The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 7 Gruenwald's Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 7 Gruenwald's Offensive and Defensive Battle

【The emulator is starting】

[Whether to choose the officer status of the captain of the Second Veluga Legion]


【You have come to Calradia】

[Time: morning of a certain day]

[Location: Veruga, Commander's Tent of the Second Legion Camp]

[You come to the commander's tent of your immediate superior Matt Alai. At this time, four of your colleagues are gathered in this tent, waiting for the arrival of Commander Matt Alai. 】

[You briefly greeted the other commanders. Among them, the first and third captains were very enthusiastic about you, while the second and fourth seemed to feel that you, the fifth captain, would be justified in a short period of time. Climbed to the same position as them, feeling upset, did not reply your greeting, you didn't care too much, but just found a seat and sat down. 】

[After a while, Commander Matt Alai walked in with his guard captain, announcing that at this time tomorrow all the brigades must be fully equipped and arrive at Fort Gruenwald within two days to assist the local city lord in defense Swadia has a possible attack. 】

【Actually, you got this news when you came back yesterday. At noon, you invited Commander Matt Alai’s brother-in-law and Quartermaster Bob to have a drink together. Captain, announced Commander Matt Alai's decision. 】

[In fact, even if there is an order, there are still two strong and strong squad leaders who want to see how their new boss is doing. It is a pretense that they can better cooperate with the squad leader in battle Combat, you said that the two of them can go together. 】

[The battle came quickly, and it ended quickly. You dealt with these two small thorns with three punches and two kicks. Although they bruised their noses and swollen their faces, it did not prevent them from toasting you with their swollen smiling faces. Get the promotion thing done for the time being. 】

[While you are full of food and drink, you also conveyed the news to your subordinates that you need to start tomorrow, let them prepare as soon as possible, and don't blame you for being rude if you lose the chain. 】

[The next morning, your brigade has a total of 110 people, arranged in a square formation of 11*10 and waiting for the arrival of Commander Matt Alai in the playground of the camp. Although your team is far from being orderly, The degree of uniformity, but compared to the military appearance of the other four brigades, it is not a bit stronger, and it is not in vain that you tossed them all afternoon with threats and temptations. 】

[A quarter of an hour later, Commander Matt Alai came to the playground with his own cavalry guards. After a brief lecture, he ordered all the brigade to arrive at Fort Gruenwald before the sun went down the next day. The command. 】

[Afterwards, about 600 people from the entire army began to march towards Gruenwald Castle. Everything was chaotic during the march. It’s not that the road is very difficult. There is a road from Veruga to Gruenwald Castle It can only be said that the time given by Matt Alai is very urgent. Usually, these roads actually take three days, but now the troops are required to arrive within two days. 】

[It was okay at the beginning, most people could still keep up, but in the afternoon, not to mention the appearance of the army, many teams began to break out of the formation, and this situation will inevitably happen in your brigade. 】

[There is nothing you can do about it, you just keep running back and forth to let your troops move forward within your control range. The strange thing is, as you continue to gather soldiers who have left the team, many small leaders you don’t know Take their men, too, and join your forces. 】

[This makes your team bigger and bigger, and the speed of travel is getting slower and slower. You can only run back and forth non-stop to encourage them to hurry up, otherwise the military law will fall on you! Also very short. 】

[In this way, your troops stumbled and rushed to the camp near Fort Gruenwald when the sun was about to set the next day, and then Commander Matt Alai responded to 110 of you, and actually reached 190 During the report of many people, he suddenly sprayed a mouthful of tea on the table, then waved his hand, and said with a smile, since you brought all the people here, you can just watch and deal with them yourself. 】

[You got the order, walked out of the tent of Commander Matt Alai, and then had a big fight with the four captains who rushed over. Of course, they were the ones who quarreled again. You only said one sentence over and over again, and no one returned , the order was issued by Commander Matt Alai, if you have something to do, you go to him, the four captains saw that they could not get back their own people, so they had to say that they would go to the commander to file a complaint, and then they gave you a bitter look, one after another left. 】

[After returning to the camp, you called all the squad leaders under your command for a meeting, took out Commander Matt Alai's order, and told them that you will follow you in the future, and then you also learned about you in the communication Composition of troops in hand. 】

[Your brigade currently has a total of 190 six people, consisting of a Rhodok sharpshooter, 58 skilled Rhodok crossbowmen, 110 Rhodok crossbowmen, 86 skilled Rhodok spearmen and [-] Composed of Rhodok spearmen, there are eighteen teams in total, including seven crossbowman teams and eleven spearman teams. The team is fully staffed, only one team is short of members, and there are only nine people left including the captain. You didn't make any more changes, but ordered them to hurry up to rest tonight, and take the team out of the camp tomorrow. Wait for you. 】

[Actually, you are a little surprised why the quality of Veruga's troops is so poor. Not to mention your own soldiers, 80.00% of the entire Veruga Second Army are recruits. Only the captain and squad leader have some combat effectiveness, and the others People on the battlefield are nothing but cannon fodder. 】

[You didn’t wonder how long, Bob, who came to drink with you at night, answered your question. Veruga’s real elite army, that is, the First Army, was taken by Lord Mateas three months ago Camich Castle on the border with Salander, and the lord of Gruenwald Castle. 】

[They gathered there with other legions in the country to defend against the Salander army stationed in Fort Weyerha. The entire second legion was recruited in the past two months. The main function was to intimidate Swadi Ya, let Swadia give up his ambition to attack the northeast of Rhodok. 】

[Obviously, this plan failed before it even started. The kidnappers who were captured a few days ago confessed that Swadia had assembled thousands of troops under the call of King Halaus, and they would arrive here soon. 】

[According to the information, the army of Swadia may be seen outside the city in two or three days. Speaking of which, Bob is obviously a little drunk and looks a little depressed, but he has not forgotten this trip business, took a small box of dinars to the table, and pushed it to you. 】

[He told you that this is the spoils from the last extermination of the kidnappers and the reward from Matt Alai, and hinted to you that if you think it is too dangerous, he has a way to let you leave the castle and return to Viru with him Plus, of course, the price is this little box of dinars, and only you. 】

【You didn’t take Bob’s suggestion, and at the same time, you didn’t take back the dinar that Bob pushed you, but pushed the small box of gold coins back into Bob’s arms, asking him to replace them all with some armor, How much can be changed. 】

[Bob was surprised by your decision, but he didn’t say much. He also said that if it was iron armor, he wouldn’t be able to buy a few pieces, but if it was cotton armor or wrinkled armor, he could get you a lot. At least it can arm all your current people, and he has a stock in Gruenwaldburg, and it can be delivered to you tomorrow morning, asking if you want it. 】

[You readily agreed to Bob's suggestion, and at the same time cryptically asked whether this would arouse the suspicion of Commander Matt Alai. Bob waved his hand casually, indicating that he should not care about this, and at the same time, he also cryptically told you before leaving , this war may be very cruel, let you plan early. 】

[The next morning, you brought your personal guards, that is, the ten skilled Rhodok crossbowmen, to maintain order, and distributed all the cotton armor you got from Bob to your subordinates, your subordinates After changing out of the tattered military uniform, he finally looked like a little bit of an army, and Bob bid farewell to you after handing over the cotton armor. 】

[Commander Matt Alai did not have any direct response to your actions, but instead issued an order to you through the messenger, asking your troops to guard the wall on the left side of the gate of Fort Grunwald, In the afternoon you entered Gruenwald Castle with your troops. 】

[Fort Gruenwald occupies a very large area compared to ordinary castles. It is built on a steep hill with continuous mountains behind it. Most of the left and right sides are steep cliffs. Only the front There is a winding path leading directly to the gate of the city. In the distance, there is a large forest. There is a small flat land between the forest and the castle. There is a card to collect tolls. 】

[Now there are about 200 defenders stationed in Fort Grunwald, plus the army brought by Matt Alai, the 800 troops did not make the castle look crowded. 】

[After you came to the place where you were stationed, you observed the city wall you were guarding in detail. It is nearly 200 meters long, and there is a protruding watchtower 30 meters away from the city gate, where you can observe the entire city wall very well. In some cases, most of the city walls are built on the cliffs.There are only two places that are more dangerous. One is that the city wall with a width of about six or seven meters is relatively close to the ground at the connection with the city gate, and the other is that there is a gentle slope four to five meters wide and more than ten meters long in the center of the city wall for the enemy to climb. Climb up, if you are responsible for attacking this wall, these two weak places are definitely the best attacking places you can choose. 】

[Then you summoned all the squad leaders to the watchtower and gave them an order to defend.You divided all the spearman squads into two parts, let them station at two weak points of the city wall, let them remember their own places, and in the case of battle, they were not allowed to leave under any circumstances. 】

[At the same time, you evenly distribute the crossbowmen on the three sides of the city wall and the watchtower to ensure that they have a good shooting angle. 】

[Just as you were making defensive arrangements, two Rhodok sergeants came to you with serious expressions. They were the original defenders of Fort Gruenwald. Their positions were only small captains, but their combat effectiveness But there are too many troops that exceed yours. They lead two teams of Rhodok senior spearmen. Veterans, the combat power of your troops is several blocks away. 】

[However, they are not under your command, they just said to cooperate with your troops to defend. You vaguely guessed what Matt Alai was thinking. He knew that all of your men were recruits, and there was a great chance of escaping when they really fought In such a situation, these people might be the supervising team he arranged. 】

[You welcomed this with a happy face, and you also know in your heart that it is impossible to defend against the enemy's fierce offensive with the crooked melon and split date of less than two hundred in your hand. At that time, no matter what the so-called supervising teams think, they will definitely join the defensive battle. An old saying in your hometown fully explains this situation, that is, there will be no eggs left after the nest is overturned. 】

[You have spent two days in a calm state, but you did not waste these two days. You took the trouble to tell your subordinates over and over again the warning not to run away. If you die at the hands of the enemy, your family members may still get The pension, if he died in the hands of the supervising team, his family would definitely be affected. 】

[At the same time, I told them in detail how to hide behind the battlements and shoot, how to raise the shield to defend when the enemy shoots, and how to kill the enemy immediately after climbing up from the ladder. It is obvious that Rhodok's equipment configuration is very It is very suitable for defending the city. In addition to the crossbow and spear, even the lowest-level soldiers are equipped with simple broad shields. They can even form a shield-holding human wall inside the city wall after the enemy climbs up the city wall. 】

【In the morning of the third day, when you climbed up the city wall just after coming out of the inner castle, you found a large number of villagers gathered at the gate of the city. They were entering the castle. 】

[In fact, this is commonplace for the nearby villagers. Living on the border between the two countries, they not only have to undertake the obligation to support the defenders in the castle, but if a war breaks out, they have to hide in the castle with their families. , so as not to be driven by the enemy to become a part of the siege, of course, no matter how experienced they are, they will cause some confusion when entering the castle. 】

[The chaos lasted until the evening and finally ended. When it was getting dark, you saw a large number of noble flags belonging to Swadia floating in the north of Gruenwald Castle. The enemy finally came. 】

[The Kingdom of Swadia is a country with a relatively balanced military. Although its infantry and archer troops are slightly weaker than the Kingdom of Rhodoks, its cavalry troops are the best in Calradia, and the reputation of Swadia knights is shrouded in all countries The heads of the nobles lingered for a long time, and no king would not want to face the iron cavalry under King Harolds alone, especially after he summoned the nobles from all over the country. 】

[The Kingdom of Rhodok, which has a feud with the Kingdom of Swadia, completely relies on mountains, rivers, and forests to block King Harlaus' ambition to take back his vassal state. 】

[Fort Gruenwald and Fort Argellon are the two most important castles on the northeastern border of Rhodok. Every time the first battle between the two countries will inevitably take place in one of the two castles, or even It was staged in two castles at the same time. 】

[As long as Harlaus breaks through any of these two castles, there will be no existence in the vast plain near Veruga that can stop Swadia's iron hoof. At that time, Veruga will also be in danger , if Veruga is also lost, then the entire Rhodok will be torn apart. 】

[At this time, King Harlaus finally took advantage of the opportunity of the confrontation between Rhodok and Salander to place an army of tens of thousands under the defenseless Fort Gruenwald. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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