When he received the letter from Allen because he needed Mithril, Sorin, the "King of Durin", was really surprised for a long time. He even forgot the pipe in his hand, and the burning "Old Toby" drifted away. Curly green smoke spread in the stone room.

There is the "Durin Nemesis" that makes the dwarves suffer so much! !Could it be that the courage of my human friend is enough to fight against such a terrible darkness?
And Dyne, who was standing aside and discussing important matters with Sorin, after hearing the news, showed a dignified expression, and said while thinking: "Perhaps, Alan does have a way to avoid the enemy. Ten years ago, when we first met, he mentioned Kazad-dum, knew that there was a terrifying power there, and called it the Balrog, I think Allen should be very clear about what he was going to do."

After hearing Dyne's words, Sorin recovered from the shock, and took a sharp puff of the cigarette pouch in his hand.

It must be impossible to say that Sorin never thought that he could bring Durin's family back to Kazadum in his lifetime.

Whether it was him, his father, or his grandfather, even going back nearly a thousand years, none of the Kings of Durin had ever given up on this idea.

But "Durin's Nemesis" left a deep impression on the dwarves. Even if they are tough-tempered dwarves, few people dare to dare to talk about the monster covered in fire, even the one now called the Balrog. The monster is only passed down in the stories passed down by the dwarves, and no one has seen it with their own eyes.

Moreover, when Fili returned to the Lonely Mountain from Feslet, he also mentioned that the Balrog was still active in Kazadum. This news was learned from the elves of Lothlorien. Regardless of the relationship, at least Thorin knew that although the elves sometimes spoke in a cloud, they almost never lied.

Well, the news that Kazad-dum has been vacant has been rumored in the Lonely Mountain recently, which naturally became a rumor, and Sorin also put most of his energy on the plan to retake the Gray Mountains.

But now, this matter was brought up by his human allies.

Of course, the letter Alan sent to Lonely Mountain was not an invitation to Thorin to send an army of dwarves to forcibly capture Moria, which was still shrouded in darkness. He just needed two guides who were more familiar with that cave.

But even so, Sorin also showed great hesitation. Not only was he worried that the people he sent would never return, but he was also afraid that his friend would unfortunately die in that dark and terrifying hall.

"Sorin, let me take people and Allen there, this matter is also very important to us."


Dyin, who had been thinking for a long time, slapped the wine glass heavily on the stone table in front of him, and continued to persuade: "I know you have been thinking about taking back the Gray Mountains, but this does not prevent us from going to Kazadum to explore first. Fan, make some preparations for the future."

If it is to take a large number of people directly to recover Moria, Dyne will not agree, because the dwarves have no way to defeat the Balrog, but following Allen to explore, Dyne feels that there is nothing too big The problem.

By the way, you can also see how confident your ally is, to be able to take out the Mithril he needs under the eyes of the Balrog.

And Sorin looked at Dyne with a firm expression on his face, and finally nodded. Although Erebor is very rich, it is also a small land. If he can regain the former kingdom of the dwarves, Sorin will naturally not miss it. such an opportunity.

"Okay, I will arrange for Ori and Oin to accompany you. I know they have studied the terrain of Kazadum all along, and they should help you and Alan."

Dyne, who got the permission, nodded, saluted the king, turned and left Thorin's room, looking for his two companions.

By the time the three dwarves came all the way to Fort Winterrey with the help of the running river, it was already half a month later, and Allen was almost ready to set off.

In Allen's view, although Moria seemed very dangerous at this time, it was not so scary for him now. He had done a very detailed analysis before sending the letter to the dwarves.

First of all, the half-orcs in Moria lost at least two-thirds of their power after a great battle in the Lonely Mountain. Although six or seven years have passed, the half-orcs are multiplying fast enough. But it is impossible to return to the strongest moment immediately.

And Alan didn't plan to go alone this time. He was going to bring all his elf guards, that is, Horimion and twelve Twilight Knights, 36 Noldor Rangers, and ten Maiden Rangers.

This kind of power, when facing small-scale half-orcs and not a particularly large number of trolls, is enough to quickly eliminate them, not to mention that with Alan's current strength, he can defeat hundreds of half-orcs in one face-to-face , making dozens of trolls unable to move.

No matter what, running with such strength is no problem. Allen also prepared a Rose Lorien cloak for all his subordinates, which is enough to hide his figure in the dark.

As for why they didn't bring Daredevil Swordsman, Griffin Rider, and Animal Friends with them, it was naturally because human beings don't have the ability to see in the dark, and the skin-changing man is too big.

Allen didn't want his team, which was about to sneak quietly, to pass through Moria with a torch. If he did that, he might as well take thousands of troops and rush in to grab a wave, and then immediately It's safer to just run.

Secondly, the biggest threat in Moria is the Balrog who once ran away in the Battle of Wrath, and Allen has been preparing to deal with him.

For the burning flames on the Balrog, Allen prepared as many as six sapphire rune bows. In the past few years, he has also tested the effectiveness of this weapon on Dongyi people, vicious behemoths, ogres, and ring spirits. Formidable power, the frost power contained in it should suppress the power of the Balrog, and at worst it should have the effect of counteracting the flames.

And the Tranquil Rain just learned from the Magic Continent is Allen's biggest hole card when he is preparing to face the Balrog. With his current strength, this heavy rain that can suppress the dark power can last at least 3 minutes, and this time 3 minutes is enough time for Allen and his personal guards to do something.

As long as the monster has no flames that can burn others within the range of the Tranquil Rain, then things will be much easier.

Since Gandalf was able to rely on an enemy fencing sword attached to lightning to kill the Balrog, then Alan didn't believe that he and more than 50 Noldor holding rune weapons could still suffer under the hands of a Balrog. , It's like who can't let go of a lightning bolt.

Moreover, Allen also has the ability to check the location of the Balrog once a day, no matter what happens, he will not put himself in a too dangerous state. If the situation is not right, he will run away, and he has no throne to protect.

Of course, this is just the worst plan. If possible, Allen hopes that he can quietly enter Moria with his guards, and then return home safely after getting a large amount of Mithril, and be happy with the dwarves The spoils.

As for the dormant guy, Allen is going to come back and kill him after he becomes stronger. Allen still likes the humane Gandalf now, and doesn't want his old friend to experience a death.

As for whether to upgrade to a white robe wizard or not, it doesn't matter at all, because after defeating Sauron, Gandalf will return to Valinor by boat and restore his identity as Maia.

For Maya O'Rolin, the wizard is just a valuable experience, not his end, so before the friends leave, shouldn't they get along more happily?Gandalf turned into a white robe is really strange.

And when Alan, who was ready, saw the arrival of Dyne, Ori, and Oin, he was full of joy after being surprised. Having a few Durin dwarves who are familiar with the terrain as guides can greatly save him time. , and the shorter the time, the lower the risk.

It's just that the arrival of Dyne's three dwarves caught Alan by surprise. He only asked for two guides in the letter, and he only prepared two more elf cloaks. It is considered rare, and it is not something you can get if you want to get it.

In any case, by the time Allen led his troops to set off from Feslet again, it would already be the month of tree germination in 2948 of the third era, that is, April.

Before going to Dark Valley, Allen still visited the lady of the Golden Forest. If nothing else, at least he had to ask for another elf cloak for the dwarves, otherwise, there would have to be a dwarf in Karaska Razon is with Thrain II.

And when he learned that Alan was going to Moria, even a wise lady showed a surprised expression. When Alan was fully armed, Galadriel could no longer see through his thoughts up.

And Allen, who once showed shame in front of his wife, can completely reach that special power with the help of the helmet, um, it is the "magic" that seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

Even though it is impossible to see through the heart of the human being in front of him at this moment, Galadriel, who is considerate and benevolent, does not have too much suspicion of Allen. After all, in the past few years, this extremely young leader He accomplished many feats.

So she generously gave an elf cloak suitable for dwarves, and summoned Haldir, who often led a small team to monitor the Dark Valley, and asked this Galazman, who can speak the common language proficiently, to assist Alan and his party People complete their plans.

With the help of the local elves, Alan and his party's next journey went very smoothly. Whether it was a sunny day with the sun shining brightly or a cloudy day with dense clouds, Haldir could always lead them in the overgrown weeds. In the dense forest, he found an extremely secret path and arrived at the northernmost defense line of Los Lorien in the evening of one day.

And this is also the front line for the Galaz people to prevent the orcs from invading the forest, and further ahead is the valley leading to the gate of Moria, which is the famous Dark Valley.

The endless misty mountain range became clearer to everyone, and the snow-capped Yunjiao Peak, Red Horn Peak, and Silver Tooth Peak also exuded white and shining light.

The snow there might have to wait until the hottest midsummer to melt, and after the cold winter, the Red Corner Gate, which could have been used as a passage, would be shrouded in raging blizzard, making it difficult for even powerful beings to pass through.

Oh, by the way, elves who are as light as swallows are not the case. They can stabilize their bodies in strong storms without letting their boots sink into the snow. I have to say, this is really amazing. is a race blessed with special powers.

Under the shining stars, Allen and his party lay down on the wooden high platform of the mallon tree to rest for the night after dinner.

I don't know if it's because I can vaguely see the scenery of the Dark Valley from this place, or because it's only half a day away from the gate of Moria. The sound never stopped in the first half of the night.

"I really can't imagine that we are so close to Kazad-dum. I want to be the first to enter that gate." Oyin's slightly deep voice had already begun to become a little hoarse.

"Yes, and I, no matter what, I must go to the beautiful Escalade-Zalam to take a look. No one can stop me, and whoever stops me will let him taste the power of my dwarf ax." Ori's voice It rang again to cater to Oin.

"Who will stop you? If anyone stops a dwarf who wants to stare at Kailed Zalam, he will step over our body." Oyin's voice replied quickly.

"Okay, okay, can't you two think about which route you should take first after entering Moria tomorrow? Quiet me." Finally, Dyne's voice full of anger stopped all this. .

Everyone can finally fall asleep peacefully.

The next day, the morning sun was extremely bright, everyone had a simple breakfast, and after saying goodbye to Haldir, they started to head towards the Dark Valley.

Anyway, Orcs always hated the sun, especially those Snaga. They hardly ever set foot out of the Misty Mountains in daylight, and any traveler who knew this would take the opportunity to move fast.

Soon, under the cover of trees and cloaks, everyone stepped across a not deep but extremely cool stream. If Allen remembered correctly, this should be the Silver Vein River, which came from Mirror Shadow Lake, which is also known as the dwarves. The river that flowed from the Kaled-Zalam proved that everyone had reached the edge of the Dark Valley.

Using his abilities, Alan tried his best to observe the situation in the valley. After finding no trace of the orcs, he began to lead the team along the flat valley to the Misty Mountains.

The huge, broken door of Moria was very close to them.

a bit late, just finished writing

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