The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 93 Progress of the Intelligence System

Chapter 93 Progress of the Intelligence System

In the early morning of the next day, Allen took the rest of the Twilight Knights on their way back to Wilderness Town. He left Gail behind. The young man finally went home to visit his relatives. Let's stay for a few more days to accompany his grandpa. Grams are also good.

Alan, who was riding on a horse and thinking about what happened yesterday, still had a dull pain in his head. Although the fruit wine tasted sour and sweet, it felt like fruit juice, but in fact its alcohol content was not low, and it could even slightly A little bit stronger than beer.

In his family's barracks, Alan and Hank had a great time drinking. By the end of dinner, there were already a lot of fruit wine bottles on the table. In the slightly misty eyes, Alan seemed to be watching from Gail's eyes. To the look of reluctance.

Under the influence of alcohol, Alan, whose reaction was a little slow, immediately understood in his heart that he might have drunk a large amount of Hank's stock this time, and then he immediately stopped this sudden simple banquet.

However, the old man in his 50s is really good at drinking. When Hank left the tent last night, he didn't even need Gail's help. His drinking capacity was at least comparable to Alan's.

It's a pity that until the end of the dinner, Hank never mentioned his future plans, but just chatted about some irrelevant things. Alan knew that the time was not yet.

After all, these northerners are not like the forest dwellers who settled near the Misty Mountains and Dol Guldur. Before the Battle of the Lonely Mountain, these humans who had been tormented by the forces of darkness naturally wanted to find a powerful leader to attach themselves to.

And Allen's reputation can just radiate to the surrounding area, so the increase in the population of Wilderness Town at that time was a matter of course, which was a good thing for both parties.

But now, the situation has changed a bit. The environment around the forest is much safer. The strength of the three villages of the northerners has always been pretty good. It will take some time for Allen to absorb them.

At this time, Alan didn't know that in Hank's heart, he had already identified himself as the biggest threat to the life of the three villages, relying on his powerful strength to silently force them to make a choice.

If Allen knew this, he would definitely yell for injustice. Until now, he still feels that yesterday's banquet was a good start for both parties.

He thinks that as long as he maintains goodwill, under the witness of time, it is only a matter of time before everyone gets together.

However, it is indeed a question of sooner or later, but the process is not as beautiful as he imagined.

The garden carefully cared for by Beorn is an evergreen place in all seasons. In spring, the flowers here bloom more gorgeously and luxuriantly than in summer elsewhere. In winter, the flowers here are still blooming just like spring. Even The bees and butterflies living here are also ten times larger than those outside.

At this time, under the leadership of Beorn, hundreds of women were assembling some strangely shaped beehives. They were evenly distributed in the large sea of ​​flowers. Some huge bees were flying around, but they did not attack them, but It is around these women, as if waiting for them to build a home for themselves.

After being carefully raised by Beorn, these bees already possessed basic intelligence, and their lifespan was greatly extended. In other words, these hardworking little guys have completely evolved into another species.

They no longer continue the way that worker bees are responsible for all the work in the colony, drones are responsible for mating, and queen bees are responsible for laying eggs.

Honey bees with higher intelligence and longer life expectancy live like their breeders. The male bees will find their favorite female bees to form a family. the next generation.

At the same time, the extra honey from their hard work will be taken away by the skin changers as a reward for protecting them.

In this large garden, there is an inexhaustible source of honey. As long as these women can take good care of the bees, they will indeed be able to harvest the first batch of honey in autumn.

In the forest not far from the garden, many wooden houses for birds were built on the trees. Kress sat on the table under the woods, turning his head from time to time and talking to the birds that landed on his shoulders. talk.

"Speak slowly, speak slowly, you said you have been flying for a long time, how long is it? The sun rises to the sun sets? That is a whole day. And then? You saw some big black spiders there Entrenched? What direction? The direction where the sun rises? That’s the east. Yes, Xiao Huihui, you’ve done a great job, this is your reward.”

Kress, who was talking, stretched out his hand and fed a small piece of special food to this extremely smart gray swallow, and touched its smooth and supple feathers by the way.

In fact, the little girl was not in a particularly good mood.

Kress is of course happy to chat and play with the birds, but after Allen asked her to write down the information provided by the birds and make statistics, this job is not as happy as before.

Under the urging of Allen and the teaching of many companions such as Jamila, Kress learned to write early, but she didn't like writing.

She is tired of sitting on the table all the time, writing and drawing on the parchment with a quill pen, and she prefers to jump around and play as she pleases.

Now, Alan, who just came back, is sitting opposite Kress, holding a lot of notes in his hand, waiting for Kress to write the news brought by Huiyan.

There is almost no useful information in the pile of papers in his hand, most of them are "Xiaobai said, there is a scary furry creature in the forest, and he wants to jump up and catch it." Luer said, In the direction where the sun rises, there are many people gathered there." "Dabai said that it flew towards the warm direction for a very, very long time, there seems to be a human gathering point there, um, there are still people who want to attack it."

Allen looked at these notes over and over, thinking about what these adjectives meant.

"A furry creature, most likely it's a squirrel." "Where the sun rises? Did this bird fly to the jungle road?" It’s been flying for a very, very long time, how far is it? I guess it’s impossible to find it, so I can only let this bird lead the way.”

The information was too vague, and with Kress' own understanding added, Allen seemed to have a headache.

It’s just that he doesn’t have any good methods now. As early as years ago, Allen discussed with Beorn whether he could learn this skill. At that time, Beorn watched Allen up and down for a long time, and finally regretted It means that Allen is too old.

If you want to learn it now, it is very difficult and requires a lot of energy and time, and Beorn especially emphasized that he does not guarantee that Alan will be able to learn it in the end.

Hearing this, Allen had no choice but to give up this idea. He really couldn't afford so much time and energy, and there were a lot of things waiting for him to do and think about.

Since he couldn't learn it from Beorn, Allen wondered if he could find a way to get it done in the simulator. After all, being able to understand the words of animals would be of great help to him.

It's just that he has no idea about this matter, and now he can only rely on Kress.

It's just that when Allen put down the note in his hand and raised the wine glass facing him, he saw Kress on the opposite side in a daze.

"Huh? Why are you in a daze? Have you finished writing?"

When Kress was writing, he saw Alan's frown and knew that Alan was a little dissatisfied with the information, so he had a little idea in his mind.

But after listening to Alan's words, the little girl quickly wrote out the message Huiyan brought and handed it to Alan.

"Little Huihui flew all day, and found some big black spiders in the black forest. The location is in the east."

Alan looked at the content on the paper, and almost spit out the mead he just drank in one gulp, and there was a lot of complaints in his heart again.

"Hiss~ What is this? Don't I know that there are unfinished spiders in the black forest? How many are some? Ten? Eight? How far did they fly for a whole day? Which east is the east? Northeast Square? Southeastern? True east?"

After reading the information, Alan rubbed his forehead with a muddled head, thinking that going on like this is not an option. These birds can indeed provide some information, which is very useful at critical moments.

But this information is too vague, and it is really difficult to filter out the useful ones from it, let alone take corresponding actions based on the information.

For example, the spiders in the Black Forest, Alan has long known that they are still active in the deep jungle. These descendants of Ugoliant, under the protection of Sauron, acted extremely rampant, and have raided Alan more than once. the people of Lun.

In order to get rid of these arthropods, Wilderness Town and Woodland Kingdom put in a lot of effort to suppress these guys.

It's just that as Sauron fled in a panic, the spiders who lost the protection of the dark power greatly reduced their range of activities, and it had been almost two months, and Allen had never heard of a spider attack.

Obviously, they hid in the darker depths of the black forest. In this case, Alan couldn't send soldiers to chase them in and fight them. There was no gain at all for such a huge price.

However, it is also good to be able to grasp their movements, but this information is a bit difficult.

Allen didn't want these animals to provide very accurate information, which was really too difficult for these birds. He needed to consider other ways to collect and screen information.

For example, let Kress take the birds to station on the edge of the forest, and then tell the birds not to fly around, and be responsible for scouting an area.

In this case, even if there is only a general direction, a more accurate position can be obtained. As for the quantity, it will not be considered. These need to arrange professional personnel to investigate, and with the leadership of the bird, the efficiency of the investigation is also high. will be much higher.

Allen felt that this matter was not in a hurry, and took his time. It is already very good to have such a result now, and it is impossible for Sauron to arrange for the ring spirit to come back immediately in a short period of time, and the surrounding environment is relatively calm.

Let Kress and Grimm take them with them when Beorn has taught more children in the future, and then we will see the results.

And Kress, who was sitting on the other side of the table, looked at Alan who was frowning while holding the note, feeling a little nervous in his heart. The little girl was worried that she would be scolded again.

In fact, in order to complete the task arranged by Allen, this little girl has put in a lot of effort, and even controlled her playful nature in recent days, sitting here obediently every day, writing some boring words repeatedly. Information.

When Kress does these things, he also hopes to let others recognize him with his own efforts, and the most important thing is to let Allen recognize himself.

Looking at his former companions, one by one began to take on important tasks, and the little girl who grew up gradually felt a sense of urgency in her heart. Kress already understood that playing is not everything in life.

It's just that when she looked at Alan's current expression, she always felt that the boss opposite had no intention of praising her, so she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, and this frustration quickly turned into an expression of grievance, which appeared on her three-pointed heroic face. On the face, after all, this girl is not a person with a city mansion.

At this moment, Alan, who put down the note, saw the expression on Kress's face. He was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it in his heart, and immediately understood the general idea of ​​the little girl.

"Does this mean that I am not satisfied with the results of her work?"

Thinking of this, Allen felt very relieved, and his frowning expression gradually softened.This little girl who was always by his side and made him worry and worry has finally grown up and started to care about what others think of her, and she also knows that she has to work hard.

Thinking of this, Allen stood up, stretched out his right hand, gently rubbed Kress's hair across the not-wide table, and said, "Okay, okay, why are you so unhappy?" , You did a good job in this matter, I am very satisfied, as a reward, I will give this to you in advance."

Then Allen took out something from his body, which was a sword and shield medal with a velvet ribbon, made of pure gold into a kite-shaped shield with a long sword inserted, which represented the identity of the brave.

Gemstones of five colors, red, white, blue, green, and purple, are evenly inlaid in the center of the shield, forming a circle. Under the sunlight, the slightly shaking medal emits brilliant light, and behind it is The crowned three-star flag representing Allen, and the name of Kress is engraved in three languages ​​under the flag.

In an instant, Kress, a little girl who likes jewelry, was attracted by the medal. She took the medal from Alan's hand very quickly, turned around and ran away.

Then the cheerful figure of the little girl stopped, and a crisp "Thank you boss" floated into Alan's ears.

"So happy? Probably showing off to my friends."

Allen thought helplessly and shook his head.

This medal is an identity certificate specially designed by Allen for the cabinet heroes. It is made of pure gold and gemstones. Frey just made some recently, so Allen took this opportunity to send it to Kress.

Originally, Allen was thinking about holding a ceremony or something, but after thinking about it, forget it. During the busy farming season, everyone should not be gathered because of this. It is not safe for a large number of people to gather. Don’t turn a good thing into a bad thing. .

When Allen came to Beorn this time, he actually had other things to do. He prepared a gift for his little niece, which was a silver-white longevity lock.

The longevity lock made of mithril has three pendants inlaid with topaz, and the front is a picture pieced together from extremely fine gemstones of various colors, with a red sun, green trees and gorgeous flowers.

And on the back of it is a paragraph.

"To the lovely Rebecca - Ellen".

In addition, Allen also sent someone to the Kingdom of the Woodlands, please His Majesty Thuranduil cast some magic on the Longevity Lock, before the effect fades, this Longevity Lock can increase the number of infants to a certain extent. The child's physique ensures that Rebecca can grow up healthy and healthy.

It's just that Beorn is busy now, and it's not convenient for Ellen to visit Marian, who has just given birth, and his little niece who was just born.

So at this time, Alan can only drink mead by himself, and wait for Beorn for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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