
"What's so beautiful?" Murong Xiang heard what the crowd said, and ran over immediately. Seeing everyone gathered around, the few people were very interested, "Wow, what kind of lantern is that, really It looks good!"

Looking at the lantern surrounded by the crowd, it was always spinning, as if a fairy was dancing, it was so beautiful, Murong Xiang fell in love with it as soon as she saw it, "Brother, I want this lantern, it's so beautiful!" Seeing that For the lantern, Murong Xiang suddenly felt that the lantern she bought just now was overshadowed, and she just wanted to buy one quickly. When Murong Xiao saw it, she smiled, but she also knew that such a lantern was not so easy to get. That's right, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people gathered here.

"Xiang'er, let's ask first, what is the matter with this lantern." This lantern is beautifully made, and it is very special. Many people want to buy it. It's not just something that money can buy.

"Okay, let's go ask, but I'm going to order this lantern!" When Murong Xiang saw such a beautiful thing, she naturally wanted it. Seeing Murong Xiang's innocent and happy appearance, Su Lanzhi seemed to be moved in her heart. Infected with the same thing, the corners of his mouth could not help but smile a little, which made Qin Zhiyan, who was watching from the side, a little bit surprised and amazed.

She smiled, and she was really beautiful.It just seemed that she seldom smiled so sincerely.

The dignified concubine of the prime minister's mansion, but always strategizing, her mind is hard to guess, what kind of person is she?

It seemed that he was becoming more and more curious about Su Lanzhi in his heart. Qin Zhiyan really wanted to know how many faces Su Lanzhi had, but he didn't have time to get to the bottom of it. The boss seemed to be enough to see the crowd, so he didn't want to keep it any longer. "As you can see today, this is a fairy dance made by our shop after more than half a year of waste. The material is the finest silk, and the precious cross-line is used, and the best embroidery in Jiangnan is invited. My mother sewed this picture of fairy dancing with stitches and stitches. The materials are bright and expensive. Therefore, this lantern is extremely precious. It is used as an ornamental on weekdays. It is also very good. Everyone has seen it. This retouched picture is very realistic. Now the lantern looks like a complete picture of a fairy dancing. How could the embroidery work on weekdays be like this? The shop has been preparing for half a year, just for the Lantern Festival. One day can win a lot of money, and now the shop is showing this lantern for everyone to enjoy, not to mention, the shop has also prepared a lot of programs today, and the winner in the end may get this lantern!"

The shopkeeper is a wonderful person. After hearing this, everyone was a little overjoyed, but Su Lanzhi and the others found the loopholes in the shopkeeper's words. This fairy dance, I don't know what to think.

"Brother, did you hear that, the shopkeeper said that you can give them away for free, how about we join?" Murong Xiang was still young after all, and thought that the shopkeeper would really give them away for nothing, and pulled Murong Xiao wanted to join in the fun, Murong Xiao naturally heard the loopholes in the shopkeeper's words, and wanted to say something, but seeing Murong Xiang so happy, it was not easy to spoil the other party's interest, so he could only shake helplessly in the end Shaking his head, "Wait a minute!"

The shopkeeper played the lantern so well in front of him, I am afraid that many people will not pay special attention to the last sentence, but I have to say that the shopkeeper is a bit clever.But it's no wonder people, this fairy dance is indeed a masterpiece, the embroidery work alone probably cost a lot, not to mention the materials are so expensive, those who want to come to this shopkeeper are reluctant to part with it.

Now, I'm afraid it's just to attract everyone's attention and let everyone buy more lights.

"But brother, look, a lot of people have gone!" Murong Xiang was a little anxious, afraid that the things she liked would be gone.

"No hurry, wait a minute!" With a smile on his face, Murong Xiao looked at Murong Ya, and found that Murong Ya was a little absent-minded today, and he also knew that it was because Qin Zhiyan was here, that Murong Ya didn't let it go on weekdays. Open, but I didn't feel anything.Looking at Murong Shu again, I saw that the other party was fascinated by the lantern, presumably it was because he was too young and was attracted, so he didn't notice anything unusual.Then there is Su Lanzhi...

Seeing this eldest cousin who is not very familiar with her standing there calmly, her whole body exudes an elegant and salty demeanor, although she doesn't talk much, even standing motionless makes people feel like a portrait , I couldn't tell what the other party was thinking, so Murong Xiao didn't know if Su Lanzhi heard something strange.

Finally, his eyes turned to Qin Zhiyan, and he found that Qin Zhiyan just glanced at the fairy dance, and then he didn't know where he looked. It's too hard to guess, it's really a waste of brains.

Just as he was thinking, someone in the crowd raised a question, and Murong Xiao couldn't help but looked over in surprise.

I saw that person was wearing an emerald green robe and a set of emerald green headgear on his head. His face was elegant and his aura was like orchid. Surrounded by the scent of books, it is indeed very attractive, "Shopkeeper, I have a question here, I wonder if I can raise it?"

The way the shopkeeper looked at the other party, the scholarly atmosphere in his body, is not something ordinary people can have, especially when he saw the corners of the other party's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if he had seen his own tricks, the shopkeeper was heartbroken. There was a bit of a rush, but I had to deal with it carefully, "This young lady has any doubts, but if she asks, she will know everything."

"Shopkeeper, the little girl likes this fairy dance very much, but I don't know, how can I get it?" The tone is kind, and accompanied by the smiling face and orchid-like temperament of the other party, let People feel very close.

"Since today is the Lantern Festival, our store naturally wants to join in the fun. Of course, I hope that everyone will be happy when we bring out such a masterpiece today. Even if you don't get the lantern, you Finally, as long as you have seen this event, our store can sell other lanterns at a discount, and you will not have too many regrets." This sentence made everyone's heart itch, the lanterns of this store are indeed Yes, if you can buy some at a discount, that would be great.

But these words are heard in the ears of some people who understand, and they also know that this is the shopkeeper's selling lanterns in disguise.

There are a lot of people selling lanterns today, and there are many choices for everyone, so it is difficult to sell so many lanterns without surprising tricks.The shopkeeper is also very good at doing business. First, he used such beautiful lanterns to attract everyone, and then proposed to participate in the event. In this way, everyone carefully looked at other lanterns. There are also a lot of lanterns sold.

I have to say that although the fairy dance is very expensive to make, and it is probably a cover, it is also an excellent cover.

Some people understood what the shopkeeper meant, and some people naturally knew the loopholes in what the shopkeeper said just now. The woman in green seemed to be smart, and when she heard what the shopkeeper said, her face turned a little deep, but it was true. She smiled, "The little girl understands, but what kind of comparison is this? And this fairy dance is really the prize of the winner?"

The woman naturally knew the shopkeeper's intentions, but Naihe liked the fairy dance very much. At this moment, she hit the nail on the head, and didn't want the shopkeeper to get away with it.

Because of that woman bit the word "really" very hard, the shopkeeper's face became a little stiff when he heard this, "Hehe, that's natural!" Otherwise, it would be very bad if it was reported that he did not keep his word.

It's just that the shopkeeper looked at the confident woman in front of him, and felt a little uneasy, but he also saw that she was either rich or expensive, and it was not easy to provoke.

"The shopkeeper, can you tell me what is better than today? How will the winner be counted?" The more the woman watched the fairy dance, the more she liked it, and naturally she wanted to win.

"Lantern riddles are indispensable for the Lantern Festival. Today, the shop has prepared a lot of lantern riddles. Everyone can guess as much as they want. Whoever guesses more than [-] within a stick of incense, and they are among the top three, can enter the next round. It's a round." As for what the next round will be, the shopkeeper will have to figure it out.

The incident happened suddenly, the shopkeeper is a businessman after all, and he didn't want to lose such a good sign for nothing. After all, he had been busy with the shop for half a year because of the fairy dance, which was really time-consuming and costly. Who is willing to give it away for nothing?

So the difficulty of his first level increased in an instant, and it took only a while for a stick of incense. This person had to think about it, and he had to find lantern riddles. It took a lot of time in the middle, and he could complete twenty within one stick of incense. You are right, it is not an easy task.

"This method is not bad, so the shopkeeper, what's next?" The woman in green didn't seem to take it seriously anymore, she could see that she was very confident, and she felt a little restless when she saw the shopkeeper. .

"For the rest, Miss, let's not ask for the time being. Let's make a fool of myself. Why don't you pass the first level first?" He still didn't know the depth of the person in front of him, so the shopkeeper didn't dare to say the following easily. , but also so that I can adapt to the situation later.

"Alright, the shopkeeper's preparations, we should start early!" Not afraid of this lantern riddle, the woman in green stood quietly, just waiting for the shopkeeper to let her start.

"Miss, don't worry, the lantern riddles are all ready, miss just wait for now." It has to be said that the shopkeeper is very economical, and he put the lanterns in rows, and now he will give instructions to everyone. Pointing to the rows of lanterns, "The lantern riddles are on top of the lanterns, everyone can go and have a look, choose the lantern riddles you want to guess, and come over to register later!"

Although the rest of the lanterns are not as good as the fairy dance, they are all exquisite. Everyone looked at it now, and their interest gradually increased. Seeing that it was about to start, Murong Xiang hurriedly urged, "Brother, we Hurry up, or I won't be able to wait!" Although she knew that it would be very difficult to get the lantern today, Murong Xiang was not afraid, so she hurriedly pushed Murong Xiao and left.

"You ghost girl, didn't you see Miss Xue coming? She is so talented, you are not afraid of losing face?" Murong Xiao had already noticed the woman in green clothes, and recognized that she was Fu Guogong Miss Xue from the government.Xue Lingyun's reputation is very resounding, it is not difficult for them to know.

Seeing that Xue Lingyun is also extremely interested in the fairy dance now, although Murong Xiao couldn't bear to spoil his sister's interest, he still had to remind him a few times, so as not to lose time and be sad.

"Brother, why do you raise other people's aspirations and destroy your prestige? Brother, you are extremely talented and smart. Even though Miss Xue is a talented woman, she is only a girl in the boudoir. How can you have as much knowledge as you? King Cheng sits in the town, can we still lose?" Qin Zhiyan was immediately involved, although Murong Xiang didn't know Qin Zhiyan's depth, but he also knew that Qin Zhiyan was young and talented. People, since the opponent is the mighty Xue Lingyun, Murong Xiang naturally has to work hard for that fairy dance, and win over all possible targets.

"You are so clever, how do you know that King Wu Cheng agreed?" Nodding the tip of Murong Xiang's nose, Murong Xiao's eyes were doting, Murong Xiang curled her lips, looking at Qin Zhiyan pitifully, begging The meaning couldn't be more obvious, "King Wu Cheng, it's rare to come out today. This lantern is extremely beautiful. Why don't King Wu Cheng win one back, so that Princess Qin can be happy?" Although I really want it , but Murong Xiang also knew that the relationship between herself and Qin Zhiyan was not particularly good, so she didn't dare to speak for her. She only hoped that Qin Zhiyan would win and give her a good mood, or it would be great to play tricks on her.

"You!" Seeing that his sister was getting bolder today, Murong Xiao looked at Qin Zhiyan with some embarrassment. He always knew that Qin Zhiyan didn't seem to like women very much, so he was a little worried, "Wu Cheng Wang, my little sister is not sensible, so don't mind it."

"It's okay, Ms. Murong is just a child at heart, don't mind." Murong Xiang is not the woman who usually flirts with him secretly, her eyebrows are flirtatious, the other party looks at her with pure eyes, without other thoughts, and the other party is a good friend Sister, Qin Zhiyan would not treat Murong Xiang like others.

"Then Wu Chengwang, did you agree?" Xu Shiqin recently came to Jingbei Hou Mansion diligently, and the few people were not as uncomfortable as before, especially Murong Xiang knew that the person in front of him was probably his brother-in-law , she became more and more intimate.

"It looks interesting, try it!" Seeing everyone walking towards the lanterns one after another, Qin Zhiyan ordered someone to fetch lantern riddles, no matter which one it was, Murong Xiang was a little surprised when he saw it.

This King Wu Cheng, doesn't he need to see what he can guess?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you couldn't guess it?

Immediately felt a little contradictory in my heart, Murong Xiao didn't see it, but just watched the excitement, and wanted to make the girls happy, "Since I feel like joining, everyone will be lively and lively, maybe I will see beautiful lanterns, You can buy some to go back."

The lanterns in this store are indeed very beautiful. When some spectators went to look at the lantern riddles, they bought a lot of them. Su Lanzhi looked at the smile on the shopkeeper's face, and knew that the shopkeeper had a heart It must be happy.

"Alright! Let's go!" Don't want to always watch the fun, Murong Xiang held Murong Ya with one hand and Su Lanzhi with the other, while greeting Murong Shu, several people passed by and watched around the lantern When he saw the lantern he liked, he ordered someone to take it down, and even looked at the lantern riddle curiously.

"Two rows of trees far away stand on the side of the mountain, and the boat flows horizontally with one leaf (typing one)?" Curiously, Murong Xiang took down a lantern riddle, began to recite it, and then fell into deep thought.

It's just a pity that Murong Xiang didn't care much about poetry and books on weekdays, so she was a little confused about this lantern riddle. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't figure it out, so Murong Xiang had to look at Murong Ya, "Eldest sister, you Do you know what this is?"

But she was asking the wrong person, Murong Ya, like her, lacked interest in poetry and books, so she couldn't figure out what it was at the moment, so she shook her head with an annoyed expression, "I, I don't know! "

"Oh..." Feeling a little disappointed, Murongxiang had no choice but to seek help from Su Lanzhi, but Su Lanzhi was a person who didn't like to be in the limelight, so naturally she didn't join, so she just shook her head, "I can't think of it. "

"Hey, is this so difficult?" Seeing that Qin Zhiyan and Murong Xiao already had quite a few lantern riddles in their hands, Murong Xiang looked at herself, but she didn't have any, and her expression was a little depressed, "We It’s too embarrassing if there isn’t one, what should I do?”

Seeing Murong Xiang's anxious look, Murong Shu hesitated for a while, and Su Lanzhi also guessed that the other party knew about the other party's appearance, "Shu'er, do you know what it is?"

"I, I think it's a bit similar, but I just don't know if it's right or not." Although Murong Shu guessed it, she looked at the frowning expressions of Murong Xiang and Murong Ya, and then looked at Su Su, whom she admired on weekdays. Lan Zhi didn't seem to know either, but Murong Shu was a little uncertain at the moment, showing a modest and cautious look.

"It's okay, just talk about it!" Murong Xiang also wanted to join in the fun, and it's not good to have no one in hand, but now she is a little rushed.

"Is it Huizi?" The tone was very uncertain, and even the voice was quiet. Murong Shu carefully looked at everyone's expressions, seeing that everyone was not unhappy, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Isn't it Hui? Why didn't we think of it?" Murong Ya came to her senses, thought about it, and approved Murong Shu's answer. Murong Shu felt a little embarrassed, "I guessed randomly, but I won .”

"What a random guess. You read a lot on weekdays, so you are a smart person. Unlike me, you know how to dance whips on weekdays, but you were negligent. Now it seems that you still have to have some knowledge, otherwise It's a shame." At this moment, Murong Xiang understands what it means to use a book and hate it less, and she was a little embarrassed just now, but now she is a little relieved.

"Second sister, don't say that, your whip is so good, I am so envious, but my body is not up to par, and I can't be like the big sister and the second sister." Murong Shuyi has always been a modest and cautious person. Man, right now, I naturally don't want to make Murong Ya and Murong Xiang unhappy.

"Hey, it's not a very honorable thing for me to know the whip. This woman still needs talent and virtue, so that she can gain a foothold in her husband's family in the future. I'm used to it since I was a child, but now it's a bit embarrassing." Thinking to myself Unable to solve even a single lantern riddle, Murong Xiang was really frustrated.

Originally, I still wanted to try my best to win the lantern, but it seems that I have no hope.

"Sister Xiang'er, don't belittle yourself. You have a lot of advantages that we don't have. Don't think too much. Maybe you didn't think about it just now. Let's try a few more times, maybe we can guess it?" Su Lan Zhi knew that Murong Xiang seemed quite open-minded, but she was a woman after all, and sometimes she had a lot of small thoughts, so she hurriedly diverted the other party's attention, and was about to solve a lantern riddle, when she ran into another A bare hand.

Both hands are as pure and flawless as the onion jade, and they are very slender, but Su Lanzhi's looks straighter, one by one, not like hands, but like works of art.

The two hands collided, and the two also saw each other at this moment. Su Lanzhi saw a flash of disgust and difference in the eyes of the woman in front of her, but soon, a smile appeared on the other's face, "Lan Sister, why are you here?" While talking, she still didn't forget to take the lantern riddle, but Xue Lingyun didn't expect to see Su Lanzhi here.

Looking at the people around Su Lanzhi at this moment, Xue Lingyun's face flashed a touch of darkness, and then changed into a flowery smile, "Sister Lan came out to play today, why didn't you call me? I thought Sister Lan was still It's the same as before, they are all at home and don't go out. I knew that Sister Lan would come out today, so I asked Sister Lan to come out together. There are also a few Miss Murong who haven't seen each other for a few days, but they robbed my Sister Lan. , I came out to play with Sister Lan today, and didn’t call me, but you think I’m boring?”

Seeing that Su Lanzhi was originally alone, but now she has company, and there are three of them, each of whom seems to be very kind to Su Lanzhi, Xue Lingyun thought of the recent farewell between Murong Yan and the Jingbei Houfu. It's getting closer, and now seeing Su Lanzhi has other friends around him, he suddenly feels very uncomfortable.

Doesn't she have only one friend?

Shouldn't one just rely on oneself, trust oneself, and obey oneself?

But how can you still play with others?

For some reason, I felt a sense of crisis in my heart. Seeing that Su Lanzhi was no longer the poor person who was squeezed out by everyone and only she was willing to be the friend of the other party, Xue Lingyun looked at Su Lanzhi and Murong Ya today. The harmonious and happy appearance just feels extra dazzling.

Especially at this moment, Xue Lingyun looked at Su Lanzhi carefully, and saw that the other person's face was ruddy, it seemed to be taller than before, and it was also rounder, not as weak as before, pale and weak.Especially the smile on the other party's face at the moment is not as indifferent as before, and even looks cold and sad. Xue Lingyun can't wait to tear the other party's face!

Why is his complexion improved, the person is taller and rounder, and this person is becoming more and more hard to move his eyes away?What can I do?

Seeing the appearance of the other party, Xue Lingyun could guess that Su Lanzhi's recent life is good, her heart is full of dissatisfaction and jealousy, but she still has to pretend on the surface, Xue Lingyun hates it even more in her heart, "Lanzhi My sister just came here after seeing the fairy dancing lanterns? Haha, isn’t it very beautiful? But I think sister Lailan also likes the fairy dancing lanterns? But I see that you have very few lantern riddles in your hands, and now there is no time left How much, Sister Lan has to hurry up, let this lantern riddle be given to Sister Lan, I will win by chance later, and I will also give the lantern to Sister Lan, we have not had a good get-together after the Chinese New Year , This can be regarded as my annual gift to Sister Lan, Sister Lan is not allowed to annoy me in the future, and no one will tell me when she comes out to play, this time it’s okay, next time I’m going to be angry."

Pretending to be angry, Xue Lingyun acted like she was showing off her relationship with Su Lanzhi in front of Murong Ya and the others. She deliberately made the other party feel that she was a good friend who was closer than the other party. With such innocuous jokes, Xue Lingyun used her usual method to try to drive away Su Lanzhi's friends besides her. These years have gained a lot, but today, she may be disappointed.

After all, the relationship between Murong Ya and Su Lanzhi is incomparable to others, not to mention that Murong Ya and the others are upright. These days, they get along with Su Lanzhi more, and they understand each other more and more. Get pimples easily?


Xue Lingyun didn't know it, and after finishing speaking, she gave Su Lanzhi the lantern riddle in her hand. According to Xue Lingyun's previous experience, she said that, Su Lanzhi would definitely be embarrassed to ask for it, and would return it to herself, and At that time, even if he really won and wanted to give Su Lanzhi the lantern, Su Lanzhi would be embarrassed to ask for it.

Xue Lingyun is very clear about Su Lanzhi's personality. She is dull and weak. She looks like a gourd, but things are different, and her trick has long been useless to Su Lanzhi.

Therefore, when Xue Lingyun handed over the lantern riddle, she thought that Su Lanzhi would refuse, but she never thought that Su Lanzhi accepted it generously, "I appreciate sister Xue's kindness." She accepted it with peace of mind, Xue Lingyun didn't react at once, and Su Lanzhi didn't want to spend too much time with this person. At this moment, she found a good excuse, "Sister Xue, there is only half a stick of incense left. You have to hurry up and guess the lantern riddles more, so you can win the lantern back, let my sister and I have a look!"

Speaking of this, Xue Lingyun quickly realized it. Seeing that many people had a lot of lantern riddles in their hands, she was also a little anxious that she would forget her business when she saw Su Lanzhi, "Sister Nalan, Let's talk later, I'll look for lantern riddles first!" She liked the lantern very much, Xue Lingyun didn't want to miss out on that lantern just because of Su Lanzhi.

There is something to talk about later, but now the business is important!

"Well, go, come on!"

"Okay, let's talk slowly in a while!" They hurriedly left with the calligraphy and painting. Murong Ya and the others saw Xue Lingyun leaving, but they knew that Su Lanzhi and Xue Lingyun had a good relationship, so they didn't say anything, just continued Start studying the lantern riddle.

"It looks like a cow from a distance, but it has no head up close. Ha, I know this, isn't it the word for 'noon'?" This time Murong Xiang seems to have pulled back a sentence, very happy.

"Isn't it just a word for noon? Xiang'er, you are so smart!"

"Shall we go and see something else?"

"Okay!" Su Lanzhi looked at the crowd and went to get riddles in a hurry, smiled, and slowly read it. This time, she saw a fan-like lantern, and found it very interesting. Just about to take it down to take a look, the other hand took it off, "Here you are!" The voice was as warm as jade, like the warm tea, making people feel very fresh, and Su Lanzhi smelled it a little familiar Xiang Xiang raised her head and fell into a pair of star-like eyes, "Wu, Wu Chengwang!"

He didn't expect that Qin Zhiyan would suddenly appear by his side, Su Lanzhi stepped back in a panic, and almost knocked over the lantern, Qin Zhiyan hurriedly grabbed her, "Be careful!"

A strong arm pulled her wrist, and the warm body temperature suddenly made Su Lanzhi feel hot, so she quickly stood up and pulled her hand back, "Thank you, King Wu Cheng !"

"Miss Su, it's all right, but you have to be careful. There are fires inside this lantern. If you accidentally get hurt, it won't be good." Thinking of the scene just now, Qin Zhiyan felt a little lingering in his heart. , very worried that Su Lanzhi would be hurt by those flames.

This was the first time he had such a feeling, so worried, but afterwards, he was so grateful, as if he was relieved.

"I was just a little careless just now, but I won't do it in the future." If it wasn't for Qin Zhiyan's sudden appearance, she wouldn't be in a mess, but Su Lanzhi couldn't help but blame Qin Zhiyan for why he suddenly came to her when he was fine. , but also dare not say.

Qin Zhiyan saw that Su Lanzhi lowered her head and said nothing, so she had to pass the lantern just now, "Miss Su, this is the lantern you want, you take it!" It was also because he saw that Su Lanzhi liked the lantern, It was only then that Qin Zhiyan took the liberty of taking it off for Su Lanzhi. Now seeing Su Lanzhi's look of concern, Qin Zhiyan blamed himself for offending.

Was it because he scared the other party just now?

"No, no need, King Wu Cheng put it back, it's not convenient for me to hold it!" I liked it at first, but seeing Qin Zhiyan holding it, for some reason, Su Lanzhi just felt like it was a hot potato Yes, I really don't want to pick it up.

"Miss Su, you don't need to worry too much. Since you like this lantern, just take it. Today is the Lantern Festival, but you haven't bought any lanterns. It's a pity. This lantern is unique and very different. It's very suitable. Miss Su."

"Wu Chengwang, don't you need to rush to get riddles? The time is coming soon." I don't know whether it was intentional or not, Su Lanzhi didn't seem to hear it, and pointed to the stick of incense, which was almost burnt out. This is to divert Qin Zhiyan's attention.

"It's okay, I'm almost ready." Pointing to a large pile of lantern riddles in her hand, Su Lanzhi looked at it, and was a little surprised.

How long has it been since this person got so many lantern riddles?This speed is really amazing!

"Today, I see that many of them are middle-level experts. King Wu Cheng should not take it lightly. It's always right to prepare more!" At least, Su Lanzhi is reminding Qin Zhiyan not to be too arrogant.

"Miss Su, don't worry, I'll save it. You take this first, and I'll come as soon as I go!" This time, he handed the lantern to Su Lanzhi without saying a word. Qin Zhiyan didn't give Su Lanzhi a chance to refuse. Just left, Su Lanzhi looked at the extra lantern in her hand, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

She thought that Qin Zhiyan was a young man like Yuyu, who wouldn't do things that forced others, why was it like this?

Whether to throw the lantern in his hand or put it back, Su Lanzhi was struggling with how to deal with it. At this moment, Murong Ya and the others saw that Su Lanzhi hadn't followed, so they came back to find someone, "Lan'er, why didn't you Keep up? It’s hard for us to find, there are many people here, so we have to pay attention!”

As an elder sister, although Murong Ya was a bit careless in normal days, she was very responsible today, with an anxious expression on her face. Now she looked at Su Lanzhi and saw that she was fine, so she felt relieved.

"Sister Lan, why are you watching the lanterns here without telling us? We haven't seen you for a while, so I'm really worried!" Murong Xiang was also in a hurry, Su Lanzhi grew up at a young age It's so beautiful, and there are so many people here, it's hard to avoid being missed.

"I'm fine, it's just how are you guys doing, but have you got a lot of lantern riddles?"

"Uh, we've got a lot. The three of us little girls, if we really think about it, we don't need them!" He held up the lantern riddles in his hand, and there were several of them in a while, Murong Xiang was also very happy.

"Hehe, that's good, let's go take a look!"

"Enen!" Just as she was about to leave, Murong Xiang saw the lantern in Su Lanzhi's hand at this moment, and couldn't help being moved, "Sister Lan, you have a good eye, where did you see this lantern? Why did I just now Didn't you see it when you passed by?" The lantern in Su Lanzhi's hand is well made, and most importantly, it has a novel shape, like a fan, very beautiful.

"Maybe it's a little high. You just paid attention to the lantern riddles, didn't you pay attention?"

"Oh, that's it..." Seeing that Su Lanzhi got a beautiful lantern, Murongxiang was envious, and Murongya noticed it now, and she was a little happy for Su Lanzhi, "I didn't expect Laner, you are more beautiful than me." Our speed, so quickly found a novel and beautiful lantern."

"Big sister, if you like it, you can take it first? I'll look at it later?" Thinking of Murong Ya's admiration for Qin Zhiyan, Su Lanzhi let it out without saying a word, but Murong Ya never liked it. Duo Ren liked it, so he directly refused, "How can this be done? This is what you chose, and I will ask for it if I am not good. There are so many lanterns here, so I will search for it."

"It's okay, if you like it, hold it first, and I can take a look at it again!" Although Su Lanzhi also likes this lantern, but for some reason, as long as she thinks about Qin Zhiyan holding the lantern just now, hold it Su Lanzhi felt a little repulsed by her own appearance.

Guessing in her heart that it was because of the betrayal and pain in her previous life, so she was very defensive towards men, and Qin Zhiyan seemed to be concerned about herself, so Su Lanzhi repelled him consciously?

"It's okay, anyway, there are so many lanterns here, I'll take a look and see, the lanterns match your clothes, just take it with you!" Murong Ya didn't want to take something that Su Lanzhi liked, in the From her point of view, Su Lanzhi didn't buy anything today, she finally fell in love with one, and thought she liked it very much, of course Murong Ya would not do such a thing.

"Yes, Sister Lan, take it, there are so many lanterns here, don't stick to this one!" Murong Xiang didn't care, she was dazzled by seeing it today, and she wanted to see more!

"Well, that's good, I'll just keep it myself." The hot potato that couldn't be given away, Su Lanzhi wanted to put it back just now, but now, she can only hold it.


There was something inexplicable in her heart, before Su Lanzhi had time to think about it, Murong Xiang focused her attention on her hand, "Sister Lan, what is in your hand?"

After being reminded by Murong Xiang, Su Lanzhi remembered that this was the lantern riddle she took down just now, "This is a lantern riddle."

"Let me have a look?" Perhaps it was the sweetness that he had tasted just now, but now Murong Xiang's eyes lit up when he heard the lantern riddle.

"Okay." Passed the lantern riddle to Murong Xiang, who looked at it again and again, but was a little confused, "The upper is not the upper, the lower is not the lower, people are as big as it is, but the sky is not as big as it is. (Type [-]) What is this? ?”

This time, she was completely puzzled. Murong Xiang looked at Murong Ya inquiringly, then at Su Lanzhi, and then at Murong Shu, but this time, everyone shook their heads. Xiang was depressed.

"What kind of lantern riddles does this shopkeeper come up with? So difficult to guess?" It was also blamed, Murong Xiang was aroused at the moment, but she just couldn't figure it out.

Just when several people were puzzled, Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Xiang's frowning, and knew that Murong Xiang was on the fence right now, and was about to speak, but was interrupted, "Miss Murong, It's a word 'one'!"

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