Chapter 245 News
Seeing the young man in front of him leave his house without looking back, Barr was a little puzzled, why didn't he even go through the process of bargaining?
In the past few years, many Rovanians have also sent messages to themselves. Although they also showed a certain degree of disgust, it was the first time they saw such a straightforward Barr.

Taking a cautious look at the emblem on the letter again, it was a knight charging on the grass with a spear in his hand and riding a steed. Well, this was very familiar to Barr, and it wasn't the first time he had seen it.

Few people are willing to spend a lot of money to order such a beautifully shaped seal from the dwarves, not to mention that the dwarves will not casually sell such things to the second person.

After confirming that he was not deceived, Barr's mood gradually became more cheerful, and he waved his hand to ask the men around him to find the young man who is the best at riding horses, while he himself sat at the dining table in the hall and poured himself a glass of wine , Thinking in my heart that I will make a big deal this time.

Last year, Barr traded nearly a hundred northern humans and a dozen Dongyi youths to Fatis. These hundreds of people exchanged a lot of goods for him. His boss Ashur was very satisfied. The tribal leaders who begged him were very satisfied, even Baal's own younger brother was very satisfied.

But Barr was not satisfied, he had the kind of temperament that would never know how to be satisfied, otherwise he would not have risked being killed to talk about "trade" after being chased away by Fatis.

Today, the orders Barr obtained can bring him ten times the income of last year. Although the value of dwarves is indeed higher than that of humans in the Dongyi slave trade, there is absolutely no five times the gap.

Now, Barr has to exchange two hundred dwarves for thousands of humans to get benefits, which even exceeds all the wealth he has earned in the past few years, so this Dongyi warlord can't help but do it carelessly.

Soon, under the command of the leader, more than a dozen Dongyi cavalry on fast horses left Barr's camp in a team of two, scattered casually and headed north.

As Brenden said, before buying and selling, you always have to search for information. Two hundred dwarves are definitely not a small number. It takes a lot of time for a small tribe to gather together.

And the departure of a dozen cavalrymen also alarmed the birds flying on the wasteland. They whirled and flew to a higher sky, and then caught up with the running cavalrymen before they knew it, and there was a withered yellow sky in the distance. And in the dense grass, Allen was holding up a telescope to observe Barr's territory, and the cavalry also left under his nose.

Regardless of whether Barr is sincerely willing to serve him, Allen will not completely hand over the decision-making power in this matter to a Dongyi warlord. He has some kindness, some integrity, and sometimes a little hypocrisy. But he was definitely not stupid, and he wouldn't really believe Baal anyway.

Of course, any form of extortion will not be accepted, such as a transaction that doubles the price.

It's just that Alan still doesn't know that Barr has opened his mouth to his lion. His purpose of coming here is just to confirm that the Dongyi people are really doing things for him. In addition, he also brought two people who are proficient in talking with birds. Agent, come here to get first-hand information.

And Horimion, who was only wearing the noble uniform of the Noldor, was carefully observing everything around him. Humans were not the only dangers in the wilderness in this period. Due to the lack of food, hungry beasts were everywhere. Every movement may reveal the traces of his party.

Although this is not the hinterland of the Dongyi people, Alan brought three men with him this time, one of him and two spies, and if there is any movement, it is still very dangerous, which makes Hermion's nerves go all the way. All tense.

Allen doesn't have this worry. If he wants to, he can immediately summon [-] fully armed Swadian knights who don't know the pain and tirelessness. There is no problem at all, and even the loss will not be particularly large.

It's just that doing so doesn't do him any good, and Alan is not a bloodthirsty person. In a sense, he likes war very much, but that's just in the game, and in reality, he doesn't really like war. He was too able to accept that the people around him died on the battlefield, but he couldn't avoid experiencing this kind of thing time and time again.

This is very helpless, but it is also very exercising. At least Alan no longer has such strong emotional fluctuations when facing death, at least he can hide it.

"Let's go." Seeing that Barr immediately arranged for a courier to complete his order, Allen put away the binoculars, then patted the weeds on his body, and walked towards the dirt slope not far away, where there were two horses The elf horse is staying there.

The two "animal friends" who were not too old nodded and followed. Their companions knew where to find themselves, so they didn't need to stay here and wait. The last one to leave was Horimion, At this time, his heart was gradually relaxed.

Suddenly, a group of people who were approaching the slope heard the anxious neighing of the elf horse. Alan immediately reached out and stopped the two young men beside him. With a bang, he pulled out the long sword that was shining with silver light at his waist, and then used his fastest speed to go around to the left side of the slope, while Hermione rushed to the right side.

And just after the two rushed to the vicinity of the soil slope, the neighing of the elf horse had stopped, but a howling of a human sounded out, and after the two saw what happened, they felt a little nervous funny.

I saw an elf horse pressing down on a well-dressed Dongyi man with its two front hooves, while the other circled around one man and one horse, as if guarding. Obviously, This is an accident in which a horse thief was beaten to the ground by two very human horses.

"Ah!! You damn beast, take off your hoof that deserves to be severed." The man lying on the ground who was struggling desperately shouted with an extremely angry roar, but he who was thrown to the ground , like a tortoise whose shell has been turned over, unable to stand up under the pressure of the elf horse.

"Bring the two of them here." Seeing that there was no danger at the scene, Alan asked Hermione to bring over the two children who stayed where they were, while he himself was going to torture the hapless thief on the ground. Horse thief.

It's not good to steal any horses. If you come to steal elf horses, if you let go, ordinary elite fighters may not be able to beat these two goods, let alone a stranger who doesn't know anything.

"Tell me, which tribe are you from?" Sensing Alan's arrival, the elf horse moved its two front hooves away from the Dongyi people's back, but before the people on the ground turned over, Alan The long sword with a cold light was placed on his neck.

The Dongyi people who noticed all this immediately stopped their actions. In the area of ​​Rune, if they were caught by the owner on the spot while stealing, then being executed would be a good ending. The worst thing is Become a slave and live in hopeless days all your life.

Unless someone is going to pay enough to ransom you, and the ransom usually has something to do with the stolen item.

"I am Laval, Lord Ashur's subordinate. You'd better let me go, and I can take out my belongings to redeem."

In fact, Laval who said this has no idea at all in his heart. Although he also has some property to serve Ashur, he can't compare with the two magnificent horses in front of him, otherwise he would not risk being arrested. The risk of living, doing such a nasty thing, you know, he hasn't stolen anything for more than ten years.

It's just that now that Laval heard the extremely authentic words of Rune, he subconsciously thought that the person interrogating him should be a member of the Baal tribe, so in the name of Ashur, this can be discussed. Can't lose a lot of money.

"What are you doing here? Sending a message to Barr?"

In fact, Alan who interrogated him certainly didn't care about Laval's compensation, and he didn't know much about these customs of the Dongyi people. Ashur's letters were also of interest.

"You're not from Barr, who are you? You can't inquire about Lord Ashur's affairs, so don't court death."

From Allen's words, Laval immediately understood that things were not as simple as he thought, and he was just using Ashur's fame to frighten those who captured him, but Allen had already begun to search him. , and Horimion, who came back with the child, stood in front of Laval.

Of course, the Dongyi people who were lying on the ground could not see much, only a pair of exquisitely shaped leather boots inlaid with silver rivets, but this still made him feel even heavier.

Balko couldn't afford to wear such expensive boots, even his master Ashur probably didn't have one.

Soon, Allen found a piece of cloth from Laval's body, with some words crookedly written on it with black paint. These symbols of unknown meaning did not have the elegance of words at all, but revealed A hint of barbarism.

He could understand the words, but Alan didn't know the words. He put the cloth strip in front of Laval's eyes.

"Tell me what is written on it, and you don't have to pay me any compensation, and I will let you go, but I need to cut off one of your hands as the price for offending me. If you don't say it, then you lose Probably two hands, or something else that is very important to you, you understand?"

Allen's voice was very calm, even a little gentle, but the content made Laval's hairs stand on end. The sharp knife on his neck had cut the skin on his neck at this moment, and traces of blood oozed out, and the pain It also completely messed up his heart.

Laval, who has always lived in the Loon area, naturally knows the behavior of the Dongyi people. He has no doubts about Alan's words, and even feels that this punishment is not unacceptable, but he is still hesitating whether to betray his master .

And after a few breaths, Horimion lifted his foot out of Laval's field of vision. In fact, the Twilight Knight just went to see his horse and didn't do anything, but this made the nervous Laval Quickly made a decision.

"Please leave my right hand that can hold the knife, my lord, I am willing to say, I am willing to say."

A person who loses his hands is a useless person, and a useless person is worthless to Ashur. Even if a worthless person pays loyalty, no Dongyi leader is willing to accept it, because you are just a useless person who can waste food.

"Read it, don't try to lie to me, there are many powers in this world that you don't know that can tell whether you are lying."

As he spoke, Allen placed the strip of cloth on the ground, and his fingers flashed a trace of dazzling electric light at the right time, which pierced Laval's tears in this sunny day.

The Dongyi man, who could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, opened his mouth and began to read tremblingly. Now he only had one thought in his mind, who did he meet today? !

"Baal, you stupid guy, don't keep your shitty eyes on those cargoes. Where's the topographic map I want? Where's the information on those warships? Where's the enemy's strength? If you keep using Some useless news to fool me, soon, I will go to your territory, take off your head to make a wine cup, and pour wine for your son, do you understand?"

"That's all." After speaking, Laval lowered his head resignedly, biting the collar of his clothes fiercely, waiting for the severe pain that might come at any time.

Is Allen really going to chop off one of LaVar's hands?It can be cut, if the Dongyi people don't cooperate all the time, pain will be the inevitable result.

But there is no need now. If it was a war, Allen would not hesitate to take the life of the Dongyi man on the ground, but at this moment, Allen felt that it might be more in line to ensure the integrity of Laval. own interests.

If one hand is cut off as Allen promised, then Laval, the messenger, will definitely explain what happened today, and this is near Barr's territory, very close to the Red Water River, which will easily cause Ah Shure's suspicions.

Perhaps, Allen can use this news to do something, but he never thought of letting Ashur go, and the name of this Dongyi leader is on the few must-kill lists. Those northern humans who could have become his subordinates.

There are tens of thousands of people.

"You know? My mind has changed. You have never seen me, and I don't know any news about Ashur. You keep your hand. Of course, you can also report to your master to see if he dares to Dare to trouble me, well, I'm leaving, but I don't want you to see me, do you understand?"

As he spoke, Allen took away the long sword that was on Laval's neck, turned over and rode on the back of the hunter, and after a whistling sound, the rapid sound of hooves sounded.

It wasn't until there was no more sound that Laval dared to raise his head. After carefully looking at the surrounding situation, he picked up the cloth strip and folded it as before.

The cloth strips used to convey information are naturally different. They are not simply folded together. There are regularities in them. Laval discovered this very early on. He can indeed restore them, and this also helps When it comes to him, if Barr finds out, I'm afraid his life will be worse than death in the days to come.

After finishing all this, Laval walked towards the tied horse with staggering steps. At this moment, he regretted why he had to be greedy.

But Laval himself understands that even if he does it again, his decision will still not change.

 Tomorrow is 520, to accompany my wife, may not update, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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