Chapter 88 Raiding the Orc Town (Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

In fact, the goblins, as the main servants of Morgoth, do not hate fire as much as they fear sunlight.

However, these half-orcs who fought with Allen today had different feelings in their hearts. The special smell of meat in the air and the mournful cries of the same race stimulated their nerves all the time.

Those relatively smart half-orcs understood the origin of all this based on the strange behavior of humans and the tendency of the flames to spread.

In particular, some of the half-orcs who were drenched in fire oil, in order to avoid their fellows who had already been set on fire, had already started to push away their fellows in front of them like crazy, and ran towards the gate of the cave.

There is only one goal in their hearts, and that is to stay away from the flames that have been chasing after them, and to avoid the bad luck of being burned to death.

This frantic escape was like a plague, and it infected many half-orcs in an instant.

They were also stifled by fear, and moved forward one after another, following the fleeing half-orcs. Especially when they found that the human soldiers had voluntarily moved away from the entrance of the cave, the half-orcs ran even faster.

The passage that still revealed a hint of darkness in the firelight seemed to have become the only way for the half-orcs to escape. They were anxious for their lives, and they didn't even have time to think about why humans would move out of the way.

Most of the half-orcs didn't care about those human soldiers at this time, and the screams of the same race behind them were like Nazgul urging them to their lives, driving them to run outside the cave.

With a passage nearly five meters wide, it was enough for these half-orcs who had not been ignited to run out of the purgatory-like main entrance in a short period of time.

In the cave, apart from humans and horses, there were only dozens of burning corpses and hundreds of torches screaming in pain.

Raising his weapon, Allen, who hacked to death a few half-orcs, was stunned for a moment when he saw the half-orcs fleeing quickly, thinking to himself: "Don't say anything, these half-orcs are not good at anything else. , The ability to escape is really top-notch, much better than other races."

But after thinking about it, this situation also means that Allen's temporary plan has succeeded, and now he needs to make the next step immediately.

Allen pointed to the half-orcs who were still scurrying around, and said to the soldiers: "Knights, follow me, and the rest of you should beware of those who are still burning, and don't let them approach the horses."

After finishing speaking, Allen took the Swadian knight and ran to catch up with the half-orc who had just rushed out, and began to prepare in the passage. He needed to prevent the half-orc from turning around and rushing back.

Gandalf, who had been killing half-orcs on the front line, did not keep up with Allen. He looked around to see if there was any danger here.

After getting a negative answer, the gray-robed wizard clenched the weapon in his hand and walked towards the red-lit passage. He was going to track down the orcs who fled first.

For a long time, Gandalf has been helping the humans in Middle-earth to resist the rise of the dark forces. His patience is still good. It has been almost 2000 years since he came to Middle-earth, and the opportunity to end Sauron has never appeared.

Not only that, but the power of humans and elves has been declining year by year.

The kingdom of Arnor that was destroyed, Gondor that lost its king, the deep valley that was about to cross to the west, Los Lorien and the woodland kingdom that barely protected themselves, and the Lonely Mountain that had just returned to life.

These forces representing light made Gandalf feel that his way home was full of thorns. Although he never gave up hope, the light of this hope was really small.

However, the current situation has undergone some changes. The extinct Rovanian human kingdom has risen again under the leadership of Allen.

Moreover, the noble character displayed by this human leader made this ray of hope a lot stronger.

Gandalf felt that as long as Allen could maintain this rising momentum, Rovanian would soon become a human force comparable to Rohan or even Gondor.

At that time, the power of the light forces will finally be able to overwhelm the darkness. After the Dark Lord is defeated, Gandalf will be able to go home.

With such expectations, Gandalf hacked to death a few guys who blocked the way, and rushed into the red-lighted passage without hesitation.

Bilbo Baggins got out of nowhere. In the battle just now, he used a large piece of gravel to hit a few ugly enemies hard, but once he entered the melee combat , he used the talent of the hobbit to hide behind the big man.

And in the critical period, he used the ring to save several cavalry archers who were thrown down by the orcs, but for some reason, after Bilbo Baggins put on the ring at this time, he felt a very indescribable feeling all over his body, just It was as if the surrounding air was squeezing his body slightly.

Bilbo Baggins had never experienced this unusual feeling in the Woodland Kingdom when he was invisible for several days and nights, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Among the few big people he saved, he was no longer invisible. Yes, this feeling lasts for a very short time.

At this time, he was checking the big people lying on the ground one by one. If he was still breathing, he would find a way to do some bandaging. The kind Bilbo Baggins thought, the battle is over anyway, and anyone can be saved All good.

But the outside of the cave was even more lively at this time. Horimion, who had been ordered by Allen, went directly to the panting Bundak after arranging the wounded.

After a quick discussion, the two arranged for [-] soldiers to hide in the forest around the cave, preparing for a surprise for the enemy.

The half-orcs, who were only concerned about fleeing for their lives, rushed out of the cave and fled in all directions towards the forest. They rushed madly with panicked heads, and plunged into the trap that Bundak had set up for them.

The spearman hiding behind the tree watched the half-orcs who entered his attack range, and quickly stabbed out the elf spear in his hand. Years of continuous training made their stabbing attacks extremely precise.

The half-orc who was caught off guard could not dodge such an attack at all, and lay down on the ground amidst the wailing sound before dying.

Due to the accumulated hatred, the spearman didn't pay attention to the wailing of the half-orcs at all. Instead, amidst the wailing, he accelerated his attack speed and kept harvesting the lives of these half-orcs.

For the surviving half-orcs, they also took timely remedial measures, stabbing the enemy's throat with a gun, and ending their sinful life.

For a while, the sky above the forest was filled with the screams of the half-orcs before they died. The continuous screams finally alarmed the other half-orcs.

Most of the orcs finally reacted and knew that running out of the cave did not mean they would survive.

They stopped at the door of the cave, wondering what to do next.

"Infantry march forward, archers shoot!!"

Bundak looked at the orcs who stayed outside the cave and knew that they had seen through the trap.

However, he will not let them go just like that, since the enemy will not come to die, let the archers send them to die.

The archers who received the order shot a rain of arrows from the forest towards the entrance of the cave, harvesting the life of the orcs again.

Facing the successive blows from human beings, some half-orcs have fallen into collapse.

At this desperate moment, they still chose to resist at the end, raised their short weapons, roared loudly, and rushed towards the spearmen who came out of the forest.

Their charge was of course futile, and they were quickly killed by the intensive spear attacks.

And some of the half-orcs who were still clever and relatively determined, under such a blow, actually began to climb up the cave's mountain wall, hoping to climb up to the high forest and find a way out.

It's just that they were quickly targeted by the twilight knights with precise shooting skills, and then they were nailed to the mountain wall one by one.

The half-orcs who were still in the passage knew that there was no way out, but at this time the howling sound in the cave became lower and lower, and they quietly turned their heads to return to the cave.

They no longer have the intention to fight, and now they only hope to enter the depths of the Misty Mountains from the gate of Orc Town and hide in the dark tunnel.

However, when these half-orcs turned their heads, they saw dozens of human warriors blocking the passage.

Allen gently threw the torch in his hand onto the pyre soaked in kerosene, and then looked indifferently at the half-orcs who were already at the end of the road after the fire, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

No matter how these half-orcs were bred, or whether they were born evil or not, these are not important. Alan will not let them live, and it is even impossible to keep them as slave labor.

These half-orcs are not Smeagol who was poisoned by the Supreme Lord of the Rings. If there is still a slight possibility of Gollum recovering from the control of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, then these half-orcs bred by Morgoth are Born to obey the orders of the Dark Lord.

They have no chance of getting better, at least Alan doesn't know how to save these half-orcs, keeping them will only become a time bomb that will always endanger the safety of the people.

Allen felt that only dead half-orcs were good half-orcs.

Soon, the few remaining half-orcs died in despair under the stabbing of the elf spear. So far, Allen's plan has been considered a success.

Allen was also thinking about the outcome of this battle.

At least [-]% of the thousands of half-orcs near the high pass died in this battle, and the remaining two hundred probably ran in from the front of the half-beast town when the fire just started.

Wait, Allen suddenly remembered, when the orcs were running, it seemed that they didn't close their gates?Wouldn't it be possible to rush in and directly suppress the orcs?

Even if the cave can't be completely destroyed, you can take away all the things worth taking away there, dismantle the ones that can't be taken away, and burn them with a fire, destroying the things that the orcs have accumulated over countless years, and reducing them. Possibility of gathering here.

Thinking of this, Allen immediately began to gather his army.

Then, under Allen's order, Horimion, Grimm, Kress and twelve Twilight Knights stepped into the cave again and came to the main gate of Orc Town.

Allen held up the torch in his hand, greeted Bilbo Baggins who followed, and walked in first.

The "sting" in Bilbo Baggins' hands did not show any reaction, which showed that the surroundings were very safe, and there were no living half-orcs.

And Bandak arranged for fifty soldiers to send the wounded and sacrificed soldiers to Fatis at the gate of the valley, and he himself would lead more than 700 soldiers to follow Allen and enter Orc Town.

Allen and his party held torches and walked in an upward passage. If there is no accident, this road should lead directly to the hall of Orc Town.

This is the third time that Allen has stepped into the tunnel of the Misty Mountains. The torch in his hand reflects a little bit of stars on the surrounding mountain walls, whether it is water droplets or mineral veins.

Grim, who was still in a big bear state, walked at the front of the team. Relying on his keen sense of smell, Grim managed to find the fresh half-orc scent in this position with a lot of smells.

And Allen was holding his Noldor enchanted shield, always ready to protect Bilbo Baggins holding "Sting".

Once the "sting" glows blue, Allen will give priority to protecting the hobbit, after all, Bilbo Baggins' head has no protection at all.

In order to explore this dangerous half-orc lair, Allen prepared the "sting" that acts as an alarm and Grim, who has a keen sense of smell, and he used all his cards.

However, Allen's behavior was destined to be the beauty winking at the blind man, because at this time the entire orc town had been abandoned by the orcs.

Before, Fimble, who had just escaped with his life, still wanted to stay in Orc Town. After all, the living environment here is far better than other places, and there are still a lot of supplies and slaves.

Fimble didn't want to give up these wealth, he needed these things to maintain his rule, otherwise, he would be worthless in an instant.

But soon Fimble dismissed this idea, because he found Gandalf entering the tunnel, the figure exuding white light all over his body, which made him decide to retreat in a very short time.

After all, nothing is as important as your own life.

Afterwards, Fimble led some half-orcs who were willing to follow him, and ran towards Moria, where he would re-establish a settlement.

As for the remaining small group of half-orcs, they were extremely reluctant to leave here, but their morale was low, and they didn't have enough confidence to deal with that gray-robed wizard who seemed very powerful.

Helpless, they scattered in all directions after an extremely brief argument, and fled for their lives one after another.

But even in this very short time, Gandalf still chased several of the orcs.

I saw the gray-robed wizard muttering to himself, and then the Glamdrin in his hand flew out like a bolt of lightning, piercing through two half-orcs who wanted to escape.

Then he took quick steps that didn't match his face at all, rushed towards the other two fleeing orcs, knocked them to the ground with the long staff in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, Glamdrin flew back to him. hands.

Finally, the long sword with blue light chopped down one of the half-orcs and stopped on the neck of the only surviving half-orc.

"Tell me, where have all your dirty fellows gone?"

Allen and his party also discovered other situations at this time.

 This is today's update. The recent situation is not very good. If there is a problem with what I wrote, I welcome criticism from the big guys. It is really a bit exhausting.Thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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