Chapter 24, City Wall Construction

Recently, some news has started to circulate in Wilderness Village, and everyone has been talking about it in the tavern for almost a week.

According to legend, in the south of the village, there are often one or two huge black bears cruising nearby.

People who unfortunately run into them will not be harmed by them. Some villagers are busy and come back late, and they will be watched by these black bears when they return to the village.

Some people say that these bears were sent by the gods to protect their kind villagers.

Some people say that the bears actually want to attack Wilderness Village and are looking for an opportunity.

In short, the rumors are getting more and more outrageous. At first, Allen didn't want to tell the villagers about Beorn's family helping guard.

After all, bears are very ferocious beasts, and Allen was afraid of causing panic in some villagers. Now it's all right, let alone panic.

Allen had no choice but to call the villagers and tell them that these bears were indeed protecting them and were very good friends of Wilderness Village, so they should not worry.

After the villagers heard Alan's words, the rumors that the black bear was about to attack Wilderness Village disappeared.

As a result, the stories Alan and Black Bear had to tell were discussed more intensely in the tavern, and even the three recovered dwarves joined the discussion.

Yes, the three dwarves finally regained their health. After Yatiman learned that there was a dwarf blacksmith in the village, he built a blacksmith shop near the Anduin River.

But this is just an empty shelf. Alan can still provide bellows, anvils, hammers, clamps and even pig iron, but Alan can't provide fuel and stoves, so the first thing after Frey took office is to build various A stove for melting iron and burning charcoal.

Fortunately, Frey is an all-round expert in blacksmithing, and none of these troubles him.

And the big net mixed with bright silver metal was also dismantled by Fording and the others.

Frey told Allen that the metal doped in it is Mithril, which is the best metal dwarves can find in Middle-earth. After melting, it is as big as two fists.

If Allen is willing, he can use these mithril to make a set of chain mail for Allen, which contains the unique skills of dwarves. The armor produced is not only very light, but also extremely strong.

Allen, who had been thinking for a while, did not agree to Frey's suggestion.

Allen had a vague feeling that these Mithril might be of greater use in the future.

He didn't know why he felt this way, he always felt that he might have a little bit of inspiration, but he couldn't grasp all of it.

Soon Alan was occupied with other things most of the time.

Since the rumor that Wilderness Village was sheltered by a huge black bear spread, many forest residents came to Wilderness Village to confirm this fact, and they all began to move closer to Alan's village.

A considerable number of people are loyal to Allen, hoping to get Allen's asylum.

Some people just moved to the vicinity of Wilderness Village and watched.

Not counting these forest residents who moved nearby, the population of Wilderness Village now exceeds 2000.

Allen learned from the new villagers that they all came from the south of Wilderness Village, or more precisely, the southern part of the Black Forest.

The evil forces there are getting stronger and stronger, and many villagers often see large unusual spiders in the forest, which was not common in the past.

Some villagers also said that a long time ago, under the moonlight, they saw pale-skinned half-orcs riding white wolves and leading wolf cavalry wandering in the wilderness. They did not know what they were looking for, but they never stepped into Pass Beorn's inspection range.

Allen knew that this was the evil power of Dol Guldur, and that pale orc should be Azog. This guy should often go back and forth between Moria and Dol Guldur to manage his own territory, and by the way give his master Sauron Flattery.

But judging from this, Azog probably has no intention of attacking Wilderness Village in a short period of time. Obviously, Sauron should have given him a more important task.

Allen's current strength is not weak. If all members are called together, more than 600 fighters can be recruited.

Although most of them are forest residents, their weapons and equipment are not particularly good. If they are just ambush or defensive warfare, their battles are still possible.

Frey has also been using the orc trophies to create some simple weapons, but it is not enough to arm everyone in a short period of time, let alone armor. This thing is very slow to make, and the sophisticated ones are even slower.

Another big problem is that Alan's village has almost no walls.

Although the wooden fence has been strengthened and expanded, it is wooden after all, and there is no advantage in height, so it is difficult to prevent a large number of orc attacks.

And not every orc commander was as stupid as the last one.

Regardless of race issues, Azog's command ability is very strong, enough to command an army of tens of thousands of orcs.

Allen felt that he could not underestimate him. According to the development speed of Wilderness Village, he might have to fight Azog before the Battle of the Five Armies.

And now there is a lot of labor on Alan's side, and they can't all be released to reclaim wasteland, so it will be too difficult to guard the villagers.

Allen felt that it was time to build taller, thicker, and wider defensive walls.

This order was approved by everyone at the meeting in the lord's longhouse, but the problem was also placed in front of everyone.

That is, there are no stones around the Wilderness Village, but there are many in the Misty Mountains. However, transporting stones from dozens or even hundreds of kilometers to build the city wall is dangerous or not, and Alan simply cannot afford the cost.

After discussing for some time, Yatiman proposed another idea, which is to use wood.

At this time, Yatiman talked freely at the meeting, and when he spoke, there was always a feeling of elation and no one else,
"When I traveled in Nord before, I found that many towns and castles in the Nord Kingdom used wood to complete the construction of the city walls. They buried five or six-meter-long logs side by side in the soil, and then used iron to build them. Nails, planks, iron wires, etc., are fixed together, lined up in two rows, and then the soil is piled between the two rows of wood, so that the construction is much faster than using stones, and it also saves a lot of labor."

Speaking of this, Yatiman looked at Allen.

He held his head high and said: "Master Allen, I have studied the relevant knowledge in detail in the Nord Kingdom. Although I have not joined for a long time, please believe in my loyalty and my ability. I will definitely Get this thing done in the fastest possible time."

Allen never doubted Yatiman's loyalty and ability, he was just thinking about a question, should the wood really be obtained from the Black Forest?Will the woodland elves come to trouble him?Allen thought about it again, there is so much wood in the Black Forest, it shouldn't be a big problem to use a little by himself, and I have never heard of Ent in the Black Forest.

Allen remembered again that there is a place called Donglin Bay on the east side of the southern end of the Black Forest. That place was cut down by humans alive.
Allen sat in his own position and fell into a tangle.

At this time, Fording, who was invited by Allen as an exception, suddenly spoke: "Actually, you can use bricks. The defense of a city wall made of wood is not high after all. If you use bricks, the strength will not be worse than ordinary stones. I just know this There is no shortage of suitable clay near Wilderness Village, and in order to repay your life-saving grace, I am very happy to help."

Well, now Alan is even more entangled. Both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Using wood is fast. Although wood needs to be processed, it has a large area and the construction speed must be very fast. The disadvantage is that the defense is indeed not as good as stone or brick walls.

If bricks are used, the defense strength will indeed be greatly improved, but the speed will definitely be slower than that of wood;

Allen thought about it for a while, and decided not to struggle anymore, he wanted it all.

Allen looked at Yatiman and said: "Yatiman, you should design the corresponding drawings first. My requirement is that 3000 to 5000 people can hide in the city wall for refuge, and there is still enough space to store a large amount of supplies and supplies. As for the water source, as for the construction method, I think the two can be carried out at the same time.”

Allen looked at Fording again, and said politely: "I will trouble you about the firing of city bricks. On behalf of all members of Wilderness Village, I thank you for your help."

Fording waved his hand quickly, and said in his mouth: "It should be, I am happy to serve you."

Allen said to Yatiman again: "How to use these materials is up to you. I can give you the labor force of 700 people. You can build the city wall according to your own ideas. You can make a list of the tools you need. Give it to me, I will get it done for you as soon as possible, I only have two requirements, the first is to be quick, and the other is not to treat the villagers too harshly."

Yatiman nodded excitedly when he heard it. He thought that if he built the city wall well, he would not only be able to gain a firm foothold in Allen's team, but he might also be famous in history. For such an engineer, the temptation is quite large.

Jamila on the side stood up and said with a embarrassed face: "Master, if you want to recruit so many people, the food will not be particularly sufficient. If it is only a few hundred people at the beginning, our current food is indeed enough, because The villagers who came later are currently taking care of themselves, but if you want to recruit another 700 people, and you have to do high-intensity labor, then our food will soon be exhausted."

At the beginning, there were only more than 500 villagers and soldiers in the wilderness village. These people either came here clean, or the village was destroyed by the orcs. Allen has always been responsible for their food and clothing problems, and this situation will continue lasts until fall.

The forest residents who came to Alan later ate all the food they had stored, which was enough for them to eat until the harvest festival (end of September and beginning of October).
The environment of the wilderness village is surrounded by a big river to the west and a forest to the east. In seasons like summer, the villagers can easily obtain extra food.

It would be different if the villagers were to be recruited. Allen would have to bear the food and clothing problem for at least 200 to 500 people.

Allen calculated carefully. If he uses the simulator to buy enough grain to last until the harvest festival,
It actually costs tens of thousands of dinars (ten dinars a day for 50 people, 500 dinars a month for [-] people, there are at least four months before the end of summer and autumn, tens of thousands should be right).

Allen has some headaches. He still has a lot of dinars left, which should be more than 9.Looking at a lot, I didn't expect to use it so quickly.

"The city wall must be built, and the flowers are spent. I am not a gang of misers like the dwarves."

Alan glanced at Fording quietly while thinking, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Fording.

Fording wondered why the young leader looked at him, because he couldn't get food.

After making up his mind, Allen said to Jamila: "No problem, I will solve the food problem, you just go down and prepare, and I hope everyone can move tomorrow."

After speaking, he glanced at the crowd and said, "Everyone, do you have any questions?"

"Then the meeting is over."

Everyone left the lord's longhouse one after another.

Allen, who was lying in the bedroom, felt that he might have a financial crisis, and began to struggle with whether to simulate again.

After resting for more than half a month, Allen felt that his mental state was almost better, but he was afraid that something would happen if his recovery was not thorough enough.

Allen, who struggled for a long time, still gave up, feeling that he still needs to take a good rest, and let's talk about it when he fully recovers.

Allen said melancholy on the bed: "Choice is the biggest difficulty in life."

"My lord, do you have any orders?"

Allen, who was sleeping next to Allen, asked loudly.

"It's alright, go to sleep."

In response to Allen, Allen closed his eyes.

Since the last meeting, Wilderness Village has entered an unprecedentedly busy stage.

Yatiman led the villagers to start building roads. The transportation of timber cannot be carried entirely by people, it needs the cooperation of horse-drawn carts.

Fording is also planning a brick-burning site and a brick kiln.

The guard work of Fatis and Bandak has become even more busy, and Jamila is also doing her best to do logistical work.

Even James brought his apprentices on the stage. During the work, villagers often bumped into each other and suffered some minor injuries.

Kress. Kress often can't find anyone to play.

Allen was idle again.

Everyone knows that after Allen fell into a coma for nearly a day last time, his mental state has not been very good.

Although everyone doesn't know the reason, they are very considerate of Alan. After all, there is no more important existence in this village than Alan.

Alan is broken and has no designated heir, and the village doesn't know what will happen when the time comes.

Faced with such a situation, Allen didn't want to look like an outsider. He often took Allen to appear in front of the busy villagers.

Ask them what their needs are, and whether they have encountered any problems in their work. If there are any problems, Allen will solve them as soon as possible.

For example, some villagers said that they are vegetarians every day and hope to eat some meat. Allen will arrange a meal with meat for them every now and then.

Another example is that some villagers proposed that after work, they wanted to drink some wine to relieve tiredness. Allen bought some malt wine and gave them some to drink when he took the time, but he requested that it is absolutely not allowed to drink during work, and it is absolutely not allowed Drunken riots occurred.

Of course, during this period of time, Allen would often take Allen to visit Beorn to improve his life.

The place where Beorn lives has been well-built, and there is already a rudimentary form of a manor. It is very comfortable to live in at first glance, and Alan is a little envious.

However, it wasn't all good things. Because of Beorn's help in guarding, there were no half-orcs around the wilderness village, but there were often half-orcs on the other side of the river.

They would even appear during the day, shooting arrows across the river, trying to kill the busy villagers in an attempt to provoke Allen.

In Allen's view, they were simply courting death.

Allen stood on the side of the river, and with the war bow in his hand, he shot and killed many orcs who provoked him.

This situation lasted for quite a long time, and finally, after hundreds of people died and learned the lesson of blood, these half-orcs learned how to behave, and no longer appeared on the banks of the river, but secretly observed them in the dense forest. wilderness village.

Regarding this phenomenon, Allen was helpless and could only let them watch.

Time passed little by little in this way, and the matter of building the city wall was advancing little by little. Alan, who wandered around the village every day, was recovering his mental state little by little.

This kind of life continued until one morning, when some unusual guests came to the entrance of the wilderness village, they were a group of elves who claimed to be from the woodland kingdom.

 Thank you for your support, this is today's update, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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