The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 27 More and more people in Wilderness Village

Chapter 27 More and more people in Wilderness Village
When he returned to the vicinity of Wilderness Village again, Allen didn't dare to recognize this place as his own territory.

When he set off, it was still full of dark land and tender green shoots, but now it has turned into pieces of golden ocean.

This is when the wheat planted in spring is about to mature. From time to time on the road, villagers can be seen driving away the birds that steal the crops.

It is estimated that in a few days, the harvest will begin.

Allen made a rough calculation on the way back, and he has been here for four or five months.

In less than half a year, this place has become like this. Allen walked on the path in the field with great emotion, and finally felt that he had changed this world.

Soon Alan embarked on the road built for the construction of the city wall, chatted with the villagers who transported the wood, and returned to Wilderness Village.

At this time, there were more than 2000 people in the village when Allen left.

A month after Alan embarked on the journey, many villagers moved in one after another, about 1000 people.

In the second month, hundreds of people came one after another, and this situation did not stop until recently.

Obviously, most of the forest residents living nearby have gathered in Wilderness Village.

Allen certainly understands what is going on in this situation. As the orcs in the wilderness become more and more active, they will naturally drive the surrounding villagers to his side.

There was no choice before, and the residents in the forest would still stick to the village where they had lived for a long time.

Now that he has a choice, danger is cruising around him again.

The nature of human beings living in groups will drive these people to settle in the wilderness village. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that it is easier to do things when there are more people, and when there are more people, Alan has enough confidence when facing the orcs.

The bad thing is that the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains shouldn't just watch Alan and the others build a human city in the wilderness that originally belonged to them.

Allen suddenly had a feeling that the rain was about to come.

In the evening, Allen gathered all his men and began to understand what had happened in the village during the nearly two months since he left.

Jamila was the first to report, and now there are nearly 4000 people living in the village, which is already a big town in Calradia.

With the increase of the number of people, the scope of the village has expanded by more than five times on the original basis.

The increase in villagers also increased the difficulty of management exponentially, and Jamila had to watch and promote several assistants by herself.

There is not much shortage of food. On the one hand, Alan bought tens of thousands of dinars of grain before leaving and stored it in the village warehouse.

On the other hand, the goods that Allen left in the grocery store and clothing store actually came back with a lot of food. This had to make Allen's eyes shine and he discovered a new path.

There is nothing to say about security. Outside the village, there are big bears and fully armed knights patrolling everywhere.

There are sturdy Nord royal guards and sharp-eyed Rhodok sharpshooters in the village. No one dares to make trouble in the village, so Bandak's report is not too much.

As for the military, Fatis told Allen that the new forest residents could respond to the recruited hunters, and together with the original villagers, they could form a team of more than a thousand people.

However, they are generally poorly equipped and not disciplined enough. If they just participate in small-scale battles and ambushes, it is okay. If it is really a battle, it is not suitable for them now.

If you really want the combat power they have, you need long-term training and sufficient equipment.

Of course, Allen knew that it was unrealistic to say this now, even if he was only equipped with a simple spear, it would be enough for him to work for a long time.

Yatiman has been waiting for a long time. Several times he wanted to speak, but was interrupted by others, and now it is finally his turn.

As for the construction of the city wall, due to a lot of preparatory work in the early stage, less than one-tenth of it has just been built at this time.

According to the current progress, it will take at least until this time next year to complete the construction, and it cannot cover all the houses in the village.

As for the construction of the village, Yatiman took a little time to redesign it.

Now, the wilderness village looks like a spider web from a high altitude, with an irregular circular shape.

Centering on Allen's lord's longhouse, it spreads in all directions.

The original wall to resist the attack of the half-orcs has been completely removed and replaced with a larger city wall with a protective range. However, before the city wall is built, the entire village is in an undefended state.

Fortunately, in Desaiwei's report, the orcs around Wilderness Village were quite quiet, and the eagles did not bring any bad news.

It's just that the forest residents who migrated from the south can hear sporadic traces of the orcs' activities, as if they were looking for something. The search range started from the old ferry and continued to further distances.

Alan didn't know what these half-orcs were searching for. What Alan knew was that Isildur died in the Jinluanwei River with the Supreme Ring, which was obvious.

There used to be a hobbit living in that area, Gollum. At that time, he was still called Smeagol. He strangled his best friend and got the Lord of the Rings. Where is he now?
Allen thought for a while, Gulu should have lived in the lake under Orc Town.

But this has nothing to do with Allen, he doesn't care about Gulu's fate, nor does he care about the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it's just a tasteless one.

Just when Alan was recalling, Desaiwei suddenly mentioned that when she was investigating, she found a small wooden house in the east of Wilderness Village.

It was very close to the place where Beorn lived, and there lived a short old man in it. It was strange that he looked sloppy. For safety reasons, Desaiwei did not approach him.

Hearing the news of the wizard suddenly, Allen was a little nervous, and said, "Don't provoke him, I know who it is, and I will deal with it in the future."

After finishing speaking, Allen looked around at the people in the room again, and asked, "Is there anything else important that I need to know?"

Everyone said that there was no more, and left after Allen said "the meeting was over".

Allen also returned to his bedroom, touched the neatly made bedding, lay down on it with peace of mind, and turned on the simulator.

【The emulator is starting】

【Please select the world you want to go to】

【You have come to the continent of Calradia】

[Time: late at night on a certain day]

[Location: Uxhall, a certain street]

[At this time, you are walking along the streets of Uxhall with your friend Hunter who grew up with you, avoiding the patrolling guards. 】

[For Hunter, you are very familiar, not because he is your childhood friend, but because he has a more familiar name, Night Owl. 】

【You still remember that a few days ago he told you in Veruga's tavern with great excitement that he finally had a chance to restore the glory of his family, and he actually cried happily while talking. 】

[As a friend who has known each other for 20 years, you have never seen him behave like this. 】

【Hunter tells you that he has a task in his hands. If he completes it, he will become the lord of Serendil. This is what Earl Matthias personally promised him. 】

【He also told you that by then you won't need to be a mercenary anymore. He will definitely give you the status of a knight. Facing such news, you don't know what to say. 】

[As a fallen nobleman, Hunter cherishes this opportunity very much, but in the face of such huge benefits, there are not many people he can trust, but you must be on this list. 】

[The four of you arrived in Uxhall yesterday. The mission is to rescue Earl Tachias's son Tuchman, or to take his son back. This is related to Rhodok and Swadi The winner of this war in Asia. 】

[Of course, you can also see another meaning from Hunter's expression and words, that is, if you can't get it back, kill him. It might be a good thing for the other party to die in Uxhall. 】

[With the help of the secret spy, you spent a day to find your target. 】

【At this time, you and Night Owl are going to the place where Tuchman is being held. The other two people will meet you near the city wall. They will be ready to escape and slip out of the city wall together. 】

[The place where Tuchman was held was a nobleman's mansion. It is obvious that Tuchman was treated well, at least for now. 】

【Hunter didn't let you enter the mansion with him. Out of the friendship you grew up with, he joked in a low voice, the reward you get is not worth taking such a risk. 】

[Hunter slips in by himself. 】

[Everything went smoothly, so smooth that it made you feel unreal. Half an hour after entering the noble mansion, Hunter slipped out against the unconscious Tuchman. 】

【You took the unconscious Tuchman from Hunter's shoulder, and the two ran directly to the planned place without speaking. 】

[Soon you came near the city wall and met the connector. You felt something was wrong, because there was only one person waiting for you at this time. Although in his description, another person was laying ropes on the city wall, but you did not Did not believe him. 】

【You handed Tuchman over to Hunter, and took this opportunity to give him a wink. He obviously understood and stopped his steps. 】

[You quietly pulled out the dagger from your waist, walked behind the connector, grabbed his hair with one hand, and put the dagger on his neck with the other, telling him to back away slowly without making any noise . 】

[At this moment, countless torches were lit, illuminating the surrounding area, and you saw countless Swadian soldiers rushing towards you from the city wall. 】

[The connector man held hostage by you was about to say something, but you didn't give him a chance, so you directly stabbed the dagger into his neck, lifted him over his head, and threw it at the soldiers who were chasing you. The soldiers have not yet surrounded you, and ran towards the dark distance with Hunter. 】

【To do this kind of thing, according to your and Hunter's abilities, how could there be only one plan? 】

[You still have a backup plan that belongs to the two of you alone, but now the enemy is chasing after you, and the movement during the pursuit will also alarm the soldiers who were originally on guard at night, and they all ran to intercept you, you know you can’t do this, If you run down, both of you will die here. 】

[You stopped, Hunter running behind you was very strange, he also stopped beside you, wanting to continue pulling you to run with him. 】

【You tell him quickly, you can't run like this, you will die if you run like this, you will stay and attract their attention. 】

[Speaking of which, you jokingly said that only in this way can you be worthy of the knight status that Hunter promised. 】

[Hunter's eyes turned red at this moment, you can see the struggle in his heart, but the enemy will not give him time to struggle, there is already a figure appearing behind you again, you are walking towards Tuchman Hunter waved his hand and rushed directly towards the enemy. 】

[At this time, what is chasing is just a small team composed of Swadian militiamen and light infantry. They wear light armor or no armor, and the pursuit speed is faster. For you, taking their lives is the same as stepping on them. A dead ant doesn't make much difference. 】

[You didn't kill them, you just knocked them out heavily, then picked up an enemy on the ground, picked up a sword, and directed at Hunter who was still staring at you blankly from a distance, shouted loudly Shouted "I'm carrying Tuchman, gather at the old place."]

【After speaking, he ran towards the other side. After turning around, you didn't see the action behind Hunter. In short, he didn't follow you. 】

【More and more soldiers are following you. With your keen senses, you can even hear the sound of horseshoes flying. You have to run more into narrow paths. 】

[At the same time, some movements were made, attracting the attention of the soldiers in the city, and a large area of ​​the city became lively during your desperate running. 】

[Finally, you feel that the time is almost up. Moreover, a large number of troops have surrounded the area where you are. Every time you break through the encirclement, you need to kill more and more people. There is not so much space and time for you to run around. You Hidden in a narrow dead-end alley, took a rest. 】

【Of course you won’t just get caught like this. You tore off a piece of clothing from the captive, leaned against the wall panting, and wiped the blood-stained long sword in your hand. 】

[Slowly you hear more and more voices, blocking the dead end where you are hiding. 】

[Then a middle-aged man's voice sounded, and he told you that your accomplice has been captured, as long as you hand over Tuchman, you can guarantee the safety of both of you. 】

[As soon as you hear it, you know that the other party is talking nonsense. It is obvious that Hunter has not been found yet, and you think you should make a bigger commotion. 】

【You laughed loudly and told the people outside that if you want it, you can just step on your dead body to get it. 】

[The voice of the middle-aged man stopped, and soon four Swadian sergeants holding shields and cone guns came in, followed by densely packed soldiers. 】

[You hold the long sword and walk slowly towards the shield formed by the Swadian sergeants]

[The Swadian sergeant saw you who were not retreating but advancing, and quickly poked at your whole body with four cone-headed guns. You dodged three shots sideways, and swung the last shot with your long sword. With a quick grip, he grabbed a gun barrel that was about to be retracted, and with a strong arm, it was like pulling a chicken, and dragged the sergeant on the other side who hadn't reacted to you. 】

[The long sword in his right hand, when he staggered and rushed towards you, directly scratched his neck, and the blood spattered on your face, under the light of the fire, it was ferocious and terrifying. 】

[This operation made the three sergeants nervous. They stood still and held their spears tightly. You didn't give them much time to think, so you reversed the awl in your hand and threw it at the crowd without shields. The cone-tipped gun pierced through three or four people before stopping, and then you picked up the kite-shaped shield on the ground and rushed towards the enemy like a ghost. 】

【The long sword in your hand will soon curl its edge, and it will be covered with sticky blood. It is just an ordinary sword. Even if it cuts too many bones, it will not be able to withstand it. 】

[Now that you have replaced a mace, you feel that this thing is much more useful than a long sword. You don’t have to care whether there is armor on the place you hit. Your powerful strength is enough even through the armor. Let the enemy's tendons break bones and brains burst. 】

[Soon, there are no more enemies in front of your eyes. Except for dozens of enemies lying on the ground, the rest all ran out screaming. 】

【You didn't care about the moaning enemies lying on the ground, but listened carefully to the sounds of disputes coming from outside the alley. 】

[A man's rough voice strongly demanded to use the crossbow array to shoot you to death hiding in the alley. You can't let your soldiers go in like this and die in vain. However, the middle-aged man before strongly objected, saying that you can't let Tuchman If he died in Uxhall, if he ruined the good situation of the frontline war, King Harlaus would blame him, not to mention the two of them, even the lord of Uxhall would not be able to bear the blame. 】

[On the contrary, things ended in such a strange stalemate. After a while, the middle-aged man outside asked politely if he could arrange for someone to rescue the wounded inside. You agreed. Anyway, they have lost their fighting power, and it is impossible to join them again. Under your siege, staying here is just waiting to die, you don't mind giving them a way out. 】

【You think this is your pity, this kindness is an inseparable part of your character, but this kindness eventually brought you trouble. 】

[The few people who came in, after carrying out a few wounded, saw that you did not take the initiative to attack them, so they took advantage of your inattention and threw the torch in their hands into the depths of the alley, and they saw the captives in the light of the fire The face, that is not Tuchman at all, they shouted loudly at the first time. 】

【This simple but very useful strategy was seen through just with their shouts. 】

【When you threw the torch on the ground, you realized that something was wrong. You didn’t give them a chance to run out, and you blasted their heads with a mace. 】

[Even so, you still didn't do anything to the moaning enemy on the ground, but picked up the mace in your hand, picked up a shield that was still in good condition, and rushed out of the alley you avoided. 】

[When you are in the alley, from your perspective, you can hardly see any enemies, but when you rush out, you find hundreds of soldiers holding densely packed torches, blocking the entire street tightly. 】

[And beside the alley, there is a white-faced, beardless, and gorgeously dressed middle-aged man, hiding behind a few seemingly capable guards, staring at you in a daze. He never thought that you would rush like that come out. 】

[Don't need to think too much, you killed a few mercenaries guarding him in a short time, held him hostage, and blocked him in front of you. 】

[Just after you finished this series of things, four or five meters in front of you, there are already dozens of Swadian sniper crossbowmen holding heavy crossbows, standing in formation, commanding them is a bearded man Officer, you can't see the expression under his beard, you just hear a "shot". 】

[Dozens of crossbow arrows shot directly at you. You were caught off guard and dodged part of it. The middle-aged man in front of you blocked part of it for you, but two crossbow arrows still shot through your thigh. The pain, telling you all the time, you are going to die here today. 】

【Actually, you don’t want to kill anyone anymore. The delay has been long enough. If Hunter didn’t run away like this, then this is his fate. You have tried your best. 】

[Since you can't run away, then you think that a quick death is a good ending. 】

[You hold the corpse in your hand, watching the sniper crossbowman on the opposite side quickly and steadily load the heavy crossbow with ammunition, you lift up the dead middle-aged man, as if to throw it towards the crossbowman , you hear the "shoot" command again. 】

[Your chest was filled with crossbow arrows in an instant, you sat on the ground slumped, with blood foaming from your mouth, you grinned at the bearded officer who was walking slowly, the people in front of you were getting more and more The more blurred, finally, your eyes are black. 】

【Your internal organs are bleeding severely. 】

【you are dead. 】

[This simulation is over, simulation result: failure]

[You have gained 1 point of honor, 50 points of reputation, and 1000 dinars. 】

[The simulation can continue, yes/no? 】

Allen chose No, because there are still many things to do these days, friends to visit, and a Maier waiting for him to get to know.

 This is today's update, thank you for your support, thank you, I never thought that I would be able to reach No.2 on the newcomer list, even if I am a newcomer in all forums, I can stand in the top 50 in a short time, thank you so much Ladies and gentlemen, this is a result I never thought of. I can only express my great kindness with a word of thanks, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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