The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 90 Planning of Orc Town, Summon Manid

Chapter 90 Planning of Orc Town, Summon Manid

Gold is one of the precious metals in Middle Earth. After Arda was created by the great god, it has always existed in the earth and is a non-renewable resource.

These shining golden metals did not have such a noble status from the very beginning. As early as the first era, dwarves preferred copper or iron rather than gold and silver. Until a certain period later, dwarves Talent gives gold a higher status.

The elves and humans prefer silver, especially the Noldor family among the elves and the Númenor family among humans.

The Noldor elves in the first era liked to plate their armor with silver because of their reverence for the stars. Under the sun, every warrior wearing silver-plated armor was like a shining star, dazzling.

The Númenor family prefers decorations made of silver. The crowns of the kings of Gondor are generally made of silver, and the kings of Arnor wear silver rings or mithril rings inlaid with gems.

This tradition may come from their ancestor Erendil, the half-elf who personally eliminated Ankaragang, who had a certain preference for silver, such as the white chain mail recorded in the poem, or the The great white ship "Flower of Foam" Vinkilot.

It was not until the second era that the Noldor officially had a certain preference for gold, especially the elf craftsmen of Eregion. In addition to forging gold as decorations, they also inlaid and carved these shining metals on gold. On top of the building, their homes are more noble and dazzling.

The dwarves of the Durin family also have the same habit. It is said that in Kazadum, which is Moria during the dwarf rule, they relied on mithril to have boundless wealth. They used gold as the roof and silver as the floor. The grand occasion is still recorded in some people's books.

It's just that it has been almost looted by the half-orcs. Most of the wealth should have been piled up in the Tower of Barad-dur ruled by Sauron at this time, and it has become an important source for the Dark Lord to win over the Dongyi and Harad tribes. means.

As a precious metal, gold can not only be used as currency in transactions, such as gold coins forged by dwarves, or simply a small piece of gold. They have good purchasing power in all ethnic groups in Middle-earth, and they also have good magical conductivity.

For example, most of the seventeen Lord of the Lord Rings forged by Sauron's technique are made of gold.

There are countless deeds of various races chasing gold, and most of them have tragic endings.

Now, a shining gold mine appeared in front of Alan's eyes like this, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis besides rejoicing.

Allen knew that this news must not be leaked out. Even if the iron ore and gold mines are not considered to help the development of Allen's power, just think about how many people will flock for gold once this news spreads in Middle-Earth And then, when the time comes, Wilderness Town, which is the closest to Orc Town, will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

Anyone can be bewitched by gold, regardless of race.

Moreover, this place has been occupied by half-orcs all the year round, and no defensive measures have been built at all. It can be said that it extends in all directions. There are three gates alone, not to mention that there are many passages connecting with other places in the Misty Mountains.

If you want to protect this place now, it is impossible to fill in all the soldiers in Wilderness Town, so this news can only be blocked.

Allen also immediately asked Malhebi, who provided the news, to issue Arda's harshest oath with the great god Iluvita as a witness, so as not to cause himself a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Malhebi was very witty, and made a vicious oath on the spot, which relieved Allen. He really didn't want to stain his long sword with innocent blood because of the trouble caused by gold.

Moreover, the mining of iron ore and gold must be postponed until the orc town is rebuilt, at least it must be a fortress that humans can barely live in.

This matter can only be done by Fording in the early stage of exploration. The dwarf has a unique advantage in the transformation of the cave, and Allen has sufficient confidence in these allies who like to live underground.

At the same time, Allen was extremely fortunate that he was the first to lend a helping hand to the dwarves, so that most of the troubles he encountered could be solved by suitable talents.

This drink and cut, is it pre-determined, there must be a reason for the orchid and the fruit.

When Allen arranged for personnel to seal the mine vein, other soldiers also discovered the place where the orcs piled up supplies.

The more expensive ones are a large number of iron ingots, a small amount of precious metals and some gems, and the rest are some dwarf-style armor weapons. They are piled up in the corner with cobwebs, which are obviously not suitable for half-orcs.

For these very useful things, Alan arranged for soldiers to spend some time transporting them to the wilderness town.

The others were jerky made of unknown things, and many moldy grains and fruits. These things were in huge quantities and could only be accepted by half-orcs. Allen burned them all with a fire. , It can be regarded as putting an end to the thoughts of other half-orcs.

There is another person who is even more sad, that is Gulu who has always been hiding in the depths of Orc Town. He was attracted by the noise, looked at the burning food, and wailed in his heart, don't give it to him, he Can eat for a long time.

Fortunately, this guy didn't see Bilbo Baggins entering the cave again, otherwise Wilderness might be in a lot of trouble.

After arranging everything, Allen took part of the soldiers and returned to Wilderness Town first. He needed to make some preparations to house the hundreds of newly rescued slaves.

And Bandak will lead half of the soldiers to continue to search in Orc Town until it is completely plundered. Kress and Grimm will lead the other half of the soldiers, and slowly lead the rescued people to migrate to Near the old ferry.

Allen plans to place them there to form a new village. According to Malhebi, most of these hundreds of enslaved humans have good blacksmith skills and have certain experience in mining.

It is because the half-orcs are too harsh on humans, which makes them look like ghosts. As long as they cultivate for a period of time, they will provide great help to Allen.

So Allen thought about placing them near the old ferry, which is closer to Orc Town. It will be very convenient to develop Orc Town in the future, or to develop into a village dominated by blacksmiths.

Now the half-orcs near the high pass are dead and fled, so there is no need to worry about safety for the time being.

Alan handed over this matter to his own king's hand. As for how to build a village from scratch, Jamila has a wealth of experience and a large number of men who are proficient in this way, so Alan does not need to worry too much about this matter.

Now Allen is worried about when to start the trade between Wilderness Town and Eriador. After all, after the high pass is at the bottom of the valley, even if it is already safe, there is no obstacle that can stop Allen from doing this. .

But before that, he needs to summon Manid, his favorite finance minister, and ask him to organize a caravan to go to Bree, Shire and other areas to get acquainted with the situation.

On the second day after he came back, Alan, who was full of energy in the early morning, turned on the simulator. He hoped to obtain a kind of qi skill suitable for his cultivation in this simulation, and at the same time summoned Manid who followed him.

Allen made a lot of preparations in the first two simulations, and Manid took his bounty for hunting water thieves to make the business flourish, and the profits he earned should be able to buy a good book of qi skills up.

【The emulator is starting】

【Welcome to Calradia Magic Continent, Dark Age】

[Choose the identity of Zenda Bounty Hunter]

【Time: Unknown】

[Location: A small house in Zenda]

[You who just finished a goods sale, in your own house, calculated all the income for this year with Manid. 】

[After the calculations, there are already tens of thousands of dinars. Here are the bounties and trophies you got for killing the bandits, as well as the business income from Manid's trips to and from Vikia and the Nord Kingdom several times under your leadership. 】

[Even in Zenda, a city with a strong commercial atmosphere, tens of thousands of dinars are already a great fortune. 】

[Originally, you planned to use this sum of money to form a larger team of bounty hunters to gain greater fame and wealth by hunting bandits, but now you have other plans. 】

【You brought an expensive gift and visited the doctor who treated you. From his mouth, you got a deeper understanding of qi skills. 】

[There are three types of strength-enhancing training methods. The first type has no training requirements. It is to quickly obtain a strong physical fitness by squeezing the body's potential, and at the same time, it can greatly increase the sharpness of weapons in battle, causing damage to the enemy. more damage. 】

[For example, the practice method sold by Manid is like this. Generally, people who practice this kind of qi skill usually have black or red light flashing on their bodies. They generally have a short life span and cannot live to be 60 years old. 】

[The second type is that the speed of cultivation is normal, and it has certain requirements for talents. They will increase the physical fitness relatively slowly during the cultivation, and at the same time, they can also increase the lethality of weapons to a certain extent. The light is more golden yellow and purple. 】

[Persons who practice this kind of qi skills are generally of good physical fitness, recover quickly, and have a long lifespan. Even if they are over 60 years old, they can maintain extremely strong combat effectiveness. The top nobles of all major kingdoms have This kind of qi skill training method, Zendari's recruit trainer Kai, and the free knight Rogge are the second qi skills practiced. 】

[The third type is the qi skill practiced by this doctor, which requires a lot of talent. It is far inferior to the first and second types in terms of increasing physical fitness and weapon lethality, but its recovery ability is extremely strong, and This kind of qi skill, which has been passed down for a long time, can effectively heal other people's injuries, and it also has the effect of restraining evil forces. 】

【Your wound that runs through your chest, without the help of this kind of qi skill, it would be impossible to recover. Of course, your strong physical fitness and tenacious will to survive also played a big role. 】

[Because of special circumstances, you have a strong interest in the third qi skill, so ask the doctor if it can be taught. 】

[The doctor did not object, because you have a good reputation in Zenda Town, and you have saved many innocent people in the process of suppressing bandits, including even the doctor's apprentice. 】

[However, the doctor also tells you that the current calradia continent is in an era of turmoil, and all kinds of qi skills are monopolized by nobles. If you want to learn it, you need to pay a huge price. This is the consensus of everyone. Neither can be violated. 】

[Then the price you need to pay, in addition to [-] dinars, you also need to help the doctor do one thing, and that is revenge. 】

[Of course, you can also become a doctor's apprentice and work for him for five years, then by then, you will also be able to obtain this qi skill called "Holy Qi Jue". 】

[To the doctor's surprise, you, who have a strong combat power, chose to serve him for five years. After paying [-] dinars, you started your career as a doctor's apprentice. 】

[In the next five years, you will not only help the doctor complete full-time work such as collecting herbs, refining potions, and taking care of the wounded, but also become the doctor's attendant, taking care of his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, etc. The work of the thugs helped Zenda Town solve a lot of troubles. 】

[Manid has been following you for five years and helped you complete a lot of odd jobs. At the same time, at your request, the free knight Rogge taught Manid a basic qi skill, which can be used in Increase his physical fitness to a certain extent. 】

[In the repetitive and monotonous life, time passes quickly, and your medical skills have also been greatly improved, which reminds you of some ancient stories that have been passed down in Middle Earth, and there is a special setting in their records Certainly, that is "the hand of the king is the hand of the healer". 】

【Now you can barely meet this kind of trait that only the king possesses. 】

【In the end, you fulfilled your five-year commitment as a doctor, and he reluctantly handed you a white scroll and told you how to use it. 】

[The moment you tore open the scroll, you felt a little bit of holy power, transmitted from your arm to your heart, and at the same time, the writing on the scroll disappeared, and the meditation of "Holy Qi Jue" also appeared in your mind Way. 】

[Now, you have successfully learned this special Qi skill. 】

[You once again thanked the doctor for his teaching and the care and teaching during this period, and then took Manid back to your house to make some preparations for the next simulation. 】

[This simulation is over and has been archived. 】

[Retain Zenda's identity as a famous bounty hunter, give up this identity, you can gain Manid's allegiance, and increase the cooldown time of the simulator by 30 days. 】

[You have a two-handed sword. 】

[Please note that you have learned the special ability "Sacred Qi Jue" of Calradia Magic Continent, which can be used freely when acquiring a new identity. 】

[Reminder: Please try your best to practice "Sacred Qi Jue" in Calradia Magic Continent. The results of the practice can be transferred to the body in the real world when you give up your identity, and the simulator will be cooled for a short time]

[This simulation did not receive any rewards. 】

[The simulation can continue, yes/no? 】


Allen, who sat on the bed and read the simulation briefing, began to sort out the memory of this simulation according to his usual practice, but his simulation time this time was too long and there was too much information.

Even under the protection of the simulator, the huge amount of information pouring in in an instant caused severe pain to Allen's tired brain.

Facing such an unprecedented situation, Allen immediately slowed down the process of reading memory, and the pain in the brain was relieved.

Few of his simulations in the past few years lasted for several years, and most of them lasted for several months or half a year, which was not too much information, allowing Allen to sort out slowly within a certain period of time. , so that he can retrieve this memory when he needs it.

In this way, there will be no unexpected situations, such as not knowing the subordinates you have summoned in reality, or suddenly feeling strange to everything in reality after the simulation.

After several simulations, Allen knew that this is a kind of protection for the player by the simulator, so that the player who travels between the two worlds can clearly distinguish between the primary and secondary, and will not be confused about his own experience, and will not appear insane. question.

Allen, who was used to all this, walked out of his bedroom and came to a guest room of the lord's house, choosing to give up his identity as a bounty hunter.

At the same time that Allen felt an extra power in his body, Manid appeared in the house in white light.

Manid looked around in extreme surprise, with a horrified expression on his face, and then he saw Alan who was emitting a slight white light in the dark, and his heart immediately settled down.

He took off his hat, saluted Allen, and said calmly, "Good evening, my lord."

Manid knew that the people he was loyal to would not harm him.

 First of all, I would like to thank all my friends for the monthly pass, thank you, you are really awesome, thank you, thank you.

  In this chapter, I briefly talked about the operation of some simulators. In fact, I should have described these things clearly at the beginning. It’s just that my writing skills were not good at that time, and I didn’t want to make it so clear. It was my problem. Later I tried my best to break apart my settings and said.

  Thanks again everyone, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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