The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 83 Preparations for the plan, Coronation of Thorin II

Chapter 83 Preparations for the Plan, Coronation of Thorin II

In the next few days, Allen intensively prepared everything needed for this operation to lure the enemy. He is a person who will go all out as long as he starts planning.

According to the results of Kress' investigation, the enemies entrenched near the high pass should be more than a thousand half-orcs.

Allen speculated that there should be some elites, but more likely they were the remnants of the defeated soldiers who fled back from the lonely mountain.

If you want to lure them out, then Alan can't bring too many soldiers, so that the half-orcs who have been hit hard have the confidence to come out of the cave and besiege the humans who broke into their territory.

After luring the half-orcs out, Allen still needs to take "bait" and persist under the siege of the half-orcs for a period of time, waiting for the arrival of support.

Never underestimate half-orcs, even ordinary half-orcs called Snaga. Although these guys are a little stupid, they can still fight to the death if they are directed by someone or guided by a target, especially when they are fighting against the enemy. When there is a large gap between the two parties.

One of their favorite tricks is to use their bodies to knock down enemies and create opportunities for their teammates to attack.

Faced with this situation, Allen can only bring the elite, and it cannot be the highly recognizable skin-changing person. As long as the orcs find the skin-changing figure, the plan may fail before it even starts.

Alan thought for a long time, and decided to take Horimion and the twelve twilight knights he led.

There are also thirteen Swadian knights who followed Allen to Middle-earth from the beginning.

And fifteen Rhodok marksmen who are already quite skilled in riding.

In the end, forty Kujit cavalry archers gathered. The elite team of nearly 90 people here constituted the "bait" that Alan prepared for the half-orcs.

The difference in the number of people was ten times. Theoretically speaking, those half-orcs should bite the bait set for them.

Originally, Allen wanted to take the ten Nord royal guards with him. They have practiced well in riding over the years, but unfortunately, after the new year, as Allen's personal guards, they have been taken to the old jungle road .

If you specifically called them back, the time would be a little rushed, and Allen gave up this idea.

Soldiers who serve as "bait" must have superb riding skills, because Alan is very worried that half-orcs will rush down from the mountain on the way in the valley, and they will not be able to beat Alan.

The people brought here are good at riding, and they can also carry out strategic shifts in case of emergencies. At least they can't fall into the siege. The terrain there is really not suitable for cavalry combat, so they can barely run .

Yesterday, Desaiwei, who went out to investigate, came back and brought back the details of the valley below the high pass.

The very few places where large troops can pass, the high pass and lower valleys of the Misty Mountains, the roads are still basically passable, and they are not completely abandoned like the old dense forest road.

For this matter, we should thank the dwarves for the battle of Azanubiza that broke out with the half-orcs more than 100 years ago. Since that time, most of the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains have been cleaned up, without the harassment of these scum , and the road was maintained for the merchants traveling to and from Eriador and Rovanion.

However, as the half-orcs became rampant again, the lower roads of the high pass have also been impassable in the past few years, and people have turned to the upper roads of the high pass.

That is the road that Gandalf chose for the Lonely Mountain Expedition. However, what happened to Ellen and the dwarves also showed that it was not safe there. They were ambushed in the front hall of Orc Town, and most of them were captured by Orcs. Let's go, it took a lot of twists and turns to get out of there.

Since the roads in the valley have been abandoned for more than ten years, the half-orcs who occupy there all the year round will not maintain them at all, so the roads there can only be ridden barely, and cannot support the combat needs of large-scale cavalry.

Otherwise, Allen wouldn't have given up so much thought and thought about any seductive plan. As long as the cavalry is placed near the valley all the year round, once there is a problem, he can directly lead a large cavalry to charge in that valley and all the garbage can be removed. The half-orc rushed to his death.

After all, that valley is only about fifty kilometers in length. As long as the road is easy to walk and the cavalry gallops up, it doesn't take two hours to cover every corner of the valley.

For this matter, Allen plans to wait until the half-orcs entrenched near the high pass are eliminated, and then after the old dense forest road is initially opened, some people will be assigned to complete the road to the upper valley.

After all, the half-orcs in the Misty Mountains, as long as Sauron is not eliminated, and they have their masters, they will be inexhaustible. It is estimated that they will multiply again in a short time. Alan has no way to send troops to the depths again and again The tunnel clears them, so it is extremely important to have a venue suitable for one's own battle.

Of course, this is all for the future. Now that Allen has prepared the bait to attract the prey, then naturally there is a need for a hunter to kill the prey.

For this reason, Allen has given Fatis an order to start recruiting infantry and shooters.

At this time, eight hundred soldiers had gathered on the playground outside the wilderness town. They were sweating and practicing on the playground, and the sound of shouting and killing echoed in the sky above the playground.

Even archers must seize the time to familiarize themselves with the ability to fight in close combat. These forest residents who were selected as archers are not incapable of close combat.

It was because of their outstanding archery ability that they were chosen as archers. They were able to open the bow multiple times in a short period of time, and their arms were stronger. They were equally powerful in melee combat, but because of their different positioning, their equipment was a little crude. .

In order to solve this problem, after receiving Allen's order, Fatis redistributed all the equipment in Wilderness Town to ensure that everyone who participated in this battle would be fully equipped.

These eight hundred soldiers are the hunters arranged by Allen. They will hide near the entrance of the valley, waiting for Allen's signal. As long as the fireworks are lit and explode in the sky, they will be led by Bandak , immediately rushed into the valley at full speed to support his lord.

In addition to the hunter, Allen also arranged a back route. After receiving the signal, Fatis would lead [-] cavalry to set off from near the old ferry and run towards the valley.

If there is no problem with the plan and it is implemented smoothly, it should be regarded as an exercise. If something unexpected happens and Allen's soldiers lose a lot in the valley, then these cavalry can also meet them in the wasteland near the old ferry. Alan and others who ran out will not let Alan.

In order to complete these preparations, Allen was really busy for several days. One day before departure, he reconfirmed the plan with Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins, and both of them said that there was no problem.

Bilbo Baggins already wants to go back. It’s not that the hobbit is dissatisfied with Alan’s hospitality. In Wilderness Town, he enjoys the treatment of a VIP, and the surrounding scenery is also extremely beautiful, especially Beorn. The garden, where the flowers can bloom very beautifully in winter.

It's just that the adventure-hungry Tuke bloodline in Bilbo Baggins bloodline has been completely satisfied, but now, the comfort-seeking Baggins bloodline has completely gained the upper hand.

The drowsy easy chair, the comfortable and comfortable Bag End, the rich and beautiful Shire, and the friendly and talkative neighbors frequently appear in Bilbo Baggins' dreams, making his desire to go home even more upswing.

However, accidents always appear when they shouldn't. Just when Allen finalized the marching route and was about to set off the next day, a group of dwarves came to Wilderness Town to visit him, the future Robin... King of the Ovanian city-state.

It was a group of dwarves led by Thorin. This group of dwarves was going to Loth Lorien to bring back their king, Thraine II, but they returned empty-handed.

It turned out that Selaine II's situation at this time was extremely bad. He suffered a lot during the time he was imprisoned by Sauron, and he was able to survive these long years entirely because of the tenacity of the dwarves and his willingness to The obsession to see his son.

Relying on these, Thraine II was able to persist in the rescue of Gandalf and others. This should be the gift of Iluvita, or the blessing of Aoli. After all, in Allen's impression, the King of the Lone Mountain He should have died ten years ago.

Regarding the situation of Selaine II, Mrs. Galadriel, who controls "Nengya", expressed her own judgment. The current Lone Mountain King has run out of fuel.

As long as he leaves Los Lorien, he probably won't be able to hold on for even a month. Even though the dwarf king's superficial injuries have healed at this time, his vitality that is about to be exhausted cannot be replenished at all.

Only by staying in Los Lorien, by Madam Galadriel's side, under the protection of Nengya, can Selaine II continue to support it, but Madam Galadriel is unable to give specific details about how long it can last. Only a judgment of more than ten years to more than 20 years can be given.

Even a dwarf as tenacious as Thorin was devastated by the news. He and his father hadn't seen each other for decades, but when they saw each other again, his father was about to be summoned by God Auri. Going to the Mandos Hall, how can this be accepted by Thorin?
Selain II, who had been tortured for decades, was very happy. He was already very satisfied to see Sorin before he died.

When he was rescued by Gandalf in Dol Guldur, he asked his old friend to say a word to Thorin for him.

"I love you, son."

However, this request was rejected by Gandalf on the spot, and the confident gray-robed wizard assured Selaine II that he would be able to say this to Thorin himself.

But now, Gandalf's promise was fulfilled at this time. The father and son, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, talked together for a long time, especially after Selaine II learned that his son had taken back the Lonely Mountain. , tears of excitement filled my eyes.

After all, he was caught by Polger on the road because he wanted to take back the Lonely Mountain, and dedicated it to Sauron, which led to the decades of bad luck that followed.

Now that the Lonely Mountain has been taken back from Smaug at this time, the title of King of the Mountain of Durin's royal family is once again well-deserved. Lady Galadriel, Celeborn as witnesses.

Afterwards, Thrane II held a coronation ceremony for his son Thorin in the palace at the top of the Songmallon tree in Karasgara. Under the illumination of the stars and the blessing of the singing of the elves, many dwarves cried Under the gaze of Yingyan, he handed over the throne of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom to his son Sorin.

From that moment on, the old Thorin Oakenshield became the current Thorin II. Of course, he was short of a grand banquet and enthronement ceremony to honor his friends and evil enemies. Declaring that he has become the king of the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves will surely prosper again under his leadership.

After completing all this, Selain II has no regrets, he is ready to go to the Lonely Mountain, and wants to see the Lonely Mountain one last time before he dies.

However, Sorin II didn't want to be separated from his father at this time. In order to be able to see his father again in the future, after discussing with Selaine II, the new dwarf king sincerely wanted to Pleading Lady Galadriel.

He hoped that his father Thrahin II could live here forever, and expressed his willingness to pay any price in return.

The beautiful Lady Galadriel naturally would not refuse this request. She was kind and told Thorin II that she did not need any repayment, and that Rose Lorien welcomed him to visit his father at any time.

Then Sorin stayed in Rose Lorien for a few days, spending time with his old father, and then left there to visit Alan and the others in Wilderness Town.

While listening to Sorin II's words, Allen observed his friend from time to time. It was obvious that through this reunion with his father, Sorin II's past arrogance and prejudice against elves had completely disappeared.

At least for the elves living in Lothlórien, Thorin's views must have undergone earth-shaking changes.

When the dwarf mentioned Mrs. Galadriel, his face was full of respect, and he praised Mrs. Galadriel's beauty more than once, even surpassing the king's royal treasure "Heart of the Mountain" of Lonely Mountain.

This kind of words is a great compliment from the mouth of the dwarves, especially from the mouth of the Lonely Mountain King, it is even more rare.

Allen only hoped that Thorin II's change of view of elves could slightly include the Silvan elves living in the woodland kingdom, including King Thranduil.

It can make it easier for him to lead the tripartite alliance in the future.

Sorin II could not stay in Wilderness Town for a long time. His main purpose of coming here was to invite his three friends to attend his enthronement ceremony two months later.

"My friends, you have helped me a lot on this journey to recapture the Lonely Mountain. No amount of thanks can express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart. I am here to invite you to participate in my enthronement ceremony, I hope that when I am officially crowned king, you can stay by my side and witness my glory, and I hope you can agree to my request."

Faced with Thorin II's invitation, the three of Aaron couldn't refuse at all. If it was just a banquet to celebrate the dwarves' recapture of the Lonely Mountain, then Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf would not be attending. They had already stayed for too long. It's been a long time, but how could they not participate in the glorious moment of best friends.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Sorin II hurried back with the dwarves. In order for this enthronement ceremony to be worthy of the title of king under the mountain, they still need to do a lot of preparations.

Allen's plan will not change because of this. Tomorrow, he will still go to the valley below the high pass.

 This is today, no surprise there is another chapter today

(End of this chapter)

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