Copying Buddhist scriptures every day, these aunts are already miserable, and now they have to copy again, which undoubtedly increases the burden, who wants it?

Hearing Su Lanzhi's words, one by two, they looked at each other in dismay, and everyone stared at Aunt Liu in consensus, and couldn't help but blame Aunt Liu for provoking her.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Su Lanzhi knew that it must be the credit of Aunt Liu that the aunts who came to the door today have nothing to do.

Presumably Murong Yan fainted that day, she couldn't find out the news, and the Yanyun Pavilion was on tight guard these days, so she had to find a helper to check it out?

However, she was going to be disappointed in the end.

There was a bit of coldness in her eyes, Su Lanzhi looked at Aunt Liu's unwilling look, and knew that this person was definitely going to send news to Prince Qing's mansion. It is said that the old Princess Qing has been able to speak and move still It's really fast.

It seems that this Aunt Liu must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise staying in the Xiangfu will always be a disaster!

"Several aunts went back early to copy Buddhist scriptures for mother. My mother is not in good health now. I think the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" is the best. The aunts copy it ten times a day. I think my mother's body will soon It will be fine." These aunts just think about these messes when they have nothing to do every day, so why not find something for them to do, so that they don't always get into trouble.

Ten times, thinking about it will take up most of their time, so that they don't have extra thoughts to think about these things.

Seeing the uneasy faces of a few people, Su Lanzhi certainly knew that these people were unwilling, but they couldn't help it, "My aunts copied it every day and sent it to others. I think I will be able to understand my aunt's feelings when I see her. It’s your heart’s desire. My aunts copy it sincerely every day, it’s my mother’s blessing.” If you want to be sincere, you must fast. Always have something to do, just want to run this way, disturb Murong Yan's rest!

"Miss, this..." Aunt Liu was a little unwilling. Today, she urged everyone to come here because she wanted someone to share the burden with her when something happened. But now her goal has not been achieved, so it's like this It's too late, isn't her suffering in vain?

But before she finished speaking, she just felt that Su Lanzhi's eyes looking at her seemed to penetrate her, which made Aunt Liu flustered, and there was a flash of coldness, so she had to hang her head down, no longer spoke.

But what should I do, I haven't detected anything today, so how can I explain to Old Princess Qing?

Her heart was full of entanglements, but Su Lanzhi didn't give Aunt Liu any chance to think about it, "Aunt Liu, what, is it true that what you said about caring about your mother just now is just a lie?"

"Maidservant and concubine don't dare!" She hurriedly denied, she was just a concubine, how could she dare to disrespect the mistress?

"Since I dare not, then I have to take a good look at Aunt Liu's sincerity!" Looking at Aunt Liu with a half-smile, Su Lanzhi looked at the other party's panic and anxiety, with a little sarcasm at the corner of her mouth.

It seems that they have been too polite to them recently, so that they have become more and more lawless!

"Miss, don't worry, the concubine will fast for a few days, and pray for Madam every day, I hope Madam can recover soon!" I dare not say anything anymore, so as not to say too many mistakes, Aunt Liu regretted it to death today I was reckless, and even made the other two aunts get punished. I don't know how to explain it in a while!

It was difficult for her in the Prime Minister's Mansion, if she had enemies, how would she live her life?

"Well, since that's the case, you go back and copy the Buddhist scriptures, don't make noise here, and disturb your mother's rest." Once again, the eviction order was issued, and the aunts had a full belly today, thankless , and dare not continue to hold the gun, lest Su Lanzhi make more excuses for them to do things.

They are not nuns in a nunnery, copying Buddhist scriptures every day, what's the matter?

One by two, they left lazily, feeling very dissatisfied with Aunt Liu, but Aunt Zhang and Aunt Zheng walked together, and they consciously distanced themselves from Aunt Liu.

Looking at this situation, Su Lanzhi naturally knew that the three aunts had already had a gap, and the life after Aunt Liu would not be too easy, but this is the other party's own fault, no wonder others!

Withdrawing her gaze, Su Lanzhi went into the room, and as soon as she entered, she saw Murong Yan lying on the bed, her whole body was quiet, stroking her stomach, her whole body exuded a maternity tinge Guang Hui also had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was much more vivid than the previous cold and indifferent look who didn't care about anything.

It seems that mother has gradually accepted this child, this is a good start!

She felt relieved, Su Lanzhi was really afraid that Murong Yan would dislike that child, but at this moment, she was not worried anymore.

"Mother, what are you thinking? So engrossed?" Today's Murong Yan, her complexion is much better than yesterday. Now because she is pregnant, she would kneel in front of the Buddha statue and pay respects to the Buddha at this time in the past, but now she is lying down. With that, the whole person felt peaceful, and the room became much warmer.

"I didn't think about anything, but it's a bit boring to lie down like this every day." In the past, when I had nothing to do, I would bow to the Buddha. Now that I have a body, I don't want to always kneel, so as not to hurt the baby in my stomach. Murong Yan was really not used to it.

Originally, I thought that I would never be able to be a mother in this life, but just once, a miracle happened. Thinking that there is already a small life in her stomach, a child connected to her flesh and blood, Murong Yan's mood is really It's very complicated.

There are surprises, but there are also regrets and sadness.

If this child had come ten years earlier, perhaps...

Thinking that her infertility has suddenly become a farce, Murong Yan now doesn't know how to face Su Qinglan, how to face the aunts in this mansion.

"Mother, don't think so. There are plenty of things to do in the future. My little brother will be born in eight months, but now I don't have any clothes and shoes. If mother feels bored, I can start to prepare. I think my brother will be born in the future." I'm very happy to wear the clothes and shoes my mother made for him!" Murong Yan's female celebrity is very good, and the things she makes are also very delicate, and Su Lanzhi also got a lot of them.

"You, I've been talking about my little brother. What if it's not my brother? What do you do?" In fact, both men and women are fine, but given the current situation, Murong Yan really hopes that there is one in her belly. Just a son.

It's not that she favors boys over girls, it's just that Su Zhenhua is unreliable, and Murongyan doesn't want to wait until Su Qinglan and she leave, Su Lanzhi will have no support.

"Hehe, I feel like a younger brother, but even if it's not a younger brother, as long as it's my mother's child, I like it!" I didn't want to put too much pressure on Murong Yan, so Su Lanzhi stopped saying, "Mother, I want to see you too!" How about you teach me how to make some small things for him?" Su Lanzhi is really not very good at children's things, now, I come to ask Murong Yan for advice, firstly, I really want to learn, secondly, naturally I also want to help Murong Yan pass the time.

"Okay, but the clothes and shoes for children must be made of very soft fabric, so as not to hurt the skin." After a night, Murong Yan naturally accepted the child, although because of the child, There will be many things that will happen, but it will not affect her love and expectation for this child.

"Well, I know, the Shu brocade bestowed by the emperor a few days ago, I saw that the fabric is very thin and soft, I think it is very suitable for children to wear."

"I think so."

"Mom, what should I do?"

"You just make some simple little clothes. The Shu brocade is very precious. You should try to make one with other things first. If it suits you, then use the Shu brocade to make it."

"it is good!"


The mother and daughter were discussing how to make the little dress, but they never saw it. Su Qinglan came in quietly, made a silent movement to the people in the room, and didn't go forward, just stood quietly at the door , Seeing the rare sincere smile on Murong Yan's face, she also started to smile, and a dim light flashed in the depths of her eyes, maybe because she remembered the past years, she felt a little sad?

It seemed that he hadn't seen her smiling so happily for a long time.

When did it start?To herself, she was no longer as unreserved as before, and started to hide her thoughts?

It seems that the day when she saw her betrayal began?

No, it should be earlier.

By the way, it was when she was diagnosed that she could no longer get pregnant. Deep in her eyes, there was always a sadness that she couldn't see. In fact, I saw her hesitant and complicated several times. It's just that he But he didn't think much about it, and just told the other party that he didn't care, and he could wait slowly.

But he seems to have overlooked that some things don't exist if you don't care about them. Maybe he should have a heart-to-heart talk with her at the beginning, maybe later, there won't be so many misunderstandings and hurts.

Hey, after all, he is young and frivolous, and many things are just based on his passionate heart, but he doesn't pay much attention to the love between men and women, and the delicate and sensitive thoughts of women.

After standing for a long time, maybe his eyes were too focused, unconsciously, a little bit of eagerness was drawn out, Murong Yan was aware of it, and when she turned her head, she saw Su Qinglan standing quietly at the door, like the pines and cypresses Her gentle posture, kindness and gentleness, and the deep affection in her eyes made her suddenly a little dazed.

"Mother?" Seeing that Murong Yan's eyes were wrong, Su Lanzhi looked into Murong Yan's eyes, saw Su Qinglan, and suddenly felt that she seemed to be a little too focused, and she didn't even know anyone was in the room!

"Daddy, why are you here? Why didn't someone tell you?" I don't know how long Su Qinglan has been here, but looking at the warmth in the other party's eyes, it took Su Lanzhi some time to come.

"Hehe, I saw that you guys were having a good chat just now, and you didn't want to disturb me, so I didn't ask anyone to answer." Seeing that the expression on Murong Yan's face became lighter, Su Qinglan felt a little disappointed, and walked over, looking at the two people holding some The fine and shredded fabric, I knew it in my heart, but I didn't point it out directly, "Yan'er, are you making clothes for children?"

It seems that she still cares about the child, so he can rest assured.

"Yes!" Nodding her head, now that she has a child, it proves that she and Su Qinglan have bonded again, and Murong Yan really hasn't figured out how to deal with their relationship.

"Your ingenuity, the clothes you make must be excellent, and the children will definitely like them!" I dreamed of having another child with Murong Yan, and now I finally have it. Although it was a bit late, Su Qinglan still had a child last night. I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep all night.

I came to see Murong Yan early today, just to know if she is doing well and if the child is doing well.

"The concubine is just doing things randomly, it doesn't matter if it's a coincidence." Looking at Su Qinglan looking at the fabric in her hand, Murong Yan felt a little weird in her heart, her face was still calm, but her heart was full of complexity. And bitter too.

In such a situation, who can tell her how she should face the father of the child in her womb, which is the right way?

"What you made is naturally excellent." Thinking about the things Murong Yan made for him before, Su Qinglan certainly knew that Murong Yan was not only talented, but she was also very good at needlework. It's better than that made by the clothing store!

"Master, thank you." Putting the things away, Murong Yan ordered Nanny Zhang to make tea for Su Qinglan. Su Qinglan couldn't help but ecstasy flashed across her face when she heard Murong Ya ask Nanny Zhang to make tea, "Yan'er, why don't you drink tea?" Remember that I like clouds?" Su Qinglan loves tea, but loves clouds the most, and anyone who is familiar with him knows that.

Now seeing that the person she loves doesn't completely care about herself, Su Qinglan only feels that her heart is full of strength, and her eyes are bright.

As long as she still cares, then he still has a chance!

"Master likes clouds and mists. Everyone in the house knows it, and I naturally know it too!" This actually weakened the concern in my heart. As soon as Murong Yan said this, Su Qinglan's complexion darkened.

"Hehe, yes, why do you still want to remember?" He hurt her so deeply, the other party probably didn't want to remember even a little thing related to him?

"Master, drink tea!" As if she didn't want to say more, Murong Yan asked Su Qinglan to drink tea directly. Su Qinglan looked at Murong Yan's expression, which was much better than yesterday, but she felt relieved, "I sent someone to bring it." Some bird's nest and ginseng, the imperial doctor said that it is good to eat these when pregnant with children. After a few days, you can directly open small rice dumplings in your own courtyard. If you want to eat in the future, let the servants do it directly. If there is no one in the house, just follow I said."

The appetite of pregnant women is sometimes very strange and tricky. Although the prime minister has everything that one can expect, Su Qinglan is still worried.

"Master is worrying too much. There is everything in the mansion. I am only pregnant with a child, so I am not so delicate!" Murong Yan said that she was not moved by the other party's concern. Just face it.

"Conceiving a child is hard work, so don't limit yourself, eat whatever you want, but you can't always smoke incense paper and worship the Buddha on weekdays, it's not good for the child. Also, don't always kneel Now, you are not in good health, don't get hurt." Always a little worried, Su Qinglan is more like a mother at the moment, rambling.

"Master, don't worry, I know about it."

"If you say that, I'm relieved. It's just that you have a body. Do you want to tell your mother?" This mother is naturally Mrs. Jingbeihou. Mrs. Jingbeihou has no son because of Murong Yan all these years, but she is so desperate Don't worry, now that the good news has passed, Mrs. Jingbeihou will be very happy.

"Don't tell mother just yet, so as not to worry mother, let's wait for a while and wait until the child is stable!" Now, nothing is as important as the child in her stomach. After finally having a child, she will definitely keep it.

"Alright, if mother blames me in the future, just say it was my idea!"

"Mother is not such an unreasonable person, she will understand."

"That's right, but I think too much." Thinking about Madam Jingbeihou's teaching to her, Su Qinglan's face flashed a little warmth.

Both of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention Lao Qing Wangfei. It seems that this mother has left a knot in each other's hearts.


Xu looked at the child's face, Su Qinglan sat for a long time and said a lot, Murong Yan was not as cold as usual, although she didn't see a smile on her face, she still answered Su Qinglan's words patiently, which made Su Qinglan feel a burst of emotion in her heart The ecstasy.

The three of them talked for a while, Mammy Zhang made bird's nest porridge, Murong Yan felt a little sleepy after eating, Su Qinglan and Su Lanzhi left.

Walking on the road, Su Qinglan looked at her daughter's peaceful side face, thinking about the news she learned this morning, but stopped talking.

"Daddy, do you have something to say to your daughter?" Seeing Su Qinglan staring at her several times, Su Lanzhi naturally knew that Su Qinglan was going to tell herself a "bad news".

"Lan'er, Daddy has something to tell you, don't be too sad." Thinking about the friendship between Su Lanzhi and Xue Lingyun, Su Qinglan was really surprised when she heard the news this morning.

It's a pity that such a child died before he got married.

"Daddy, tell me, what's the matter?" I already knew what Su Qinglan was going to say in my heart, but Su Lanzhi pretended not to know, so as not to worry Su Qinglan.

"Lan'er, although the snow has melted a little, the ground is a bit slippery. This morning, the Fuguo Mansion sent news that Miss Xue was walking in the yard this morning and accidentally fell into the lake. It was too late for the servants to find out. Now, Miss Xue has already gone." Try to put it mildly, Su Qinglan naturally knows the relationship between Su Lanzhi and Xue Lingyun, they have already gone, he doesn't want Su Lanzhi to be too sad.

"Daddy, what you're talking about..." It seemed unbelievable, Su Lanzhi's eyes widened, full of surprise.

how come?

"Lan'er, people can't be resurrected after death, think about it, don't think too much." Although Su Qinglan thinks that Xue Lingyun is Su Lanzhi's friend, she is just a friend. What Su Qinglan really cares about is naturally Su Lanzhi .

Although he felt sorry for the person gone, he didn't want his daughter to be too sad.

"But Daddy, what happened? Is there no one around Sister Xue?" Although Yunzhu had heard some news, Su Lanzhi wanted to know more, because she always felt that there was something weird in her heart. She had to figure out why all this happened!

"It seems that Miss Xue got up very early this morning, and then she said she was going for a walk in the yard, but suddenly she was hungry, so she asked someone to get some snacks, and also asked someone to carry the piano, prepare tables and chairs, so that she could play the piano, and the people around her They were all sent away..." Su Qinglan believed that she didn't need to say much, and with Su Lanzhi's intelligence, she could understand it after thinking about it.

Of course, there were some things that Su Qinglan didn't say, such as the matter that Xue Lingyun was kidnapped overnight and lost her reputation.So Xue Lingyun may be in a bad mood and can't think about it.Or is it……

There are some dark sides in this, Su Qinglan doesn't want Su Lanzhi to know, so as not to make the child feel sad again.

He is not Fu Guogong, nor the old concubine Qing, he will protect his child well, and will not let his child suffer any harm!

"Daddy, can I go to Fuguo Gongfu to see sister Xue?" With a hurt face, Su Lanzhi looked at Su Qinglan with some pleas in her eyes.

"Lan'er, are you really going?" Xue Lingyun's reputation was ruined before she died. Although Duke Fu suppressed her, what secrets do they have that can really be hidden?Not to mention the scandals.

Xue Lingyun and Su Lanzhi were very good friends before his death. Su Qinglan was a little worried that Su Lanzhi would be criticized if she went, so she still didn't approve of Su Lanzhi's going in her heart.

"Daddy, I want to go and see!" Even if Su Qinglan didn't mention this matter, she would find a way to see it.If she didn't go and look, she couldn't feel at ease in her heart.

"Since you want to go, prepare later and let Yunzhu accompany you!" Yunzhu has martial arts, so Su Qinglan is not worried that Su Lanzhi will be in danger.

"Okay, Daddy!"

"Be careful on the road, come back early!" After all, she couldn't stop her. Although she was worried that it would be troublesome for Su Lanzhi to go, if she didn't go, she would inevitably be taken advantage of by someone with a heart. She felt that Su Lanzhi was ruthless.

So, after much deliberation, I can only go.

"Don't worry, Daddy, I'll be back in a while!" She just wanted to confirm some things, so naturally she wouldn't spend too much time.

"Then you go and get ready, go out and wear more, I'll get someone to prepare a car for you!"

"Thank you Daddy!"

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dividing line

"Miss, are you really going to see Miss Xue?" Yunzhu didn't expect that Su Lanzhi was really going, and she thought Su Lanzhi was just saying it casually.

"Everyone thinks that we are good sisters. If I don't go, I will inevitably give people trouble. It's better to go!" This is just one of them, and Su Lanzhi can't say the other reason.

"But Miss, you used to get close to Miss Xue. If you go, some people will gossip and talk about it for fear of chaos?" Xue Lingyun's matter is not glorious at all. On the body, Su Lanzhi really has ten mouths that are not enough to talk about.

"It's okay, I can walk upright and sit upright, and it's Xue Lingyun's business after all, it's too forced to involve me!" Anyway, it won't hinder her, but it sounds uncomfortable.

The big deal, she just took it as rumors, there is no need to care about those rumors.

"That's right, Miss, shall we set off now?"

"Yeah!" Go early, so you can come back early, so as not to cause trouble in the mansion.

"Okay, Miss, let's go!"


Fuguogong's Mansion is not far from the Prime Minister's Mansion. It takes half an hour to arrive. When Su Lanzhi went, she looked at the majestic gate of Fuguogong's Mansion and saw the solemn appearance of the servants. The atmosphere was a little stiff.

Xue Lingyun has not yet reached the age of Ji, nor has she married and had children, so it is not easy to place it in the hall for worship, and she has not asked monks to practice salvation, and no one has come to mourn.

After Su Lanzhi confessed her identity, she was led into a small room. Xue Lingyun had already entered the coffin and sealed it up, which made Su Lanzhi miss the chance to meet again.

The room is small and quiet, with only calligraphy, paintings and incense burning incense at the side. Because of the incident before Xue Lingyun passed away, there were not many people who came to visit, the whole room seemed empty and gloomy, even the people from Fuguogong's mansion There are not many, Su Lanzhi only thinks that the favor of the Fuguo Duke's Mansion is too cold.

However, why not explain another problem?

At this moment, seeing Mrs. Zhang sitting aside crying, with a sad expression, her eyes were red from crying, Su Lanzhi couldn't tell what she felt, she just put incense on Xue Lingyun, and walked over, "Auntie, don't be too sad You can't come back from the dead!" While speaking, Su Lanzhi looked at Zhang's expression seriously, and found that the other's eyes were still red, and the tears kept falling, but she looked really sad look.

"My daughter, why is life so hard?" Wiping her tears, Mrs. Zhang saw Su Lanzhi coming, and there was some comfort in her eyes. It was only when something happened that I knew who it was that really cared about Yuner!"

Something happened to Xue Lingyun, and not many people came to visit. It was indeed a bit desolate for them to hold the funeral at Fuguo Gongfu behind closed doors.

This person is indeed a snobbery!

"Auntie, don't say that. Sister Xue and I are good sisters. She went away suddenly. I should come to see her!" With moist eyes, Su Lanzhi wiped her tears with a handkerchief, bowed her head I didn't forget to observe Zhang's expression for a while, and Su Lanzhi was a little surprised to find that everything was as usual.

Did she guess wrong?

But why, I still feel a little uneasy?

"Ah, my poor daughter!" Suddenly burst into tears, Mrs. Zhang hugged the coffin, crying very sadly, "Why are you so careless? Yun'er, what do you tell me to do?" A white-haired man giving a black-haired man, Yuner, my Yuner..."

In Su Lanzhi's memory, Mrs. Zhang has always been very calm, a typical lady, smiling without showing her teeth, and her words and deeds are very standardized. No matter what the situation is, she is calm and composed, like now Out of control, this is the first time Su Lanzhi met.

Seeing Mrs. Zhang crying so sadly, Xue Lingyun's elder brother Xue Rufeng also looked sad. At this moment, Su Lanzhi was a little confused, and we had to wait and see, but there was no chance.

"Mother!" With an exclamation, Su Lanzhi only saw Zhang's crying and fainting, Xue Rufeng gave her an apologetic look, Su Lanzhi saw Zhang's fainting, not much What to say, "Young Master Xue, if you have something to do, go and get busy, I'll just wait here!"

"Miss Su, you're negligent, Shuxiang, you are here to treat Miss Su well!" Without saying a word, she helped Mrs. Zhang leave, leaving the calligraphy and painting behind. Su Lanzhi looked at Shuxiang and the fleeting hatred in her eyes Unexpectedly, before he had time to see clearly, Shu Xiang had already lowered his head and continued to burn incense silently.

The three of Mrs. Zhang left, and the mourning hall became even more gloomy. Su Lanzhi only heard the sobbing of calligraphy and painting, and watched Shuxiang burn paper and incense there without saying a word, except for pouring tea for herself and bringing snacks , then ignored herself, but Su Lanzhi didn't care either.

Anyway, she came here just to find out some things, as for other things, she didn't care.

It's just that Mrs. Zhang was a little too excited today, but he didn't know that if he behaved like this, sometimes it would make people more suspicious.

Quietly drinking tea and eating snacks, Su Lanzhi didn't care about the Xue family's indifference towards her, but she looked indifferent. After sitting for a long time, perhaps seeing that she hadn't left yet, Shuxiang couldn't sit still, "Su Miss, do you still want to drink tea?" At first glance, it doesn't matter what you say, but it's a funeral, it's a little too disrespectful for you to sit here and drink tea, and if you are a little thin-skinned, you may be ashamed and angry at the moment It's just that Su Lanzhi hasn't figured out the matter yet, so naturally she won't leave easily.

"No need." Su Lanzhi didn't go too far. Looking at Shuxiang, she felt that it might be easier to start with Shuxiang. "Scholar, sister Xue, what's going on..." Her voice was a little choked, Su Lan Zhi seemed a little speechless, and Shuxiang was a little surprised, but soon regained her composure.

"Miss Su already knows, so why bother to ask? Miss Su has already left, so don't ask Miss Su any more!" It's a scholar who knows how wrong it is to say too much, so naturally he won't say too much.

"But sister Xue is in good health, how could it be? And don't you usually follow sister Xue? Why is no one with you today?" With a pretentious questioning tone, Shuxiang was a little flustered, but very He soon calmed down, "Miss wants tea, I'm going to pour tea for Miss!"

"Really? Poor sister Xue, she has gone now, but no one came to see her!" The mourning hall was a little too deserted, and it could be seen that the Xue family didn't take this matter seriously at all.

But, is it really because Xue Lingyun ruined the style of the family, so she did it hastily, or is there something else?So low-key, don't you want to hide something?

"Miss Su, my miss, it's really..." Shuxiang also felt that Xue Lingyun died too badly, and wanted to say something, but at this moment, Xue Rufeng appeared, looking at Su Lanzhi's expression, full of guilt, "Miss Su, I'm really sorry. My mother couldn't bear the fact that my sister had gone, she fainted, and she didn't take good care of her. I hope Miss Xue will forgive me!"

"Young Master Xue, you don't need to be too polite. I am also deeply saddened by the matter of Sister Xue. It is a pity that Sister Xue, such a wonderful person, died so early!" The words were full of regret, and Su Lanzhi lowered her head , but looked at Xue Rufeng from the corner of his eye, and didn't know if the other party was a man, and the performance was not very obvious, or Xue Lingyun's matter really shamed the Xue family, so although Xue Rufeng looked very sad, but in his eyes, he couldn't see it. How sad it is.

"It's just strange, my little sister is so lucky!" Sighing, Xue Rufeng looked at Su Lanzhi, but it was a bit awkward to say, "Miss Su didn't avoid suspicion today. We are very grateful to come to see my little sister, but my mother is hurting now. Huai, my little sister's coffin can't be stored for too long, there are a lot of things, I hope Miss Su doesn't mind." The meaning in these words is that he is too busy, and a smart person should know that he has to leave.

"In that case, then I won't bother you, Mr. Xue, I'm sorry for the festival!" Things are full of weirdness. Today, Su Lanzhi is even more sure, but she hasn't found anything yet, and Su Lanzhi can't do much. Comments are.

"Miss Su, I'm really sorry, my little sister should have received your wish." Seeing that Su Lanzhi was finally leaving, Xue Rufeng's face suddenly showed a little relief, and asked Shuxiang to send Su Lanzhi After leaving, Su Lanzhi also got up and left.

Looking back at the coffin, when Su Lanzhi turned around, she suddenly felt a cold light on her back, which made Su Lanzhi shudder, but when she turned around and looked over, there was nothing, Su Lanzhi frowned , Thinking of that look, it looks like a person, but that person, isn't it already?

Leaving with confusion, Su Lanzhi looked at the Fuguo Mansion all the way as if it had nothing to do with her. She didn't care about Xue Lingyun's death at all, especially because Xue Lingyun was the eldest daughter of the Fuguo Mansion. This funeral was so low-key!Although Fuguo Mansion's century-old scholarly inheritance is extremely prestigious, but this time, it seems that it is too much to criticize.

"Miss Su, the maidservant has been delivered here, please get in the car!" Along the way, Shuxiang kept her head down and didn't say anything. Whatever Su Lanzhi asked, she was also perfunctory in a few words. In the end, Su Lanzhi, I didn't speak anymore.

"Well, you go back!" Observing the lightness in Shuxiang's eyes very carefully, Su Lanzhi took a deep look at the other party, and after getting on the carriage, she closed her eyes, "Yunzhu, what happened today, you What do you think?" Yunzhu is very smart, quick-witted, and most importantly, sincere.Su Lanzhi will definitely bring Yunzhu with her when she goes out in the future, so Su Lanzhi must cultivate a tacit understanding between each other now, and let Yunzhu be tempered, so that in the future, there will be a lot less relationship between each other matter.

"Miss, this servant thinks that Mrs. Xue, Mr. Xue, and those two maidservants are all weird!" Speaking out her own opinion, Yunzhu knew that this was Su Lanzhi testing herself, and it was also She is cultivating herself, so she will not let the other party down.

"Oh, why do you think it's strange?" She raised her eyebrows, Su Lanzhi opened her eyes at this moment, those eyes, which were as bright as stars, looked like an ancient well, and she was a little lost in her eyes.

"Miss, Mrs. Xue, she didn't really faint!" Although Su Lanzhi guessed what she said, she was a little curious when she heard Yunzhu say it, "How do you know she didn't faint Already?" It is said that people with good martial arts can hear each other's breathing, flying over the wall, Su Lanzhi has seen it before, but what about the others?

"Miss, when Mrs. Xue fainted just now, her breath was very stable, and although she was crying very sadly, the servant did not feel the disturbance of the other party's breath, the servant felt very strange!" Who would have thought that the girl beside Su Lanzhi would Martial arts, and not weak?This time, Mrs. Zhang and the others shot themselves in the foot!

"Hehe, do you think that if Mrs. Xue and the others knew that we had noticed their pretense, would they be so angry that they would vomit blood?" Su Lanzhi had suspected all these just now, but there was no way to prove it.

But with Yunzhu, the guess in Su Lanzhi's heart became even more certain.

"But miss, why did they do it?" After all, Yunzhu had never fought in the inner house. Although Yunzhu's previous life was dangerous, she just followed orders directly without thinking too much. Now that she has come to the bright side, Yunzhu It's really uncomfortable.

The minds of these women in the inner house seem to be much more complicated than the people she wants to kill.

Sure enough, there are some troubles!

"Hehe, this, I really want to know too!" With a long-lasting tone, Su Lanzhi's eyes flashed a dark light, she smiled, and closed her eyes, as if she didn't pay attention to this matter anymore.

Yunzhu wanted to say something more, but seeing Su Lanzhi's unwillingness to speak, she had no choice but to swallow what she wanted to say.

Fortunately, Yunzhu's previous training was not to think too much, so she was not allowed to have too many thoughts about orders, so although Yunzhu had some doubts at the moment, she didn't ask any questions, just sat quietly. On one side, guarding Su Lanzhi, the relationship between each other is considered quiet.


Back at the Prime Minister's Mansion, just as Su Lanzhi arrived at her yard, Qiu Shuang hurried over.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Shuang thought about it calmly, but at this moment, it seemed that there was something important to do, and Su Lanzhi felt a little clear about it.

"Miss, after the aunts left Madam, Aunt Liu asked Xi'er to go out and buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstones, saying that they were going to copy Buddhist scriptures for Madam." Su Lanzhi ordered her four personal servants Pay attention to the situation of the aunts, and Qiushuang and the others have also remembered it in their hearts. If they say it at this moment, there is something to be said.

"I ordered this matter, but Aunt Liu seems to be a little impatient."

"My servant also thinks the same way, so my servant let people follow me to see it!" Wives and concubines compete for favor, which is unavoidable for any family, especially in their house, those aunts are like decorations, those people are afraid that Murong Yan will die It's good, how can you really copy the scriptures and pray for the other party?

"Oh, but there is a result?" I didn't expect that Qiushuang was really clever, and thought of the trick of following. Su Lanzhi looked at Qiushuang, and she didn't say much about this maid on weekdays, but she was always loyal. She valued it more and more. .

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