Chapter 227 Stop and run

The darkness receded rapidly with the arrival of the flames, but what followed was not light, but a pair of huge wings that seemed to be formed by the convergence of shadows and thick smoke, spreading out in the air as if riding the wind.

And as the black figure stood firmly on the edge of the cliff, a shocking roar sounded immediately, echoing in the originally silent third valley, even the seemingly hard and smooth floor under everyone's feet, They all trembled as if shaken by the sound.

And the billowing heat wave spewed out from the big mouth that was blazing, blowing towards the six rune arrows shot from the sapphire rune bow.

Immediately, the dots of blue light brightened during the extremely fast flight, but disappeared in front of the huge figure like a meteor, leaving no traces.

The Balrog felt an extremely disgusting aura from the blue light, and this body didn't like the feeling of bone-chilling cold.

While roaring, the Balrog quickly blocked his thick, pitch-black arms emitting raging flames in front of his chest.

And a forked lightning flashing with dazzling light penetrated into the black arm of the Balrog in an instant, and the traces of electric light began to swim quickly on the huge body of the Balrog, emitting a light that was enough to illuminate the entire cave. .

This is the light that dispels the darkness, and Balrog's movements slowed down amidst the flashes of lightning.

The chain lightning cast by Allen, which can instantly defeat dozens of people, still made this huge demon enter a state of paralysis. However, the flames on its body were still rising, and the hideous and terrifying face did not appear. A slight expression change.

Obviously, this attack did not cause any decent damage to the Balrog.

And the second attack released by Allen also hit the still open mouth of the Balrog at this time. Under the impact of the lightning, the Balrog quickly closed his mouth, and appeared in a posture of leaning back, Even his right foot took a step backward involuntarily.

At this time, Allen finally freed up a little time, turned his head and shouted at the Twilight Knights behind him: "Go, this is an order!!"

The Twilight Knights, who had been frightened by the aura of the Balrog, quickly recovered from Allen's roar, then picked up the sapphire rune bow that fell on the ground, and headed towards the passage leading to the second hall run.

Allen knew very well in his heart that this was not a place to fight, and it was not even a good time to hinder the Balrog's footsteps, because there were thousands of enemies on the upper floor. In the second hall, it is really impossible to run.

Then these subordinates of his can only become a burden if they stay here. Even he himself should leave here quickly while the Balrog is paralyzed. Chain lightning alone cannot kill the monster in front of him.

However, the truth is this, but Allen looked at the huge and terrifying black figure in front of him, and a monstrous anger ignited in his heart. He didn't want to be frightened away by the monster in front of him like this. Isn't it even worse than an ordinary Númenorean.

Allen, who was full of anger, instantly lit up with extremely strong white light, and his slender body was like lightning while running, rushing towards the Balrog who was still paralyzed.

Then, at the moment when he rushed to the black shadow, he jumped up, and inserted the Noldor Rune Sword, which was also shining brightly, heavily into the black and flaming belly of the Balrog.

The feeling of extreme pain made the Balrog immediately get rid of the paralysis caused by the lightning, and slapped the ant that was still hanging on him.

Then Allen was knocked away by the Balrog for more than ten meters at a faster speed than before. Fortunately, after feeling the strong wind pressure, Allen released his right hand in time, and then tightly Withstood the enchanted shield of the Noldor, parrying the quick blow that came at him.

So apart from being slightly injured when rolling on the floor, Alan's body didn't take much damage. However, the extremely angry Balrog pulled out a fiery red long knife that burned for several meters in the air. , slashed at Allen, who had just stood firm, with lightning speed.

Faced with such an unavoidable and terrifying blow, Allen had no choice but to raise the shield in his hand high, and then frantically sent the Qi in his body into the shield. After the Noldo enchanted shield received a huge energy supply, Between the flashes of white light, a silver-white energy round shield unexpectedly appeared, and it was the first to meet the fiery red blade that was slashing down rapidly.

With a flash of dazzling light, there was a sound like a thunderbolt. Alan was sent flying out again amidst the splash of fire, and the Noldor enchanted shield with silver light on his left arm also wailed. After that, it shattered into pieces of scrap iron, unable to provide its owner with the ability to protect.

And the Balrog who swung such a blow was also affected to a certain extent. In the collision of huge energy, his left foot took another step backwards, but he didn't want to step directly over the cliff, and his huge figure was uncontrollable. Lean back.

And the pair of wings wrapped in thick smoke and shadows waved rapidly at this moment. In the billowing flames, the figure of the Balrog actually stabilized, and the pair of wings actually had such an effect.

At such a critical moment, Alan, who was lying on the ground, didn't even have time to get up from the ground after seeing all this, and directly released two bolts of lightning that had no accumulated power, and the flames who were about to return to their original place soon The demon was paralyzed.

Afterwards, the flaming figure fell into the abyss where he came from, and when Alan saw this scene, the first thing that flashed in his mind was not joy, but Gandalf being killed by a flaming spear. Seeing the long whip wrapped around his ankle, he rolled quickly on the ground, and happened to dodge a fiery whip shadow.

At the same time, there was an angry roar in the abyss, followed by the sound of rolling rocks.

Allen knew that these alone would not be able to kill the powerful Balrog, and it was not easy to stay here for a long time, so he quickly chased after the subordinates who left early.

Everyone stumbled and ran in the dark, and the drums of "Dong Long" and "Dong Long" also sounded at this time.

This is naturally because the Balrog's cry alarmed the black face who was celebrating in the upper layer of Moria. Although he was simple-minded, he couldn't figure out what provoked the gods here, but the quick-witted Fimble immediately Think of someone invading Moria.

And this also confirmed why his subordinates and the black-faced subordinates were continuously attacked in a short period of time, which triggered a conflict, which also indirectly led to his failure to compete for the leader. The orc's eyes turned red.

Immediately after he surrendered, Fimble wanted to communicate with the black face, but the black face who had won the victory a few days ago, was only thinking of recovering those two simple-minded and gluttonous idiots. Willing to hear Fimble's explanation.

Even after all the orcs were recovered, the trumpeter was made to blow a celebratory tune.

However, the roar from the lower layers of Moria finally attracted the attention of the black face. Therefore, the sound of horns and drums calling for soldiers to chase the enemy also sounded completely in the empty mountain kingdom.

Moria, which was usually dark and silent in the past, seemed unusually noisy at this moment. The sound of horns, war drums, and the cries of orcs during the march echoed non-stop in the halls and passages.

And Allen, who had tried his best to catch up with his subordinates, also slowed down his pace to allow time for his physical energy to recover.

At this time, everyone had already stepped on the stairs leading to the second hall, and before entering the passage, Ai Lu quickly glanced behind him, and the looming fire had gradually become clear.

The Balrog that fell into the abyss during the battle has climbed up the rock wall again, and the pursuit speed is extremely fast, far exceeding Allen's previous estimation.

"It stands to reason that this smoking guy shouldn't even be able to catch up with dwarves? How could he run so fast!"

A very ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Alan's mind, and then he threw it to the edge of Beleger. At this time, the temperature of the air seemed to rise again.

Now, there is not much time left for him to think about it.

In the darkness, apart from the sound of heavy footsteps stepping up the steps, there was only the panting sound of the crowd. A group of people had already approached with all their strength to enter the second hall as soon as possible, and the fire that represented the Balrog was already lighting up The darkness in the passage indicated that the Balrog was not far from their position.

After a while, the sounds of battle came from the upper passage. It was obvious that the Twilight Knight and the girl ranger guarding the second hall had already fought with the half-orcs who came down from the upper floor.

The situation at this time is indeed the case. Under the call of the drum, a team of half-orcs staying on the second floor bumped into the elves who were guarding the bridge of Kazadum in a very short time. , the battle is on the verge of breaking out.

But the hundreds of them, after the two waves of arrow rain from the elves, quickly dispersed, and then in the depths of the second hall, they joined another group of half-orcs with a larger number, Wuyang Wuyang Once again attacked the elf team with less than 20 people.

The three waves of arrow rain in a short period of time killed at least one-fifth of the enemies, but amidst the sound of the horns, these half-orcs did not collapse, but yelled some incomprehensible words indiscriminately, and rushed towards The elves guarding the passage.

The elves who originally held bows and arrows could only be forced to pull out their swords and shields and enter the melee. In order not to be broken by the large number of half-orcs, the elves could only rely on each other tightly and fight against a large number of rushing elves. The half-orcs who came up fought and guarded the bridge behind the passage.

This is Allen's order, and this time there is no order to retreat at any time, so before the order changes, they will stay here forever until they die.

However, as time passed, the noise in the second hall gradually increased, and more and more half-orcs gathered here, including some Uruk who were close to ordinary humans in size and were fully armed.

After seeing the battle scene, they showed extremely excited expressions, and quickly approached the battle area.

Suddenly, all the advancing half-orcs stopped their footsteps, and the half-orcs who were besieging the elves also gave up their prey and looked at a passage on the southwest side of the second hall in unison. It is already lit in that channel.

However, the first one to rush out of the passage was not the Balrog who had been chasing its prey, but Alan who was galloping fast with a strong white light all over his body. The power rushed directly into the enemy.

Dirty blood and shattered limbs flew up at the same time, and the howling sound made the surrounding half-orcs stay away from the glowing figure.

The Twilight Knights wielding their swords and shields also rushed up at this time, along with three dwarves wearing a full set of Mithril armor. They held shields and maces mixed with Mithril in their hands, and charged forward without hesitation. To the channel that has been surrounded.

Followed by the Noldor rangers carrying a dozen boxes, and the clansmen guarding them with swords and shields.

Soon, Allen came to his subordinates in a bloody storm, and he breathed a sigh of relief because there were not many figures, and the dark red fire also illuminated the wall of the second hall at this time.

A huge group of black shadows appeared among the orcs, those annoying scum, already squeezed into two parts tremblingly, giving the widest road in the center to that huge black figure.

Blazing flames rose up in the second hall, and a suffocating heat wave blew towards the converging humans, elves, and dwarves. The powerful and terrifying figure of the Balrog shocked the audience again.

"Cross the bridge, run."

Allen yelled and woke up his subordinates, and then everyone rushed to the narrow bridge, but Hermione stayed behind with the five twilight knights equipped with the sapphire rune bow. The Balrog once, and fled under the cover of the lord.

But this time, their performance was far better than last time, and they even raised the rune bow in their hands and shot three waves of arrows at the approaching Balrog in a short period of time.

Facing the incoming blue lights, the Balrog impatiently waved his hand and sprinkled a large rain of fire, burning all the blue lights.

And Allen and his subordinates also took advantage of this little time to rush into the passage, and set foot on the narrow bridge while being chased by the Balrog and the orcs.

Just when Allen ran to the center of the arch bridge, the huge figure of the Balrog also chased out of the passage, and at some point, a long whip with flames was already held in the hand by the huge black figure, and it was torn apart with a sound. After the scream of the air, the fiery red whip shadow drew towards Allen.

All the anger of the Balrog at this time can be said to come from this ant that is constantly shining white light, and the first target of his attack is naturally Allen.

"grown ups!!"

Horimion, who had already run to the opposite side of the bridge, directly threw the enchanted shield on his back towards Whip Shadow, and immediately took out the sapphire rune bow, and shot at the Balrog on the other side of the cliff.

The shield and the whip shadow barely passed by, and the flame finally hit Allen's back. Twilight Knight's throwing skills are not inferior to his bow and arrow accomplishments, but they don't have standing throwing weapons.

In this short period of time, Allen strode to the other side of the arch bridge, and the Balrog followed in Allen's footsteps and rushed to the Kazadum Bridge.

Allen looked at the Balrog who was chasing after him, and then at the nervous subordinates around him, gritted his teeth, and activated his last hole card, and the energy that had recovered more than half of his body was evacuated in an instant.

It seems that in an instant, a group of dark clouds with electric light spread out from the center of Allen, and the drizzle with blue lights falling from the dark clouds, and then under the control of Allen's thoughts, It rained heavily over the Balrog's head.

This is exactly the ability Allen has mastered recently, Rain of Tranquility.

It's just that the scene in front of me has nothing to do with tranquility.

 I haven't said anything for a long time, so let's not say anything, I hope you all enjoy watching,
(End of this chapter)

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