The sky was covered in white snow, and the whole world was covered with layers of silvery light. The entire imperial city was also in the snow-flying world, as pure and flawless as a clear child.

However, in this big Cang's imperial palace, the white world that is completely different from the outside world is the red color that dyes the sky all over the sky. The fiery red lanterns are lined up from the Qianlong Palace to the outside of the palace, and Zhang Ye is everywhere. The lights and festoons are very lively!

This kind of wedding ceremony is really more lively than the empress ceremony back then!

However, even though the hustle and bustle almost spread throughout the entire palace, only the Fengqing Palace was cold and lonely.

At this moment, Fengqing Palace seems to be a forgotten place. It has long been covered in white, without the red splendor of the outside world, without the hustle and bustle outside. A woman who blends in.

What kind of woman is that?

Her skin is like snow, her eyebrows are like a distant blue, her eyes are clear and pure, deeper than those black gemstones, her beautiful facial features, every stroke is just right, just like the characters in the painting, people just feel extraordinarily beautiful unreal.

At this time, she was dressed in white, standing in the snow like a statue, motionless, if she didn't look at it seriously, she would just think that she was the snowman in the cold wind, without the slightest life.

There was no thread under the feet, and those icy jade feet just stood quietly in the snow, without feeling the coldness of the snow at all, even though, those beautiful jade feet had been frozen into a bright red color.

"Mother, go back, why do you look like this?" The maid beside her couldn't bear to see Su Lanzhi like this, she supported Su Lanzhi, and wanted to persuade her to go back, but Su Lanzhi turned a deaf ear.

"No, I want to watch here, see what he is like, married someone else!" Eyes fixed on the position of Qianlong Temple, Su Lanzhi looked there expressionlessly, as if The soul is already out of the body.

"Mother, the emperor is very happy today, let's go back to the house, shall we?" The maid Qing He really wanted to help Su Lanzhi go back, but Su Lanzhi seemed to have taken root under her feet, no matter how she helped her, she couldn't shake it at all. !

"Ma'am, it's cold and dewy, isn't it against your own body?" Standing barefoot in the snow like this, even a big man with strong martial arts might not be able to defend it, let alone a man with no hands Where is Zhili's empress?

"Go back, don't worry about Bengong!" How could the coldness and injury of her body compare to her heart?

Listening to the melodious music, and looking at the fiery red color in the sky, Su Lanzhi only felt that her heart was frozen!

I couldn't help but think of the oath made by that person in my mind. At this moment, Su Lanzhi only felt that the unusual irony was funny.

"Lan'er, you are my only wife!"

"Lan'er, I wish to have someone with one heart and one mind, and the white heads will never be apart!"

"Lan'er, if I am the emperor, you must be the empress!"

"Lan'er, in this life, I only thrush your eyebrows for you!"


The oath of the past is vivid, but the reality today is so cruel and dazzling!

"Haha, hahahaha!" Suddenly burst out laughing, Su Lanzhi's snow-white clothes were stained with blood, and the maid Qinghe who was watching was startled.

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Blood, blood!" His face was whiter than snow, Qing He pulled Su Lanzhi and was about to go back to the room, but Su Lanzhi refused to move!

"Don't move this palace!" Feeling something was lost in her body, Su Lanzhi looked at the blood under her feet with a sad face, the despair in her eyes made those eyes stained with layers of mist, and she could no longer see clearly up.

"Your Majesty, don't be like this. Let's go back, shall we? The servants are going to invite the imperial physician!" Su Lanzhi was really frightened. Qing He had always been by Su Lanzhi's side, and this was the first time she saw her. Su Lanzhi looks like this!

"No, I'm going to stand here!" Even though she was exhausted, Su Lanzhi stood stubbornly, looking in the direction of Qianlong Hall motionless, listening to the sound, she You can even imagine the scene there.

In the end, it wasn't until the vocal music ended that Su Lanzhi smiled miserably. The snow-white dress suddenly fell into a pool of blood like a kite with a broken string!

At the last second before coma, Su Lanzhi only heard the anxious voice of the maid Qing He, and then lost consciousness again!



The body was very heavy, and she had no strength all over her body. When Su Lanzhi woke up again, she was already lying on the bed in Fengqing Palace.

It is completely different from the bustle of other places, but Fengqing Palace is a piece of plain white, as if it is paying homage to something, making people feel lonely just looking at it.

The head hurts, and the feet are numb. When Su Lanzhi woke up, she was a little blurry, feeling the deep pain in her stomach. Su Lanzhi smiled palely, with a little bit of relief in her eyes.

Forget it, he was a child who shouldn't exist, so that's fine, so as not to suffer in the future!

Just as he was thinking about something, a piercing (forbidden word) voice suddenly came into his ears. Such a voice was even colder than the ice and snow in this severe winter!

"My queen, hello, you are fine!" Hearing this voice, Su Lanzhi froze for a moment, then raised her head and looked at the man in front of her, with a stern face and profound features, he was a rare and beautiful man in this world, However, this person is too ruthless and selfish. Why did I fall in love with this person in the first place?

Feeling that she was so stupid, Su Lanzhi smiled, with a bit of sarcasm on her face, "I don't know what I did to make the emperor angry!"

"Do you dare to say that you don't know?" Stimulated by Su Lanzhi's mocking smile, Qin Yan quickly came to Su Lanzhi's side, stretched out his beautiful fingers and pinched the other party's chin tightly, making the other party feel uncomfortable. Don't look up at yourself!

"Chenqie, I don't know!" Looking stubbornly at the man in front of him with cold eyes, Qin Yan felt a little trembling in his heart when he saw the overwhelming hatred in it!

"Okay, I don't know! Then do you know that you have my prince in your belly? Do you know that you just stood in the snow with bare feet and let the child fall down? Don't you mean it? Su Lanzhi In this world, how can there be such a cruel and heartless woman like you!" The strength in his hand involuntarily increased, Qin Yan watched Su Lanzhi hear the other person's words, without any sadness, but smiled, and his heart suddenly became angry, "Su Lanzhi, you did this on purpose, didn't you? Deliberately oppose me on my day of great joy, deliberately touch my bad luck on my day of great joy!"

"Hehe, how does the emperor plan to deal with the concubines? Did he confiscate the concubines' homes, or destroy the concubines' doors, oh, the concubines forgot, the concubines' homes have been confiscated by the emperor long ago, and the concubines' The door has long since ceased to exist, so what can I do?" There is a sarcastic smile in his eyes, which is bright like a flower, but it has no warmth like the ice and snow in the cold winter, and the listener only feels that his whole body is covered by ice and snow. Give water, it's icy cold!

"Su Lanzhi, don't force me!" Perhaps because he was in a hurry, Qin Yan even forgot his address, and pinched the opponent's chin tightly with his fingers, so that the chin was red and bloodshot , but Su Lanzhi didn't even blink her eyes!

"Concubine, did you force the emperor?" The tone of the question was full of sarcasm, which made Qin Yan feel anxious.

"You just want to fight against me, don't you? I said that I will keep you in the post, let you live comfortably, and let you bear my child. Why are you doing this?" Leaving her, already It's his limit, isn't he satisfied?

"Is this a typical way for the emperor to slap someone and reward him with a sweet date? The courtiers and concubines don't need it!" Hehe, the latter, you have no worries about food and clothing, child?

Maybe she wanted these before, but now, she disdains them!

"Su Lanzhi, don't go too far!" The current him is no longer the down-and-out prince who was lingering and panting. If it were him, he would be the most honorable person in the entire universe!

Qin Yan has long been used to everyone's flattery, how can he bear Su Lanzhi's aggressiveness at this moment!

"Your Majesty, is it too much for a concubine?" Her gaze was as deep as water, as if she was looking at the other party, but also seemed not to be looking at the other party. Such Su Lanzhi, for no reason, made Qin Yan feel flustered!

"You just stay here and reflect on yourself. Without my permission, you are not allowed to go out!" Really couldn't bear to see such eyes, Qin Yan seemed to run away.

"Is the emperor going to put his concubine under house arrest?"

"Do you think you can meet people when you go out like this?"

"Haha, Your Majesty, now you think I'm ashamed, what about you before? You didn't say that in the past!" The you in the past felt that no matter what I did, you could rely on me and follow me in everything. But now?

Hehe, is it really worthless?

So throw it away like a shoe?

"I don't want to bring up the past. The decree continues. The empress is seriously ill. She is recuperating in Fengqing Palace. No one should disturb her!" She let go of her hand fiercely, and Qin Yan left without looking back. Leaving behind the cold residual warmth in the air, and the cold and heartless back of this man!

"The peach is young, and its flowers are scorching. When the son returns home, he is suitable for his family.

There is a truth about peaches.When the son returns home, it is suitable for his family.

Tao Zhiyaoyao, its Ye Zhenzhen.When the son returns home, it is suitable for his family.

Qin Yan, do you still remember the original oath, do you remember your promise, you are so treacherous, aren't you afraid of thunder? "

Behind him was the desperate singing of the woman, and Qin Yan's galloping steps suddenly stopped. In his memory, he remembered the woman who was facing him with a smile like a flower. The two of them were once so happy, but everything was gone. exists.

"You guard the queen well, take good care of her, and don't allow the queen to come out at will, you know?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After a pause, he finally strode out. Even though the heart-piercing swan song of the man was behind him, Qin Yan never looked at him!


At night, the entire Fengqing Palace was silent. Su Lanzhi sat in front of the window blankly, looking at the scenery outside, only feeling that her heart was desolate.

"Hehe, my sister hasn't fallen asleep so late, is it because she can't fall asleep because she is thinking about her sister and the emperor?" With a clear and beautiful voice, Su Lanzhi saw Xue Lingyun in a bright red palace dress come in, The fiery red color was just like the flame, Su Lanzhi could only feel her eyes stinging with pain!

"What are you doing here? Don't forget, this is Fengqing Palace!"

"Hehe, sister, my sister is just thinking that my sister is not feeling well today, so I just came to see my sister. Why doesn't my sister seem to welcome you?" Xue Lingyun walked into Su Lanzhi little by little while she was talking. The clothes are a little loose, revealing the bruised skin inside. Su Lanzhi is not a woman who has no experience in human affairs, so she naturally knows what it is!

"Concubine Xue Gui is getting married today, and she should be with the emperor. It's so late, and if you come here, aren't you afraid that the emperor will blame you?" The voice was cold, and the cold wind in winter made people feel it. Hearing the temperature, Xue Lingyun only felt her body tremble, a little trembling.

"Hehe, my sister just knows that my sister has undergone great changes tonight and lost her child. She must be suffering from insomnia tonight. I just come to accompany my sister. I will talk to my sister by the way, so that my sister will not be deceived!" Approaching very consciously, Xue Lingyun Looking at the woman in front of her, looking at that cold and aloof peerless face, she wished she could draw a few strokes on it fiercely, so as to relieve her hatred!

"You and I have nothing to say!" Looking at the bookish woman in front of her, Su Lanzhi felt that she was blind. Why did she ever think that this was her best sister and most important friend?

"My sister and my sister have nothing to say, but my sister has a lot to tell my sister!" Sitting very consciously, Xue Lingyun looked at the woman in front of her with a victorious attitude, with a smile on her face, full of pride, "Sister , do you know that my sister is already pregnant with the emperor's child, this is the emperor's eldest son, and in the future, he will definitely belong to the prince!"

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to pretend to be a virtuous and virtuous person on weekdays, but it turned out to be a secret knot. Your tutor Fu Guogong turned out to be like this. I thought that Fu Guogong was from a scholarly family. Now it seems , It’s nothing more than gold and jade, and it’s nothing more than failure!” Su Lanzhi’s words were very merciless, Xue Lingyun usually cared most about her talent and fame, but now that Su Lanzhi said that, a swipe across her face Yin poisonous, but soon, it dissipated.

"Hehe, elder sister doesn't need to irritate younger sister. My younger sister can be favored by the emperor. Naturally, I am in the hands of the emperor's family. It's just a pity for my elder sister. Now I'm alone in this world, and I don't even have a family member." What's the point of my sister living like this?" Although she has entered the palace now, she can only be inferior to the people in front of her, how can she be willing?

"Hmph, what about me has nothing to do with you!" Although she tried her best to be strong, Su Lanzhi couldn't help it when she heard Xue Lingyun's words, her heart ached!

That's right, she is a lonely and helpless person, because all the people closest to her have been killed by herself!

"Hehe, why should my sister become angry? What my sister said is the truth. The prime minister is treasonous. Fortunately, the emperor is wise and benevolent. Otherwise, how could my sister be the master of the middle palace now? But the emperor is just to appease the people in the world. Forget it, a queen like my sister who is barren and has no offspring will be abolished sooner or later!"

Seeing Su Lanzhi's face getting colder and colder, Xue Lingyun only felt that her heart was extremely happy, "Hehe, by the way, I am afraid that my sister still wants to conceive a child, but didn't the emperor tell my sister, as early as my sister When she was married to the emperor, the emperor gave her elder sister a sterilizing drug in order to prevent the prime minister from becoming dominant. It's just that the poor sister always thought that she was weak and couldn't conceive, but she didn't know that even if she was pregnant Well, my sister can't keep it, just like today, even though the emperor rewarded my sister with a child, my sister still doesn't have that blessing!"

"Hehe, my sister must be wondering why the emperor did that? My sister came to tell my sister today. The emperor never wanted to marry my sister, because the person the emperor really loves has always been my sister. Marrying my sister is just to win over her. Neutral prime minister! But now that the emperor has ascended to the throne, all obstacles must be removed, so that I can be with my sister and me. Now, my sister should also give up this position!"

"Xue Lingyun, are you so sure that you are the one Qin Yan loves?" Hearing Xue Lingyun's words, Su Lanzhi suddenly laughed instead of anger. Seeing Su Lanzhi like this, Xue Lingyun only felt that it was extraordinarily weird.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hehe, I believe that Qin Yan loves you so much, you should be familiar with him? Qin Yan is a rough boy, and he doesn't trust anyone. You said that he dealt with my father at first, so what's next? ? You said Duke Fu is so powerful, what would he think?"

"You, don't sow discord, no, the emperor won't!" Frightened by Su Lanzhi's appearance, Xue Lingyun had a little crack on her face. Thinking of Qin Yan's personality, Xue Lingyun only felt that her own Chill down the spine.

"Hehe, why not? My sister?" She suddenly rushed in front of Xue Lingyun. Xue Lingyun didn't expect that Su Lanzhi, who had just had a miscarriage, still had such strength. She couldn't dodge and was pushed to the ground. It hurt like a tear.

"Su Lanzhi, what are you doing? Do you know that the emperor will not let you go if you are like this!" Xue Lingyun's face was pale, and Xue Lingyun could even feel the passing of the child in her stomach.

"Hehe, since I can't have a child, why should you have one? Xue Lingyun, Xue Lingyun, I can only blame you for losing your temper. If that's the case, let's go to hell together!" Su Lanzhi asked the maids to order a lot of food tonight. Candle, at this moment, Su Lanzhi pushed the candle away with a destructive smile on her face!

"Su Lanzhi, you're crazy!" Struggling to get up, but Su Lanzhi quickly overwhelmed her. This was the first time Xue Lingyun saw Su Lanzhi so out of control, and she was frightened all of a sudden, " You, let me go, if you do this, the emperor will not let you go!"

"Haha, haha, if he wants to settle accounts with me, he will come to hell, Xue Lingyun, you have harmed me and my family, we will go to hell together!" Exhausting her last strength, Su Lanzhi pressed Xue Lingyun tightly Then, the candlelight burned bigger and bigger, and finally Fengqing Palace suddenly became a sea of ​​flames, and the flames filled most of the palace. When everyone found out, it was already irreparable.

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