The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 81 The Fruit of Years of Hard Work

Chapter 81 The Fruit of Years of Hard Work

At noon, the sky was so clear that not even a single cloud could be found.

Under the warm winter sun, Wilderness Town has entered the busiest time of the year.

A large number of townspeople put on their best clothes and gathered at the banquet venue in their own residential area.

Of course, it is impossible for nearly ten thousand people to celebrate the New Year together. The possible stampede alone can break Jamila's heart.

The new Hand of the King prepared more than a dozen venues for the banquet, evenly distributed within the urban area of ​​Wilderness Town.

Each banquet venue can accommodate between 400 and 500 people, and there is a big bonfire in the center of the venue.

Surrounded by a large number of tents, the tents are filled with wooden tables, and on the tables are various foods.

These foods are placed on a special metal plate, which has three layers, the bottom layer is charcoal, and the middle layer is water, relying on water vapor to keep the food on the plate at a certain temperature.

Quite a few residents gathered in front of each tent, and they chose their favorite food one after another. When a plate was empty, someone would immediately fill it up until the end of the banquet.

There are more than a dozen wine barrels scattered around the venue. Mead and beer are optional, managed by the person in charge of the residential area, and everyone who attends the banquet can be divided into three glasses.

Of course, children are not allowed to drink alcohol, but there is honey water specially provided for them.

There are also more than a dozen fully armed soldiers in each venue to maintain law and order. Most of the time they just act as a deterrent. For several years, no one has ever troubled Allen at this banquet. .

The constant residents in the venue were eating and drinking with smiles on their faces. From time to time, some people raised their glasses and shouted loudly, "To thank Lord Alan for his generosity.", "To thank Miss Yamila for her hard work." , "To celebrate this year's harvest.", "For the victory of the battle" and so on.

Every shout can resonate with a large group of people. Everyone raises their glasses to drink happily, chews delicious food happily, chats and laughs with neighbors around them. This is a very harmonious and happy scene. .

This is a scene that Allen is extremely willing to see, and it's only at noon, and there is a better one in the evening, but he didn't participate in it.

At this moment, Allen was very busy. He was discussing with Tyre, Jamila, Stephen, and Allen in the conference room about repairing the old dense forest road.

The plan Tire came up with is very good. The ultimate goal is to restore the old dense forest road to the grandeur of the Second Era, but it takes a very long time. Together with the construction of the stronghold, it will take at least five years.

Allen didn't want to wait that long. His suggestion to Tyre was to open up the road first, and then expand it slowly. In the later stage, he could build a defensive stronghold in the middle of the road, or even open an inn.

But the premise is that it must be opened first, so that it can continuously attract businessmen, first make its reputation, and then consider expansion.

After Till heard it, he thought about it for a while, and finally decided to agree with Allen's suggestion. Although this would increase the difficulty of unified repairs, the speed of opening the road would be several times faster, and the Lord's will should be the main priority. Raiders target.

In Allen's plan, after the new year, Allen would lead two hundred soldiers to the old dense forest road to build a simple stronghold to form a preliminary defense force.

Cooperate with the northerners who are responsible for repairing the road to avoid any unexpected situations.

Allen learned something from Gail that he didn't know before, that is, the eastern part of Rovanian is far from as peaceful as he thought, but there is nothing worth recording in the past few hundred years Just a massive battle.

The barbaric Dongyi people would cross the Runliu River or the Red Water River from time to time to attack and harass the Rovanians who still lived in the waters of the Runliu River.

In order to resist the harassment of a small group of enemies, the northern humans would sporadically break out small-scale battles in many places, and some Rovanians relied on offering a certain amount of food or gold and silver as protection fees to avoid the attacks of the Dongyi people.

In the entire eastern part of Rovanian, only the River Run near the northern Black Forest is relatively safe.

Because those looters had suffered from the woodland elves before, they didn't dare to approach the edge of the Black Forest, so they had learned a little bit.

It is precisely for this reason that Gail and his villages leave a large plain and live on the edge of the Black Forest.

But it's different now. Once the road starts to be repaired, who knows if it will attract the attention of those guys. It's good to make some preparations early.

This is just west of the Benliu River or the Hongshui River. Once you cross these two rivers, it will be dominated by Dongyi people. I don’t know how many Dongyi tribes live there, and I don’t know how many Rovanians live there. Being a slave there.

Allen remembered this, but he doesn't have enough strength yet, so he can only focus on the things in front of him.

And after the new year, Allen will also let Stephen, a financial consultant, go with Allen. His main job is to count the wages of these hired northerners and learn more about the grain prices in the eastern part of Rovanian.

If it is cheap, the acquisition can be carried out slowly and continuously after the old dense forest road is opened.

Large-scale purchases will inevitably lead to skyrocketing food prices. Allen still has some economic common sense.

Allen never felt that he had too much food, and he had too many places to consume it.

As for Stephen's family, they will stay in Wilderness Town and accept Allen's protection. Allen is too afraid that this greedy buddy will make a living for him. It is good to keep some hostages, lest Stephen force himself to hang him.

When the time comes to follow the team, there will be a lot of tools and the initial salary of the northerners.

The overall progress of opening up the old dense forest road was decided by Tire. Allen's soldiers were only responsible for protecting everyone, and regularly transporting some wealth, and then distributed it to the hired northerners.

If there was any problem that the three of them couldn't solve, they sent someone to come back quickly to inform Allen.

Of course, Allen's idea is that it is best to open the road after a year. At that time, Allen should have already opened the high pass.

The people discussed all aspects of this matter until the evening, and at this time, Dossie also came to the conference room and told Allen that the evening banquet had been prepared and could begin.

Allen told Dosley, let the officials announce the start, don't wait for him, if he has time, he will go to various banquet venues.

In fact, Allen would not go at all. The banquet now is not like it was at the beginning. At that time, Allen was still able to chat with the villagers at the banquet, drink and so on.

Now, as long as Alan appears at any banquet, there will be silence in an instant, and it will enter a cold scene.

Then Allen had to say a few words on the stage of the Lingmin show. If he didn't say a few words, the whole banquet would be in a very embarrassing situation.

Alan has no talent at all for speeches in this area. It is nothing more than eating and drinking well, or drinking and eating well. Same.

And often not long after he left, the banquet can enter the carnival again. Just a few times, Alan is no longer willing to appear in the venue, but several of his subordinates can still handle the banquet with ease Chatting and farting with the citizens.

Of course, this does not include Jamila, the Hand of the King who manages the wilderness town all the year round, and the pressure is also very heavy.

Allen can understand the thoughts of the lord, even if Alan does nothing, when he sees the lord, he never deliberately maintains the majesty of the lord.

But with the ferment of time and the brewing of various legends, Allen's coercion in the hearts of his people has become heavier and heavier, so that there are often cold situations.

This can be considered a good thing, but it just makes Allen feel that the distance between himself and those people is getting farther and farther, and it is not particularly pleasant to feel a little lonely.

At this time, Allen could only sit with Jamila on the balcony of the lord's house, drinking wine, stroking Juan, and watching piles of bonfires ignited in the city, which meant that the banquet had begun.

Soon, the sound of everyone cheering, singing and dancing, and congratulations and drinking came to the lord's house wave after wave.

And Allen picked up the red wine glass in his hand and touched Jamila next to him, and said softly: "Thank you."

Allen, who just turned his head, didn't notice that the circles of Jamila's eyes turned red at this moment, and it seemed that crystal tears fell from their sockets.

It's just that Jamila, who has been in a high position for a long time, has a very calm expression on her face. Taking the opportunity of drinking, she has quickly returned to normal. She didn't speak, but quietly accompanied Alan, watching the banquet in the distance.

There is always such a lonely feeling in this scene.

However, in Allen's hometown, there is a saying that there is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village.

Soon, two guys, one tall and one short, came to Alan's lord's house. They were Alan's friends, Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins.

Now in Wilderness Town, there are only the two of them who are pure friends with Alan, and now these two are here to invite Alan to set off fireworks together.

In recent days, the two of them have been staying at the hut in Ladagast, and then pulled back a lot of fireworks from there to celebrate today's New Year's banquet.

Busy, they have been arranging these fireworks on the east wall all afternoon, and they have already arranged them.

Alan, who was a little depressed at this time, happily responded to the invitation of the two, and did not forget to turn around and greet Jamila: "Go, Jamila, let's go together, I guarantee it is something you have never seen before."

Jamila in full attire nodded confusedly, held up her skirt and led Juan to follow the footsteps of the other three. Behind the four of them and a dog, a dozen guards immediately followed them from the darkness. Hermione and Gail were impressively inside.

Jamila, who has been living in Calradia, has indeed never heard of fireworks, but she is still a little excited when faced with Ellen's invitation.

Soon the group arrived at the city wall on the east side. At this time, there were still dozens of soldiers patrolling and standing guard on the city wall. They would get a good allowance to make up for the regret of not attending the banquet.

Allen, who walked up the city wall, nodded in response to the soldiers' greetings, and followed Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins to a watchtower.

Gandalf smiled and handed the ignition tool to Alan, motioning for Alan to be the first to light the fireworks.

This year, Gandalf was so happy. All the things he planned had very good results. Sauron was banished back to Mordor in the east, and the Lonely Mountain was recaptured by the Durin dwarves. One place, once again a great kingdom.

The most important thing is that he got to know Alan, this very interesting human leader. Under the leadership of Alan, the northern humans showed signs of becoming great again, which probably indicates that the time for Gandalf to return home is not far away. .

And Allen had already lit the first fireworks, and soon, a flame flew towards the sky with a "squeak", and scattered with a "bang", and the light showed Allen's crown and three stars flag.

Before the light of the banner faded, Bilbo lit several fireworks again. First, silver birds appeared, and as they flew, there was a crisp bird song.

Then came the big tree made of golden light, the golden leaves seemed to be dancing in the air, accompanied by countless silver-white arrows, flying quickly in the high sky towards the distance, and disappeared directly in the sky. people's eyes.

Soon, the reveling crowd at the banquet was attracted by the movement of the fireworks. As the fireworks escalated, a lot of cheers wafted over the wilderness town.

At this time, Allen had already handed the igniter to Jamila, signaling to let her play by herself. Seeing such a variety of gorgeous fireworks, Jamila was also a little eager to try, and took the igniter from Allen's hand , joined Bilbo and Gandalf.

For a while, the fireworks in the sky continued, and Gandalf prepared very, very well for this day, enough for several people to play for a long time.

And Allen took Juan, found a corner and sat down. After sitting down, he kept stroking Juan's soft hair with his right hand, watching the fireworks in the sky, and fell into deep thought.

Soon, a sneaky figure poked his head out from the steps of the city wall. It was Kress, and Aileen was following her. Soon these two guys joined in In the team of fireworks.

At this moment, the fireworks in the sky entered the most brilliant moment tonight. For a while, countless silver butterflies penetrated into the golden leaves, for a while, colorful fountains fell from the sky, and for a while, flowers A colorful flower is blooming in the sky, and groups of meteors seem to be falling into the wilderness town for a while.

At this time, Gandalf sat beside Allen with a smile, and he handed it to Allen with a pipe full of "Old Toby".

"Alan, my friend, bring a bag, this is a very famous tobacco leaf in Shire."

After Alan thanked him, he took it, and then the fire in Gandalf's hand flashed, and the tobacco in the pipe was ignited.

Allen took a deep breath, and the smoke entered his lungs, quickly stabilizing Allen's mood, and then a large circle was spit out from Allen's mouth, which was the only skill left by his smoking in his previous life.

Then, a dragon made of white smoke passed through Alan's circle, and the Smaug-like dragon shattered Alan's circle when it flapped its wings.

Allen turned his head and looked, and Gandalf, who was smiling, was also looking at him.

"Alan, what are your plans next?"

Hearing this question, Allen looked at Gandalf strangely, and said, "What plan?"

"Of course it's about how to resist Sauron's power and return to the Black Forest. Have you considered forming an alliance with the elves and dwarves?"

Allen looked at the gray-robed wizard who was struggling for the stability of Middle-earth at this moment, and said with some helplessness: "Gandalf, my friend, do we really want to bring up this topic at this moment? Well, well, in fact, I have already discussed this matter with His Majesty Thranduil, and the key lies in Thorin, I am going to wait for Thorin to officially become King of the Lonely Mountain, and when I bring up this matter, I am sure that it will succeed."

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm relieved."

Gandalf exhaled a puff of thick white smoke and said, "If you need help, you can find me in Shire, or I will come here often."

Allen nodded and said: "You are always welcome, Gandalf. If I have time, I will also go to Shire to visit Bilbo and you. In my plan, the road from here to Shire will be It will be easy, and the fast horse may take less than two months."

Gandalf nodded with a gratified smile.

At this time, Bilbo also came over, also holding a pipe in his hand, walking towards this side, and said, "I smell old Toby, good friends should learn to share."

As he spoke, he sat down next to Gandalf, handed the pipe to Gandalf, and signaled Gandalf to fill it up for him.

After Gandalf took it, he filled a bag full for Bilbo Baggins, and then secretly glanced at the bag containing the tobacco leaves, frowning slightly. Nor did Ster give too much to Gandalf.

Afterwards, the three old friends who had known each other for a year but had a very good relationship, puffed on the city wall and joked about the jokes they encountered during their adventures from time to time. The dwarves broke up the sewer at Bilbo's house and all that little stuff.

And Jamila and the others are already having fun at this time, which has never happened since they came to Middle Earth. The soldiers guarding the city wall turned their heads to look at them from time to time. The figure of power is playing around like a child at this time.

At this time, the banquet in the city also reached its peak with the fireworks blooming, a scene of carnival.

Everything that happened in Wilderness Town made Allen, who was sucking on "Old Toby", feel relieved, and his original wish to protect the northerners was finally partially fulfilled.

 Thank you for your support, thank you (*/\*) (*/\*)

(End of this chapter)

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