The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 60 The wilderness town confronting the wolf cavalry.

Chapter 60 The wilderness town confronting the wolf cavalry.

At this time, the surroundings of Wilderness Town had already become a paradise for wolf cavalry, and they were led by Azog's subordinate, half-orc Yazneg.

In recent days, every night, thousands of wolf cavalry would run and howl around the wilderness town at a safe distance.

They want to use this method to continuously increase pressure and fear on the humans in the city.

And during the day, they hid in the nearby forest, staring in the direction of Wilderness Town with hungry eyes.

As long as someone dares to come out of that city wall, they will launch a surprise attack without hesitation.

Enraged, Yazneg would not let any humans leave that town, he would trap them alive in that high wall.

In fact, this guy can only do so much.

As light cavalry, wolf cavalry are extremely powerful in raiding human villages. They can break through villages in a short period of time, bringing great fear to the humans living inside.

They were just dressed lightly, facing the wilderness town with a complete city wall, they couldn't speak at all.

He didn't even dare to get close, the corpses of the few wargs near the city wall are the best proof.

In fact, Yazneg, who received Azog's order early, did not initially target Wilderness Town.

He chose the horse herding village. As an outstanding wolf cavalry soldier in Mount Gundabad, he knew the surrounding situation very well.

Muma Village is not only without city wall protection.And there are fat sheep with firm meat and very war horses, which have long made Yazneg and his mounts salivate.

It's just that his strength was very poor in the past, and when he came near here, he would be clinged to and run around by the Twilight Knights like a dog.

Now that his strength has grown stronger, it's time for revenge and massacre.

But when Yazneg brought thousands of wolf cavalry to the horse-wrangling village day and night.

There were only empty houses and bare grass, which Yazneg, whose plan failed, could not accept it.

But they had no choice but to burn all the houses there to vent their anger.

It is estimated that even Azog did not expect such a thing to happen when he issued the order.

In his opinion, it was a long-planned attack, but it was actually known to Allen more than two months ago.

Not only that, Allen has formulated a series of countermeasures to deal with such possible problems.

As early as September, Fatis left with most of the army in Wilderness Town.

Jamila, who was gradually acting resolutely, immediately organized the villagers to start the work of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields.

She organized people to store a large amount of firewood and fresh water in the city, and for this reason cut down any trees near Wilderness Town.

And the grain after the autumn harvest, after drying, is piled up in the warehouse, and the food is enough for everyone to eat for several years.

As for the people and livestock who migrated from the horse-grazing village, under the proper arrangement of Jamila, they lived in the wilderness town and were protected by the city wall.

At this time, there were less than 1000 people living in Wilderness Town, more than [-] horses, hundreds of cows, and a small number of sheep.

Jamila settled most of the personnel in tents in the open space of the city, or in larger dwellings.

Even Allen's lord's house was full of herdsmen at this time.

The livestock are allocated to each household for care, and the whole wilderness town has become extremely crowded from the original slightly empty.

At this time, Wilderness Town has entered a state of military control, and residents who are not responsible for specific work in Wilderness Town are usually not allowed to leave the area where they live.

Yes, Yatiman referred to Allen's opinion when planning the town, and divided the whole town into areas of roughly the same size, separated by roads and low walls.

Although it seemed very troublesome at the time, after the construction, Wilderness Town looked very orderly, and the roads were unusually smooth.

And now, this kind of planning has also brought great convenience to Jamila's management.

Although the residents can't go in casually, but they need food or other help, they can find the person in charge of the area where they live, and they will naturally deal with it when the time comes.

All of a sudden, the whole wilderness town entered a state of silence.

Jamila didn't want to restrict the residents' freedom in this way, but Alan had solemnly talked to her before leaving the town.

There is no shortage of human beings in the minions of the dark forces, and no one can guarantee whether there are any spies from the enemy in Wilderness Town, so sometimes, being ruthless can appear more benevolent.

For a while, the management work in the town increased greatly, and James and Fatis put down their work one after another to help Jamila maintain the safety, sanitation, and security work of Wilderness Town.

Beorn's and Woolf's families moved in, and Marianne was sent to the hospital for her imminent labor.

James, who was specially instructed by Allen, as a doctor, would spend some time every day to check on Marianne's condition. Over the years, he has also delivered an unknown number of children for the women in Wilderness Town, and his experience is considerable. Rich.

And those two young skin changers often followed Kress, patrolling the city wall.

Four or five years have passed, and they have also stepped from teenagers to youths, although Alan thought they were still young and rejected their request to go to Lonely Mountain.

But they have also mastered the ability to transform into bears and have strong combat effectiveness.

It is the more than 300 reserve soldiers left by Allen who are mainly responsible for defending the city wall.

As reserve soldiers, it doesn't mean that their combat effectiveness is not good, but that Allen doesn't have enough supplies to provide them with standard equipment.

What they are wearing now is the ancestral armor replaced by the residents of the forest. Although it looks varied, it is a complete set after all, and it has all been repaired by the dwarf blacksmith, so it still has protection.

Of course, weapons are even more varied, such as swords, guns, and spears. They have everything that one expects to find. The more unified one may be the hunting bow that they hold tightly in their hands.

As for the others, only Allen left behind the hundred archers holding elf bows.

They are more powerful, and they are used by Jamila as a reserve team. It is predictable that they may appear wherever the most dangerous.

It is these soldiers who are constantly on the city wall and inside the town, maintaining the town they depend on for survival.

With their efforts, the personnel finally settled down. After all, they can communicate and understand awe. As long as they have food and drink, there will be no problems in a short time.

The biggest problem was the livestock. Since the horses and cattle were extremely valuable, Jamila carefully settled them down.

However, there were thousands of sheep in the horse-wrangling village before, which were Alan's property, and Jamila really had no suitable place to put them.

In the end, the female mayor had no choice but to ignore the pleadings of the elders of Muma Village and ordered the herdsmen to slaughter them in batches.

In the days that followed, Mianyang's screams before dying lingered over the wilderness town for a long time, making the residents who already felt that the war was approaching feel sad.

But then, Jamila distributed the offal that was not easy to preserve from door to door, and also sent a few seasonings. This is the formula specially researched by Allen in order to satisfy his appetite.

If it is used to stew offal, the taste is still acceptable, at least Allen is satisfied.

It's just that the small treasury that Alan entrusted to Jamila for safekeeping was hit hard, and a lot of spices were sent out.

In return, the long-lasting smiles of the residents and the lingering smell of meat in the sky over Wilderness Town.

Jamila really had no choice. Although it was already winter, the weather in Wilderness Town was not particularly cold.

Those large pieces of meat, Jamila handed over to the herdsmen for safekeeping, so she took out a large amount of coarse salt from the warehouse.

As for those small pieces of meat, Jamila can also arrange for the soldiers to eat them before they go bad.

But what about those guts?If you don't distribute it, will you let the food rot?
As for those spices, they can also allow the residents to eat something good in this overly serious environment, relieve their mood, and make them more obedient to Jamila's management.

Although this large amount of work is not difficult, it is too cumbersome, and soon Jamila's dark circles appeared on her fair face again.

The wilderness town is still preparing here, and the scouts on Karl Rock were the first to see the black smoke from the herding horse village.

Desaiwei even took his cavalry archer to investigate in the direction of the horse-grazing village.

After shooting and killing a small team, Desaiwei brought back the news that thousands of wolf cavalry attacked Wilderness Town.

Jamila immediately stopped everyone's going out.

After all, she was still arranging personnel to continue to obtain resources such as clean water and firewood from outside the town.

This is not that the city is not prepared enough, but that the more these things are prepared, the better.

Soon, wolf cavalry appeared around Wilderness Town. After a little testing, the two sides began to enter a confrontation stage.

Facing the brick city wall, the wolf cavalry had no chance to speak, and the soldiers in Wilderness Town could not go out of the city to drive them away.

In this way, under the circumstances that no one can take anything, the days passed day by day, and the weather gradually cooled down.

And the wolf cavalry who were supposed to continue to harass Wilderness Town outside the city had disappeared for several days.

And these days, Jamila, Desaiwei, and Kress are in the state of three shifts, leading the soldiers to continuously patrol the city wall.

Realizing that something was wrong, they felt a little worried, because these wolf cavalry absolutely could not have given up their attack on Wilderness Town, they must have other vicious plans.

Allen often talked about "there must be a monster when things go wrong", reminding them all the time, making them more vigilant in this weird calm.

And in the early morning of this day, it was Jamila who was patrolling the city wall.

She was fully armed, wearing a Swadian helmet, and a green burqa chain armor on her body, and the coat of arms on the burqa was Ellen's crown and three-star flag.

In the past, Jamila, who dreamed of becoming a warrior, used to use a warrior long sword. This weapon, which has been with her for several years, is still sharp and hangs firmly on the weapon belt around her waist.

In her hand, she was holding the only monocular in Wilderness Town, carefully observing the shoal near Karl Rock.

The golden hair that slipped quietly from the helmet shone slightly in the dawn sun, reflecting her handsome face.

Finally, the enemy still appeared, and quite a few figures had already gathered at that place in the shallows. The last time this happened was five years ago.

Looking at these annoying wolf cavalry, Jamila suddenly remembered an idea proposed by Allen.

That is to build a small castle in the shallows of the Anduin River and send elite soldiers to guard it.

In this way, it will not be so easy for the orcs in the Misty Mountains to come and harass the villagers in the future.

However, even the current wilderness town does not have the strength to build such a huge project, so this proposal is temporarily shelved.

But now, hundreds of wolf cavalry appeared on the other side of the river, constantly waving their whips, driving away nearly a thousand half-orcs and human slaves.

They gathered into a team of more than 1000 people, and they were slowly crossing the river bank and heading towards Wilderness Town.

Most of the nearly five hundred human slaves here have dull eyes, numb faces, and almost no weapons on their bodies.

Even in winter, they were only wearing ragged clothes, tremblingly carrying the simple ladder, walking towards the direction of Wilderness Town.

Their feet that had just crossed the river were already purple from the cold, and from time to time some people couldn't bear the cruel torture and fell to the ground.

Some people can still stand up under the whipping of the wolf cavalry, and then walk down. Those who can't stand up will be killed by the rushing wolf, and then...

Most of the half-orc infantry looked terrified, twisting their heads around, looking for a chance to escape.

They were not willing to participate in this battle at all, so in a very reluctant situation, they were driven by hundreds of wolf cavalry and walked towards the west gate of Wilderness Town.

It turned out that during the confrontation during this period, Yazneg, who led the wolf cavalry, thought of a plan through continuous observation and intelligence from other wolf cavalry.

He has already learned that the most elite forces in the town in front of him have all gone to the lonely mountain, preparing to resist his leader Azog there.

There should be very little force left in Wilderness Town now, probably only a few hundred soldiers on the city wall.

As for those old and young women and children hiding in the city walls, to Yazneg, they were no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they were simply out of his consideration.

This guy, who is a little smarter than ordinary orcs, has a very simple plan.

That is to find a way to open the city gate and let thousands of hungry wolf cavalry rush into the town.

At that time, this town that Azog hates will be destroyed, and Yazneg can not only get Azog's reward, but also get countless human captives, thus greatly increasing his strength.

As for the humans and livestock that were slaughtered in the attack, they will not be wasted. It can appease the wolves who are gradually dissatisfied in recent days.

But in order to complete this plan, Yazneg faced two problems.

One is the city wall that looks like a tortoise shell, and the other is the hundreds of soldiers on the wall.

In order to solve these two problems, Yazneg felt that he needed some cannon fodder to attract more attention from humans.

Therefore, during this period of time, Yazneg led the wolf cavalry to search for half-orcs in the nearby misty mountains.

It's just that the results of the search made him very dissatisfied.

It turned out that all the half-orcs living in the Misty Mountains, who had a fighting spirit, followed Sauron's order and gathered towards Mount Gundabad.

The rest are these cowards who are extremely unwilling to fight.

These cowardly and fearless guys lost half of their march in the Misty Mountains.

Originally, Yazneg wanted to wait until night to attack, when the environment would be more powerful against the orcs.

However, if we really have to wait until then, it is estimated that all the strong men caught in our hands will run away.

Moreover, Yazneg even pulled out slaves from these small tribes in order to gather the number of people.

Most of these slaves have been tortured by orcs for a long time, basically no different from obedient puppets.

There is probably no hope for them to participate in the battle, but Yazneg thinks it is no problem to attract the attention of human beings.

Now it is Yazneg's deputy who is leading these people to attack Wilderness Town.

And he was hiding in the forest, staring closely at the soldiers on the city wall.

 That's all for today, I'm dizzy in the car, thank you, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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