famous scenic spot of Eriador, the Lake of Dusk, and stopped for a long time in the ruins of Annuminas, until Legolas was fighting on the high place of the ruined wall, looking up from afar , Seeing minions serving the darkness in the extremely distant hills, the three turned back to Shire.

Obviously, the north of Eriador is not as stable as it appears on the surface. In some dark hills or wilderness with few people, there are still evil eyes staring at the land.

Allen did not give too much comment on the scenery along the way for the three of them. He knew that some things should not be rushed. .

Afterwards, Allen informed the four people in the house that he was planning to get married, and at the same time expressed his wish that Gandalf could witness the marriage for him.

Jamila also agrees with Alan's decision. First of all, she respects this witty old man very much and is willing to get close to him. Secondly, the relationship between Gandalf and Alan is also very close. Finally, Jamila actually can't find him. to more suitable candidates.

Although Jamila doesn't know the marriage customs of middle-earth nobles, according to the rules of Calradia, if a person with an identity like Alan wants to get married, the witnesses are probably the parents of both parties, or the elders who are highly respected in the family. A generation of characters, and in Middle-earth, only Gandalf can meet this condition.

Gandalf happily agreed to Alan's request, and Legolas, Aragorn, and Bilbo Baggins also congratulated Alan, and Alan also personally sent invitations to his friends.

Under the shining of the stars, there was a joyous atmosphere in Bag End that night.

So far, most of Alan's goals in coming to Eriador have been achieved, but before leaving Bag End, he still used his ability to check the whereabouts of a treasure out of curiosity, that is, the treasure containing the Twin Sacred Trees. The brilliant Silmaril.

One was worn on the forehead of Eärendil, one was left in the center of the earth by Feanor's eldest son Maedhros, and the last one was thrown into the sea by Maglor. , and this one is exactly the one Allen wants to investigate.

And with the crazy passing of dinars, Allen also saw the intoxicating light in a dark deep trench on the seabed, but its position is too deep, even if Allen already has the ability to The ability to come and go freely in the water, and not being confident enough to get it.

What's more, there are many huge monsters guarding around Baozuan, which is not something that can be easily done.

(End of this chapter)

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