Chapter 86 Fierce Battle


Accompanied by an imperceptible sound, four fissures glowing faintly with red light appeared on the wall of the cave illuminated by the fire, and soon these cracks expanded into four passages, and these four passages were the orcs. The main entrance of the town.

In Allen's view, this kind of mechanism is also considered exquisite, and it is from the handwriting of orcs. They are very good at these skills that can facilitate their own killing.

In other words, the half-orcs have their own unique views on forging and mechanisms. The things they make are ugly, but they are also exquisite. If you want to do it seriously, even compared with the dwarves, it is only a little bit worse. That's all.

The biggest problem faced by the half-orcs is that their irritable personalities make it impossible to settle down to do such extremely tedious work. They prefer to tell others their understanding and let them complete this part of the work.

And these other people usually refer to the slaves imprisoned by the half-orcs. They must work non-stop according to the orders of the half-orcs until they can't see the sun, or are hungry and tired, or even because they can't breathe fresh. air and die.

These slaves include elves, humans, and dwarves of Durin's family. Why should the dwarves of Durin's family be mentioned alone?

It may be due to the wars that took place in ancient times. At that time, the dwarves of Durin's family were still living in Moria. At that time, Moria was not called by this name, but it was called Kazadum, which means the city-state of the dwarves.

In the second era, during the battle of the Eregional Raid, Durin III, who ruled Khazad-dum at that time, sent an army of dwarves to assist the elves. After they attacked Sauron's army of orcs, they withdrew to the mountains. In addition, Kazadum was closed, leaving the Orcs with nothing to do.

From then on, Sauron ordered all the orcs to be enemies of the dwarves, and he especially hated the Durin clan. This hatred has lasted for thousands of years, until now.

Now, with the ferment of time, the hatred between the two parties has reached the point where they will never die when they meet each other.

Of course, not only dwarves, whether elves or humans, also have new and old accounts that have to be settled with orcs.

Just like at this time, under the leadership of Fimble, countless half-orcs jumped out from these four passages. They did not attack humans for any noble reason, they just wanted to have more slaves and food That's all.

As soon as these half-orcs came out, they extinguished several piles of bonfires around them. Although they were not afraid of flames, they did not want to be exposed to the light.

And Fimble, who led the team out, was stunned when he saw Alan and others who were already waiting in front of them.

In his prediction, the enemies in the cave should be fighting fiercely with the wolves outside. At worst, these humans should also panic because of their sudden appearance.

This situation surprised Fimble, he had a faint feeling that something was wrong
Now the two armies were confronting each other, and the call of the Supreme Lord of the Rings couldn't help Fimbold. He quickly made a gesture to the well-equipped guards around him, shouting "Let them go".

The guards of Fimble obviously knew what they should do. They flicked the whips in their hands, driving the half-orcs who had been reduced to slaves to attack the people standing in the flames. The human troops rushed away.

These relatively simple-minded half-orc slaves, under the double stimulus of pain and desire to kill, yelled and rushed towards Allen and his party. If they performed well in the battle, they would immediately get rid of the slaves Identity, become a member of Fimble's personal guard.

Fimble, who gave the order, had a very simple idea. If the human beings had a very big loophole at this time, he would immediately lead his well-equipped guards to give the human team a big surprise.

But now, these heavily guarded human beings have caused Fimble a lot of doubts. Even though he wants to get the treasure that he doesn't know what it is, he still maintains a certain calmness.

"Let those slaves go first, the wolves have blocked the door, don't worry."

Fember can still clearly understand what is the basis for him to become a leader.

Following Fimble's order and whipping whips, a large number of half-orc slaves waved their scimitars and big sticks, rushed from the darkness to the light, and rushed towards humans.

Facing a large number of half-orcs who stepped into the range of the fire, the first to attack was Gandalf, who had been preparing for a long time.

At this time, the figure of the gray-robed wizard suddenly became taller under the light of the fire, and his usually kind expression became very majestic at this time.

"Evil creatures, I command you to retreat."

With Gandalf's loud shout, a white lightning that was enough to illuminate the entire cave came out of nowhere on the long staff raised by Gandalf, followed by a "boom", this lightning directly killed Twenty or thirty orcs rushed to the front.

The huge power produced by this magic directly stunned most of the half-orcs, but Fember quickly reacted, and he kept yelling, "Scumbags, rush me, Go, go, go."

The whip in his hand kept whipping, and fell on the heads of those half-orcs who were stunned, making them recover quickly, roaring and rushing towards the humans again.

"Free Fire."

With a loud shout, Allen grabbed five cone-headed arrows in one hand, and quickly pulled the bowstring to attack the rushing enemy.

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

The first few half-orcs who rushed into the range of the fire fell directly under Allen's precise shooting skills, but closely behind them were more half-orcs wielding scimitars or wooden sticks.

They rushed towards the human beings in a frantic posture, opened their mouths and roared, with cruel and hideous expressions on their faces.

The more than 40 cavalry archers who were still standing behind the Swadian knight before had already stepped forward two steps after the orc appeared, and stood in front of the Swadian knight.

They drew the Kujit bows in their hands one after another, and with the help of the firelight, they precisely hit the half-orc slaves who rushed over.

The half-orcs who roared loudly and ran wildly died under the intensive arrow attack. The simple and small wooden shields in their hands could not help them much under such intensive and precise shooting.

All of a sudden, a large number of half-orcs who rushed into the flames suffered heavy casualties under the arrow attack, and those half-orcs who barely survived the arrow rain and rushed to the human army were also killed by AI who raised his giant sword. Ren, and a dozen Swadian knights with two-handed swords easily beheaded.

The lives of these half-orc slaves could not even last a round in front of these elite human soldiers.

The two-handed sword that was waving, carrying a power far beyond that of ordinary people, split the half-orc slave in front of him, including his shield and man, in half.

At this time, their bodies were already splattered with dirty blood, and the ground in front of them was also full of fragments of the enemy. Allen felt that as long as the half-orcs didn't rush to his face, he could take Si The Wadia knights have always stood here.

Gradually, the half-orc slaves who were still in the dark began to move. They looked at hundreds of their fellows lying on the ground, as well as the menacing humans covered in blood in the firelight, and they began to feel scared in their hearts.

When the signs of fear appear, they will be able to control their thoughts irresistibly. Now, even under the whipping of the whip, they are no longer willing to take a step into the light.

At this time, Alan, who had already shot more than a dozen arrows in a row, and raised his giant sword to kill several enemies in a row, breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he was as strong as him, his arms had already started to feel numb, not to mention Physical fitness is far inferior to his cavalry shooters.

Even if the Kujit bow they used was the kind of short bow that was not heavy in pounds for the convenience of riding and shooting on horseback, they had reached their limit by firing the bow more than ten times in a short period of time, and their arms had begun to appear. trembled slightly.

Now that the enemy is not attacking, it just allows them to recover a little bit of physical strength.

On the side of the half-orcs, Fimble saw that his slaves were afraid to move forward, and he was extremely angry. For this reason, he beat the half-orcs who ran back hard several times.

It's just that Fimble also knows that in this situation, even if these slaves are forced to charge again, it will not have much effect.

He has already realized that although the enemies in front of him are few, their combat effectiveness is very strong. In such a narrow terrain, a large number of half-orc troops must approach the enemy in order to be able to give full play to the advantages of the large number of people.

But to accomplish this goal, you must restrain the enemy's continuous arrows.
Among the half-orcs, Fimble is still very smart.Although it is not as good as Azog or Polger, the leader of half-orcs, but he has also been recognized by Azog in the original trajectory, and he has been the leader of the wolf cavalry.

After thinking for a while, he whispered a few words to the guards around him, and dozens of well-equipped half-orcs turned and returned to the dark tunnel.

The battle in the cave returned to a confrontation again after the half-orcs killed and injured hundreds of people.

Allen, whose purpose was to delay time, seized this precious time and began to recover his physical strength. With his better eyesight than ordinary people, he could vaguely see the many black shadows deep in the cave.

Allen knew that the battle here was far from over.

At this time, the battle at the entrance of the cave has become intense from the very beginning.

At the same time that Hermione led the soldiers back, the wargs also rushed out from all over the forest under the command of the chief wolf, and rushed towards the cave quickly.

Horimion led the Twilight Knights to quickly shoot the wargs in the distance. Relying on the powerful penetrating power and extremely fast rate of fire of the Noldor Rune Bow, they nailed most of the enemies who wanted to approach the cave. Died on the grass at the entrance of the cave.

As for the Rhodok sharpshooter, with the help of Moonlight, relying on the excellent accuracy of the siege crossbow at close range, he kept sniping and killing those worgs who were about to rush into the cave.

Their thirteen archers and fifteen crossbowmen suppressed the wolves who wanted to rush into the cave for a while.

But the discipline of the warg was far from what the half-orc could match. When the treacherous and cunning wolf saw that his men's attack was blocked, he howled immediately and changed his attack strategy.

Amid the roar of the alpha wolf, the dense pack of wolves formed an extremely dense formation in the forest.

After a little preparation, they rushed out of the forest continuously. Even facing the bows and arrows of elves and humans, they would step on the corpses of their companions and move on!

Facing this suicide charge, even if Twilight Knight and Rhodok Marksman tried their best to block the enemy's charge, they could not completely stop such a huge number of wolves from gradually approaching the entrance of the cave.

In such a critical situation, the Rhodok sharpshooters dropped their siege crossbows one after another and quickly assembled.

Holding a heavy broad shield in their left hand and a long sword in their right hand, they set up a shield wall nearly one and a half meters high in the passage of the cave, ready to receive the impact from the wolves.

Horimion also led the Twilight Knights, and consciously shot the wargs, allowing their charging team to form a certain gap to reduce the defensive pressure of the Rhodoks sharpshooters.

Soon, the charging Warg bumped into the shield wall of the Rhodok sharpshooter. After all, these soldiers are not professional defensive infantry, and they are not so proficient in the technique of unloading the shield. When the power hits, mistakes are inevitable.

Arnold was one of them. The shield he raised was hit by two wolves one after another. Although the two wolves entered a dizzy state immediately after the impact, Arnold couldn't bear the successive attacks. With great strength, he took a few steps back during the impact and fell to the ground.

The wolf that followed immediately pounced on Arnold before he could react, and then opened his mouth full of stench, and the sharp fangs quickly moved towards Arnold bite off his neck.

At this time, all the Rhodok sharpshooters started a close fight with the wolves who followed. These human soldiers were equipped with chain armor, and the helmets they wore also had some protection for their necks.

Only the protection of the legs and the hands that fired the siege crossbow was low. Relying on the equipment on their bodies and the sharp long sword in their hands, they were on par with the Wargs.

For a moment, the entire battle scene fell into chaos.

Arnold, who was thrown, was very lucky. Apart from some chest tightness and pain, the attack of the warg did not cause him much substantial damage.

Arnold, who was crushed under the wolf, was not dominated by fear. The moment he was struck, he grasped the long sword with his right hand, and stabbed the long sword towards the wolf's abdomen with all his strength.

And his left hand precisely clasped the upper jaw of the warg, fighting with all his might against the enemy pressing on him.

Afterwards, the long sword in his right hand pierced into the wolf's abdomen, ripping out the enemy's viscera.

After being so severely injured, the strength of the warg disappeared in an instant, and then lay softly on Arnold's body.

Arnold, who managed to get a life out of the wolf's mouth, took a deep breath, and then moved the corpse away from his body with all his strength. He just sat up without restraint, and immediately saw another one moving towards him. A wolf who charged forward by himself.

Knowing that he was being targeted, Arnold didn't have time to stand up. He turned around and drew his long sword from the corpse next to him, preparing to sit like this and face the wolf that rushed over.

And Horimion's quick-eyed arrow directly shot the wolf who was about to pounce on Arnold, and let the sitting Arnold get out of the predicament.

At this time, while the Rhodoks sharpshooters fighting in close quarters, while fighting hard to kill the wolf, they also suffered a lot of casualties. As the commander, Horimion naturally couldn't just watch these companions, Died by the fangs and claws of the warg.

The captain of the personal guard immediately dropped the bow and arrow in his hand, drew out his rune sword and enchanted shield, and led the Twilight Knights who also took out their melee weapons, and rushed towards the Rhodok sharpshooter Together with the wolves.

The rune-sword longswords in their hands, which radiated faint light, easily cut through the flexible fur and hard bones of the wargs, and the shields carved with exquisite runes could repel the wargs with a random swing, even It was knocked into the air, and then a companion stepped forward and killed the unbalanced enemy with a single blow.

In a short period of time, the Twilight Knights, relying on their superb fighting skills and skilled cooperation, killed all the wolves that rushed into the passage, and stood at the forefront of the battle.

When they killed the wargs, they consciously maintained a certain position, so that the corpses of the wargs gradually piled up together.

Even though Horimion rushed up decisively with the Noldor elves, more than half of the Rhodok marksmen were caught, killed or bitten by the worgs. They were equipped with chain armor made of iron rings, which was very good protection. hit their vitals.

But there is no decent protection on the hands and calves, and it is easy to be scratched by the sharp claws of the warg.

Moreover, the chain armor on the arms could hardly withstand the powerful bite of the Warg. Even if the fangs did not break through the protection of the iron armor, the force of the bite of the upper and lower jaws was enough to break their forearms.

These eight injured Rhodok sharpshooters were quickly carried to the depths of the passage by their teammates, so that they could carry out simple battlefield dressing without enemy harassment. After all, when Allen came out this time, But without a professional doctor.

The remaining seven Rhodok sharpshooters picked up the siege crossbow on the ground, and after a simple inspection, they continued to shoot at the distant wargs, but their killing efficiency was far inferior to that of the Twilight Knight. .

Not long after, under the slaughter of Horimion and the Twilight Knight, the corpses of the wargs were piled up at the entrance of the cave, forming a small mountain of corpses.

These corpses blocked the shooting range of the Rhodok sharpshooter, and also became the first obstacle to stop the wolf's charge. Now they can only continue to rush towards the interior of the cave if they cross the hill formed by the corpses.

However, every time a wolf jumps up this one-meter-high hill, it will be sniped by the Rhodok sharpshooter, and if it has a chance to jump off, it will be immediately beheaded by the tired Twilight Knight.

Such a situation was extremely unfavorable to the attack of the wolves. Under the command of the leader, the wolves stopped their attack and began to clean up the corpses piled up at the entrance of the cave.

For Hermione, the situation had improved a lot at this time, and after the wargs completely stopped attacking, they could finally take a little time to rest.

Although the fighting power of the dozen or so twilight knights is extremely powerful, there are very few enemies in Middle Earth who can confront them head-on.

But they are not perpetual motion machines that will never tire. They will be tired after a fierce battle with a small number of them.

Because of this, Allen arranged for the Rhodok marksman to help them, and tried to let the Rhodok marksman fight on the front line of the battle, but obviously his plan failed. These crossbowmen who are proficient in shooting, No match for the treacherous and cunning Warg in close combat.

It's just that Alan has no time to think about this issue at all now. The half-orc who was confronting him rushed towards them holding a large number of wooden boards, perfectly restraining Alan's archers.

And those wooden planks, Alan looked extremely familiar, weren't they just the wooden roads in Orc Town?
"Is Fimble demolishing the house?"

 Brothers and sisters, don’t ask for a subscription, don’t ask for a reward, if you have a monthly pass, give me some, don’t need too much, I just want to make up a thousand tickets and get a 100 yuan
(End of this chapter)

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