Chapter 249 Purpose
For the half-nomadic and half-farming Dongyi people, summer has never been a suitable season for migration and war.

Livestock need to supplement the fat they consumed during the cold period when all things are growing, and people also need to serve most of the crops at this time, hoping that the land can produce enough harvest in autumn.

However, this year's Loon area is a bit abnormal. In the beginning, those Dongyi tribes who were closer to the central area found that there were often refugees who were afraid, insecure, and lacking clothing and food, heading east.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, many leaders took in some people who had lost their homes to contribute to their rule. What's more, they took this opportunity to directly organize slave hunting teams and sell those scattered people to more central areas in exchange for A considerable amount of wealth.

But with the passage of time, this situation changed, and more than a hundred armed men began to flee. Some leaders of the fleeing teams were even Dongyi leaders driving chariots. The escape of the establishment began to cause chaos in this relatively stable land.

Because when these people fled on the battlefield, they brought almost no supplies other than weapons, horses, and themselves. Now if they want to survive, they can only rely on robbery to fill their stomachs.

Several tribes who got along relatively well, jointly dispatched some tribal fighters to encircle and suppress the rebel army in the wilderness, and after the battle asked the prisoners who survived by luck, what happened in the west area.

"Those... those who lived on the west side of the river formed a cavalry unit and attacked us in the name of revenge, yes, they attacked us, but they were too powerful, as if, as if they were not afraid of death, hundreds of People dare to attack the nearly ten thousand troops we have assembled, and then everything is over, over."

The words of the prisoners of war were like drunken jokes, which made the Dongyi people present unbelievable. Even a steel chariot dragged by four horses could not ignore the ten or even twenty times difference in numbers and charge the infantry directly. up phalanx.

Because it was a blatant act of sending someone to death, such absurd things almost never happened in the war history of the Dongyi people.

Therefore, most of the people watching the excitement just laughed and mocked the loser who muttered to himself, thinking that this was just an excuse, while the more thoughtful captain passed the information to his leader.

Even if the enemy is not as powerful as the prisoners said, being able to defeat the coalition forces gathered by several tribes is enough to prove that the enemy army under the banner of revenge has extremely powerful destructive power.

Soon, these few tribes with a decent relationship sent out a large number of sentry cavalry to closely investigate the pastures used by their families for grazing, so as to prevent their property from being suddenly attacked by the enemy, and by the way, solve more and more problems. of refugees.

About [-] kilometers east of the middle of the Hongshui River, a huge military camp is stationed here. All kinds of tents are spread throughout the camp. Soldiers and horses shuttle around in it, strictly obeying the military orders as part of the camp. , completing their own work.

In the center of the camp is the largest tent. A young king in silver armor and a crown sits on a wooden chair, holding a pipe filled with tobacco in his hand, while a man with shaved hair and a disheveled The tidy Dongyi people knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

"Great King Rovanian, a powerful dragon slayer, you have expelled all the tribes around me. Could it be that I will be the next tribe to suffer this disaster? But I have never offended your territory, I also did not participate in this battle against you, and I also maintain a good business relationship with the Earl of Lurence, I am innocent!!! I don’t expect to be able to stay here, but I hope you will give me A chance to get out of here, please!"

The Dongyi man who knelt down and begged for mercy was naturally Baer. His face was full of panic and anxiety at the moment, and he couldn't help being afraid. A good dwarf transaction suddenly turned into several Dongyi tribes. A head-on clash of two kings.

It would be fine if we win the battle and drive the Rovanians away. Everything can barely return to the original state, but the result is that the Dongyi people lost. The confrontation between tens of thousands of infantry and more than 1000 cavalry was defeated. Hundreds of heavy cavalry who suddenly appeared behind broke.

The seemingly thick anti-cavalry formation, after being suddenly attacked, was mercilessly pierced through like a forest lit by fire. Moreover, it was repeatedly chiseled twice, leaving only one ground. A bloody corpse that was smashed to the ground.

And those cavalry who were fully armed and even wore heavy armor on their mounts seemed to never know how tired they were. After losing a third of their comrades in arms, they reorganized their formation again, and with an indomitable momentum, they once again moved towards the only The passively defensive infantry phalanx charged.

At that time, the poorly equipped Dongyi soldiers had never seen such a tragic scene. In previous battles, they had encountered cavalry raids, but the thick phalanx could always stop those extremely fast soldiers. The enemy, and a large number of archers can also rely on a longer range, leaving some of the enemy's cavalry alive.

This is a mutually consuming process.

But that was not the case in that battle. The enemy's heavy cavalry simply ignored the spears shining brightly in the sun, charged directly into the phalanx, and then trampled over it all the way. The charging horses were unstoppable. It knocked away one after another infantrymen who stood in front of it, and only death could stop it.

A knight in heavy armor will fight to the last moment after falling off his horse. Before dying, the two-handed sword in his hand must take away at least a few enemies who are besieging him. It seems that only killing the enemy is in his heart, and he doesn't care whether he will be injured at all.

Therefore, after witnessing such a horrific scene, Dongyi soldiers inevitably showed signs of fleeing after discovering that the enemy had actually started a third charge. The subordinates who were unwilling to hold their positions fled.

And just after the Dongyi soldiers showed signs of collapse, more than 1000 cavalry who had been eyeing the tiger immediately charged, and then the huge anti-cavalry formation could no longer be maintained, and it turned into a mess of scattered sand and was defeated by the enemy. rout.

And all this happened very quickly. The Dongyi leaders who were watching the battle with their personal guards just realized that they had failed. After repeated hesitation, they could only flee in despair with the cavalry around them.

Barr didn't see that scene with his own eyes. Although he also received an invitation to encircle and suppress the invaders at that time, in order to ensure that he could get the goods smoothly in the future, he refused very simply.

At that time, he was still thinking flatteredly that if his own people won this battle, those captured Rovanians should be able to exchange for more commodities.

It's a pity that not long after, the leaders who came back from the battlefield told him that the enemy was stronger than everyone imagined, and if the battle failed, they couldn't stay in this place anymore, and then used the few precious things they had on their bodies to Items, after exchanging some supplies from Barr, they ran away overnight.

Afterwards, a large-scale cavalry department soon came to the vicinity of the Baer tribe, cutting off the last hope of the Dongyi warlord's escape.

Barr has earned quite a lot of money over the years, and he wasted a lot of time running away to clean up these things. Of course, just like his words begging for mercy at this time, Barr had a fluke mentality in his heart, thinking that the powerful king in front of him needed I will not kill myself completely.

Of course, Allen never thought of exterminating the Dongyi people who were kneeling on the ground. What Barr said was indeed correct. Not all Dongyi people have a business mind. These savages are more willing to grab a knife and enslave others.

If Baal is killed, it will be too difficult to find a businessman who is not so loyal to Sauron and can also bleed his own people for profit. Alan did not come here to destroy Baal. Just kill him, it's just a matter of knocking and closing a deal.

"My subordinate Brendon told me that you rejected my proposal and raised the price of the transaction?" Allen snapped his fingers while talking, and a flame appeared in his right hand and lit the pipe hanging by his mouth.

This is an ability that Alan has recently obtained in the simulator. It is not particularly powerful, but it still frightens Barr who is kneeling on the ground.

"My lord, I was wrong. I am willing to give compensation and give you the more than 100 dwarves in the camp for free. I only hope that you can forgive me this time."

Barr, who was sweating all over his face, admitted his mistake very straightforwardly. He knew that no amount of sophistry and begging for mercy would be useless. He might as well offer the compensation that makes the other party's heart beat, and maybe he can get himself a chance to survive.

"Kill you, and then slaughter your tribe, those dwarves are still mine."

Allen, who was smoking a pipe, spoke heartbreaking words with a contented face, and the expression on his face was not vicious at all.

But Barr didn't doubt the authenticity of this sentence at all, because he heard rumors that more than a month ago, Rovanian's cavalry attacked one morning by surprise and easily broke through a tribe.

It is said that the blood from that battle pooled into a creek and dyed the nearby river red. All those who surrendered were punished with the head of an owl, and very few people were able to escape. This led to the union of several tribes.

Therefore, Barr, who felt that he was about to face death, was even more frightened. He lay on the ground trembling all over, still making the last effort in his mouth.

"You still need me, you need me."

Seeing Barr's reaction, Allen knew that his beating was almost over. Without Sauron's help, it would take a long time for the Dongyi man in front of him to get rid of the shadow he left in his heart.

But Allen didn't speak right away. Hesitation can bring hope to people, and at the same time, it can also make people think wildly. Let the fear in Barr's heart brew for a while, so that the memory will be deeper.

Of course, Barr's reaction at this time, Alan also thought of a part, because the rumor that the blood stained the river was deliberately released by Alan, and the stream that converged into the stream was actually sheep blood, and those who were decapitated were all in the river. The Dongyi people who died in the battle.

In his previous life, Allen read a very reasonable saying from a book, "War is the continuation of politics". The purpose of instigating a battle is never simply to kill, but there is always a purpose in it.

Feanor declared war on Morgoth because he wanted revenge and took back the Elven Silmaril; Morgoth provoked the fight to defy Yiru's will, and at the same time insisted on his own dissonant voice to defile the beautiful Arda; Sauron He waged wars with humans, dwarves, and elves several times, and used various intrigues and tricks, in order to conquer the world with fear and become the true Lord of the Earth and King of Humans.

Allen's purpose of instigating this battle is not as ambitious as those big brothers, to save the dwarves, help Fatis and his knights to avenge, and finally, let Rune start to fear Rovanian, let those who are naturally barbaric The Dongyi people are afraid of themselves.

Don't be like before, when small groups of troops cross the Red Water River to loot and harass the residents who have settled down.

Although Allen had the idea of ​​letting them resist the Dongyi people when they moved the population to Eastern Rovanian, but it was to prevent the Dongyi people from attacking in the future while recuperating, not to resist like flies harassment.

This situation is actually very difficult to deal with. In order to prevent this situation, Allen's ancestors spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the Great Wall one after another, and finally solved this problem barely.

It was mentioned in Sengel's letter to Allen that under the call of Exelion II, Gondor was already doing this kind of thing. It is said that it was proposed by Denethor to build an outer wall nearly [-] kilometers long on the North Plain as a defensive force for Minas Tirith.

Allen didn't have such strength. He couldn't build a city wall along the Hongshui River from north to south, so he could only take some relatively extreme methods to scare the Dongyi people to avoid this endless sporadic harassment.

In fact, the first tribe to be attacked, the rescued slaves and prisoners of war, were all sent to the west of the Red Water River by the horses brought by the cavalry, so there are rumors that no one survived.

However, the second camp that Allen broke through did kill many people who were unwilling to lay down their weapons, and did not control all the enemies, causing many people to escape from the battle. This also confirmed the previous rumor from the side.

Then, the decisive battle began. Allen, who had mastered the summoning ability and new power, easily defeated the gathered enemy forces. Only then did Barr kneel on the ground.

Wars are always changing, and no one knows what will happen in the end. Even Allen can only work hard to make the situation develop in his favor.

The current ending is still good after all.

(End of this chapter)

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