I have to say that seeing Su Qinglan's concern for Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi in the Prime Minister's Mansion recently, Su Zhenhua felt more and more uneasy.

Originally thought that he was Su Qinglan's only son, no matter what, his status would not change, so these days they stayed in Yuanwuhou's mansion, learning to control their emotions bit by bit, learning how to control their emotions revenge.

Originally, it would take some more time, but unexpectedly, the old concubine Qing suddenly fell ill, and now there are only three aunts left in the prime minister's mansion. Marquis Yuan Wu can't wait any longer, fearing that something will happen if he waits longer , let them come back.

Everything went according to the plan, humbly admitted his mistakes, got Su Qinglan's forgiveness, returned to the prime minister's mansion, and then won Su Qinglan's trust again.

But these days, Su Lingyue stayed in Prince Qing's mansion pretending to be smart, and never came back, and he also had to study every day, the master was extremely strict with him, and had to check his homework every day, if he didn't finish it, Then you will still be punished, and you will even have to stay the next day.

Such strict requirements left him almost no time to think about other things. He could only stay in his own courtyard every day, except for studying, which was studying, completely isolated from the outside world.

But in the blink of an eye, he saw his father, hugging his mother-killing enemy, and leaving so nervously. In Su Zhenhua's heart, no one came, and he was flustered. Looking at the nurse beside him, he didn't know what to do. Alright, "Mommy, how can my sister come back?"

Thinking of the elder sister he can rely on now, Su Zhenhua's eyes are full of panic. These days, according to Su Lingyue's request, he tried to remind Su Qinglan to pick up Su Lingyue back, but every time Su Qinglan asked, Su Qinglan always He would change the subject, making him feel more uneasy and anxious.

At this moment, looking at the nanny who helped him, Su Zhenhua knew that this person was someone he could trust and rely on, so he could only turn to her for help.

"Young master, now the master is doting on his wife, which is something that the whole Xiangfu knows. Now the young master is back, but the master doesn't love the young master as much as before. These servants are also powerful, and the young master has to do it for himself Make a plan, otherwise, in the future, there will really be no status!" Seeing Su Zhenhua's nervousness, Mother Bai added fuel to the fire, and naturally wanted Su Zhenhua to make plans quickly.

"What Nanny said is very true, but what should I do?" Isn't what Nanny Bai said was actually what Su Zhenhua was worried about?

In the past, he was the little overlord of the mansion who would give in to anyone who wanted the wind and the rain.

But now?Su Lanzhi has received all of Su Qinglan's attention and love. He felt as if he had changed positions with Su Lanzhi. What he had before was what Su Lanzhi had now, and what Su Lanzhi encountered before was what he had. Encountered.

Although he was better because he was a man, those servants obviously treated him less kindly than before. Su Zhenhua noticed all of this, so how could he not worry or care?

"Eldest Young Master is young after all, and he didn't consider many things carefully. Now Eldest Young Master has to find a way to get Second Miss back, so that you have someone to rely on!" Although Su Zhenhua has undergone great changes and has become more sensible, he is relatively young. , the city is not deep, still need someone around to give advice.And with Su Lingyue by her side, the two siblings would discuss things a bit, so they wouldn't always be oppressed.

"Mommy is very right, but I want to mention my sister to daddy recently, but daddy doesn't know why, and keeps me from talking. Mommy said what should I do?" Su Zhenhua was anxious, Su Zhenhua had already had a few days I haven't seen Su Lingyue anymore, and these days are written every day. Even if he wants to contact Su Lingyue or find out the news, he can't do it.

Now wherever he goes, there are people around him, and those people are people appointed by Su Qinglan to take care of him and protect him, but what is the difference between this and surveillance?

If it wasn't for his excuse of having a stomachache today, how could he come out?

"Young Master, this old servant has a way to get Miss Second to come back immediately, but I don't know if you are willing to endure hardship, Young Master." Su Zhenhua made a request, so Mother Bai naturally wanted to behave well.

"Mother, please tell me, as long as my sister can come back, I will do whatever you ask me!" Today's prime minister's mansion is no longer the former prime minister's mansion that made Su Zhenhua feel safe. Ever since he came back, he has felt that, Many things have changed here, many new people have been replaced, and many familiar people have disappeared, especially the people in his mother's house, almost all of them have disappeared. Of course, the only thing left is that Tao Hong.

With few familiar people around, Su Zhenhua naturally felt very unsafe, especially since he was not as free as before, and Su Zhenhua wanted Su Lingyue to come back quickly so that he would not be able to handle it alone.

I really have to do something, otherwise my father will really love that woman again. Isn't it true that he and his sister will no longer have status as Nanny Bai said?

"Since Eldest Young Master is willing to endure hardship, Second Miss will be back soon!" Su Zhenhua did not notice the look of Bai Nanny's expression, but nodded, "Mother Bai said, what should I do?" Do?"

"Young master, don't ask, wait for the old slave to make arrangements, and then the old slave will tell the young master in detail. As long as the young master acts according to the arrangement of the old slave, the second lady will come back soon!" Patted Nanny Bai seemed to have full confidence in her own chest, which instantly reassured Su Zhenhua a lot.

"Now the only people around me are Baimao and Taohong. I don't trust the others either. I will leave this matter to Madam!" After all, Baimao is Su Zhenhua's mistress. , Su Zhenhua has been taking good care of Su Zhenhua all these years, and now many people in the prime minister's house have been kicked out and sold out, and it is difficult for Su Zhenhua to see all the old people.

"Young master, don't say that. The old slave has been cautious these days, for fear of being found out and sold out. The old slave has been waiting for the young master to come back, and now it's hard to wait for the young master to come back. The old slave should do his best to assist the young master. The young master doesn’t have to worry, even if the wife is favored by the master, she still has no sons. The young master is the only son and the only heir of the master. How are you, young master!" These words gave Su Zhenhua, who had been a little uneasy recently, confidence, thinking that what Bai Nanny said was true, this Prime Minister's mansion would be his sooner or later, Su Zhenhua's face showed A little bit more relaxed.

"Mommy is right. I am the only daughter of my father. Even if that woman has a daughter, she will still have to marry off in the future. When I grow up and inherit this family, won't she let me squeeze her? "Thinking that one day everything will be her own, and Murong Yan will act according to his face, Su Zhenhua's previous care and worry are half gone.

"It's good that the young master can think like this. The young master is the only son of the master, so there is no need to be so careful. The young master just needs to be himself, and the other things, the old slave will help you!" Seeing Su Zhenhua being beaten by him Talking about being moved, Nanny Bai's eyes were full of light, and her mind became more and more active.

"Well, mother, do your best, and I won't treat you badly in the future!" After a while in his heart, Su Zhenhua's entangled emotions these days have dissipated a lot, and he only hopes that he can really feel so elated It's been a day.

"It's on the old slave, young master, let's go back quickly, and people will find that we have come to the front yard, but it will be terrible!"

"Okay!" With self-confidence, Su Zhenhua is not as nervous and careful as before, and now he will go back quickly, thinking that he will see his sister soon, and work together with his sister to suppress Murong Yan and Su Lanzhi Going down, his mood is extraordinarily happy.


On the other side, Su Qinglan quickly carried Murong Yan back to the Yanyun Pavilion, looking at Murong Yan's pale face, it was a winter day, and Su Qinglan's face was so anxious that sweat came out.

Carefully put Murong Yan on the bed, Su Qinglan hadn't seen Murong Yan so pale and fragile for a long time, her face was full of distress, "Yan'er, what's wrong with you? But what's wrong?" She stretched out her hand, thinking Wanted to touch each other, but looking into Murong Yan's eyes, Su Qinglan couldn't move forward after all.

"Master, you don't need to be nervous, I'm fine!" Pulling away slightly, Murong Yan looked at Su Qinglan's nervous expression, and felt a pain in her heart, but she quickly covered it up.

"But Yan'er, your complexion is really bad. Why hasn't the imperial doctor come yet?" Su Qinglan was a little anxious to wait, and Su Qinglan was afraid that something might happen to Murong Yan. She looked at the door anxiously, hoping that the imperial doctor would come quickly up.

"Master, I'm really fine, I just got motion sickness and I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, just rest for a while and it will be fine." Apart from stomach discomfort, Murong Yan didn't feel anything else.

"Are you really all right?" Although Murong Yan said that, but Su Qinglan looked at Murong Yan's face, and really didn't think that Murong Yan was really all right.

"Master, I know my own body, I know it myself." I'm not used to Su Qinglan's caring attitude. Over the years, she has made her heart calm, and she has decided to continue like this. Naturally, she doesn't want her heart to be uneasy anymore. .

"No, no, I'd better let the imperial physician take a look, so I can feel at ease!" Su Qinglan was indeed frightened just now, and he was really worried that he wouldn't let the imperial physician take a look.

"..." I wanted to say something more, but looking at the unquestionable look in Su Qinglan's eyes, Murongyan knew that it would be useless to say more, so she closed her eyes and tried to keep her eyes closed.

Su Qinglan saw that Murong Yan was lazy and didn't want to talk, so she didn't want to say anything, just paced and looked outside the door anxiously, feeling that the imperial doctor was really slow in coming.

"Father, don't worry, mother should be fine!" Su Lanzhi observed carefully for a while, and found that Murong Yan looked a little tired and pale, but there was nothing wrong with it, probably nothing Seriously.

"Although I said that, I don't feel at ease if I don't let the imperial doctor take a look!" After finally facing the mistakes she made bravely and admitting them bravely, Su Qinglan really didn't want to, because she hadn't been forgiven, and Murong When Yan started again, something happened again.

"What Daddy said is, it's just Daddy, you should sit down and rest for a while, drink some tea, if you walk around like this, I think mother will feel irritable!" Knowing that once Su Qinglan met Murong Yan, she would be very upset. Some emotions were out of control, but Su Lanzhi didn't think anything of it.

Really care about a person, isn't that what it is?Even though sometimes it looks silly, but this is love!

"Okay, okay!" Glancing at Murong Yan, she found that the other party's brows were indeed frowning. Su Qinglan knew that Murong Yan said she was fine, but she just kept her mouth shut. In fact, she was still very uncomfortable, so she couldn't help feeling even more anxious. "Why hasn't the doctor come yet?"

"The palace is a bit far from here. Even if the imperial physician leaves immediately, it will still take time." Although the Prime Minister's Mansion is relatively close to the palace, it is two big houses after all, so of course there is a lot of walking distance.

"Hey, I was too anxious." It was also because of worry that she lost control. Seeing that her daughter was calmer than herself, Su Qinglan felt that she was a little impatient, so she had to sit down and drink tea slowly. Lest I can't sit still all the time.


"Master, Imperial Physician Sun is here!" The Xiangfu really has a lot of face, every time he goes to invite, he always invites Imperial Physician Sun, the head of the imperial hospital. Su Lanzhi watched the old man walk in step by step, and hurriedly followed Su Qinglan passed.

"Mr. Sun, my wife is feeling a little unwell. I hope Mr. Sun will show me!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiang, I'll go and have a look!" After being led in, Zi'er put the curtain on Murong Yan's bed, only showing Murong Yan's hand, and then covered Murong Yan with a handkerchief. Only then did Physician Sun carefully feel the pulse on his wrist.

His face was a little surprised, Doctor Sun frowned, glanced at Su Qinglan, and looked at the curtain, "Madam Su, please show me the pulse of the other hand!"

After a while, Murong Yan changed her other hand, and Zi'er put on the veil as before. Doctor Sun took the pulse again, and after a long time, her brows became more and more wrinkled. Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhixin who were watching aside They were about to jump out, but when Doctor Sun stood up, Su Qinglan didn't care too much, and asked directly, "Doctor Sun, what happened to my wife's body? Is it serious?"

Imperial Physician Sun's medical skills are excellent, but just now he took both of Murong Yan's hands in a daze, and with that expression, what did Su Qinglan think, why did she think it was wrong, her heart was entangled in mid-air, she was really worried!

"Master, Mrs. Su's body is indeed a little serious." Thinking of the scene of taking Murong Yan's pulse, Imperial Physician Sun only felt surprised in his heart, and at the moment he couldn't figure it out, and was struggling!

"Doctor Sun, what is the disease of my wife? Please tell me the truth, no matter how expensive the medicinal materials are and how much it costs, I will definitely cure my wife!" Looking at the frowning expression of Doctor Sun, Su Qinglan's heart became more and more uncertain, and her face turned pale with fright, but the doctor Sun had been thinking about something on her mind, but she didn't notice it.

"Hey, it's so strange..." He muttered to himself, but Doctor Sun was really puzzled.

Where is the problem?

"Physician Sun, you are talking, what kind of emergency is my wife suffering from? You can prescribe the right medicine!" Seeing that Physician Sun's answer was wrong, Su Qinglan was about to die of anxiety. If he hadn't been well-bred, He was afraid that he would grab the other party by the collar and force him to question him.

"Master, Mrs. Su is actually not sick, but she is happy." At this moment, she finally saw Su Qinglan's expression, and then Doctor Sun realized that she hadn't said anything, so she said it in a hurry, but what he said was in vain. It was like a thunderbolt in the flat ground, which made Su Qinglan dizzy.

"You, what did you say?" Murong Yan is pregnant?How can it be?Didn't all the doctors back then say that Murong Yan had hurt her body and that she might not be able to conceive again?How can I get pregnant?

Su Qinglan only felt that the news was both shocking and joyful, and what was more, it was unbelievable.

"Congratulations, Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's mansion has been clean for many years. Now, it's time to have a baby!" It was rare to see Su Qinglan, who had always been gentle and calm, lose his mind. The doctor Sun smiled, and he was not stingy at all with congratulations.

"Doctor Sun, what you said is true?" Everything happened too suddenly and too unbelievable. What, what's going on here?

"Mr. Xiang doesn't believe in the medical skills of subordinate officials? If you don't believe me, Mr. Xiang can just find someone else!" I was a little angry, but Doctor Sun also understood Su Qinglan's surprise. After all, Murong Yan was notified by the doctor that she could not conceive. Yes, now that she is pregnant suddenly, it is unbelievable even for Dr. Sun.

"No, it's not that I don't believe in you, Doctor Sun, but you also know that my wife's body was damaged back then and it was difficult to conceive again, why now..."

"This lower official is also a little doubtful, but maybe Mrs. Su has taken good care of these days, and she can conceive after her body recovers." Murong Yan back then was indeed in a critical situation, and she gave birth to Su Lanzhi after a narrow escape. Her body was severely damaged, and everyone thought that it was impossible for Murong Yan to conceive again, but now, Murong Yan is pregnant again at the age of 30, which is really unbelievable.

"Then, my wife's body, can you bear it?" Su Qinglan still has lingering fears when she thought about Murong Yan's narrow escape and gave birth to Su Lanzhi.

Although he was happy that the two could have another child, but if it was at the cost of Murong Yan's life, then he didn't want it!

"Ms. Su is indeed a little older now. It is dangerous to be pregnant. In addition, I am always tired and worried recently, and the fetus is a little unstable. Fortunately, it has been more than two months now. I just need to rest for the first three months. Yue, take good care of yourself, and you'll be fine." Murong Yan's body is much better than before, and Imperial Physician Sun also found it strange, looked at Su Qinglan, and finally couldn't help asking, "Madam Su these years The body is taking care of well, but I don't know how Mrs. Su took care of it?" She can conceive her infertile body?

Doctor Sun is obsessed with medicine, so of course he wants to do some research.

"This..." I was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Su Qinglan didn't know how Murong Yan took care of her body. She couldn't help but feel more and more guilty towards Murong Yan, so she quickly changed the subject, "Doctor Sun, what do you need now?" Did you pay attention? There are still things that need to be eaten and things that cannot be eaten, and please ask Dr. Sun to tell me one by one!"

It is also a great blessing to have a child in middle age, let alone the woman she loves and her child, how could Su Qinglan be unhappy?

"Okay, I'll write it down in a while, and then prescribe some mild anti-fetal medicine. Mrs. Su will take it every day. This month, I will lie down to recuperate. After that, I will slowly recuperate. I will definitely add a fat boy to Xiangye!" It was also seeing Su Qinglan's joy, that Imperial Physician Sun is also a man of speech, and every word he said at this moment can be said to reach Su Qinglan's heart.

"Okay, I hope you have accepted your good words from Imperial Physician Sun. Please, let's go aside and talk!"

"Okay!" Knowing that he is a man, it's not good to always be here, so Doctor Sun followed Su Qinglan out, and the two of them discussed the precautions and diet.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Su Lanzhi's mind froze a bit. Although this was what she wanted and she thought it was feasible, but before she was ready, it came suddenly. Su Lanzhi I also feel a little surprised.

Could it be that time?

Naturally, knowing that her parents respect each other like ice, Murong Yan has never refused to stay with Su Qinglan overnight, the only time was the time at Prince Qing's Mansion, but she won just once, her father, Sure enough, it was still powerful.

Thinking of that day when Su Qinglan was poisoned by the love potion, Murong Yan took Su Qinglan's love potion by chance, but Su Lanzhi never expected that a child would be left behind that night.

Could this be a turning point in the relationship between the parents?

Thinking of this, Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Yan, the curtain had already been lifted, and Murong Yan sat on the bed with a demure expression, although her face was still calm, Su Lanzhi knew that the other party was not calm anymore.

Seeing Murong Yan's right hand unconsciously placed on her stomach and gently stroking, Su Lanzhi could even feel the joy emanating from Murong Yan's body, as well as the trembling excitement.

It seems that mother cares about this child.

"Hey, it's all because of the old slave's confusion. Seeing that Mrs. Xiaozi hasn't come for two months, I didn't think much about it. Fortunately, nothing happened. If something really happened, the old slave will die. Blame!" Zhang Momo was also different when she heard the news, she was in charge of Murong Yan's monthly laundry changes, although she also found something abnormal, she just thought that Murong Yan was no longer able to have children, so she didn't think much about it.

Now that she really heard the news, Mother Zhang was of course both happy and scared. The happy thing was that Murong Yan was pregnant again. If she got a boy in one fell swoop, then the obstacle between Murong Yan and Su Qinglan would be gone. , the two of them can be together in harmony, and she doesn't have to watch the master she grew up with always feel sad.

But there are joys and sorrows, Murong Yan is now in her 30s, and it is very dangerous to conceive a child at this age.

Zhang Momo thought that everyone didn't know anything for the past two months, and let Murong Yan work so hard, she felt cold sweat all over her body.

"Hey, I have to tell the people in the house quickly, tell them to be more careful and light in what they do in the future, wipe the floor clean, arrange the tables and chairs, and clear out the extra things temporarily, so as not to save Madam I stumbled and hurt the little young master in my stomach!" Soon after accepting the surprise of Murong Yan's pregnancy, Madam Zhang hurriedly went to give orders, she looked happier than her own daughter was pregnant!

"Mother..." Sitting carefully on the edge of the bed, looking at Murong Yan without saying a word, just stroking her stomach, Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan's mood at the moment was very complicated.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on Murong Yan's stomach. Although he looked at Murong Yan's face calmly, the information and surprise in his eyes couldn't be fooled, "Mother, Lan'er has a little brother, and finally he won't let me go!" It's great to be alone again!" In fact, she has always been lonely, Su Lingyue and Su Zhenhua treat her like enemies, so she doesn't regard each other as her relatives.

But the child in Murong Yan's womb is different, it is the younger brother of the mother who has the closest blood relationship with her, the two will support each other in the future, how can anyone else replace it?

Hearing Su Lanzhi's joyful and expectant words, Murong Yan turned her head to look at Su Lanzhi, "Does Laner like my younger brother? But what if it's my younger sister?" Knowing that her daughter has always been lonely, Of course, Murong Yan also hopes that Su Lanzhi can have a companion in the future.

"No, mother, it will be my younger brother!" This child, of course, had better be a younger brother, so that she would have no worries.

"You, if it's my younger sister, don't you like it?" She nodded Su Lanzhi's small nose. Although Murong Yan was smiling, there was some worry and bitterness in that smile. Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan I was worried about something, and quickly smiled, "It must be the younger brother, but even if it is the younger sister, I also like him, because he is also mother's child and Lan'er's closest relative!"

"You child..." sighed inaudibly. In Murong Yan's heart, she just felt that God had played a joke on her. When she made up her mind to end with Su Qinglan, she suddenly realized that the two There is a child who binds the two of them. At this moment, Murong Yan really doesn't know how to face all this, facing Su Qinglan.

She can give up on Su Qinglan, or she can be unfeeling to him, but what about the child?Could it be that if the other party is born, there will be no father?

The mood is very complicated, Murong Yan really can't tell whether she is happy or worried at this moment.

"Mother, don't think too much. Now that you are pregnant with your younger brother, you always think too much. When your younger brother is born, isn't he just a little old man? It will be very ugly!" Knowing Murong Yan's entanglement, she was very worried. However, in Su Lanzhi's view, this child came at the right time, and it was also a kind of fate, which proved that the fate between Murong Yan and Su Qinglan was not over. Su Lanzhi naturally hoped that this child could be born safely.

If the child is born as a boy, then everything can be solved easily, and many things that she was hesitant about before can be carried out decisively.

"You, naughty!" Knowing that her daughter said it on purpose to tease herself, Murong Yan also knew that it was useless to think too much, so she didn't think any more.

Everything, let nature take its course, this is her child, can't she just let it go?

Since she can't be cruel, she has to face everything that will be faced next.

"Mother, what are you worried about?" Looking at Murong Yan's eyes, Su Lanzhi knew that although Murong Yan was happy, she was more worried.

Is it because of the baby in the belly?Or is it because of the power hidden in the dark?

Su Lanzhi did not forget that in the Prime Minister's Mansion, there were always people watching everything about them in the dark, spying on their lives all the time, which made Su Lanzhi really unhappy!

"No, Lan'er, let Zhang Momo and the others come here, I have something to say to them!" There are some things that I have to guard against. Murong Yan recalled the scene when she was pregnant with Su Lanzhi back then, and this time she was pregnant again. After having a child, Murong Yan naturally has to be more careful.

"Okay!" Hurriedly went to call the bustling Nanny Zhang and Murong Yan's personal maid to go in. Murong Yan looked at several people, and finally her eyes fell on Zhang Nanny, "Nurse, I'm pregnant. Don't say anything about what happened, and treat everything as if it didn't happen!" Now she is only two months old, and she hasn't passed the three-month danger period, so it's better to pay attention.

After hearing Murong Yan's words, Zhang Momo was only a little surprised, and then she understood, "Ma'am, I understand!"

"You are all people who can get close to me on weekdays. Now that I am pregnant, in the future, no one will be allowed to come in this room except you. You will behave the same as when I was not pregnant on weekdays." , don't make people suspicious!" Although it won't be long, if you can hide it for a moment, that's a moment, so you can buy more time for her and the child.

"Yes, ma'am!" Although they didn't quite understand, but remembering when Murong Yan was pregnant with Su Lanzhi, they knew a thing or two, so they answered without asking any questions.

"Nurse, get someone to notify the master, let him tell Doctor Sun, and keep this matter secret!" Somewhat worried about the outside world, Murong Yan had no choice but to quickly block any possible exposure.

"Yes!" Nanny Zhang was about to go out when Su Qinglan came in, just in time to hear Murong Yan's words, and her heart that had been hanging in mid-air finally let go, "Yan'er, don't worry, Imperial Physician Sun won't say anything !" Just now I went out with Sun Tai-doctor with the intention of making Sun Tai-doctor shut up, and now that the Prime Minister's Mansion is being watched by various forces, Su Qinglan must protect her child this time!

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved!" Unexpectedly, Su Qinglan thought the same thing as herself. Murongyan felt a little complicated in her heart. She glanced at Su Qinglan and finally looked away. You have to stay focused and don't let outsiders know what happened today, but understand? If you let me know who leaked it, you should know what the consequences will be!"

"The servants know!"

"Okay, let's go, I'm tired!" It's true that she gets tired easily recently, and Murong Yan thought it was because she was too tired before, but she never thought that it turned out that there was a new life in her stomach.

It seems that she was negligent and should have thought of it earlier.

"Yes, ma'am!" Several people went out lightly, only Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhi were left. Seeing that the two of them hadn't left, Murong Yan didn't pay any attention, "You go out first, I want to sleep A little while." The eyes were full of exhaustion, Murong Yan was indeed tired from the carriage ride for a long time just now, and wanted to rest very much.

Knowing that this was a normal reaction, Su Qinglan didn't force it, "I'll ask Nanny Zhang to grab the anti-fetal medicine in a while, remember to drink it when you wake up!" She never thought that she would have another child, even with her beloved. At this moment, Su Qinglan still only feels that she is floating in the clouds, which is unbelievable.

"Okay!" She closed her eyes tiredly, Murong Yan really wanted to have a good sleep at this moment, and by the way, think about what to do next.

Can she keep this child?

To be honest, Murong Yan's heart is very uncertain!

As if seeing Murong Yan's worry, Su Qinglan's eyes flashed guilt, "Yan'er, don't worry, I will protect you and the child!" After leaving this promise, Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhi left, Murong Yan stared blankly at the direction where the two disappeared, and for a long time, she didn't come back to her senses.


Su Lanzhi looked at Murong Yan and Su Qinglan's nervous and strange reactions, and knew that Murong Yan was pregnant at this time, which was a bit dangerous, "Daddy, why do you and mother look more worried than happy? Is there something difficult?"

Su Lanzhi was a little suspicious when she found out that Murong Yan's body was actually fine, but was drugged and made everyone think that Murong Yan was infertile.

But fortunately, in her previous life, because she couldn't conceive, she did a lot of research on this aspect, so she had the opportunity to have dinner with Murong Yan every day, and it gave Murong Yan a good health care. Originally, she thought she was getting better slowly. After taking good care of Murong Yan's body, in a few days, if Murong Yan and Su Qinglan can get back together, they might have another child and no more regrets, but I never thought it would be so soon.

Su Lanzhi is really worried about Murong Yan's body now. After all, she was drugged, will she be able to bear it?

"Lan'er, don't worry, Daddy won't let you and your mother get hurt!" This is Su Qinglan's promise, but he won't say more about it.

His daughter, because of his mistakes over the years, has matured too much prematurely, and she no longer has the innocence and romance that this age should have. How can he let his own affairs bother the other party?

"Dad, mother's body, what did Imperial Physician Sun say just now?" Su Qinglan took Imperial Physician Sun aside, and Su Lanzhi believed that it was not just because Imperial Physician Sun kept a secret.

"Your mother's body was severely damaged in the early years. Although these years are good for recuperation, but after all, she is old. Doctor Sun said that giving birth is still a bit dangerous." Speaking of this, Su Qinglan was full of worry , This was originally a good thing, but now it seems that there are more bad things.

"Then Imperial Physician Sun said there is any way?" Although Su Lanzhi had already made a plan in her heart, she still wanted to hear the opinions of senior imperial physicians so that it could be perfected.

"For these days, let your mother lie down for the time being, and take care of her slowly in the future. There are still eight months left, but there is still time. Don't worry!" Although I was worried, I didn't want Su Lanzhi to follow him to worry, Su Qinglan had no choice but to lie.

"Well, I see!" Nodding her head, Su Lanzhi knew that in the eyes of her parents, she was always just a child, so she wouldn't tell herself many things.

However, if her parents didn't tell her, it didn't mean she wouldn't investigate it. She had already guessed who it was, and now, she only needed to confirm it further. In the end, she could prevent it before it happened.

As for the unstable factors in this mansion, it seems that it is time to clean it up slowly, so that mother can be less threatening!

"You go back and rest, I will arrange your mother's affairs, don't think too much!" Seeing the look on her daughter's face, Su Qinglan felt extremely guilty.

Now that I am not so arrogant and shameless these years, maybe Lan Er will not work so hard. At least, she can be as happy as her peers?

"Father, I wonder if it is possible for Lan'er to be in charge of mother's food?" Murong Yan is pregnant now, she really has to be more careful, "Also, can mother's meals not be cooked in the big kitchen in the future, It’s more convenient to do it in the small kitchen!”

"That's what you said, just don't move too much or too suddenly, take your time, don't worry!" There are some things that are not easy to tell Su Lanzhi, so Su Qinglan can only mention them.

"Don't worry, Daddy, Lan'er understands!" Knowing that this matter must have something to do with the court, and even involved the competition for the reserve position, Su Lanzhi naturally did not dare to be careless.

"Well, go, be more careful about your mother's affairs in the future!"

"Okay!" After bidding farewell to Su Qinglan, Su Lanzhi walked step by step, thinking about the next plan and arrangement, and thinking about the people who might be afraid of the Prime Minister's mansion now, the more Su Lanzhi thought about it, the more she felt I was shocked.

Today's Prime Minister's Mansion, I'm afraid it's walking on thin ice?Although he wholeheartedly wants to be neutral and does not stand on any side, but the Xiangfu is now rich and powerful, who is willing to give up?

Those people must be doing everything they can?I must be more careful, I can't let those people catch my weakness just because my mother is pregnant, let alone let those people hurt my mother!

As I was walking, I saw a sneaky figure. When Su Lanzhi looked over, the figure disappeared quickly. Su Lanzhi's eyes turned cold, and she motioned for Yunzhu. passed.

Who is it that can't bear it so soon?

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