When a huge two-meter-long crossbow arrow began to emit a faint silver light, Allen breathed a sigh of relief.

Improving the engravings on the Noldor sigil arrows to the crossbow arrows was not as easy as he thought.

First of all, proportional enlargement is a problem, and it also requires a lot of experimentation to draw it coherently after enlargement.

Allen has been busy for a long time, and so far he has only completed twenty, which is not enough for the twelve heavy crossbows on the city wall to complete two volleys.

"Boom boom boom" "Boom boom boom" "Boom boom boom"

The trembling feeling came from Allen's feet bit by bit, and the Ihildine in the bowl rippled in circles.

Immediately afterwards, the snow on the top of Gundabad Mountain began to "crack", and then poured down the steep cliff, submerging countless dead branches and gravel along the way.

What kind of terrifying monster is this that can trample upon such a movement?

Everyone who was busy on the city wall stopped what they were doing, their expressions changed from confusion to fear, and then they shone with radiant determination.

"Woo~wu~wuwuwu." A rapid horn sound sounded from the north at the same time.

Allen's figure jumped high from the city wall with a "swish" sound, and flew towards the north as fast as an arrow from a string.

The only ones that can cause these movements at this time are probably the evil dragons Gandalf mentioned.

In the sight, three huge streams of white mist soared up from the endless glaciers in the distance, like strong winds carrying frost, blowing across the ice-capped ice fields in unparalleled bursts.

Three huge and ferocious figures were vaguely visible in the billowing white mist. From a distance, not even Smaug's flying dragon could match them.

Are you so fat because you can't fly, so you put on extra fat like crazy so you can withstand the severe cold in the northern wilderness?
Allen complained crazily in his heart.

Although they seemed to be huge, the three figures were running very fast. With just a blink of an eye, the white mist crossed the glacier, reached the northern edge of Gundabad Mountain, and disappeared into the distance. Behind the rolling hills.

Allen looked back and saw that the dwarves on the city wall were busy like ants. The twelve heavy crossbows lined up on the city wall had already been equipped with faintly glowing crossbow arrows, and they all turned to the north.

The dark iron door also opened at this time, and groups of dwarves wearing heavy armor and holding strong shields and sharp axes walked out of the door with firm steps, in neat formation and with high morale.

Kili stood at the front of the team with his chest raised and his head raised, holding high the flag of the Durin royal family. Next to him was the famously stubborn King Thorin II.

This crazy guy actually wants to lead a team to fight the dragon himself?

"This is different from what was promised."

A flash of surprise flashed in Allen's heart, and then he was relieved.

Yes, if the king cannot stand up in the most critical situation, why should he become the king?Why do you win the love of your tribe?

In the turbulent Middle-earth, perhaps it was precisely because King Durin stood in front of his people one after another in times of extreme danger that the orthodoxy of the royal bloodline was established, as well as the dwarves' loyalty that was not afraid of death. ! !

Allen, who was flying in the air, looked at Thorin who was also looking at him, nodded slightly, and hid in the mountains nearby.

Everyone knew that the crude city wall could not stop the dragon's attack, so Allen, Gandalf and Thorin finally discussed a strategy to deal with the dragon.

Allen, who is holding the Ring Gil, will be a key factor in defeating the evil dragon or even killing it, so he must be surprised and cause considerable damage as soon as he appears to scare these monsters.

Gandalf will direct the crossbowmen to shoot on the city wall. The gray robe wizard has the ability to inspire people. At critical moments, he can also tangle with the dragon for a few moves, providing more opportunities for the crossbowmen at close range.

Thorin, on the other hand, will stand in a very conspicuous place and encourage his heavily armored troops to attack the dragon. This is not suicide, but also to attract the attention of the dragon and delay it for more time.

Everything is foreshadowing, all for the fatal blow delivered by Allen and the crossbowmen on the city wall.

Soon, the footsteps of the evil dragon sounded like war drums, and three huge shadows appeared step by step on the hillside. The sand and dust they brought were overwhelming, and the huge roar shocked the hearts of every creature.

The first figure to come out of the sand and dust had a ferocious and terrifying head. Countless spikes of different lengths covered the entire head. The fine and blue scales shone in the sun, full of When the bloody mouth of the fangs opened, there was a faint black smoke spraying out.

The blue dragon is the largest and the most bloated, with layers of scales all over its body. Every time it takes a step, the ground shakes like a tremor.

The second one is a white cold dragon. Its head is triangular like a poisonous snake. Its dark yellow vertical eyes reflect malice and coldness. A slender tongue keeps trembling, as if it is searching for something in the air. .

The white dragon has a small body, but it is the longest one. The scales on its body are as fine as that of a snake, and it has eight thin legs that can pick up countless gravel and dust when walking.

What finally appeared was a black monster. There was no trace of a dragon in its body at all. It looked more like a long-legged crocodile that had been enlarged countless times. Its wide mouth and flexible long tail may have come from it. At the thinnest part, the scales are thicker and stronger, and the thick limbs make a dull sound every time they move.

The evil dragon that flew forward stopped its progress, its huge body blocked the sunlight in front of the city wall, and the raised dust gradually subsided.

They looked at the waiting dwarves with eyes that were like looking at ants. They did not launch a direct attack, but looked at each other with interest after a few seconds.

"Little ones, please bow your head. This is the last bit of mercy I can give you. Sauron gave us this mountain range, as well as the one to the east and the one to the west. Now this is ours If you resist, you will only face death. Why not be loyal to us? Not only will you survive, but you will also be able to do what you like without being disturbed by others."

The long and narrow white dragon spoke first. Its voice was not unpleasant, and could even be called tactful. There was a hint of bewitching magic in its words, inducing the dwarves to surrender.

Although Sauron was extremely annoying and the envoy he sent had an extremely disgusting smell, what he said still made some sense.

"The wealth captured is always limited. If possible, those dwarves should be enslaved and let them create wealth. In this way, gold and gems will flow into the treasure house like a river."

The white and slender cold dragon seems to be very confident in his words, and his dark yellow eyes are constantly flashing with strange light. Some evil dragons can do magic. Such abilities

However, the dwarves were so determined that even if the white dragon's voice contained a little magical power, they were indifferent.

It even angered Thorin because he felt humiliated by it.

"You disgusting big reptiles, now, immediately, go back to your dirty and smelly lair. I can also consider letting you live, otherwise, I will smash you with the ax and hammer in my hand." Rot your eyes, split your stomachs, and finally tear out your hearts, get out of here, get away from me." The loud shouts inspired all the Durin dwarves.

"Seral, forget it, put away your hypocrisy. Sauron promised to provide us with a group of mining slaves. There is no need to leave these poor people behind. They don't know what kind of existence they are facing. .”

The blue dragon irritably interrupted the white dragon who wanted to continue saying something. The moment just passed was the limit of its patience, not to mention Thorin's insults directly aroused the cruelty in its heart.

According to its idea, it should pounce directly and defeat all the ants blocking the road.

Then play with them and trample them to pieces so that no one will dare to enter this territory that belongs to them again.

With a thunderous roar, the blue body rolled forward with unparalleled power, and instantly approached the dwarves who were shouting for courage.

The blue dragon ran all the way, its sharp and thick claws chasing the retreating ants, and its tail like a meteor hammer drove away assassins trying to get close to its abdomen. Arrows suddenly shot out from behind the boulders on both sides. , for it, it is like scratching an itch.

"Ants, run and struggle. Everything you have done is useless. I will crush your bodies and smash your walls to let you know what despair is and what torture is."

With a thunderous sound, the blue dragon sped up and lowered its ferocious head, which was densely packed with spikes, and hit the dark city wall. Its head was the hardest part of its body.

Faced with such a huge monster, the dwarves had no choice but to dodge, and then found the right opportunity to sneak attack on the dragon's relatively fragile belly. However, this was difficult. The tail that kept swinging knocked away nearly a hundred of them in a short period of time. tribesmen.

All the heavily armored dwarves who were knocked away or hit were all knocked away by the dragon's huge force. They fell to the ground with the sound of broken bones and broken steel armor, and there was no other movement.

Even if they are loyal and brave, even if they are brave and unafraid of death, the morale of the dwarves will inevitably drop when facing such an unmatched enemy. Thorin, whose eyes are splitting, is burning with anger in his heart, and he lifts the ax in his hand. Just rush forward.

Then he was grabbed by Qili who was carrying the king's flag.

"Your Majesty, the teacher and Gandalf asked me to tell you at this time that commanding the battle is more important!"

Thorin, who had calmed down, could only grit his teeth and look at the blue dragon in silence as he quickly approached the city wall.

I hope that the heavy crossbows that I have high hopes for, as well as the crossbow arrows that Allen has carefully prepared, can play a vital role in this critical moment.

"Steady!! Steady!! Warriors, for the sake of your king, don't panic!!"

Gandalf, dressed in gray robes, kept patrolling back and forth on the city wall, boosting the morale of the dwarves with passionate words.

Even the brave and fearless dwarves, seeing a huge monster rushing towards them, would inevitably have the idea of ​​​​avoiding.

This is not simply timidity, but a subconscious instinctive reaction.

As the blue dragon's huge body continued to approach, Gandalf's eyes showed a look of determination, and he shouted orders

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The four heavy crossbows that could aim at the dragon's head instantly shot out four rays of silver light, flying towards the hideous and terrifying head full of spikes like lightning.

Twelve heavy crossbows were evenly mounted on the city wall, and only one third had a shooting angle at this time.

On the other side, the white dragon and the crocodile-like monster stayed where they were, with no intention of joining the battlefield.

It's just to deal with some dwarves, not all of them are needed, and the blue dragon is too violent, and the area in front of the city wall is too small for such large creatures like them.

If this is not done well, there will be an incident of trampling on each other. By then, if the ants are not killed completely, they themselves may start fighting first.

It's better to go to the theater.


A huge scream suddenly resounded through the valley at this moment. The blue dragon, which was so powerful just now, swung its body crazily under the city wall, as if it was crazy because of pain, or it seemed to be avoiding something.

On the ferocious dragon's head that was constantly shaking left and right, three faintly glowing crossbow arrows were deeply inserted, which forced it to stop hitting the city wall, because that would probably make the things stuck in the bones even worse. Going further, it actually penetrates into the fragile brain.

No matter how likely this is to happen, this blue cold dragon does not dare to gamble with his life. He can only shake his head to avoid the heavy crossbow aimed at him, while turning his body and using his huge tail like a meteor hammer. Go beat the city walls so that the dwarves can't concentrate on controlling the heavy crossbows.

In just a few blows, the city wall was filled with cracks by the powerful dragon tail. The bodies of the dwarves standing on it were shaking frequently, and they were unable to concentrate on controlling the heavy crossbow.

"Quick, reload the ammunition, reload the ammunition, the attack is effective, hurry."

Seeing that the glimmering crossbow arrow was effective, Gandalf's face showed an expression of joy. At this moment, he thought of a lot.

For example, the dwarves in the north no longer need to fear evil dragons, because they have mastered the ability to resist and have one more power against darkness.

For example, can this kind of weapon be designed to be more convenient, so that it can be convenient for marching and at the same time cause fatal damage to those huge trolls?

It was just the swaying city wall that interrupted Gandalf's thoughts. The violent vibration meant that even he couldn't stabilize his body.

The defense facilities built by the orcs are so fragile that they are defenseless against the attacks of the dwarves, and the same is naturally true when facing the cold dragon.

Not far away, Thorin, who had a solemn face, saw his pupils trembled and his face beamed with joy after seeing the severely injured dragon.

The Durin dwarves finally no longer need to fear evil dragons and rely on giving up their homeland to continue the survival of the race.

At this time, seeing the evil dragon trying to destroy the city wall in order to protect itself, the king under the mountain was naturally very anxious.

He looked around at the tribesmen surrounding him with resolute eyes, then took a deep breath of the cold air of the Holy Land, and roared with all his strength, arousing the low morale of the tribesmen.

"Follow me, descendants of Durin, follow me and charge against the enemy." (End of Chapter)

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