The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 30 Vitality, Dragon Tears, Elixir

Chapter 30 Vitality, Dragon Tears, Elixir
At night, Wilderness Town, Allen's Hall.

Yes, it is no longer the lord's longhouse.

Yatiman used bricks and wood to build a fully functional villa for Allen in the original location.

At that time, Yatiman proposed to build the castle directly, but Allen rejected it. It would cost too much. If you have that money, you should build the road.

At this moment, Allen was lying in the bedroom, thinking about meeting Gandalf today.

Allen was very happy that Gandalf didn't see the clues in himself, and he felt that his luck had returned.

【The emulator is starting】

【You have come to Panda Continent】

【You have chosen the identity of the Son of Prophecy】

【Time: Unknown】

[Location: Noldor Forest, Eraclay]

[Your arrival has brought a little ripple in the castle. Humans haven't been here for a long time. 】

【Under the watchful eyes of many elves, you came to the tower of the Islandil family. 】

【Freya's father, the patriarch of the Islandil clan, is waiting for you in the tower. 】

[During the conversation with him, you learned that Freya is the only daughter of Islandil and the only heir of the family. 】

【You are wondering why such an important figure was taken away and trafficked. 】

[You were worried that you would get into trouble, so you didn't ask. You were very reserved when facing the Noldor elves. This is not Middle Earth. Humans and elves can live in peace. 】

[After a brief chat, Islandil took out a gift from his tribe to thank you. 】

[That is a complete set of Noldor ancient plate armor, which is composed of knight helmets inlaid with gems, silver gauntlets, ancient plate armor, and ancient plate armor boots. The rune magic of the elves is engraved on them, which is extremely light and tough. 】

[Ordinary weapons can’t even leave marks on them. Not only that, they can also resist certain other damages, especially helmets. Islandil tells you that it can help you resist some evil thoughts. 】

[However, Islandil added that there are very few opportunities to use this kind of magic in the current Pendor Continent, but I just heard that a certain cult still has such power. 】

[You are surprised that the elves would offer such a valuable gift, and you feel that saving elves captives may earn more money than capturing elves and selling them. 】

[An even bigger surprise is still waiting for you. I saw Islandil carefully take out a necklace inlaid with emeralds from a simple and simple box. Feel a trace of life force. 】

【Islandil tells you that this necklace is called Vitality. It was made by the Noldor Elves in ancient times and given to a human friend. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to give it away. 】

[This is a personal gift from him to thank you. The function of this necklace is very simple and powerful. It can greatly increase a person's lifespan and speed up the recovery of injuries after injury. If you are fatally injured, the necklace will be damaged The price is to save the life of the wearer. 】

【Now this necklace belongs to you, you went from surprise to shock, but what Islandil said next solved your doubts. 】

[The Noldor elves have always wanted to find a spokesperson for themselves in the human world. In the past, they had always had hope for the Knights of the Silver Mist Ranger. Islandil even taught them some methods of elf training. 】

[Silver Mist Ranger Knights are very sympathetic to the elves' encounters, and will also help the elves as allies in some battles. 】

[But they are an official organization with a monarch that must serve, and it is impossible to harm the interests of human beings too much, especially the interests of the nobles of the country, by helping the elves. 】

[For this reason, Islandil slowly gave up on them, and just maintained a friendly relationship. 】

【Now, Islandil said bluntly that he has chosen you. If you want, you can become the spokesperson of the Noldor among humans, not in business, but in force. 】

[Many of the Noldor elves were trapped on the high towers of the nobles and were insulted by humans. 】

[This kind of thing has been going on for an unknown number of years. Islandil has no other requirements. He just hopes that you can form a human force to rescue the kidnapped elves, just like this time, and send them home. For this he can offer you a price you cannot refuse. 】

[You are silent, and you actually want to be a man here, this is a path you have never imagined. 】

[However, all those in power on this continent are your enemies, and almost none of your friends. 】

[After thinking about it, you think that elves are also a good choice, at least they are far more trustworthy than humans. 】

【You agreed to this proposal and became friends with Islandil. 】

[Soon, the elves provided you with some information. You chose Changhe Town, where the Ernor family bought two female elves from the hands of dirty slave traders. 】

[After you confirm the location, Islandil handed you a badge of unknown material, which will prove your identity in front of the elves]

[Before leaving, Islandil blesses you and hopes that you can bring them back safely. 】

[Soon, you, riding an elf horse and wearing a full set of elf equipment, caused a sensation in Changhe Town. 】

[You lived in the tavern opened by Paul, and declared yourself to be an elf killer, possessing fighting skills stronger than elf knights, and had killed countless elves. 】

[Since then, there have been an endless stream of nobles visiting you, and they all want to take you under their command. Strong combat power is so popular in this era. 】

[You just observed the various families quietly, randomly selected a few invitations from the nobles, went to their houses as guests, and at the same time showed your strong fighting power. 】

[With the blessing of elf equipment, even if you call the rangers in the famous horn in Changhe Town, you can't find anyone who can compete with you. 】

[Suddenly, your reputation spread throughout the streets and alleys of the city. 】

【Your guests of course included the Ernor family. You quietly observed the terrain and defenses of this family. In the following nights, you continued to investigate everything about this family. 】

[Finally, one night, you massacred this ancient family, and you didn't feel any guilt, after all, they betrayed your family first. 】

[You killed most of the adult men in their family in secret, and took away two Noldor elves. 】

【The next day, things spread throughout Changhe Town, and you, who are powerful and mysterious, became the number one suspect. 】

【At this time, you have left Changhe Town overnight, came to the Noldor Forest, and handed over the female elf to Islandil who is waiting here. 】

[Islandil handed you a corpse, this is the elf who died at the hands of Jatu Marauders a few days ago. 】

[He can prove your innocence, but Islandil hopes that you can bring his body back, and you can dispose of the equipment as you like. 】

[Soon, you returned to Changhe Town with an elf corpse, and pushed everything to the elf's head. Your own departure was just a chance encounter and an overnight pursuit. 】

【Facing a fully armed elf corpse, the nobles of Changhe Town temporarily suppressed their suspicions about you, and then you told everyone that you have some elf equipment to sell, and it was in Paul's tavern. 】

[Elf equipment is always popular, even if it is just one set, it also attracts quite a lot of people. 】

【Using the chaos caused by the sale of elf equipment, you covered Paul and let him escort the elf corpse back to the forest. 】

[After that, you lived in Changhe Town for quite a while, and maintained a friendly relationship with a large number of nobles. 】

[After almost dispelling other people's doubts about yourself, you found a reason and quietly returned to Ella Clay. 】

【Islandil is very satisfied with the results this time, and he held a small banquet to entertain you. 】

[After he learned about your fighting habits, he gave you a Noldor long sword and a Noldor magic shield, which can be regarded as a real set of Noldor equipment for you. 】

[But this is nothing, at the end of the banquet, Islandil took out a radiant sapphire. 】

【He told you that this is the Dragon's Tears Gem, and countless human beings are chasing after its light. 】

[This one is to celebrate the friendship between the two of you, which has a perfect start. This is a gift and a reward. 】

【You look at this beautiful gem and are stunned. This gem represents too many meanings. 】

【You can't understand why Islandil took out such a precious thing, but you accepted it because you needed it very much. 】

[Islandil tells you that if the friendship between the two of you gradually deepens in the future, he still has some of this gem, which can be given to you as an extra reward. 】

【The banquet is over, you took the gems and returned to the room arranged for you by the elf. 】

[This simulation is over. 】

[Retaining the identity of the son of prophecy in Pendor, you have gained the friendship of the Noldor elves, the current relationship: friendly. 】

[This simulation has obtained a set of ancient elven plate armor, a Noldor long sword, a Noldor magic shield, several Noldor arrows, a dragon tear gemstone, a necklace "vitality," and two bags of diamonds. Please note that After redeeming an item, the simulator will go on cooldown and the item will be lost in the simulation. 】

[Get rewarded with 1 point of reputation, 20 points of reputation, and 1000 dinars. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Dragon Tears Gem, a special exchange item in Pendor Continent. The following is the exchange list, please check it carefully. 】

[Pharmaceutical of Immortality: After drinking it, you can gain about 50 years of life and slightly improve your physical fitness. Each person can only take three bottles]

[Siyuan City Potion: After drinking, it can increase memory and comprehension ability. Each person can only take two bottles. 】

【Enhanced Rune Weapons: Ordinary rune weapons can be strengthened into weapons with flame or frost energy. 】

[Enhanced Sigil Equipment: Ordinary Sigil equipment can be strengthened into equipment with life energy, which can increase the speed of physical recovery. 】

[Spirit Aid (only for friends of elves): There are always some elves who want to follow your friend to the human world. 】

[The simulation can continue, yes/no? 】


[Are you sure you want to exchange the Dragon Tears Gem for the Elixir? 】

【Sure. 】

【Are you sure you want to exchange all items except the elf horse? 】


[Simulator cooling, cooling time 83 days. 】

Soon, all the items Allen obtained in Pendor Continent were neatly placed on the floor of his bedroom under a white light.

He saw the bottle of potion of immortality at a glance.

The small glass bottle is filled with green and transparent medicine, like a piece of fine jade.

Bubbles appear and disappear continuously, the medicine seems to be breathing by itself.

Allen stared at the potion for a while, uncorked the bottle, and drank it in one gulp.

There was no special taste. After drinking it, a faint coolness spread along the upper body to the whole body. Apart from these, Allen felt nothing else.

Allen thought it might be because he was still young and could not feel the power of the potion. If this bottle was poured into Yatiman, there should be a huge change.

Among the bunch of things, apart from the bottle of potion that Allen had already drank, the most eye-catching thing was the necklace.

Allen picked up the necklace and admired its beauty.

He is going to give this necklace to Jamila, even if it is for Jamila's dark circles that have not subsided all year round, Allen should give this little girl a reward.

This necklace should fit her well, and it can also keep her safe to a certain extent.

Compared with Allen's subordinates, Jamila's combat effectiveness is not particularly strong.

Her strength is omnipotence, logistics management is also good, medical treatment can also be done, the combat power is so-so, but she can also mount a horse and kill the enemy.

Most importantly, no one can replace Jamila's current job.

People who can replace Jamila are not trusted by Allen.

So whether it was due to the friendship between the two parties or the importance of Jamila, Alan decided to give this necklace to her.

The next day, when Jamila received the necklace and learned about its effects, countless thoughts filled her mind.

She had always hoped that Alan could discover her feelings, but she didn't dare to bring it up.

From the bottom of her heart, she is just a merchant's daughter. In order to thank Alan for saving her life, she has been working as Alan's maid.

After Alan became a nobleman, Jamila knew that there was a huge class difference in the identities of the two parties, and it was impossible for a nobleman to marry a merchant's woman.

But at this moment, Jamila seemed to have a feeling of keeping the clouds open to see the moon.

However, Allen's words after that directly shattered Jamila's hopes.

"Yamila, after a while, I may have to go out again, and the incident in the town will trouble you again."

Speaking of these, Allen did not hesitate to praise himself,

"I think you manage very well, very good, I have always trusted you."

Then I started to arrange other things,

"For the military, you can ask Fatis. The construction is still led by Yatiman. If the enemy invades, let Kress go to Beorn and the others for help, and let Desaiwei go to the Woodland Kingdom for help. For other things, you can It’s really up to you to decide, you can wait for me to come back and make a decision, I believe in you.”

Jamila looked at Alan who had a slightly embarrassing expression on his face and was about to run out for an adventure.

There were mixed feelings in my heart, joy, loss, and grievances all rushed up, and finally, they came together in one sentence.

"Good sir, please pay attention to your own safety and come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, no problem, you can go to work."

Jamila put the necklace around her neck, turned and left.

Allen looked at Jamila who went out, lost in thought.

He's not stupid, it's been several years, and he has more or less received certain hints when chatting with James and Fatis.

But Allen didn't have much thought about it due to many reasons.

Allen also talked about these things with Jamila on the sidelines, but at that time it was Jamila who pretended to be stupid.

What should Allen do? He can only hope that Jamila will find her own significant other in her extended life.

Forget it, Allen forced himself not to think about it again, tidied up, and was going to talk to Fatis about his military arrangements after he went out.

 Thank you guys, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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