When Rovanian's reorganized troops appeared on the west bank of the Red Water River, Ashur immediately became vigilant. Not only did he uncharacteristically stop his friction with Barr, but he also spent most of his energy on defense.

Ever since he saw the enemy's warship on the water, Ashur knew that he might no longer have the initiative to cross the river.

The opponent's war strategy changed too quickly and was too targeted. At the moment, he had no good way to take action. He could only prepare for battle first and look for opportunities to complete Emperor Sauron's mission.

As orders were issued, groups of brave and fierce Dongyi cavalry, in the biting cold wind, urged their strong rune horses to step out of the camp like wind.

Started patrolling along the east bank of the Hongshui River day and night.

Ashur's camp became more and more lively. Groups of supplies arrived from the east. Shouting and banging were loud. Everyone was making preparations for war.

At this time, Barr, who had a keen sense of smell, naturally felt the change in the situation and began to strengthen the camp and take precautions.

At the same time, soldiers were dispatched more frequently to send letters one after another to the other side of the river, hoping to get an accurate answer.

It's just that he understands that this kind of thing won't happen quickly at all.

If two peoples who hate each other want to form an alliance, it will inevitably require a long period of testing and constant pulling.

Only when the situation is critical to a certain extent and both parties are confirmed to have consistent interests, can the alliance be finalized.

However, Barr knew that he still had time. Among the powerful Dongyi commanders, only Ashur was here, and he could barely cope with it.

As for the others, although they will also obey the orders of Emperor Sauron, they will not use troops until they see enough benefits.

In recent years, some gossip came from unknown sources, saying that there is a wizard in a blue robe who is always active among these leaders, spreading some concepts of peaceful coexistence.

It may be that such remarks did have a certain impact on Rune's internal affairs, making those generals no longer so keen on exchanging blood for wealth.

Therefore, they are far less active than Ashur. After all, this person has been in Mordor for a long time. Not only has he become extremely pale, but his spirit is also somewhat abnormal.

At least when Barr faced Ashur, he would feel cold in his heart, as if he was being stared at by a living dead.

At this time, due to the pressure brought by Fatis, Ashur stopped the oppression, but Barr still had lingering fears about his old boss and was worried that he would be attacked by some strange force.

Therefore, in a recent letter, Barr hoped that Fatis would allow him to take his tribe and temporarily migrate to the southwest of the confluence of the Red Water River and the Running River.

For now, it is still a deserted land, and it is much safer than staying with Ashur.

In return, Baal will join the battle as mercenaries with his own soldiers to assist Rovanian in resisting the Dongyi attack.

For Barr, it was a fight against oppression.

Ashur will take away more than half of his population when he comes up, and he must also give up all the proceeds from the transaction with Rovanian, if there is another transaction in the future.

No matter which one it was, it was not a loss he was willing to bear.

At the same time, this is also likely to be a battle that can change destiny.

As long as he wins this battle, Barr believes that he has a high possibility of accepting the remaining population after Ashur's defeat. By then, his strength will be enough to become a new commander.

Standing at the pinnacle of Rune people's power.

According to the past behavior habits of the king of Rovanian, as long as he is willing to bow his head and make a commitment to surrender, the possibility of this happening is still very high.

Barr put almost all of his wealth on the gambling table to win a brighter future.

Of course, this is not what he wants.

Fatis looked at Barr's letter with a feeling of disgust in his heart. This is his character, and he couldn't stand this kind of duplicitous behavior.

If you can betray Ashur today, you may betray Allen tomorrow for other compelling reasons.

However, this matter is of great importance. No matter how strong Fatis's dissatisfaction is, the final result is not up to him.

Soon, a dozen birds flew out of Fatis's castle. They would deliver the message to Heidelberg, where messengers would be sent again to deliver Fatis's letter to the king.

There is a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers in between.

When Alan received the letter, he had already safely sent Master Bilbo Baggins, who was already "infamous" in Hobbiton, back to Bag End.

It is conceivable that the Hobbits in the Shire once again have something to talk about before and after dinner, and the Master of Bag End also has a lot more material worth writing about.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Allen, because he doesn't know yet that he will become the protagonist in a book.

Late at night, with stars in the sky, Allen opened the letter with the candle provided by the Prancing Pony Inn. After reading the content of the letter clearly, he laughed softly.

He had already anticipated Barr's encounter and demands at this time, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

People's ambitions and tempers will always change as their strength changes. At that time, Allen packed up all the prisoners and gave them to Barr, just to give this guy more confidence to fall out with Ashur.

The possibility of this happening is very high.

According to Allen's understanding of Ashur, this Dongyi leader, who is cruel and somewhat egotistical, will never tolerate his subordinates being so powerful.

When he discovered that Barr's power had expanded to the point where he was almost out of control, he would inevitably put forward quite harsh conditions to test his subordinates' loyalty to him.

What about Barr?It is not an exaggeration to say that he regards wealth as his life, and is willing to take great risks for the sake of profit.

Allen had heard some news from Malherbi, and it was confirmed in the incident of saving the dwarf.

According to the Dongyi people's living habits of respecting the strong, coupled with their tribal style of governance, the probability of conflict between these two people is really too great. This is controlled by human nature.Sometimes, Allen, who has lived in Middle-earth for nearly 20 years, always feels that the human allies on his side are good but not real.

But I saw a very familiar side from the Dongyi people.

Therefore, Allen, who was quite touched, made a very leisurely move on Barr, who was keen on trading, and at this time, a follow-up suddenly appeared.

Soon, Allen wrote a reply to Fatis, in which he accepted Barr's suggestion and agreed to temporarily lend him the corner land southwest of the rushing river.

At the same time, it was also stated in the letter that the leadership of the Baal mercenary army was temporarily owned by Fatis, and no matter what, the Dongyi people must be blocked on the east bank of the Hongshui River.

However, Fatis's letter also mentioned another thing, that is, there were several large-scale battles in the brown land between the knights of the Kingdom of Rohan and the orc army of Mordor.

According to the news from the battlefield, Rohan had assembled at least more than [-] cavalry, and Mordor sent a large number of wolf cavalry as cover for the march of the large army.

After several battles, Mordor's army suffered heavy casualties, and the Kingdom of Rohan also paid a lot of price, and failed to prevent the orcs from entering the Black Forest.

This news was passed back by the scout team responsible for investigating Orsanc. After all, the brown land was full of desolation, and almost no one could settle there, so Fatis did not pay special attention to the situation there.

This made Allen feel very strange. He expected that Sauron would definitely take this opportunity to strengthen Dol Guldur's strength so that he could start a bigger war in the north in the future.

That's why I sent a letter to Sengel before setting off.

But the movement of Mordor's army was so great that even if they suffered huge casualties, they still had to fight with Rohan on the vast plains, which was a bit abnormal.

Although the wolf cavalry can indeed restrain the horses, their numbers are far from being comparable to the heroic and capable Rohan knights. In terms of mobility, Mordor should be at an absolute disadvantage.

Thinking from the perspective of an orc commander, if Allen found out that the Rohan cavalry might attack him, he would definitely choose to retreat as soon as possible, or rely on the gloomy and hilly terrain to fight a positional battle with Rohan , waiting for more support and variables.

Instead of fighting with a large number of cavalry on the plains, this is not a rational behavior, and it is not even the level of a qualified commander. You must know that the half-orcs who can become leaders are not stupid.

Allen always felt that Sauron had a deeper and more urgent purpose buried in this chaotic situation, but he still couldn't see the connection clearly.

Early the next morning, under the reluctant eyes of the innkeeper, Allen, who had been thinking to no avail all night, took his subordinates to bid farewell to Bree, and galloped on the east-west avenue that ran through Eriador.

When the team arrived in the wilderness, Allen handed over the hunting to Horimion, and ordered his personal guards to return to Feslet along the road and bring the news of his safety to Jamila. This trip was indeed Some risks.

And he himself was inciting the strong wind and flew anxiously towards Gundabad Mountain. The battle there was probably not over yet. It was still unknown whether the evil dragons hiding deep in the northern wasteland were seduced by Sauron.

Hermione looked at Allen who quickly disappeared in the air, then looked at the reins in his hands, and looked around helplessly at his colleagues who were looking at each other, followed by a deep sigh.

If he continues like this, he, the captain of the personal guard, will soon become a decoration. The king he protects can fly at will, and he will not be able to follow him at all.

It was just helpless, but the order still had to be carried out. This group of cavalry, shining silver in the sun, quickly galloped towards the high pass. After they sent the news back to Feslet, they had to rush towards the Gray Mountains.

At least, His Majesty the King, whom they fear, has not abolished the establishment of the Guards.

After a battle on the bottom of the sea, Allen gained a deeper understanding of the control of wind, which allowed him to glide faster in the air. After a while, he left the continuous wind and cloud hills behind, and quickly Rushing towards the rugged and desolate Etten Wasteland.

"Gah?" "Gah?" "Gah?"

A cry of raven suddenly reached Allen's ears. When he turned his head in confusion, he saw an acquaintance who also showed doubts. No, it was a familiar crow.

The visitor is none other than Tucker, the leader of the ravens who always accompanies Thorin. Since the death of the elderly Roark a few years ago, Tucker has taken over as the leader of the ravens, and at the same time leads the tribe to continue the relationship with the Durin dwarves. to help each other.

"Although it's a little strange, I'm glad to meet you here. Your Majesty the King, Thorin asked me to bring you a few words."

Through the howling wind, Tucker's rough voice came over, and Allen gradually slowed down his speed, slowly sliding to the edge of the Etten Wasteland.

Ravens can speak in flight because their mouths have a special structure. Allen can't. As soon as he opens his mouth, the strong wind will immediately fill his mouth, making it impossible to spit out effective words.

"Excuse me Tucker, what did Thorin say?"

Allen took out a shining ruby ​​from his arms and handed it to Tucker. This was the reward for the raven to deliver the message.

Tucker quickly took the gem in his mouth, and then buried his head in the dark feathers. When it raised its head and spoke again, the gem had disappeared.

"Gandalf is back with very bad news. Thorin said you know what it means."

Tucker screamed: "At the same time, your subordinate is that very energetic young man. He also asked me to send a message. If possible, I hope you can return to Gundabad Mountain as soon as possible. He feels that something is not right. "

After saying that, Tucker flapped his wings and flew into the air. He always felt very uncomfortable when he was next to Allen.

This world is really crazy. Humans without wings can actually fly? !
Allen did not move again. Instead, he lit a bonfire on the spot, ate some elf biscuit lambas while thinking, and drank two mouthfuls of Miruwo.

Then, he took out the Ringir from his back and wiped it repeatedly. The sword's blade flashed with a dazzling edge under the firelight.

This elf sword was just a one-handed sword in Fingolfin's hand, but for Allen, who was only about 1.8 meters tall, its length was not suitable for hanging on his waist.

What should come is always coming.

Since Gandalf has brought back bad news, it means that the evil dragons have accepted Sauron's conditions and are preparing to attack the Durin dwarves who have retaken the Holy Land.

"I hope Thorin's heavy crossbow can be effective, and I also hope that the sword in my hand can successfully kill the evil dragon."

Allen, who was wiping his sword, thought about the situation between the enemy and ourselves, waiting for his strength to return.

Next, he was ready to fly back to Gundabad Mountain without stopping. (End of chapter)

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