The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 69 Preparations for Leaving River Valley City

Chapter 69 Preparations for Leaving River Valley City

Allen stayed in River Valley City for nearly ten days. At the same time, the army gathered in Lonely Mountain gradually dispersed under the leadership of various lords.

The half-orc corpses on the mountain range were cleared up with the efforts of many soldiers, and then burned in a hidden canyon in a big fire.

Even in winter, the corpses of tens of thousands of orcs cannot be allowed to rot slowly. It is not that Middle-earth has not experienced the ravages of plague.

The temperature in winter has quietly dropped amid the busyness of everyone. Fortunately, the first snow of this year has not yet come.

Unlike the weather, the scene in River Valley City is getting more and more lively. A large number of people and materials frequently enter River Valley City. The urban reconstruction work has already started here.

On the second day after the meeting, Allen handed over one-fifteenth of Bilbo Baggins' treasure to Bard.

And on the day that Bard was loyal to Allen, he asked his friends to spread the news of rebuilding River Valley City, and a large number of businessmen and related personnel were already ready to move.

When the results of the Battle of the Five Armies spread throughout the north through the mouths of birds, the rushing river became lively in a short period of time, and time seemed to go back 200 years ago.

This can be regarded as Alan fulfilling his promise. The young Rovanian city-state ruler doesn't like to break his promise and get fat.

Moreover, it won't be long before Yatiman will rush to River Valley City, and under Allen's instructions, he will cooperate with Bard to complete the project.

Allen found out from the dwarf engineering master who was in charge of the reconstruction work that one-fifteenth of the wealth of Lonely Mountain is more than enough to repair River Valley City, and it is endless.

It took quite a long time to restore River Valley City. In the original trajectory, it took Bard at least three or four years to complete the restoration here and officially declare him the king of River Valley City.

Of course, now he can still declare to be the lord of River Valley City, and at the same time declare to be Alan's vassal. At that time, besides Alan, there will be kings from other forces coming to watch the ceremony.

Considering the urgency of time, Allen naturally hopes that the sooner this matter can be started, the better, and it is also to find something to do for the more than 2000 people in Changhu Town.

Even if Ellen and Thranduil have a good relationship, the elves can't keep supporting their neighbors, right?

Although King Thranduil did not mention this time, Allen could imagine how much the burden would be.

For this reason, Bard also donated the "Girion Necklace" given to him by Allen to King Thranduil to thank the woodland elves for taking care of the residents of Long Lake Town during this period of time.

After all, in the short term, these residents of Changhu Town will live with Bard in River Valley City, and it is his duty to thank the Woodland King on behalf of these residents.

Alan never thought about forcibly bringing the more than 2000 residents of Changhu Town back to Wilderness Town. There is no need for this.

On the other hand, many of these people are descendants of the residents of River Valley City, and they naturally have a good impression of Bud.

After the construction of River Valley City is completed, Allen plans to use the remaining money to rebuild Changhu Town at the corner between the Jungle River and Long Lake.

Allen felt that the previous Long Lake Town was not suitable for this world full of crises, especially after being ruled by Allen.

Connecting them with wooden piles, and then building the town in the middle of the lake, it seems to be very distinctive and very safe, but in fact it is isolated and helpless, digging its own grave.

Once encountering a large number of enemy siege, the residents in the town can only defend the town, either die in battle or surrender, and there is no option to escape.

And the reinforcements couldn't enter the city, and they couldn't even fight the enemy from inside and outside. The narrow wooden passage was a double-edged sword.

So Allen doesn't plan to rebuild Long Lake Town in the same way as before, he plans to build a port town.

In Allen's vision, the main body of the city must be on the shore, most of the residents live on the shore, and more agriculture and animal husbandry can be taken care of, and the town definitely needs a city wall to protect the safety of the residents.

A large number of ports will be built in the lake to receive businessmen from all over the country who come through the rushing river, and collect various fees by the way to enrich Allen's finances.

Moreover, in order to deal with the Dongyi people's attack at any time, Allen is also planning to build some military ports, buy some or build some warships by himself.

You can find a way to ask Mrs. Galadriel about this. The elves of Lothlórien have extremely high skills in shipbuilding.

Allen heard that Linton's elven shipbuilding skills are even higher, which can be called the pinnacle. Unfortunately, Allen didn't have friendship with the legendary navigator Cirdan, so he didn't dare to think so much

After the fleet is built, Allen plans to place dwarven crossbows on the warships, and deploy sailors and archers to build a powerful navy.

In this way, in the eastern plains of Rovanian, when a battle occurs, Allen can rely on the rushing river for defense.

Let the navy and the army complete the cooperation and block the enemy on the other side of the rushing river.

Of course, this kind of thing has never been written off, and Allen is only making a preliminary plan in his mind now.

But this does not prevent some people from finding Allen with a little trouble.

It was Mayor Stephen and his deputy Alfred.

The former mayor of Changhu Town, who had obviously lost a lot of weight, knelt in front of Allen as soon as he entered the house, prostrated himself on the ground and wailed loudly.

Crying, he denounced the atrocities of the evil dragon Smaug, and after scolding, he began to praise the great kindness of Allen for rebuilding Long Lake Town, and expressed his willingness to donate his property to do his part for rebuilding Long Lake Town .

Inside and outside the words, I still hope to be the mayor of Changhu Town.

This... Allen can only say a daydream in his heart. He has already planned to hand over the rebuilt Changhu Town to Fatis for management.

Yes, it's management, not fiefdom. Allen intends to give Fatis the status of governor, and let him govern Changhu Town for him, as well as the fleet that only exists in Allen's plan.

Although he is also a great official in the frontier, his situation is completely different from Bard's. In other words, Fatis is the chief executive of the territory directly under the royal family of Allen.

If possible, Allen doesn't want to divide the land. He can hand over the management rights to his subordinates, but he won't hand over the ownership.

This is also the result of Allen's careful consideration. According to the current transportation and information communication methods, the enfeoffment system is actually more suitable.

But this will cause some troubles for Allen. After all, after all the enfeoffment, Allen can only make demands on the vassals of the fief, and cannot directly manage the specific affairs of the fief.

Allen has some ideas about the income and future development direction of Changhu Town. After it is sealed off, can he still have the final say?

For Allen, the right is tantamount to being dispersed. As long as this kind of right is given out, it will be very difficult to get it back.

Forcibly retrieving it may cause a lot of unnecessary troubles and even split, which is not what Allen wants to see.

So Allen still wants to implement the county system. Although the sky is high and the emperor is far away, whether the manager is good or bad depends on ability and character.

But there is no dispute over the ownership of the town. In the whole world, is it the land of the king, the shore of the land, or the subjects of the king? As long as there is enough reason, changing the manager is only a matter of Alan's order.

At the same time, Allen believed in Fatis's character and his ability to manage a city well.

If it doesn't work, it's better to change the governor in a few years. It's not impossible to let Fatis come back to be the military deputy.

As for Bard, this is a special situation. As a descendant of Girion, he has the natural legal inheritance right of Riverdale City, and this inheritance right is generally recognized by dwarves, elves, and humans.

Therefore, Allen can only trade with Bard to make him submit to himself, and cannot directly rob or forcibly occupy it, which will cause dissatisfaction among dwarves, elves, and other human forces.

But Changhu Town is different. This town has always been in a state of self-government, and the mayor of the town is elected from among the old and wise people in the town.

Now the original Changhu Town has been destroyed, and a large number of original residents of Changhu Town may live in Hegu City in the future.

The follow-up Changhu Town is wholly-owned by Allen. As long as it develops well, it will attract more people from other places and form a completely different town from before.

In this case, there is no problem with Alan arranging a governor of his own, and the dwarves and elves will not have any opinions.

Therefore, the plan of the former mayor of Stephen will definitely come to nothing.

However, the mayor is still somewhat capable. Although his management ability is weak, he is still able to do business.

Allen wanted to use him a little bit. After all, Wilderness Town needs a merchant who is familiar with the prices of products in various places to help stabilize the prices of Wilderness Town. He also needs to cooperate with Jamila to deal with merchants from other places.

Avoid any business problems that hit the lives of the residents of Wilderness.

Allen didn't have any relevant talents, and Stephen was a good choice, but Allen didn't plan to give the former mayor too much power.

This guy can't see his own shortcomings at all, and he regards money as his life.

Giving him rights will inevitably be accompanied by enriching his own pockets, so Allen will have to hang him when the time comes.

Not giving him the right now is tantamount to saving his life in the future.

After thinking twice, Allen watched Stephen and made his decision.

"Stephen, Changhu Town has been destroyed now. As for whether to rebuild it, or who will manage it after reconstruction, I have my own arrangements. Regarding this, I can only regret to inform you that I cannot accept your request. promise."

After hearing Allen's words, Stephen's still somewhat oily face quickly became decadent.

The corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak.

Stephen was very unwilling in his heart. He has a little eloquence, and when he came, he also prepared a lot of rhetoric.

But the young man in front of him stared at him calmly, his gaze directly made him swallow all the words he had prepared.

Stephen didn't dare to say it anymore. At this time, he already knew that Alan sitting in front of him was already the king of northern humans recognized by dwarves and elves.

Although the young man was very polite, Stephen, who had been the mayor of the town, knew that it was very irrational to provoke a king.

Even if there is no murder, he will probably be expelled from the north, and his life will be extremely miserable at that time.

Looking at Stephen's expression, Allen roughly guessed what Stephen was thinking.

He smiled and threw an olive branch to Stephen: "Stephen, if you want, I have a job as a financial consultant here for you. If you want, there will be a seat for you on my conference table .”

After Stephen heard Allen's invitation, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and it came back to life in an instant, and there was no decadent expression on his face anymore.

He hurriedly bowed his head and bowed his head to show his loyalty to Allen, saying that he would definitely serve with his heart in the future and would not disappoint Allen's trust.

Allen waved his hand and asked Stephen to stand aside. Of course, Allen didn't have much trust in him, as long as he didn't act like a demon and didn't make Allen feel murderous.

It's just that looking at Alfred standing next to Stephen, Alan was a little worried.

Allen didn't want to use him, not only that, Allen didn't even want to give Alfred the status of a citizen.

This guy has some abilities, literate, quick-witted, and quick to respond.

The shortcomings are also very obvious, no sense of responsibility, no sense of awe, no sympathy, abuse of power for personal gain, gossip, greed for life and fear of death, and most importantly, no gratitude.

In any case, Allen didn't want to leave such a scourge by his side. In fact, he was already considering whether to hang Alfred.

It's just that Alan couldn't find a suitable reason after thinking about it. At this time, Alfred did not do anything against the law. Hanging him rashly would only give Alan a reputation as a tyrant.

For this reason, Allen watched Alfred thinking for a long time, and in his thinking eyes, inadvertently, there was a trace of killing intent.

Alfred, who secretly looked up at Alan from time to time, felt the killing intent instantly. Although he didn't know why Alan wanted to kill him, it didn't prevent him from reacting immediately.

This timid guy actually moved slightly in front of Allen, retreating a little bit towards the door, and while retreating, checked Allen's reaction from time to time.

Just when Allen raised his hand to summon his personal guards, Alfred, who was stimulated, turned around and ran away, and was forced back by a sharp long sword with the symbol of Noldor.

Allen waved his hand just to get his bodyguard to call Bud to see if Bud was interested in Alfred.

Unexpectedly, Alfred had such a big reaction. Not only that, Alfred's pants were already wet under the sharp edge of the sigil sword.

In the flashing sword light that went straight to the throat, he was so scared that he peed his pants.

Allen looked at Alfred, who peed his pants, and Stephen, who was beside him with an indifferent expression.

I also admired their courage in my heart, and wondered in my heart, why did these two people really dare to come to ask for the position of mayor?

Is he bullying himself for being a good person?Or do you think the two of them are really good?Will I be impressed by them?
Allen thought it was a little funny.

The new Lord of River Valley City, led by the Twilight Knight, hurried to the place where Allen lived temporarily.

Bud's heart is full of gratitude to Allen now, and he never thought that Allen would give so much wealth to rebuild River Valley City and Long Lake Town.

Bud, who has entered middle age, has never seen such a generous person. If someone asks now what Bud thinks of Allen, Bud just wants to say, wish him a long life.

After Bard, who came in a hurry, walked in, he bowed to Allen respectfully.

After getting up, I noticed my two old enemies, Mayor Stephen standing on the side and Alfred kneeling in the middle of the hall.

Bud was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask too much, but Allen didn't have much politeness, and asked directly: "Good afternoon, Bud, I came here to ask you if you would like to accept Alfred as a You serve? If you don't want to, I'm going to drive him out of my territory."

Alfred, who was forced to kneel by the sword, was still thinking about when he offended the young king.

But at this time, when he heard Allen's words, he didn't care too much. Under the sharp sword light, he cried bitterly, begging for Bud's shelter.

Under Alfred's prayer, Bard did not hesitate too much, accepted Alfred's allegiance, and after asking Allen for instructions, he left directly and took him out to work.

It has to be said that Bard is indeed a kind lord. If it were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to take in this former enemy. Allen himself could not do it.

Allen's original intention was to hand Alfred to Bard, and let him deal with it. After all, Bard suffered a lot from Alfred's hands before.

And Bard is now Allen's subordinate, helping his subordinates vent their anger is an excellent quality necessary for a qualified leader.

Just seeing the current situation, Allen knew that Bud would not do anything excessive to Alfred, but physical labor was definitely inevitable.

Since Bud didn't care, Alan stopped thinking about it. Alfred will be Bud's trouble in the future. If this guy commits a crime outside of River Valley City, Alan will not miss this rope. .

And after finishing this matter, Allen is also preparing to leave River Valley City and return to his territory.

During this period of time, Allen not only fulfilled his promise to Bard, but also arranged a follow-up treatment plan for the wounded.

Soldiers with minor injuries will return to Wilderness Town with Allen this time, and soldiers with serious injuries must wait for their injuries to recover before returning.

After all, it is easy to cause bumps on the road, and if the wound opens again, it is likely that they will die on the road, which Allen cannot accept.

For this matter, Allen ordered Bundak to stay and take care of the wounded here, while Bud will take care of them and purchase corresponding supplies and medical supplies.

In addition, Allen also found the busy Sorin, the dwarf prince, who had a lot of things going on at this time.

Ironfoot Dyne has already planned to take most of the dwarves from the Iron Hills to live in the Lonely Mountain. After all, this place is richer, and the Iron Foot Hill will be reserved as an iron ore producing area.

In addition, Thorin also sent an army to the Blue Mountains to inform the dwarves of Durin's clan there that the Lonely Mountain had taken them back and they could go home.

At the same time, he was also preparing for his trip to Luosi Lorien, but he couldn't act with Alan. Both of them were very busy and the time didn't match.

When Allen found Thorin this time, he didn't want to discuss with Thorin about the tripartite covenant between elves, dwarves, and humans.

This kind of formal covenant needs to wait until Sorin takes over the throne of Lonely Mountain and becomes Sorin II before he can really give Alan an effective answer. His current status is not enough.

In addition to returning Oakrest to Thorin, Alan is also going to negotiate a deal with him.

Allen obtained a lot of treasures in this battle to recover the Lonely Mountain, and it is unrealistic to take them all back.

And why pull it back?Also build a treasure house and lie in it every day to enjoy it?
He is not so bad-tempered yet. What Allen hopes is to use some of the gold in his treasures as reward to order a thousand sets of full-body plate armor suitable for humans from the dwarves, as well as a thousand sets of steel horse armor.

Sorin, who was deep in thought with the beast-biting sword, readily agreed to Alan's request.

He told Allen that these armors need to pay at least half of the gold that Allen gets, of course gems are not included.

It's just that it can't be delivered immediately. Sorin will deliver 20 sets to Allen every year starting next year, and complete this order within [-] years.

After all, the dwarves of the Durin family had just taken back the Lonely Mountain, and they would have a lot of things to do, and plate armor forging itself was very troublesome and expensive.

Even if there are many top blacksmiths in Lonely Mountain and Iron Hills, it will take 20 years to complete this order.

Allen felt that the price was still cheap, maybe Sorin gave him a good discount.

In any case, Allen thinks it is worth it, and he plans to order a batch of armor suitable for infantry from Thorin after the order is completed. It is best to only equip the breastplate and helmet, and the full plate armor is still too heavy. , not suitable for infantry.

These full-body plate armors are equipped for heavy cavalry. In addition, Allen also plans to use himself and Twilight Knight's elf horses as stallions to breed a group of excellent horse breeds with better endurance and faster speed.

In fact, Tuoju was already doing this in March this year, but the pony hadn't been born when Allen went back last time.

For this reason, Tuoju did not report this matter, and the pregnancy cycle of a horse is about ten months. After the New Year, the pony will be born, and Alan will naturally know the result by then.

In addition, Allen considered the training method. He was going to ask Horimion to simplify the Twilight Knight's training method for close combat on horseback and use it to train his own cavalry to improve their combat effectiveness.

As for the source of soldiers, Allen's idea is to mainly recruit the soldiers he summoned. Their survival rate is higher, their recovery is faster, and their morale is stronger.

At that time, the mounts of Allen's heavy cavalry will be descendants of elf horses, and the soldiers will be summoners with higher loyalty. Equipped with a full set of plate armor made by dwarves, coupled with the training of Twilight Knights, it should be very impressive. powerful.

The most important thing is that for an army like this, there is no problem with only horses. Within 20 years, Allen can organize thousands of people.

At that time, four hundred Kujit herdsmen will be able to gather thousands of cavalry no matter what.

As long as the horse herd in the horse-grazing village can be kept, each heavy cavalry can even be equipped with two light cavalry attendants, and the light cavalry can be recruited from the forest residents.

At that time, it will be a mixed cavalry brigade of 3000 people.

With such an army, Alan dared to fight the Dongyi army in the Rovanian Plain in the east of the Black Forest.

In the west, as long as there is a way to deal with the Nazgul, Allen can also use the fast mobility and powerful destructive power of the cavalry to drive the half-orcs into Dol Guldur, so that they will never dare to step out of the Black Forest step.

Of course, now Allen can only do and plan in this direction.

To form such an army, in addition to a lot of preparations, just feeding these thousands of mouths is a huge problem for Allen now.

Things always need to be done slowly and bit by bit, and Allen has enough time now.

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(End of this chapter)

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