"This..." Zhu Xiang didn't expect Su Lan Zhihu to ask, for a while, she was a little surprised and didn't know how to answer.

The matter of the princess must not be known to others, otherwise the statement to the princess will be very influential!

"But is Princess Anning feeling a little unwell?" Since it was all said that day, Princess Anning will not change her mind easily. Now it seems that Su Lanzhi can be sure that Princess Anning must have something What happened, otherwise it would not have been delayed.

"That's not true. It's just that some things in the house have been delayed, so it's been delayed for a few days." Anyway, there was indeed an aunt in the house who was found to be pregnant recently. Zhu Xiang's words were not false, but in the end Whether it is because of this, it is unknown.

"Really?" Su Lanzhi obviously didn't believe Zhuxiang's words, but she didn't ask further, "If that's the case, then go back and tell the princess that I already know."

"Slaves will!"

"Qiu Shuang, send Zhu Xiang out!" She gave Qiu Shuang a wink, and Qiu Shuang hurriedly took out an ingot of silver. Su Lanzhi smiled and asked Qiu Shuang to give Zhu Xiang. Putting away her contempt, she took it with a smile, "Miss Su is too polite!"

As a servant running errands and getting some rewards, that's what it should be, and Zhuxiang is well deserved.

"You are so tired that you came here on purpose, but the princess is too polite, but I don't know, but have you notified my cousin?" This is actually unnecessary to ask, and Su Lanzhi is just a matter of etiquette.

"Miss Su, don't worry, the princess has sent someone to go!"

"That's good!" Asking Qiushuang to send Zhuxiang out, Su Lanzhi became a little curious when she thought about Zhuxiang's evasive look, "Yunzhu, go and ask, what happened to Princess Anning? "

It seems that this matter seems to be very interesting, but Su Lanzhi is rarely interested.

"Miss, don't worry, the servants will come as soon as they go!" Su Lanzhi went out to inquire without saying a word, Su Lanzhi saw that Yunzhu was doing things more and more methodically, and obeyed her own words more and more respectfully, she was satisfied, and couldn't help but I am very grateful to Su Qinglan for sending her people.

Even if this Yunzhu is like this, the Xiyue that father gave to mother is probably also very good?But now, Lianyue has not become her mother's first-class maid, so Su Lanzhi is a little worried.

It's just that Murong Yan is a cautious and nostalgic person, and those close to her will not easily add others, but now that Murong Yan is not as good as before, she can wait slowly, Su Lanzhi must let Lian Yue go to Murong Yan's place earlier By my side, it's better to have a guarantee.

With a plan in mind, Su Lanzhi got up and went to Murong Ya's yard.

When she arrived, Murong Yan was reading Buddhist scriptures, and her whole body exuded a quiet atmosphere, indifferent to the world, which only made people feel a little far away, as if the other party was already detached, and she was so beautiful .

Seeing Murong Yan's concentration, Su Lanzhi didn't want to disturb her, but stopped the communication, walked in quietly, sat aside, and read with a Buddhist scripture.

Neither of them spoke, and they seemed to be immersed in the Buddhist scriptures. After a while, Murong Yan felt a little tired and her eyes were a little sore. Then she rubbed her eyes, put down the Buddhist scriptures, and finally realized that Su Lan When Zhizhi arrived, a gleam of joy could not help but flash across his face, "Lan'er, when did you come? Why didn't you tell me?"

Seeing that her daughter was just like herself, holding a Buddhist scripture and reading it, her eyes were very focused, a slight smile crossed the corner of Murong Yan's mouth.

Although my daughter is young, exposure to these Buddhist scriptures may make her too detached, which is not good.

But she found that Su Lanzhi's temperament was somewhat stubborn, and sometimes she felt that Su Lanzhi was like an adult woman with too much thought, so Murong Yan hoped that Su Lanzhi could study Buddhism more , relieved some thoughts.

A child should look like a child, too precocious, but in fact, isn't it a miserable life?

Some things, when you should understand, you have to understand, it is forced by life, who doesn't want to live a happy and worry-free life?

So, she would rather that Su Lanzhi could be simpler, so at least she could be happier.Life is a long way to go, and the road is paved with thorns. Too early experience, in fact, is it not a kind of suffering?

At this moment, seeing the rare peaceful look on her daughter, Murong Yan smiled, feeling a little comforted in her heart after all.

"Mother, I've been here for a while. Seeing that you are concentrating and can't bear to disturb me, I will stay with you." Putting down the Buddhist scriptures, Su Lanzhi can only achieve true peace in her heart when she is reading the Buddhist scriptures. So she would recite it every day, lest her burning soul be riddled with holes, and eventually she would not even recognize herself.

"Hehe, you!" The child is always so sensible, Murong Yan smiled helplessly, in fact, what she hopes more is that the child can act like a baby to her, and she doesn't have to always be such a small adult.

"Mother, are you okay today? Is there any discomfort in your body? Do you have an appetite for food?" After asking several questions, Murong Yan is old and her body has not fully recovered. Su Lanzhi these days, Always on tenterhooks.

"I'm fine. Today I have some appetite. I drank a bowl of porridge for breakfast and ate some snacks. I'm in good health. I don't feel any discomfort. Don't worry about it. There is also a doctor in the mansion." No matter how bad it is, the imperial physician will take good care of me!" She didn't want her daughter to take care of her like a child, her daughter wanted to be loved and protected by herself, not for the other party to protect and love her in turn.

"Mother, one more person, more strength, I just want to care about mother more." Su Lanzhi understands Murong Yan's thoughts, but how can she not worry about Murong Yan's body?

"Okay, I know filial piety, just now I saw you reading Buddhist scriptures, and you also learned some things from me, but what did you realize?" Using this topic to change the conversation just now, Murong Yan didn't want to talk to each other, It's embarrassing.

"The Buddha said: Everything has a cause. Lan'er thinks this is very good. In this world, there is a cause and effect, a cycle of cause and effect, and good and evil are rewarded. It's just that the time has not yet come." The Buddhist scriptures that have been studied for so long , Su Lanzhi also knows that Buddha statues are profound and profound, but many of them are the principles of salvation and evangelism. Buddhism emphasizes letting go, emphasizing good fortune, and treating everything around with a kind and tolerant heart.

But, who can do such a big belly?

It is said to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, but the pain that was given, can it really be said to let go, just let go?

At least she can't do it, otherwise she won't be immortal and won't be reincarnated.

"Hehe, does Lan'er agree with this?" Looking at Su Lanzhi with a smile, Murong Yan always felt that Su Lanzhi was a very thoughtful woman.

It's just that there are too many constraints and harshness on women in the world. In fact, sometimes having ideas is much harder than not having ideas.

Knowing nothing is a bliss of ignorance, isn't it?

"Of course I agree very much. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. No one can escape what should be repaid!" When Su Lanzhi said this, a cold look flashed across Su Lanzhi's eyes, and Murong Yan saw it. I was a little taken aback immediately, I didn't understand how Su Lanzhi could have such sharp eyes at such a young age?

But when she went to look again, Su Lanzhi was still as she was in Suri, with a calm, soft complexion and a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, which made Murongyan suspect that what she saw just now was not true.

Perhaps an illusion?Lan'er is still so young, how could she have such a dark side?


"Hehe, what my mother said is very true, but Lan'er thinks that it is good to follow the fate, but sometimes, if you don't make any effort and just miss it, I will definitely regret it. I believe many people are That's it. That's why Lan'er thinks that you can follow fate in everything, but you must work hard, otherwise how do you know that you can't get it? Instead of regretting every day and night, it's better to work hard at the beginning, at least you have fought for it, and you won't have it It's a pity, isn't it?" Although Su Lanzhi studies Buddhism, she doesn't completely agree with and accept Buddhism. She has her own views on many principles, and she won't be easily influenced by others. .

Just like those grievances and hatreds in the previous life, she couldn't really let go of them without any grudges.Such a strong hatred has been deeply engraved into her bones, and has become a deep imprint, which will never be forgotten for the rest of her life.

Seeing Su Lanzhi being so assertive, Murong Yan felt happy, but at the same time worried, "I'm very pleased that you think so." It's just that the woman is too smart and transparent, and will eventually bring too much trouble to herself that is.

Ignorance is bliss. If you don’t know, you can accept everything without any hesitation. However, once you have your own ideas, how can you easily accept everything around you?

But like this, didn't he build a cage for himself and imprison himself?

Just like her, if she in those days would not have so much longing for that one person, one thing, one pair of people, and would not have cared so much about Su Qinglan's betrayal and the other party's betrayal, then she wouldn't be hurt, wouldn't be hurt, then I myself, will not reach the present state.

No love, no harm, that's right, isn't it?

As long as she can be a little confused and care less, maybe she will be much happier.

After all, it is a mediocrity!

"Lan'er, although what you said is correct, greed, anger, and ignorance are the taboos of the Buddha. Although it is good to fight for it, you must not be too persistent." I also saw Su Lanzhi's temperament Gradually becoming paranoid, Murong Yan was very worried that Su Lanzhi would do something unreasonable one day.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm sensible!"

"Yeah." My daughter is sensible and quick-witted, and Murong Yan understands this. There are some things that she will stop at. She hopes that everything can develop in a good direction.

"By the way, mother, now that you have a body, the people in the room may not be enough. Lan'er thought, mother, why don't you bring a few people to serve you? Besides, Luoxia beside you promised someone a few days ago. Is it? When the time comes, the manpower around the mother will be even more scarce. Why don't the mother let a servant girl serve her now, so that she can get familiar with her, so that she won't need to get used to it when the time comes." Not letting Xiyue by Murong Yan's side, Su Lanzhi felt less at ease, so today, no matter what, she wanted Xiyue to enter Murong Yan's room.

"I've been thinking about the matter you mentioned recently. I've also secretly watched the second-class maids in my yard these past few days. Some of them are pretty good. Can you give me a reference?" Let Su Lanzhi refer Firstly, it is to let Su Lanzhi help him make up his mind, and secondly, it is naturally for Su Lanzhi to practice his ability to distinguish people.

Knowing Murong Yan's good intentions, Su Lanzhi agreed, "Mother, tell me first, which ones do you think are good?"

"I looked at the lotus, which is clever. It is also diligent in doing things on weekdays. There is also Xiyue, which was just bought before. The days of staying are not long, but people are very diligent, and they don't talk much. Things are fine." Well done, very calm, you have met these two before, who do you think is better?" Murong Yan actually made a decision in her heart, although Su Lanzhi already had an answer in her heart, But I still pretended to think about it, "Mother, did we buy that Xiyue from Ren Yazi before?"

Asking on purpose, Su Lanzhi just didn't want her words to be too abrupt.

"Well, that day I saw that she looked good and she was quite calm, so I bought it. Both she and Hehua are good candidates, but Hehua served me earlier than her. In terms of seniority, she It's a bit thinner." This servant girl was promoted step by step, in addition to being outstanding in ability and gaining the favor of the master, of course, seniority is also very important.

Just like an official rising too fast, it is easy to lose control of the direction, and he will also suffer from other people's diseases. This is also the reason for being promoted to a maid.

If she got promoted rashly without a certain amount of precipitation and training, she would inevitably feel a little impetuous. This is something Murong Yan needs to consider.

"What mother said makes sense, but abilities are always in no particular order. Lan'er thinks who is more calm and caring to mother is the most important." Knowing Murong Yan's hesitation, Su Lanzhi can only think of a way at this moment Murong Yan dispelled the hesitation.

Murong Yan is not her, this person was sent by Su Qinglan herself, she knows she can trust him.Compared to her own knowledge of Yun Zhu, Murong Yan treats Xi Yue more like an unfamiliar stranger.

If she chooses under such circumstances, she will naturally be more inclined to the lotus who has been serving her all the time in her heart, and the days around her will be longer, and she will see more, and the trust in her heart will naturally be a little more. .

Su Lanzhi also knew that Murong Yan was a little hesitant now, of course, Murong Yan had to make an early decision.

"You're right, but both of them are good, and they're both sincere, so it's hard for me to choose." Both maids are excellent, the only difference is that one is more familiar to me, and the other is more unfamiliar to me. .

Now that Murong Yan still has a child in her belly, it is safer to choose lotus, but I have a feeling in my heart that Xiyue will be more secure. I really don't know how to decide.

"Mother, it's better like this. Let's give them each a task, and see how they complete it. If they complete it well, mother will choose it."

"Okay, then tell me, what kind of mission should we have?"

"What mother needs most now is a delicate and sincere person. How about this? Mother, you will reveal the news later that you want to go out for a walk. Both of them are second-class maids. If you really want to be sincere to mother If you hear this carefully, you will naturally clean up the snow in the yard outside, so that your mother will not fall." The second-class maids are responsible for the things in the yard, although they are responsible for different details, but this Things are all connected, if someone is not there, the other party can also help.

"You are clever, the outer yard is cleaned by someone, how can you be sure that the two of them are in the yard? How can you be sure that other people can't sweep?"

"It's simple. Just find a reason and pay the other second-class maids." Murong Yan has four first-class maids and six second-class maids. It's not a troublesome thing to spend four.

"You!" Looking at her daughter's rare cunning with a smile, Murong Yan nodded, agreeing, "I will do as you say!" It is true that she wants to have someone she can trust by her side, so she is also in her heart. Be more down-to-earth, Murong Yan sees that Su Lanzhi's method is good, it can solve the problem she has been worrying about, how could she refuse?

"Okay, then let Nanny Zhang arrange it!"

"Look at you, you have already ordered Nanny Zhang!"

"Mom, I'm also doing it for you, don't you want to choose someone you like?"

"Hehe, well, let's do it!"

Instructing Nanny Zhang to find an excuse to find the rest of the second-class maids to go out, leaving only the lotus and Xiyue, Murong Yan saw it, and was talking about something with Su Lanzhi, and suddenly wanted to go out, Su Lan Zhi hurriedly persuaded them. When the two talked, they looked at the door on purpose and their voices were amplified deliberately so that people outside could hear them.Sure enough, Xiyue heard it, thinking of Su Qinglan's order, seeing the snow on the ground, and hurriedly went to sweep it, but the lotus looked a little disdainful when she saw Xiyue went to sweep it, but remembered something , also hastened to sweep.

Both of them seemed to be very attentive, even the lotus was always ahead of Xiyue, and deliberately approached Murong Yan's door. Su Lanzhi saw the reactions of the two of them, looked at Murong Yan, and the two of them also After making a decision, "Mom, what do you think?"

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that although this lotus is clever, it's too clever. Sometimes, it's not a good thing, but this Xiyue is usually very calm, neither fighting nor grabbing, just now. Lotus has snatched a lot of cleaning places and doesn't look angry, indeed, she is calm." I thought that Xiyue was good, but Murong Yan was only entangled before, but now that she saw it, she was not entangled at all up.

"Have you thought about it, mother?"

"Well, it's just that this matter has to be postponed for a few days, so don't be too anxious, so as not to cause trouble!" Just tested today, if someone is selected immediately, there is no guarantee that no one will be jealous and do something.

What Murong Yan needs now is a peaceful place to raise her baby well, and of course she doesn't want any troubles.

"What mother said is true, it's good to look at it again!" She knew in her heart that Su Lanzhi didn't point it out. Anyway, now that Xiyue can serve Murong Yan close by, her heart can also be a little more stable.

Yunzhu's martial arts are not bad, and this Xiyue was chosen by her father for her mother, so it must be not bad. In the future, it will be another guarantee.


The goal was achieved, Su Lanzhi sat with Murong Yan for a while, seeing Murong Yan looked tired, so she left and went back to her own room, Yun Zhu had just come back, seeing Su Lanzhi, she hurriedly told her the news she had inquired about I told Su Lanzhi, "Miss, Princess Anning seems to be injured."

"Oh, injured? But why?" How could this Princess An Ning, who was honored and pampered, get injured?

Regarding this, Su Lanzhi was a little puzzled.

"The servant is not very clear about this matter, but the servant asked, it seems that during the Lantern Festival that day, Princess Anning seemed to have encountered refugees on the way back, and was frightened a lot, and her legs were crooked Yes, I have been raising them at home for the past few days! Princess Anning has kept this matter a secret, and the slaves have spent a lot of time to find out." It is indeed a bad thing for a woman in a boudoir to meet a refugee, and it is even worse. What's more, Princess Anning was injured, so there must be some confusion that day, and who knows what will happen in the chaos?

"Really? Is she seriously injured?" I don't know why, but upon hearing what Yun Zhu said, a white figure suddenly flashed across Su Lanzhi's mind. In Lan Zhi's heart, something inexplicable flashed across.

Why do you suddenly think of him?

Is it because that day when he saw the dark light flashing across the other party's eyes before he left?

But does this have anything to do with me?

She quickly withdrew her emotions, Su Lanzhi could calm down now, and it was really unexpected before, so she just lost control of her emotions.

"It shouldn't be a serious problem, but Princess Anning still seems to be in some pain when walking. She is worried that if she invites someone to the Nanwang Mansion, people will see something and spread rumors, so the banquet has been postponed. " These are all obtained by Yunzhu's best efforts, and of course she added her own guesses to some of them, but she must be very sure, otherwise she would not have told Su Lanzhi.

"That's it..." In fact, Su Lanzhi didn't want to have anything to do with Princess Anning, and there was a feeling in her heart that Princess Anning was not very friendly to her, and Su Lanzhi was not stupid, so why would she send it to her by herself? In front of the other party, what about being rejected by the other party?

So Su Lanzhi wished that Princess Anning would cancel the invitation to this banquet, but she also knew that since Princess Anning had already paid attention to her, she would not give up easily.

This is a problem worth noting. Whether it is because I am overthinking or not, it is always good to pay attention to it in the future.

"Miss, Princess Anning, do you need a servant to check again?" Yun Zhu also noticed something was wrong in the scene that day. The few people were walking well, but why did they suddenly become chaotic?Even when Princess Anning found them, the exit of Zhuxiang was not good, Yunzhu felt that something was wrong at that time, now that Su Lanzhi seemed to be somewhat displeased with Princess Anning, Yunzhu confirmed it even more .

"No need, she wants to recuperate in the past few days, we will wait for five days later!" Su Lanzhi also doesn't like to worry herself too much for some irrelevant people. It can't hinder her in any way, so she doesn't have to care about it.

"Your maidservant knows." Gradually, Yunzhu got used to obeying Su Lanzhi's arrangements, and now, she didn't continue to insist.

"By the way, have you made all the arrangements over there?" Speaking of that side, both of them were tacit, Yunzhu smiled with confidence, "Don't worry, miss, the result will be soon. At that time, Miss's troubles will be less!"

"Well, I hope!" For Su Zhenhua, Su Lanzhi is not easy to eradicate the grass now. Since ancient times, it is extremely bleak for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. Even if Su Lanzhi doesn't like Su Zhenhua, she can't change that they are sisters The fact that he is the younger brother can't change the iron reality that Su Zhenhua is Su Qinglan's only son.

Now, although Murong Yan is pregnant, who knows whether the child in Murong Yan's womb is a boy or a girl?Although in my heart I hope to be a younger brother, but in fact, it may not be possible, is it?

Even though Su Lanzhi hated Su Zhenhua, she couldn't bear to let Su Qinglan really lose her children and grandchildren, so now, she can only beat Su Zhenhua, and if she can't truly end her troubles forever.

If you are unlucky, you can only let Su Zhenhua inherit everything in this Xiangfu, Su Lanzhi is also determined to completely control Su Zhenhua, lest Su Zhenhua will retaliate.


At this time, Tao Hong got the information from that person, and felt relieved, thinking about Su Zhenhua's possible ending, Tao Hong was immediately full of excitement.

She looks good, and originally wanted to be Su Qinglan's aunt, but she never thought that Bai Xin would control her to death. Although she trusts her on weekdays, she is not very good to her. Something happened. , and always liked to vent her anger on her, especially that time when Su Lingyue mercilessly pulled her to vent her anger to take the blame, Tao Hong's dissatisfaction with Bai Xin all broke out.

It's just that she was suppressed by Bai Xin before, so she couldn't resist, so she could only endure it, but now, Aunt Bai is gone, and Su Lanzhi promised her freedom and money, why would she want to waste time in this Xiangfu? ?

If she understands, Su Qinglan is cruel and ruthless to other women except for Murong Yan. Now that she is older, she will stop thinking about things that she shouldn't have. She will see what happens to the aunt in the house Li, now, just wants to finish the task quickly, and then leave the house to live her carefree days.

Thinking of this, Taohong hurriedly went to Su Zhenhua's room, seeing Su Zhenhua refused to take the medicine again, Taohong carefully comforted her a few times, but did not persuade her, she just took the medicine and prepared to go out and pour it.

At this time, Lai Fu who was beside Su Zhenhua happened to come over to inquire about the situation. Seeing Tao Hong, she was overjoyed and seemed a little flustered on purpose. Seeing Taohong sneaking away to the backyard and throwing away all the medicine, Laifu was even more puzzled. After Taohong looked around for a long time and saw that there was no one left, he left cautiously. Laifu hurried away Looking over, he immediately saw some medicine dregs and traces of Taohong pouring the medicine just now, so he hurriedly took some, and then pretended to be nonchalant, and went to see Su Zhenhua.

"Young master, the master called the servant to ask, are you feeling better?" Seeing Su Zhenhua lying on the bed with a sick look, Lai Fu knew that Su Zhenhua was getting worse without asking.

"Well, it's better, you go back and tell daddy, I'll be able to kowtow to him in a few days, so daddy doesn't have to worry!" The words were all weak, as if after the first sentence, he couldn't say the second. As if the sentence came, the feeling of hanging there makes people feel that their hearts are tight when they hear it.

"Looking at the young master's face, the slave seems to be getting better. It seems that the medicine from the government doctor has worked. Now, is it time for the young master to take the medicine?" Following Su Zhenhua's words, With Laifu like this, Su Zhenhua's teeth itch with anger.

But although he was angry, the people around Su Qinglan, Su Zhenhua didn't have the guts to offend, "Well, I just took a bowl of medicine just now, but I feel more comfortable all over. If I want to take it a few more times, it will feel better." It's over." Su Zhenhua just wanted to expose this matter, but he didn't notice it. A look of surprise flashed across Laifu's eyes, and then if he thought about it, he finally understood a little bit. Looking at Su Zhenhua's expression, he also changed. It's a little strange.

"The medical skills of the government doctor are good, if the young master feels better, then he must take this medicine well, don't stop it, otherwise he will be seriously ill, the young master himself will not feel well, and the master will not be safe. "Although parents will prefer some children, no matter which child they are, they are the flesh and blood of their parents. In the bottom of their hearts, they are actually loved.

The same is true for Su Qinglan. Although she hates Baixin, the children are innocent after all. Su Qinglan feels a little guilty about the two children, so naturally she will love them even more.

"Well, I will take the medicine well, and I won't make daddy worry. Laifu, you just go back and tell daddy that I'm fine, so he doesn't have to worry!" Pretend, Su Zhenhua is the same, he just wants to pretend to be filial, sensible, and well-behaved, so that Su Qinglan loves him more naturally.

Children who are lovable are often more pampered. Su Zhenhua has learned a lot about these things these days.

"Don't worry, young master, the slave will pass on all the words of the young master to the master. The master tells the young master to cherish his body and rest well, and the slave will not bother the young master anymore!" I have asked all the questions that should be asked clearly, Lai Fu Right now, I don't want to stay any longer.

"Well, you go!" She winked at Nanny Bai who was beside her, and Nanny Bai hurriedly brought a piece of silver and handed it to Laifu, Su Zhenhua smiled, "Laifu, please go for a while , A little meaning, not a respect."

Knowing that sometimes money is used to impress people, Su Zhenhua looked at Lai Fu feeling confused and upset, but thinking about his own plan, he could only hold back for the time being.

"Young master, you are polite. This is the master's order, and it is also the duty of a slave. There is no need for a reward!" He directly rejected Su Zhenhua's kindness, and Laifu followed Su Qinglan, and the rewards on weekdays were also Quite a lot, although the silver was five taels, he had seen it before, so naturally he wouldn't be so easily moved.

"Laifu, you are a capable person in front of Daddy. It is Zhenhua's fault to come here now without hesitation. If you refuse to accept Laifu, then I really feel ashamed in my heart! Cough cough..." said At the end, he coughed anxiously, and when Laifo saw him, he also knew that Su Zhenhua was forcing him to accept the money and do things for the other party.

Feeling a little uneasy, Lai Fu was very reluctant, "Young master is serious, this is what a slave should do!"

"Do you dislike the lack of money? That's why you don't want to take it?" Looking at Laifu with some injuries, Su Zhenhua was still young, so cute and pitiful, it made people think that Laifu was bullying him.

Laifu also felt the same way, and couldn't help crying, "Master, no, slave..." Before he finished speaking, Su Zhenhua seemed to be talking to himself, and stopped Laifu, "I know You served in front of your father, so you must have seen the world, how could this five taels of silver get into your eyes? Mammy..." Looking at Nanny Bai, she thought about ten taels of silver and gave it like that I was so sad, I couldn't help but cursed Laifu for being greedy, but for the sake of the plan, I had to smile with him, "I said Laifu, you just accept it, this is the young master's wish, and it's also out of consideration for you It's hard work, why do you refuse so much? Do you really think you have little money, or do you look down on our young master?"

Having said so much, if Laifu still doesn't accept it, then he is really greedy, or he looks down on Su Zhenhua. No matter what it is, Laifu is in a dilemma. Seeing Su Zhenhua's unwillingness to give up easily , Lai Fu sighed deeply, and finally had no choice but to accept it with a smile, "Young master, you are being polite. Since it is the kindness of the young master, then I am a slave!"

He took the money with a smile, and Laifu also looked happy, Su Zhenhua couldn't help but feel relieved, "Laifu, in a moment, I would like to trouble you to speak for me in front of Daddy, don't let Daddy I'm always worried." These words were false, Su Zhenhua believed that Laifu understood what he heard, and sure enough, Laifu seemed to understand clearly, and respectfully responded, "Don't worry, young master, the slave will save it!"

"Then go slowly, I'll let the nanny see you off!"

"Eldest young master, there's no need, this is a disgraceful slave!" Laifu quickly left after rejecting Nanny Bai's offer.

Seeing Laifu leave, Su Zhenhua saw Laifu rejecting him again and again, and suddenly he looked unwilling and angry. He didn't dare to express it just now, but now he dared.

Sure enough, these servants are all acting according to the wind, how could they reject themselves before?

It seems that his current status has indeed plummeted.

"Nurse, do you think that if we don't succeed in this plan, is there any hope for me? Now that these servants are like this, I think our life will become even more difficult in the near future."

"Don't worry, Eldest Young Master, as long as Second Miss comes back, and the Nanny Zhuang that Master Hou gave to Eldest Young Master and Second Miss comes, everything will be fine!" Su Zhenhua also trusted Bai Nanny, so he told Bai Nanny Speaking of Nanny Zhuang, at this moment, Nanny Bai really hoped that Nanny Zhuang would come.

In this way, both the eldest young master and the second young lady have their backbones, so the people in their room can regain their popularity, isn't it just a matter of time?

The two of them were thinking about their sweet dreams, but they didn't know that the pressure on Su Qinglan's side was a little low.


"What's the matter, young master? Your spirit is better?" Su Zhenhua's illness has not recovered. Su Qinglan felt that she was negligent before, which caused Su Zhenhua's delayed recovery, so she kept an eye on it and added an extra one. cared.

"The young master is still the same, he always seems to be groggy. When the servant went to see him, the young master was just waking up, and he didn't have much energy. From the looks of it, he seemed to be a little seriously ill." Lai Fu didn't dare to hide it, He said it directly, Su Qinglan frowned after hearing this, "Didn't the government doctor already prescribed a new medicine, and Zhenhua also took it, why didn't it get better?"

"Maybe you just changed the medicine, and it hasn't worked yet?" After hesitating for a while, Laifu finally had to find this reason. Su Qinglan sighed when she heard the words, "I hope so, don't continue to be seriously ill. alright."

"Young Master, Hongfu Qitian, I think it will be all right soon." There was some hesitation on his face, Laifu knew that what he saw just now was definitely not a normal thing, at this moment, he couldn't say it directly, just I can wait for Su Qinglan to ask.

After all, that man is Su Qinglan's youngest son and the only heir to the Prime Minister's mansion, so he can't be careless.

"Laifu, do you have anything to say?" The people around her, Su Qinglan, knew very well that it was obvious that Laifu had something to say, but she was just a little scruples.

"Master, the servant just went to the young master's yard and saw a strange thing, and said that the servant is not sure, so I don't know whether to tell the master." Although Laifu didn't clarify the matter, he was also aware of the problem So I have to tell Su Qinglan.

"Say it!" His face darkened, and seeing Laifu's appearance, Su Qinglan knew that it must be something serious, otherwise Laifu wouldn't be so cautious!

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