Chapter 44 Meetings and Banquets

In the morning, Wilderness Town, the meeting room of the lord's house.

At this time, Allen was sitting in his seat obediently listening to the reports of the various responsible persons.

When he walked out of the inn, he was blocked by his subordinates, and he came here surrounded by them.

This trip, Alan has indeed been out for a long time, it should have been half a year, and it is also the longest time Alan has been here.

In the past, he went to the Iron Hills or the Woodland Kingdom to visit the king there, and it took him two months at most.

In the past six months, the development of Wilderness Town has made some progress. Under the leadership of Jamila and his subordinates, the leaders have opened up more farmland.

To this end, the horse-grazing village contributed a lot of cattle and pack horses. After being domesticated by Beorn, they can already help the people do a lot of work.

After replacing manpower with more livestock, Jamila finally recruited enough students to open the first school in the town, but there were only a few teachers, and they learned the common language.

Likewise, James started his own medical program at the school.

Speaking of this, Jamila suggested a decree to Allen.

As the income of the residents has increased, the houses of the residents have been rebuilt into brick and wood houses.

And some residents, because of the large number of people in the family, applied for a large amount of land from the manor house.

Therefore, Jamila proposed that according to the size of the houses of each family, an annual fee should be charged as the daily expenses of the town.

In the past few years, most of the towns were made of wooden houses and dirt roads, and there was not much need to clean them up, let alone the problem of sewage.

But now, especially in the past six months, a large number of townspeople have moved into the town, and as if to compare, the houses have been repaired one by one.

Under the plan of Yatiman, Wilderness Town will lay bricks on the main roads of the town in the future. It will need to arrange for cleaning, recruit night watchmen, and managers in various areas, etc. Now there are more public buildings like schools. facility.

That is to say, the management of the town will soon be formalized in the next few years, and Jamila needs to recruit a large number of staff to do the corresponding management work well.

This will put Allen's financial situation in crisis, and now that Allen's regular troops have far exceeded when he left, this has greatly accelerated his financial consumption.

It turned out that after Allen left, big black spiders began to appear frequently in the Black Forest east of Wilderness Town, and they would even come out to attack the logging villagers in broad daylight.

In order to deal with these spiders, Fatis could only often summon archers and spearmen and go into the forest to clear them. Although a lot of resources were spent, the army has accumulated a lot of combat experience.

On the other side of the horse-wrangling village, there are often wolves and wolf cavalry running down from Gundabad Mountain. They often take advantage of the unpreparedness of the villagers in the horse-wrangling village to attack the horses there, and have small-scale conflicts with the herdsmen. fighting.

In order to cope with this situation, Fatis also arranged for Horimion to lead Alan's twilight knight guards, and cooperate with Desaiwei's scouting force to increase the patrol range to prevent the sudden attack of the orcs.

As for the training of the army, because Fatis needs to be busy with the defense of the wilderness town, this part of the work is handed over to Elaine.

It is still a weekly training, and now Allen's conscripts can already put up a relatively good battle formation, and they have got a chance to fight in actual combat against the orcs and black spiders.

And the transaction with the Woodland Kingdom has not been interrupted during this period, because the horse-wrangling village has attracted a lot of attention from the half-orcs.

Caravans and roads have become very safe, and Yatiman has successfully widened all roads.

After the completion, he also gathered the people to build two urns around Wilderness Town using the wood used to build the city wall.

Allen affirmed Fatis' approach, and at the same time agreed with Jamila's proposal to increase taxes.

Indeed, as his power grew, it was obvious that things like calculating taxes could not be as simple as they were at the beginning.

In the end, Allen praised Yatiman's approach, and also thanked everyone for their hard work during this time.

A short meeting was held until noon, and at this time, Jamila's subordinates had already arranged the banquet.

Allen's men didn't have as outstanding cooks as Hobbits, and the environment in Wilderness Town wasn't particularly good.

Therefore, the food that was placed on the villagers' tables before was not particularly rich.

However, since the arrival of the Beorn family, this situation has begun to change.

All kinds of pastries and dairy products became popular in Wilderness Town, which enriched the food on the tables of the townspeople.

Then there was the establishment of the horse herding village, which directly developed the animal husbandry on Allen's side, and meat no longer only relied on fishing and hunting.

The grassland people's handling of meat is completely different from that of farming peoples and hunting peoples.

This has enriched the diet of the people in Wilderness Town a lot.

As for spices, wine, and various daily necessities, either Alan bought them directly with the simulator, or they provided them from Frey's blacksmith shop, and then sold them to the townspeople in grocery stores all over the town.

So the banquet Allen organized at noon was not shabby, on the contrary, it could be said to be very rich.

This kind of hospitality showed Alan's respect for Thorin Oakenshield, the dwarf prince, and also showed Alan's friendship with these dwarves.

The group of dwarves swept away the fatigue of the previous journey, and had a great time eating and drinking at the banquet. At the end, they even began to sing and dance in Allen's banquet hall, and even Bilbo Baggins participated in it. .

Allen also invited Frey and Tyr, the dwarves from the Iron Hills, to the banquet, giving them a chance to get together with their clansmen.

Thorin Oakenshield clearly felt Alan's kindness. He showed a long-lost gentle face at the banquet, and chatted with Alan while drinking wine.

Seeing this scene, Gandalf was relieved, because from here on, he was about to leave.

He needs to go to Lothlórien, where he will gather with the other members of the White Society and prepare to attack Dol Guldur.

Now, the friendship between Sorin Oakenshield and Alan has made great progress, so Alan will naturally help Sorin pave the way for the next step, the plan can be carried out smoothly, and Gandalf can leave with peace of mind .

But Alan's heart was not much easier, because he had to go through Thranduil next.

The promise that Alan and Thorin Oakenshield bet on was intended to be used in this place.

In fact, the danger of the expedition team has not been relieved. Azog may be watching Allen's territory from the other side of the Anduin River.

Allen predicted that this smart guy would not attack his own town, and he would soon be called away by Sauron to prepare for a war against the Lonely Mountain.

But he will arrange for Borg to hunt down Thorin Oakenshield.

A long time ago, Allen speculated on Borg's pursuit route. This guy should gallop all the way from the vast plain east of the Black Forest to the Woodland Kingdom, and then guard there looking for opportunities to intercept Thorin Oakenshield.

This is nothing, because Alan will arrange for members of the expedition team to follow his caravan to the Woodland Kingdom later, which can at least save a lot of time, but the dwarves will also be directly exposed to Thranduil's eyes.

Allen hoped that Thorin would not have a direct conflict with Thranduil, so that he would not have to deal with the elves and dwarves.

If during the negotiation, Thorin Oakenshield can agree to Thranduil's request and return the family heirloom gem of the King of the Woodlands.

Then many things can be avoided, Sorin will have more time to find the secret door to enter his home, and Alan will have more time to prepare to deal with the evil dragon that destroyed Long Lake Town. got things.

Although that would lose the fighting power of thousands of elves in the battle to defend the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves and Allen's army could be stationed at the gate of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom.

That place was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if Azog led tens of thousands of orcs and dozens of trolls, it was impossible to break through the defenses of humans and dwarves in a short time.

Allen also didn't believe that Thranduil would watch the orcs attack the Lonely Mountain. He was already facing threats from Mount Gundabad, Misty Mountains, and Dol Guldur. If the Lonely Mountain was added, then Orcs would surround him, and unless he made up his mind to move, he would come to his aid.

And as long as you persist for a while, Gandalf will bring a lot of support to the Lonely Mountain to rescue.

After all, it was a very important strategic goal, and if it was really occupied by half-orcs, then the entire north and Eriador would never have peace in the days to come.

Even Allen had to take his fellow citizens to run towards Rohan.

The problem now is that even if Thorin Oakenshield did not suffer from the dragon disease at this time, even if Thorin Oakenshield had never worn the Ring of Thror, the greed in his heart was far inferior to that of his father and grandfather.

Even so, Allen didn't have much hope for whether he could persuade Thorin.

Everything has to wait until the banquet is over, and the result will not be known until Alan talks with Sorin.

 This is more.

(End of this chapter)

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