Chapter 37 The Outsider in Bree Town

Bree Town, whether in the original book or in the movie, is a very important location, where many plots take place.

But in fact, Bree is just a small place. There are smart and hard-working humans and kind-hearted hobbits living here. The total population should be only about 1000.

Of course, because it is located on a major traffic road, there are often displaced dwarves who carry all their belongings and live in Bree for a day.

After a good rest, set out for the Blue Mountains and seek the shelter of Thorin Oakenshield. After all, the dwarf prince did a good job there.

Generally speaking, this is a stable and peaceful place, which has never been threatened by dark forces for hundreds of years.

Of course, this is naturally because someone is secretly paying the price silently.

Allen was walking on the streets of Bree Town at this time. Most of the houses here were a mix of stone and wood structures, which had a European medieval style.

More obvious than the style of the house is the road in the town, which is not narrow, but muddy, and spring is a rainy season, which can easily become muddy.

Allen is now very depressed walking on the muddy streets of Bree, preparing to return to his residence, the Prancing Horse Inn.

It is now evening, and Allen has just come out of the house of a man with a slightly bald head and a big nose.

The man was Albert Dreilly, a "well-known" carrot lover in Bree.

On the first day Allen came here, he saw this guy leaning against his door eating carrots.

Coincidentally, this is also the chef of Lord Bree's house, so during this time, for the sake of his own mouth, Allen went to him to discuss cooking skills from time to time, but why is Allen so idle?
Yes, yes, after Gandalf brought Allen to Bree, he left the young man again and ran away, saying that he was going to inquire about the news. It has been almost a month.

Faced with this situation, Allen was very helpless and had no way to stop it. He couldn't tell Gandalf that Thorin Oakenshield would definitely appear at the Prancing Horse Inn on March 3th.

Alan also knew that he came out too early, especially on the road of the Misty Mountains. It only took the eagle two days to send Alan and Gandalf from Cal Rock to Eriador.

It took less than a month for the two of them to rush to Bree Town, and it was only mid-February at that time.

After arriving here, the old man in gray robe rode on the horse that Allen bought, and left him to go out. Allen had to walk around Bree Town by himself, familiarizing himself with the surrounding environment.

However, when Allen walked into the Prancing Horse Inn in the rain, his good friend, Gandalf the Grey, was already sitting at a table, drinking beer and looking at him with a smile on his face.

Gandalf, an old man with a strong personality, even if he left Alan alone in Bree, it would be difficult for Alan to be really angry with him.

The young human sat down opposite Gandalf, and called to the maid here: "Becky, bring me a glass of mead."

Compared to beer, Allen prefers this kind of sweet thing.

The Leaping Horse Inn, owned by the Butter Chrysanthemum family, is the largest tavern and inn in the vicinity.

This is a place where news is very circulated, and many people will come here for some news, even those humans who have turned to the dark power.

For example, today, Allen recognized one of them at a glance, the middle-aged ugly man sitting at the window with a gloomy aura, he was a spy of the enemy.

There is also a well-known local ruffian in Bree Town, Old Bill, a big man over two meters tall, who looks fierce, but after seeing Allen, he hurriedly fled the inn like a bereaved dog.

It is true that Bree has not been threatened by dark forces, but it does not prevent this town from breeding some nasty people and some evil things.

Allen just came here on the fifth day. It was an afternoon, and he was wandering around the market with nothing to do, buying some things he liked by the way.

Old Bill, who had observed Allen for a long time, quietly followed Allen, and appeared next to him. With the help of his huge size, he held Allen with a calm face.

This is also something that can't be helped. Who told Alan to buy things in this small town, and what he took out was gold at every turn.

Did Allen notice it?I noticed it. From the beginning, he was going to do it directly and destroy this guy.

But after a long battle, he didn't feel the killing intent on the opponent, and he didn't take out a weapon, but just used a seemingly ridiculous force to hold Allen hostage.

Faced with this situation, Allen did not resist, and he has been very boring recently, so it is not impossible to have some fun to adjust his boring life.

It's just that Allen wonders, does he really look easy to bully?Is it because I am very polite to everyone?

Or did he seem to be unarmed, which made these people so bold?
Allen didn't want to carry a bow and sword while shopping, and elf-style weapons often attracted people's attention.

This makes people like Old Bill think that they are lucky to meet a fat sheep who doesn't understand anything.

Soon Allen was taken to a dark corner, where there were already four or five men with unfriendly expressions and long and short weapons waiting there.

Perhaps because he felt that there were many people on his side and they were armed, Old Bill let go of Allen, pushed him into the crowd, and then logically began to blackmail him.

Faced with this situation, Allen didn't panic at all, and stretched his hand into the cloak behind him, as if by magic, he calmly drew out a long sword emitting a cold light.

How could Allen have no weapons?Just spend dinars to buy it. As long as you have money, Allen is equivalent to carrying a cold weapon warehouse with you.

The hooligans surrounding Allen didn't know what happened. They seemed to just see a glimmer of white light, and the lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of them turned into a tiger baring its fangs.
Just when a few hooligans were puzzled, Allen used his long sword to blow away the weapons in their hands, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

Allen ignored the pleadings of the gangsters for mercy, and cut off their right thumbs as punishment.

In this way, they also lose the capital to do evil.

The old Bill who brought Alan here was dumbfounded. He knew that he had been planted today. The two-meter tall man knelt down without waiting for Alan to say anything.

Allen was not polite either, he went straight over and kicked him in the face, and walked away in a happy mood.

Poor old Bill not only passed out from the kick, but also lost more than half of his teeth in his mouth.

Afterwards, rumors related to Allen began to circulate in Bree Town, saying that the seemingly polite outsider who lived in the Prancing Horse Inn was actually a murderous murderer, and the people of the town should drive him away as soon as possible. .

Alan didn't care about such rumors, and the owner of the Prancing Horse Inn didn't say anything. After all, Alan spent a lot of money, and he hasn't met such a generous guest in many years.

It's just that in the days to come, whenever Alan feels bored, he will find Old Bill to discuss his "skills". Alan can't remember the number of times, but Old Bill's teeth should all fall out.

Soon there were new rumors in Bree Town. The well-known ruffian leader in the town, old Bill Ferney, was targeted by a foreigner who lived in the Prancing Horse Inn. Now he hides in his shabby house every day, shivering. Trembling, dare not go out the door.

But today, this guy dared to appear in the Prancing Horse Inn, there must be something wrong, Alan didn't care.

But it was obvious that Gandalf, who had a smile on his face, just came back and found out what Alan had done during this period of time.

He jokingly said, "Alan, I didn't expect your reputation to spread all over Bree in such a short period of time."

As soon as Alan heard it, he knew that Gandalf was joking, waved his hand indifferently, and asked in a low voice: "Gandalf, is there any news about Thorin?"

Because today is already March 3th, if there is no news, Allen will have to think about whether his little wings have flapped again, and if this happens, he will have to discuss the next step with Gandalf.

Gandalf nodded and said, "Tonight at the earliest, and tomorrow night at the latest, he will be here. I will negotiate with him then, and you can listen in."

Allen nodded in agreement, and just about to ask Gandalf about this journey, he found that Gandalf looked towards the door, and Allen also looked back.

A slightly embarrassed dwarf in a raincoat walked into the Prancing Horse Inn at this time, cleaned himself up a bit, and sat on an empty table in the middle of the inn.

Although he looked embarrassed at first, the equipment of this dwarf was not shabby. He was dressed in tight and neat clothes and carried a long dwarf sword with him.

At this time, he was picking up the famous pipe of Bree Town and enjoying it. His handsome and resolute face showed a satisfied expression. This was Sorin Oakenshield, the dwarf prince of the Durin clan.

At this time, Alan was about to get up and go to say hello, but Gandalf winked at Alan, stopped him, and waited for a while before sitting down by himself.

Interestingly, the spy at the window began to hesitate in his seat because of Old Bill's escape.

At first he couldn't understand why the old Bill, who had quoted a high price, just ran away.

But soon, he noticed Alan staring at him, he was startled, remembered the rumors in the town, and left the Prancing Horse Inn in despair.

Thorin Oakenshield had also noticed this gloomy man who had been staring at him just now, but there was only one person opposite him, and he was only a little defensive.

He didn't want to make trouble here, because it might cause trouble for the dwarves and make them an unwelcome race in Bree.

However, with the departure of the gloomy middle-aged man, Gandalf also sat across from him, which made him relax again.

And Allen was sitting at a table next to them, drinking the mead in his hand, listening carefully to the content of the chat between the two.

I have to say that Gandalf's eloquence is very, very good. Thorin Oakenshield, who was facing him, was persuaded by Gandalf in a short period of time, and his confused and puzzled eyes gradually showed longing look.

Indeed, the displaced dwarves of Durin's family desperately needed to go home, and Thorin Oakenshield was also eager to get back the throne and wealth that belonged to his family.

However, Alan, who was listening, always had the feeling that Thorin Oakenshield was being limped, and then Alan thought of himself, and felt that he was not as good as this dwarf prince for a moment.

This is inevitable, because Allen has an innate affection for Gandalf, a respectable old man, which is normal.

Soon, Gandalf was talking to Thorin in detail, how to gather an army, how to get back the King's Crown Jewels, until it came to the need for a Snitch.

Thorin Oakenshield looked in Alan's direction and asked Gandalf, "Is this the snitch you found for me?"

Indeed, Alan was dressed very much like a ranger at this time, and Thorin Oakenshield had already noticed the relationship between Alan and Gandalf.

In particular, this human ranger forced the ghastly man away with just his eyes, making Thorin Oakenshield not dare to despise this young human who came to him.

"No no no, Thorin, this is not a snitch, this is my friend, Allen from Wilderness Town."

Gandalf introduced Alan to Thorin Oakenshield, and Alan nodded slightly to Thorin Oakenshield.

Thorin Oakenshield frowned, as if he was thinking about something, and then said, "I haven't heard of this place."

At this time Allen spoke, his voice was neither urgent nor slow, neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's normal that I haven't heard of it. Middle-earth is so vast. Besides, Wilderness Town is not famous. It's normal that Thorin Oakenshield, the grandson of Thror and son of Thraine, has never heard of it."

Thorin Oakenshield nodded, ignored Allen, and said to Gandalf, "Then who is the candidate for the Snitch?"

The dwarf prince is still more concerned about the issue of this expedition. If he is a powerful human ranger, if he can use it, he will pay more.

"There is already a candidate. After more than a month, gather at Hobbiton in the Shire. I will leave a mark at his door."

Thorin Oakenshield was quite satisfied with Gandalf's answer, especially the appearance of Allen, which made the dwarves have high expectations for the snitch.

Knowing that the details of this conversation had been completed, Allen sat back at his table and asked Betsy to serve him a special set meal.

No way, everyone around was eating, which made Allen, who had just had a meal in the afternoon, also hungry.

After drinking and eating, the three returned to their rooms at the Prancing Horse Inn to rest for the night. On the second day, they embarked on their own paths and left Bree.

Allen knew that during this month, Gandalf had probably been to Hobbiton once and found Bilbo Baggins, whom he had been paying attention to for a long time.

But Alan didn't say or ask, and the two rode like this, passed the ancient mounds, walked through the old forest, and lived in the Green Dragon Tavern under the watchful eyes of the hobbit.

 That's all for today, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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