Early the next morning, the sun rose from the east. The sunlight passed over the high misty mountains and illuminated Eriador.

A few sparrows were chirping on the treetops, celebrating that today was a sunny day.

Halbarad, who had been awake all night, stretched out and prepared to return to his tent to take a nap.

It is usually safer at this time, because the robbers who want to take advantage of others will not get up so early at all. They will either cause trouble in the middle of the night or in the afternoon.

However, today was an exception. A large group of bandits suddenly appeared on the trail in the distance and kept approaching the village. Halbarad's eyes were filled with anger in an instant.

If too many tribesmen hadn't gone to Annuminas, I would have led people to kill those scumbags who couldn't stand up to the table! !

Now he is being pestered by the other party again and again. This time he must let the other party fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Dúnedain people.

The angry young ranger quickly tightened his grip on the longbow and blew a loud whistle to remind his companions.

The enemy is approaching! !

But soon, the expression on Hal Barad's face turned to confusion, because the gangsters were in a very strange state at this time.

The first man's hands were tightly tied with a piece of hemp rope, with a piece of parchment sandwiched between them.

The rope also extended all the way back, tying up a blindfolded prisoner every half a meter, and the bandit gang of dozens of people spread for a distance of 30 to [-] meters.

Everyone walked forward cautiously under the leadership of the leader, fearing that they would go in the wrong direction, accidentally bump into something, and fall to the side of the road.

In fact, they had fallen down four or five times that night, and each time it took a lot of time to help the fallen person up.

This journey usually didn't take an hour. They set out at midnight and walked without rest for three or four hours before finally arriving at their destination at dawn.

The leader of the bandits had obvious tears in his eyes.

In all these years of living, I have never seen such a bully. Even if he wanted to kill or cut into pieces, he actually let them tie him up and drive through the night while blindfolded. Moreover, he had to arrive before dawn. Otherwise no one can survive.

Moreover, he suffered countless punishments along the way, and in the end, he had to send himself here to do hard labor! !Not to mention how frustrated I felt.

Is this something done by humans?

No matter how angry and aggrieved he was in his heart, a mean smile appeared on the face of the bandit leader, and he said condescendingly to the young ranger holding the sword: "My lord, my lord, it was all a misunderstanding before. , I have a letter here, another adult asked me to send it to you, you can read it, you will know after you read it."

At this time, Halbarad's head was filled with questions. Basically all the faces of the bandits he remembered were here, and he didn't know who made these guys look like this.

Full of questions, Halbarad snatched the parchment from the robber's hand and read it intently in the sunlight.

It was written in common language and the handwriting was quite neat.

To young Hal Barad:
Thanks for the hospitality last night, young man, these robbers are my return gift. Rather than killing them, I think it is more appropriate to leave these insignificant lives to help you build your home.

In addition, please help me send a message to Aragorn. I am very happy that he listened to my advice and began to make efforts to restore the country. However, the darkness is still strong and danger is everywhere. You should not act too hastily and be cautious. Dealing with every decision is what a qualified leader should do.

If you are in danger, you can go to Fislet and ask my wife for help. I think she will be happy to do so.

I wish you perseverance and courage in the days to come!
Alan Sharian

Halbarad, holding the letter in his hand, already had some guesses in his mind, but he still couldn't believe it was true.

He had received an excellent education since he was a child, and he had some knowledge of the previous kings of the Arno royal family, but he had never seen such a unique ruler like the one in front of him.

Who would have thought that a joke last night would actually come true.

"Let's go, scum, today is your lucky day. We have too much work to do. If we can't finish it, we will only have one dinner for you today."

Halbarad carefully put the letter away close to his body, then grabbed the thick rope in front of him, and walked towards the village with the desperate bandits in a happy mood.

Finally, we can live in peace for a while.

At this time, Allen, who was gliding in the air, had already flown through the Troll Forest, leaving the last bridge behind and heading towards Bree. He should arrive at the Prancing Pony Inn in the afternoon.

Last night, he only rested for less than two hours, so he set out in the dead of night, and quickly used his ability to find the bandits entrenched nearby.

To deal with these bullies, Allen didn't need to teach them a lesson at all. He simply showed the scene of wind and fire combined, which shocked everyone to the point where they didn't dare to move, let alone resist.

A huge tornado wrapped in flames directly destroyed the stronghold where the bandits lived, and then the next thing happened naturally. Allen didn't even stay to supervise them.

There is an uninhabited wilderness nearby, and there are many hungry beasts entrenched in the forest. Moreover, it is still autumn, which is the time when the animals are fattening up for the winter.

However, under normal circumstances, these beasts will not approach places frequented by humans, because most of the time, humans with weapons in their hands are far more terrifying than wild beasts.

It was obvious that the bandits also understood this truth and obediently followed the road to report to Halbarad instead of venturing into the forest to escape.

In fact, Allen doesn't care about the lives of these robbers. His kindness will only be reserved for those who love life. If these scum are unlucky, they will die if they die. It is not worth wasting his time to look after them. .

He needed to rush on his way and try to get to Hobbiton before night. After all, he still had plenty of time and there was no need to stop in Bree to rest.In addition, according to Allen's order, Hermione and the Twilight Knights should stay temporarily at the Green Dragon Tavern in Hobbiton, waiting for Allen to join them.

This time he was going to sea, and Allen had no intention of wandering alone on the sea. It was too dangerous and too tortured. Even if he went to participate in the Lonely Mountain Expedition, he was with Gandalf.

The sun keeps moving as time goes by, gradually sliding from the east side of the misty mountains to the boundless sea. The afterglow of the sunset fully displays its beauty at this moment, dyeing the white clouds into brilliant flowing clouds.

At this moment, Alan finally arrived in the Shire. After landing in a deserted field, he dragged his extremely tired body and walked step by step towards the quiet and peaceful Hobbiton.

Long-term flights are still a big burden for Allen now.

When gliding, you need to concentrate on observing the direction of the wind and maintain your body shape at all times. This is not an easy task.

Even the big eagles in the Misty Mountains can't fly for a whole day, let alone Allen, a human, who is still a novice who has just flown for a few days.

In the Hobbit land, a sudden appearance of a large human will quickly attract many eyes, and whispers are inevitable.

When they saw that the direction of the visitor was Baggins' Bag End, these little people quickly looked relieved and were no longer surprised. It was more important to go home to eat and collect clothes.

It's so common, so common. Every once in a while, strangers come to see Grandpa Baggins, and everyone is not surprised.

The sky darkened little by little, and the light came on in the window of Bag End. Alan looked at the mark that still existed on the wooden door, smiled softly, and rang the doorbell quietly with "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding".

"Wow! Look who is here!! My dear friend, please come in, please come in quickly!!"

Bilbo opened the door and recognized who it was as soon as he looked up. Even after more than ten years, Alan's appearance has not changed at all, it is exactly the same as when he first came to Bag End.

Well, this time he may be a little more embarrassed than before. His clothes are almost all wrinkled, covered with dust and mud spots, and there are also a few yellow leaves stuck to them.

"Good evening, Master Bilbo." Allen smiled briskly and walked in.

"What do you want to drink? Tea? Mead? Or something strong. I have several bottles of good wine from Gamgee's house. It's a strong liquor that has been aged for many years. I think it's time to open a bottle. .”

Under Bilbo's warm reception, Bag End instantly became lively. Ellen carefully avoided the chandeliers and beams on the roof, and followed the owner to the restaurant.

"You came just in time. I just bought some very good ham. It has a mellow taste and moderate saltiness. It is very delicious when paired with bread and cheese. You will definitely like it. You should have some pickles, oh, oh, I also have a fish, should it be fried or grilled? Forget it, let’s stew it. My mother often says that a bowl of stew is the most appropriate gift for guests coming from afar.”

"Bilbo, Bilbo, just keep it simple and don't need to go to too much trouble."

Allen looked around, looking at the books piled up everywhere in the room, and picked up one at random. It turned out to be a love story about elves. Its name was written in elven script on the cover. song of".

"No, no, no, it will be ready soon. No matter what, you should trust the cooking skills of a hobbit. How about some sausages? I know you have a big belly. Where is the dessert in the hotel? Is it apple pie or sponge cake? What?? There’s also some really nice blueberry jam here!!”

The cheerful voices of hobbits came from the kitchen, and Master Bilbo Baggins was very happy with the arrival of his friends.

"Of course I trust your cooking skills, Bilbo, you can make the arrangements. You know, I'm not very picky about food." Alan no longer refused his friend's kindness, and he really needed a hearty dinner.

As the old saying goes, if you have a Hobbit friend, don't be polite to them when it comes to food, and accept the enthusiasm that comes from a gourmet.

Soon, a sumptuous dinner was placed on the table, and the glasses were filled with amber liquor, drank down, and then refilled again.

"How long has it been since we last met, Alan? Three years, four years. I remember that last time it seemed like a lot of people gathered at my house. Time passed so fast."

Bilbo, who had drank two drinks in a row, started talking again.

"It was lively in the first period, two months ago, maybe. It was my birthday. Legolas came, Gandalf was there, and the kid who was often with them, he called himself Thorongil. , but I know that his name is Estel, you called him by his name last time, I still remember it, I am not confused, but Legolas called him Aragorn again, it is really strange."

Alan quietly listened to Bilbo's chatter and enjoyed the delicious food. He was indeed very busy and often could not take care of his family and friends. If nothing else, he did not go back to Andrea for her birthday this year.

So much so that his daughter wrote a letter in crooked handwriting expressing her dissatisfaction with her father.

"Is Legolas still in Eriador?" Alan asked curiously.

How many years has it been since the prince of the woodland elves came out?Have you not been home for so long?Allen had to worry about Thranduil, he was an empty nester.

"Yes, he said that he was helping a group of respectable people rebuild their home. The dwarves from the Blue Mountains would come down occasionally. I also helped them once and eradicated a black magician's lair. That time was really dangerous. , there were terrifying black shadows everywhere, but the excellent snitch used his deft steps to slip under the enemy's nose, destroying his magic, and then, the battle was won."

As he spoke, Bilbo drank another drink, but his left hand slowly touched his pocket. Of course Alan knew what was there, but he did not mention it, but smiled and praised his friend's victory.

At this time, Bilbo had been carrying the Supreme Ring for more than ten years. Although the impact would not be as serious as Gollum's, there must be some. If something goes wrong, Alan does not have Gandalf's inspiring ability.

"By the way, you're just talking about my business. Allen, you look like you're tired of traveling, aren't you just here to see me? Do you need help?"

Facing Bilbo's curiosity, Allen told about his plan to go to sea while eating dessert.

According to Alan's understanding, most hobbits don't like to take boats, except those who live in Brandy Hall.

But Bilbo Baggins, who had been living in the Shire, showed great interest in going to sea. It is not known whether he was drunk or whether the bloodline from the Took family was burning again.

In short, Allen failed to refuse his friend's request, and finally agreed to take a hobbit to Gray Port. As for whether Bilbo would go to sea by then, that was another matter. (End of chapter)

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