As Allen signed the next letter of order, one team after another of messengers rode out of Fishlet on fast horses.

The whole Rovanian became lively because of this.

Soldiers from Fort Gray came down the river.

When the soldiers from Muma Village came to report, they also brought a large group of horses.

Groups of soldiers gathered in the camp outside Feslet City as time passed.

Even the residents near the town already knew that the war was approaching. The training that used to be once every half a month was now changed to twice a week.

One of them was a training session with troops from other places, and even the food during the training was much better.

Alleyn also rushed over with soldiers from Heidelberg.

Allen needs a subordinate with experience in commanding large armies to assist him. Once the war begins, he will likely need to have a one-on-one contest with Sauron directly. The soldiers also need an experienced and prestigious general.

Fatis will control the power of River Valley City and Changhe Town, and always guard the Hongshui River area to prevent the Dongyi people from encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao.

Moreover, Allen's new Dongyi brother Barr got along well with Fatis at the border. Taking Fatis away from there would probably be more gain than loss.

As time passed, more and more troops gathered in Feslet, camps of various colors were arranged continuously, and the weapons and equipment in the arsenal were also taken away one by one.

Dozens of days passed quietly, and it was the full moon of the sun. The troops that Allen ordered had basically arrived.

He plans to take away all the [-] heavy infantry and [-] archers, but he will only take away [-] light cavalry to facilitate the transmission of information during marches or battles.

The rest is left to Jamila with the Noldor female ranger in order to deal with other situations that may arise in the territory.

The conscript Allen summoned more than 6000 people in total, almost emptying Rovanian's young and middle-aged men.

However, Allen will only take 4000 people with him, and the remaining [-] people will also stay in Rovanian.

Although it is said that Dol Guldur will be destroyed as soon as possible, and the power of the Silmarillion will be used to completely purify the dark power there.But Allen's territory is now a bit too big, and he can no longer move everyone into the town for defense like before.

It is inevitable to keep more soldiers.

Even so, the more and more troops Allen brings to the decisive battle with Sauron are already a very powerful force.

Fifteen hundred heavy infantry, all wearing Noldor sigil armor with extremely high defensive power, paired with drop-shaped Noldor magic shields and explosive maces, are enough to suppress Mordor on the battlefield. An army of orcs with steel plates on their bodies.

Moreover, Allen also equipped each of them with 5 throwing spears, which can also produce a round of output before engaging in battle.

However, even if such equipment comes from the Noldor elves, the weight is quite terrifying. In order to solve this problem, Allen equipped each team with a carriage to facilitate their march.

One thousand archers wear green leaf armor, and the longbows in their hands all come from the Woodland Elf Kingdom. It can be said that in the past 30 or [-] years, Allen has been Thranduil's largest weapons purchaser.

Allen, the equipment of the conscripts, was also replaced by Qingye Armor. Some of them were made by Rovanian's own blacksmiths and dwarves, and some of them were ordered by Gushan.

The main weapons are still spears. For recruits who don't have much time to train, an inch longer is really an inch stronger.

However, a considerable part of the conscripts came from woodland residents. The tradition of hunting in the past allowed them to retain their archery skills. The powerful and heavy cedar bow was the most commonly used bow and arrow.

However, Allen only allowed each of them to bring five arrows with them. After all, the levies were still mainly engaged in melee combat, and bringing too many bows and arrows would only increase the consumption of their physical strength.

When all the preparations were in place, Allen waved his hand and led his bodyguards towards the golden forest. Behind him was the silver light that stretched for several kilometers.

It was the soldiers' armor reflecting the rays of the sun, countless flags fluttering in the wind, and forest-like spears pointing slantingly at the sky, flashing with a frightening edge.

Residents along the road took off their hats and saluted the king who was in the front of the team, and then watched this mighty army gradually move away until their shining silver figures were no longer in sight.

Everyone received the order from the king and understood that the war in front of them was for the long-term peace in the future.

Even if they understand the cruelty of war, even if they are reluctant to leave their loved ones, they will obey His Majesty's command and set foot on the battlefield again.


Along the road that Rovanian had repaired long ago, the army went all the way down, and it took more than half a month to arrive near Lothlórien.

The fleet carrying a large amount of baggage moved down the river, matching the speed of the army.

Allen's time to develop river transportation was too short, and the things he had to do were very complicated. He was really unable to build a fleet of ships to transport nearly 6000 people. It was no problem to just transport supplies.

This fleet will follow the army to the northern plateau area of ​​​​Rohan, and then return there and return to Feslet to transport the second batch of luggage.

God knows how long this war will last, but that guy Sauron is not stubborn at all. He is always like a turtle huddled in the Black Gate or Barad-dur, unable to come out for many years.

It’s also good to prepare more supplies.

After Rovanion's army was stationed near Lothlórien, the dwarf troops, with the color of steel, also appeared on the other side of the Anduin River.

Fili brought a thousand heavy infantry and three hundred goat cavalry. Over the years, the dwarf troops have been in a state of constant consumption. This is the greatest sincerity of the Durin family.

Legolas also entered Allen's camp alone a few days later. He did not want to participate in this war alone.

His father, the son of Orophel, the king of the woodland elves, has arrived at Dol Guldur with fifteen hundred woodland elves. Once the battle begins, they will join the battlefield as quickly as possible.Finally, before the deadline arrived, Lord Elrond came to Rovanion with his son and eight hundred elves from Rivendell.

In the past ten years, some elves could not bear the environment in Middle-earth and took ships to Valinor. If this rate continues, in less than 100 years, there will be no more elves shining in the valley.

Everyone waited until the last day, but Linton's elves did not appear, and Elrond was vague. He only said that Lord Cirdan was not unwilling to participate in this war, but was waiting for a suitable opportunity.

No matter when the right time is, everyone will not waste any time here. The cloud-like army cleans up the orcs near Dol Guldur with the force of thunder. These guys are hiding in the forest. , spying on the movements of the army.

As Sauron's newly appointed lieutenant, Holmras has been in Dol Guldur for nearly 20 years. Although he does not have enough power to cause any great harm to the humans and elves of Rovanion.

But he also knew that as long as he stayed here for one day, he would be able to make his master's opponents miserable for one day.

When Allen's army had just approached the radiation range of Dol Guldur, Holmras had already realized the seriousness of the situation and used extraordinary means to report the matter to the Lord of Mordor.

It's just that the message is like a stone sinking into the sea, and there is no reply at all.

Emotions of anxiety, restlessness, and panic began to appear in Holmras's heart. He kept sending out scouts, but the results were always surprisingly similar, that is, there was no result.

As soon as the orcs sent out step out of Dol Guldur, they will quickly disappear into the forest, as if the trees that are already covered with cobwebs have taken on a life of their own and feed on the orcs.

Until one day, Holmras saw a boundless mixed army of humans, elves, and dwarves coming out of the forest from the spiers of Dol Guldur, and completely surrounded the fortress at their feet.

He was so frightened that he knew very well that he could not withstand such a powerful force just by relying on the power in his hands. In an instant, he wanted to escape from here on a vicious monster.

When the ferocious giant beast just started to flap its wings, a figure shining with white flames descended on Holmras' head like the scorching sun.

The sound of thunder rumbled at this time, and Holmras felt a wave of heat that was enough to burn his soul rushing from the top of his head, and then he knew nothing.

At this moment, even the monster under him was smoking and emitting waves of foul smell.

The white flames dissipated, and Allen's figure was revealed. He stood at the highest point in Dol Guldur, and the energy in his body rushed toward the Silmaril in his hand. Then he lifted the Silmaril, which had turned into a white ball of light, into the air. Lift high.

A solid ball of white flame light centered on Allen and spread to the surroundings. The diamond absorbed the light in Allen's body that could clear away the darkness, and gave back a more powerful brilliance.

That power is enough to clear away the dark clouds hanging over Dolgor and the darkness hidden in the dungeons and city walls.

As the energy in Allen's body became less and less, the radiance returned by the diamond became more and more powerful. Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, the size of the light ball had become as large as the sun. The light was colorful and brilliant but not dazzling, even It looks a little gentle.

But the orcs hiding deep in Dol Guldur felt as if their souls were facing scalding lava. They showed panic on their faces and ran out of their hiding places with fear in their hearts, and hurriedly dug in. In the jungle, he died in the hands of the elves who had been waiting for a long time.

And those minions of darkness who were forced to a dead end by the light and could not escape from the castle could only watch in despair as the ball of light with billowing heat waves approached, and then burned his soul twisted by the dark power.

With a series of miserable screams, the darkness that had been entrenched in Dol Guldur for thousands of years disappeared.

When the radiance of the Silmar illuminated every inch of Dol Guldur, the energy in Allen's body was almost exhausted and reached its limit.

As the light dimmed suddenly, the ball of light that covered the sky suddenly disappeared without a trace, and Allen, who was already soaked with sweat, sat down on the ground.

"This thing is easy to use, but if you use it too much, I'm afraid it will easily lose its lifespan."

From the moment Eren defeated Holmrath to the moment the brilliance of the Diamond illuminated the entire Dol Guldur, it only took less than 10 minutes at most.

But standing in the middle of the light, Allen felt that a long, long time had passed, and at the same time he could clearly feel that his body was getting weaker.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why there were rumors that the Silmaril made the reborn Lúthien and Beren short-lived. In addition to easily arousing inner greed, this beautiful thing may be harmful to human beings if it is used directly for a long time. There is no benefit to growing creatures.

At this moment, the troops surrounding Dol Guldur also entered the fortress that had been shrouded by demonic shadows in the past. However, after being baptized by the Silmarillion, all the gloom and terror of the past had disappeared.

The hot sunshine in the summer shines directly on the mottled city wall covered with withered vines. One after another, half-orc corpses with frightened faces are swaying here and there at the end of the road, in the closed iron door of the prison. He lay on the ground and was carried out one by one by the soldiers.

At this moment, Gandalf, the only one who had no troops to command, walked up to the spire where Allen was. Of course, Gandalf just hadn't established his own power, and his commanding skills were actually quite excellent.

"Alan, with such beautiful brilliance and such powerful power, are you really willing to share it with all the creatures in Middle-earth after solving all the problems?"

Gandalf's voice contained a hint of surprise at the Silmarillion. Once upon a time, he had seen this beauty, but he did not expect that it could be used like this.

"Gandalf, I didn't say I would share it with all the creatures in Middle-earth. I said I would share it with the creatures in Rovanion. The tower I built is estimated to only radiate to Rovanion. , Eriador, which is blocked by the Misty Mountains, and Gondor far to the south, this light cannot shine."

Allen, who was sitting on a stone brick, took out a maroon cigarette bag from behind and continued: "Unless."

These words obviously attracted Gandalf's attention, and he asked: "Unless? Unless what?"

"Unless you fill me a bag of good old Toby, I won't answer your question." Allen smiled and blinked. He also had tobacco, but he just wanted to Want to "blackmail" a wave of Gandalf.

"Okay, okay." The helpless Gandalf carefully took out the tobacco and thoughtfully helped Alan light the pipe.

"Huh." After taking a nice breath, Allen blew out a big smoke ring.

"Unless, like Eärendil, you are flying around in the sky with the canonized Wenkiro, playing the role of a star that brings hope to people, otherwise if you want to radiate the entire Middle-earth, then it is estimated that It’s impossible in a short time.”

"Do you even know about this?" At this time, the surprise in Gandalf's eyes became even stronger.

"Of course, my old friend, there are many things I know." Allen blinked again and took a puff of his cigarette with a smile. (End of chapter)

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