Chapter 9 Karl Rock Settlement

Today's morning is still sunny and warm, making everyone busy in the camp feel happy.

Alan woke up to the sound of Jamila's gentle call. While washing up, he observed that everyone in the camp was busy in an orderly manner. Alan understood that it might be that Jamila had two black eye circles, Reasons to wake him up.

After a simple wash and breakfast, Allen set off northward along the river with Artiman, Kress, and Allen. In fact, Desaiwei and half of the cavalry followed him. Desaiwei They were going to the north to perform a patrol mission, and they happened to drop in with Allen.

This situation lasted for about an hour. Everyone parted ways when they passed a huge rock. Desaiwei and the others would continue to patrol north for about half an hour before returning. Alan and the others stayed beside the huge rock, observing Situation around.

This huge rock is on a small island in the middle of the river. The river forms a circle around the huge rock. Alan looked to the west bank of the river and saw a cliff. It is shallow and clear, and occasionally a few fish can be seen passing through the water. The river beach is full of pebbles, connecting a large grassland, until the distant hillside, surrounded by a few small oak forests. , is very similar to Karl Rock in Allen's memory, but there are indeed many differences.

Compared with Karl Rock in the movie, the surrounding environment is not very similar. In the movie, there is no grassland around, most of them are mountains and forests, and the river does not surround Karl Rock. All in all, the surrounding landforms are not at all similar. This made Allen very puzzled. Could it be that the perspective of the movie is too wide to see what is under Karl Rock?
If it is compared with the Karl Rock in the original book, it is very similar, but there is no trace of artificial excavation here. There are neither flat stone slabs on the river nor steps excavated on the boulders, which is not in line with the original book. Description, if this is really Carl Rock, then there is only one possibility Allen can think of, and that is that Beorn has not come here to live yet.

In Allen's impression, Gandalf passed here a few years before the expedition set off, but it was not clearly stated that Beorn was first discovered at this time.

Gandalf only said that Beorn, who turned into a bear, looked at the sun on the Western Mountains on Karl Rock and shouted, "One day they will die, and I will return to my homeland."

What does this sentence mean?It showed that Beorn came from the Misty Mountains. Considering Beorn's joy after learning that the orc king had indeed died, it is not difficult to guess that it must have endless hatred with the orcs.

If it was the plot in the movie, it would be even more pitiful. Beorn himself said that his family was the earliest residents in the mountains, and he bluntly said that his family was captured by the half-orcs and displayed in a cage for fun. Miserable, at the same time Allen still remembered the scars on Beorn's body and the shackles on his wrists in the movie. It is not difficult to guess Beorn's experience.

Moreover, Beorn in the movie and the original book have obvious differences in character. Beorn in the original book is more agile, funny, and likes to listen to stories. Although he doesn’t like dwarves for various reasons, he accepts them because of a good story. members of the expedition.

But it is different in the movie, dull and vigilant, as if still immersed in sorrow, and has not escaped the shadow of his family’s tragic fate. Beorn here chooses to help the dwarves because he has a common enemy with the dwarves, which has great significance. different.

In fact, at this time, Beorn was leading his relatives to resist wave after wave of attacks from the half-orcs.

At this time, he has not been driven out of his homeland by Orcs from the Misty Mountains, and it is normal for Alan not to meet him.

Allen was a little distressed at this time. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Beorn's power to live in this place for a period of time, lest he be wiped out by the Orcs when he was weak. Now that he hasn't come yet, he can only rely on Thinking of this, Allen turned to Yatiman and asked, "Yatiman, you said that if I want to build a village here and then develop it into a town, is it possible?"

Yatiman is a professional engineer. It is easy to build a castle, and it is no problem to plan and build a village. Hearing Alan's question, he pointed to the highest nearby hillside and said, "My lord, I need to go to that place to see Only by looking at the surrounding situation can we better answer your question."

Then the four of Allen rode on horseback for half an hour and came to the hillside pointed by Yatiman. After looking at the surrounding environment, Yatiman pointed to the Anduin River in the east and said: "My lord, look, The location we are in is the highest place with a radius of dozens of miles. We can build a castle with a good view around this place, and this place is very close to the water source. We will build the city wall near the water source, so that it will not be in the future. I am worried that others will easily cut off our water source, and we can also build a road to connect to the other side of the river, and find ways to collect resources in the mountains."

"Look over there." Yatiman pointed to the oak forest in the distance and said, "The wood can provide enough wood for our initial construction of houses, even if it is to build a wooden city wall, it is probably enough. No more, my lord, I already have a preliminary design drawing in my heart."

"Don't talk about that," Alan hurriedly interrupted Yatiman, he didn't want to be approached by bears, Maya, forest elves and so on.

"Look at the small oak forests around them, which are enough for our initial use. Even if they are not enough, you can see that there are a lot of trees on the opposite mountain, which is enough for our use." Alan pointed to the Misty Mountains and then pointed Around, "Look at these grasslands and hillsides, a large area of ​​farmland can be reclaimed, and we can settle here and build a village."

Seeing that the few people who followed him nodded, especially Yatiman also agreed with this proposal, Allen took a deep breath, turned on the simulator, and hesitantly gave up the proposal of the captain of the Second Veruga Army. He summoned all the soldiers and villagers who were willing to follow him, and at the same time spent a lot of dinars to buy enough food for everyone to eat for a month and a lot of construction tools.

After a large white light flashed, more than 100 soldiers, more than 300 villagers, and more than 40 captives who had no choice but to appear on the hillside, and a large number of supplies and construction tools appeared behind the crowd. At this time, Allen turned to face Yatiman said: "I think, from now on, you can start to build according to the blueprint you have in mind, Yatiman."

Yatiman stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth and looked blankly at the people who appeared in the self-white light, as well as a large amount of supplies and construction supplies, and murmured: "You, you", and finally understood in his heart. What Lun said last night, what kind of concept is the so-called ability to bring the fellows of Calradia here.

And Kress and Allen were not too surprised by this big change because of the baptism of the upgrades of soldiers in the past. They knew that their boss had special abilities, but it was just because there were more and more companions. , and was very happy.

Allen didn't take too much into the feelings of Artiman, Kress, and Allen. Instead, he drove up to the more than 400 people. Looking at the obviously chaotic crowd, he waved his right hand and shouted loudly: "The villagers Men, soldiers, don't panic, don't panic, look at me, look at me."

The crowd in front gradually calmed down because they saw Alan, a familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar person, and heard Alan shouting loudly. In fact, the crowd behind couldn't hear what Alan was yelling at all, but they were also inexplicably quiet. Come down, maybe the image of Allen covered in blood at dawn is too shocking, even if he is well dressed and riding on a horse at this time, it can't help but make people feel scared.

Seeing the crowd in front of him quiet down, Alan brewed his emotions a little bit, and shouted loudly: "Villagers, soldiers, don't panic too much, I want to tell you a good news now, we are not going to Serenmi Well, now we have come to a more distant place, this is the wilderness, far away from the war between the Rhodok Kingdom and Swadia, we will no longer be exhausted by frequent wars, and will not be exhausted because of the nobles. Endless oppression and suffering from hunger and cold, I guarantee that I will do my best to protect your lives, I guarantee that everyone will have a peaceful and stable living environment, and I guarantee that everyone's life will get better and better."

Due to excessive shock, the soldiers and villagers who were summoned did not quite understand the meaning of what Alan said, but they could live in peace and stability. They heard it and understood it.

Most of these villagers living in the war-torn era hope to have a stable living environment, and their shallow knowledge makes them not have too much ambition. It is not easy to live well. Now, a strong person can Cheng Ruo gave them a peaceful and stable living environment, and a strong person who could guarantee their safety with all their strength. Suddenly, the crowd fell into a strange silence.

This kind of silence makes Allen, who looks calm on the surface, feel more and more anxious. He has already begun to doubt whether he has no talent for speech, and begins to regret that he did not add a lot of charm when he added points, but added strength and agility. , But immediately this suspicion and regret disappeared.

It turned out that some villagers realized that they finally did not have to run desperately to avoid the pursuit of the Swadian soldiers, and they cheered. This emotion gradually spread to other people, making them forget for a while. They have left their familiar home and lost everything they did not carry with them.

Alan breathed a sigh of relief watching the cheering crowd in front of him, then dismounted to find the elder, and called Yatiman over, because the two of them must have communicated with each other to complete the construction task of the village, and Alan was only in charge It is only to issue orders, and laymen do not direct experts. This is the correct way to do things.

However, until now, Alan didn't know the elder's name.

Allen pointed to the somewhat unnatural Yatiman and said to the elder: "Dear elder, this is Yatiman, he is an experienced engineer, we want to settle here, we want to be here A stable life and the construction of our home must be inseparable from his help. My preliminary plan is to build a village here. I hope you two can communicate more. If there is any problem that cannot be solved, just come to me to solve it .”

"Ah, this is really amazing."

After the elder expressed his emotion about the current situation, he heard Allen's words and said quickly: "You are too polite, just call me Karl, please tell me if you have anything to do in the future, I will cooperate with Mr. Get the job done."

Most of the elders in the village are old fritters who serve the nobles. They are the mouthpiece between the nobles and the common people. Karl adapts to the change of identity quite quickly, although he feels very uncomfortable that he came here suddenly in his sleep. He was surprised, but the reliable young man in front of him made him feel at ease, and he clearly knew that the coming had already come, and he clearly distinguished what was important and what was secondary.

Soon, Karl and Yatiman got together and discussed what work to do first. Some villagers had picked up tools and started cutting trees under Karl's arrangement, and some villagers had already started leveling the ground, gradually The entire hillside is full of busy people.

Allen looked at these low-level people in the war-torn era with amazement in his eyes. Their survival needs were so low that Allen could not imagine, and Allen admired their will to survive.

Seeing that the work of the villagers was on the right track, Allen remembered that there were still more than 100 soldiers waiting to be arranged by him. He summoned all the squad leaders under him and asked them to temporarily disarm and help the villagers, which was also to build a shelter for himself. place.

After everything is on the right track, Allen will give them a choice. If they don't want to be a soldier, they can retire. They just need to respond to Allen's call at the most critical moment. Most of the time they can live the lives of ordinary people. For those who continue to want to be soldiers, Allen will hand them over to Bundak for management later.

These soldiers had a high degree of obedience to Allen and didn't say much. Most of them were young boys in the village, either the second son in the family or refugees without land.

That's right, those who have a family, money and land, who would take the initiative to sign up to join the army? Joining the army also hopes to get a better life. Although they have left their original family at this time, they believe that Alan should be able to take them Live a better life.

As for Allen's personal guards, that is, the nine people who followed Allen the longest in the simulation, Allen summoned them to his side, pointed to Allen and said, "You will still be my personal guards in the future. When you see that person No, he is my attendant, from now on he will be your captain, his name is Allen, remember."

After hearing what Allen said, Allen, who was following the protagonist, opened his mouth in surprise and pointed at himself, blinking, as if he was saying that it was me?Seeing Allen nodding to himself, Allen nodded after thinking about it, and took up the responsibility.

After finishing Aileen, Allen carefully observed the remaining nine people. The young man he looked the most pleasing to the eye was gone. Obviously, he died in the last battle. Allen was in a bit of a mood. Sad, but he also understands that whether it is in the simulator or in the middle-earth continent of this era, it is really normal for a human to not live to die.

At this time, Yatiman and Karl have already arranged the place in an orderly manner, and Allen plans to go back to the camp. After all, there are still more than 100 people who need to take over by himself.

Allen just wanted to call Kress to go back with him, but he couldn't find Kress anyway, and Kress disappeared again. Allen touched Allen's arm lightly with the back of his hand, helplessly. Pointing in the direction of Karl Yan, then spread his hands ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Allen took a closer look, okay, this girl has already galloped to the foot of Karl Yan on a horse, and it means that she is about to cross the river. Go back to the camp first, and will come back in the afternoon. Let the two of them figure things out first. At the same time, let Aileen stay here with his personal guards to protect the villagers, lest any beasts without eyes attack the villagers.

Alan, who had explained all this, got on his horse and ran towards Karyan. At this time, Desaiwei also came back with a cavalry patrol. When Alan ran to the vicinity of Karyan, Desaiwei was The cavalry looked up and watched Kress climb Karl Rock.

Allen turned over and got off the horse, and as soon as he led the horse to the front, he heard Desaiwei yelling loudly: "Kress, come down quickly, the lord will come over soon, and he will scold you."

Then Kress, who was halfway up the climb, stopped abruptly, and then shouted without looking back: "If you scold me, I just want to go up and have a look. It's not the first time I scolded me. It's okay, I I'm used to it." After speaking, he continued to climb up.

Hearing this, Alan suddenly felt like an old father facing a disobedient daughter. Once upon a time, his daughter who was only six or seven years old was like this. When you scolded her, she pouted and stared at you , and ignore you. When you finish scolding, she will do whatever she should. The typical thing is that you say what you say, but I won't listen to it anyway, and I won't change it. It often makes Allen smile wryly.

Thinking of this, Alan, who was in a foreign land, felt a little warmth in his heart, and the distressed mood because of Kress' nonsense just now disappeared.

And Desaiwei, who had noticed Alan coming, bowed his head to Alan and said: "My lord, you are here, Kress." Alan shook his head with a smile, waved and said: "It's okay, it's okay " Then he looked up and watched Kress continue to climb Karl Rock, and Desaiwei saw that Allen was not angry, so he reported a few words about the investigation in a low voice, that is, everything was normal and nothing unusual was found. Then he didn't say anything more.

In this way, everyone watched Kress climb to the top of Karl Rock in silence.

"Is it fun up there?"

Looking at Kress who climbed to the top, Allen gathered his hands together into a trumpet shape, and yelled towards Kress loudly.

In fact, Kress didn't hear what Alan was yelling clearly at all, but just heard a familiar voice, looked down, was startled, and knew that something was wrong, and a scolding seemed inevitable, and he complained in his heart Now, why did I finish my work so quickly.

Then she turned her eyes, waved her hand at Allen, and then took out a large bundle of rope from behind, tied it to a stable boulder, and after tugging, quickly slid along the rope to a platform in the middle of the boulder On, followed by a few neat jumps, walked down the huge rock, came to the island in the middle of the river, waded across the river and came to Alan's side with a embarrassed face.

While walking, he shouted: "I just want to go up and see if there are any enemies around here. In case that kind of monster rode a wolf to sneak up on us yesterday, right, there is danger, I can still notify you."

Seeing Kress who was still quibbling when he came to the front, Allen reached out and stroked Kress's hair vigorously, and said angrily: "It's so far away, why don't you fly over to inform me?"

After finishing speaking, Allen stopped his hands, sighed, and said softly: "You must tell me in the future, you know?"

Seeing the lifeless expression on Alan's face, Kress breathed a sigh of relief, then walked aside, smiled and whispered to Desaiwei: "Do you know how beautiful the scenery above is? Next time Let's go up and see."

The two actually chatted and laughed.

Allen, who watched this scene, thought helplessly in his heart. James also said that his temper was getting more and more irritable. I couldn't see any signs of these two people being afraid of me.

"Two, two, let's talk on the way, we are in a hurry."

Allen, who got on his horse, interrupted the two girls' chat angrily, and urged them to rush towards the camp.

 Let me tell you about the situation. My site is short, and I have already signed a contract online. Now I have to wait for the review. Thank you for your support. Whether it is my friends at station B or the friends I just met at the starting point, no matter what, thank you , Let me talk about the frequency of my updates. I code about 5K to 6K a day. There may be fewer chapters and more chapters, but the number of words in a month is roughly the same. That’s it, thank you. PS: I would like to add that the plot is the plot of the movie. I like the characters in the movie more. Because of this, I started to write this book, but the background and geography must be the original work, such as Karl Yan Seeing the Lonely Mountain, I'm more inclined that it was Gandalf's magic to motivate them than that they actually saw the Lonely Mountain, because that is simply not realistic.

(End of this chapter)

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