
She always felt that this matter was too sudden and unbelievable, so she had to ask.

"Mother, Dad just saw that he was seriously ill, and thought that the village would be quieter, and it would be good for self-cultivation, so that his illness would heal faster, so don't worry about it. It's gone." Su Lanzhi naturally wouldn't tell Murong Yan the deep meaning of this, now that Murong Yan is pregnant, she can do as much work as she can, and just leave it to her to do these things.

"But the people in Zhuangzi are all doing rough work, can they take care of them?" Murong Yan dubiously believed Su Lanzhi's words. Although the environment in Zhuangzi was better and conducive to recuperation, Su Zhenhua was only infected with the cold, so there was no need to make a fuss To the extent of sending it to Zhuangzi?

There must be something in it that she doesn't know.

But what is it?

"Oh, mother, don't worry, it's fine. He is Daddy's son. Daddy's arrangement must be on Daddy's mind. Daddy has his own ideas. You just need to live well and take care of yourself now." I don't want Murong. Yan was troubled by these irrelevant people, Su Lanzhi hurriedly pulled Murong Yan to sit down, picked up the little shoes made by Murong Yan, and changed the subject with a smile, "Mother, these are the little shoes you made for your brother. Shoes? They look so pretty!" Touching the little shoes with a small hand, the stitches are very smooth without any stitches, the baby's skin is very delicate, and only in this way will it not hurt the baby's skin.

Su Lanzhi changed the subject so obviously, how could Murong Yan not see it?

Smiling, Murong Yan tactfully stopped asking again, "This needle and thread is quite dense, and it took me a long time to make a little bit of it." Looking at her daughter, and then at the things she made for the child in her stomach, Murong Yan just felt extremely happy.

Although the child in her belly has not yet been born, but now, she has begun to look forward to the arrival of this child.

Although this child appeared at an untimely time, her expectation and love for this child had left her with no time to take care of it.

This is her flesh and blood. She has always liked children very much, and she also hopes that she can have more children, so that her children will not be lonely and can support each other in the future.

Originally thought that this was just a dream, but now that she has another chance, Murong Yan can't think about those many entanglements now.

"Hehe, my mother's sewing is really good. It would be great when I can have a hand like my mother's." Touching the needle and thread, Su Lanzhi could feel Murong Yan's love for the child in her belly. Su Lanzhi was of course happy.

Although this child came earlier, but since he came, he will be her close relative in the future. She hopes that this child can be born happily in anticipation, grow up safely and happily, and make up for her regret of being lonely in her childhood.

"You are still young, the main reason is lack of practice. Do more in the future, and you will be fine." Murong Yan felt very sorry that she had not been able to teach Su Lanzhi in person before, but now, of course, Murong Yan must hurry up and do a good job. Teach Su Lanzhi.

If this daughter's female celebrity does poorly, she will come to her in-law's house in the future, but she will be disgusted by others.

"Well, that mother has to teach me well, so I can make more things for my brother!"

"Okay!" Although she still had doubts in her heart, Murong Yan didn't say anything when she saw Su Lanzhi, and she didn't ask any more questions. It passed extremely fast.

When it was time for dinner, Su Qinglan, who showed up on time on weekdays, did not come. These days, she was used to Su Qinglan's company, and this happened again today. Murong Yan was still a little worried at this time, but she practiced over the years. Just an indifferent look, but it's hard to see clearly.

Su Lanzhi has been observing Murong Yan, and still found a clue, "Hey, why hasn't Daddy come yet? On weekdays, at this time, he has come early?" Now Su Qinglan has cultivated a thick face. No matter how indifferent Murong Yan is, Su Qinglan seems to be indifferent, but she always talks and laughs, and doesn't care that Murong Yan ignores him at all, even Su Lanzhi admires Su Qinglan's determination and courage up.

You know, many men in Da Cang are very concerned about face. In their view, women are just accessories. Even if they do something, there is no reason for a man to apologize. Now that Su Qinglan can do this, she is patient. It is really rare for my son to wait for Murong Yan's forgiveness.

"If he doesn't come, he won't come. Let's eat, otherwise it will be bad if the food is cold." Su Qinglan didn't come, and Murong Yan was still worried about Su Zhenhua's affairs, but she didn't want to show it in front of Su Lanzhi. This time, he pretended not to care.

"But Daddy..." Seeing Murong Yan's clearly worried look but not showing it, Su Lanzhi knew that Murong Yan still hadn't thought it through, so now, she was also resisting.

However, seeing that Murong Yan finally cares about Su Qinglan, doesn't that mean there is hope?

"Since he won't come, let someone bring him food, let's eat!" Even if Su Lanzhi didn't say anything, the servants would keep it secret, but Murong Yan could still guess a thing or two.

If Su Zhenhua hadn't made a big mistake and violated Su Qinglan's bottom line, he would never have been sent to Zhuangzi.

Therefore, Su Qinglan must be in a very bad mood now. Based on her understanding of Su Qinglan, the other party is probably shutting herself in the study now, thinking about things there?

"Well, that's good!" Murong Yan said so, and Su Lanzhi couldn't say anything. Murong Yan is now in a delicate body, and she can't be hungry. Su Lanzhi knows the inside story, and she also knows that Su Qinglan is not feeling well now. Xu is It is also possible to not be in the mood to eat.

"Okay, eat!"



After eating, Murong Yan soon became sleepy, and did not stay with Su Lanzhi, "The days are short, it gets dark early, you leave early, I am also tired, and I will sleep in a while."

"Then, mother, I'll go first."

"Well, go!" Seeing Su Lanzhi leave, Murong Yan thought for a while, and finally, she spoke, her face was obvious and a little tangled, "Lan'er, you go to see your father in a while, and ask Ask him, do you want to tell my concubine about Su Zhenhua being sent to Zhuangzi?" This is obviously an excuse, Murong Yan is worried about Su Qinglan, but now, it is not easy for her to go, so she can only let Su Lanzhi go Check it out.

I hope that he can take a closer look, that kid Su Zhenhua is also a thoughtful person, I really hope that the other party didn't do too much to hurt the relationship between father and son.

Murong Yan's words were undoubtedly the bright fireworks that suddenly burst out from the dark night sky, making Su Lanzhi's heart flash with ecstasy, and she quickly responded, "Mm, I understand, I'll go right away! "

"Be careful on the road, don't worry!" Murong Yan asked worriedly, and Murong Yan clearly felt Su Lanzhi's happiness, and a sigh crossed her heart.

This child, I am afraid that he also hopes to reconcile with him?It was her fault that this child lacked affection and care from an early age.

In the future, she will make up for it.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm going!" I really didn't expect that Murong Yan would say such a thing. This is a leap forward in such a long time.

In the past, Murong Yan was completely indifferent to Su Qinglan, but her etiquette was impeccable, which made people feel helpless.

But now, Murong Yan is willing to take this step and takes the initiative to care about Su Qinglan. Although she made excuses, Su Lanzhi is still very happy.


Along the way, I felt that my footsteps were much lighter than in the past. Su Lanzhi found out that Su Qinglan was indeed staying in the study, so she hurried to go. When she came to the study, she saw Lai Fu respectfully guarding the door. As if she wanted to see her savior, Su Lanzhi hurried over, "Laifu, where's daddy?"

"Miss, the master is inside!"

"Has it been in there all this time?"

"Well, when the master came back from the young master, he locked himself in the study and never came out."

"Then daddy had dinner?"

"The servant brought the things in. It's just that the master asked the slave to put it on the table. The slave doesn't know whether the master has eaten it or not. Miss, you go in and persuade the master. The master feels uncomfortable!" After all, it is his own life. My son, but I sent the other party to the Zhuangzi with my own hands. I am afraid that the master is really in a hurry?

"Well, I'll go in and see Daddy!" I walked to the door and knocked, and after a while, Su Qinglan's hoarse voice came out, "Laifu, I said I want to be alone, don't disturb me!" Li is a little less friendly than in the past, but a little lonely.

Even through the door, Su Lanzhi could feel Su Qinglan's sadness.

Humans are all about feelings, even if it is a pet that is kept on weekdays, if it dies, it will be sad for several days, let alone Su Zhenhua is an individual, or is Su Qinglan's son who has really loved him for many years?

Feeling Su Qinglan's sadness, Su Lanzhi felt a little guilty, but she just didn't regret it.

If she was given a second chance, she would still do that, "Daddy, it's me!"

"Lan'er?" Following the voice, the door opened quickly, Su Qinglan's haggard face immediately entered Su Lanzhi's eyes, and Su Lanzhi felt a little more guilty, "You Why are you here? It's getting dark, so hurry back to avoid slippery roads and falls." In front of her daughter, Su Qinglan quickly concealed her emotions, with the usual gentleness on her face.

"Father, mother let me come and see you!"

"Her?" I didn't expect that it was Murong Yan who asked Su Lanzhi to come. Su Qinglan didn't realize it for a long time, "Really? Your mother really asked you to come and see me?"

"Well, daddy, mother saw that you didn't go to dinner at night, daddy, and was worried that you didn't eat well, so let me take a look!" Consciously concealing Murongyan's excuses, Su La looked at Su Qinglan in a bad mood, Naturally, you want to make the other person happy.

"Really?" A flash of ecstasy flashed across his face, but fortunately, Su Qinglan was well-bred, so he controlled it within a certain range, so that he would not lose control in front of Su Lanzhi.

"Of course it's true. Daddy still doesn't believe that Lan'er can succeed? If you don't believe it, Daddy can ask mother!"

"Hehe, I didn't say I didn't believe you!" Seeing the results of her hard work, Xu Qinglan felt extremely happy now, and her depression disappeared a lot.

"It's good that Daddy believes me. If you don't believe me, you can ask. The maids around Mother are all there. Daddy can't ask Mother. You can ask Zier and them!" Seeing Su Qinglan happy, she revealed a little truth Su Lanzhi immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I didn't say I was going to ask!" Seeing her daughter say that, Su Qinglan suddenly felt that she had overreacted a bit, and her face was a little embarrassed.

In front of my daughter, it's really not good to look like an elder.

"Hehe, it's good if Daddy believes it." Seemingly intentional, Su Lanzhi watched Su Qinglan's face brighten, and smiled, "Then Daddy, can you make Lan'er go back to work? Daddy has dinner ?”

"Well, I used it, I used it." Not wanting Murong Yan to worry, nor Su Lanzhi to worry, Su Qinglan said that she used it, but would Su Lanzhi believe it?

"Really? By the way, Dad, I suddenly want to borrow a book from you, can you let me in?"

"Lan'er, it's getting late, you go back early! If you want to borrow any books, come back tomorrow." I don't want Su Lanzhi to go in and see the untouched food box, and lie in front of her daughter, Su Qinglan is really I have lost my father's face.

"But Lan'er happened to pass by now, so I borrowed it if I wanted to drop by. I'll come back tomorrow. It's a little troublesome." Although Su Qinglan was very calm, Su Lanzhi still guessed that Su Qinglan didn't eat, and deliberately teased the other party, so as not to make Su Qinglan really If you don't eat dinner, you will hurt yourself.

"Lan'er, what do you want? I'll have someone send it to you tomorrow. It's too late today, so you should go back early and rest!" Lying in front of you, and being seen by your children, is really out of style.

"This..." After hesitating for a while, Su Lanzhi signaled Yunzhu to stand up, "Okay, Daddy, I'll come back tomorrow!"

"Okay, be careful on the road!" Su Lanzhi finally let go, and Su Qinglan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Daddy, you didn't eat together today. Lan'er was worried that you wouldn't eat well by yourself, so she already ordered the kitchen to cook some more dishes that suit your appetite. Daddy will use some more later. It's cold in winter." , eat more, and warm your body." Now Su Qinglan is in a better mood, and her appetite is naturally there, but the food box just now may be a little cold, Su Lanzhi is a little worried, so she asks someone to make a new one Here comes the heat.

"It's okay, I'm already full." I didn't want Su Lanzhi to see anything, so of course Su Qinglan couldn't agree.

"Daddy, I told my daughter when she came. I'm afraid it's better now. Daddy doesn't want to eat, so he can eat less. My daughter specially asked the cook to cook soup for Daddy. It's good for Daddy to warm up!"

"Well, good!" Seeing that Su Lanzhi had already ordered, Su Qinglan couldn't say anything more, and now he really felt a little hungry, so he had better eat something so as not to feel uncomfortable at night.


"Master, Missy is really filial, considerate and considerate. She usually treats servants with clear rewards and punishments. Everyone exaggerates Missy!" Laifu also saw that Su Qinglan was in a bad mood because of Su Zhenhua's annoyance. I specifically mentioned Su Lanzhi, and I wanted Su Qinglan to think about it a bit more, "Today, the master didn't go to his wife's place for dinner, but the eldest lady came in person, and she thoughtfully prepared meals for the master. It can be seen that the eldest lady treats the master well Still very considerate.”

"Lan'er is indeed a sensible and well-behaved boy!" It's just that he owed it all these years.Now that I think about it, I really regret it. Both Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue can't keep up with Su Lanzhi. He really doesn't know. It's also his child, how come they are so far behind?It stands to reason that he has thought more about Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue these years, but why haven't they learned well?

"Yes, master, the eldest lady is well-behaved and sensible, and she is filial to the master and wife. The master should be happy!"

"Indeed, it's just Zhenhua and Lingyue..." Thinking of something, Su Qinglan sighed, really didn't know what to say.

"Master, relax. Now the master is sending the young master to Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi is poor. The young master has been there for a few years. Maybe he will grow up and become more sensible. The master has been well-educated these years. The young master It’s still young, but it can change.”

"What you said is very true. Tomorrow you will inquire about a highly respected gentleman and ask him to teach Zhenhua. The salary can be generous. Zhuangzi is indeed no match for the prime minister's mansion." After all, Zhuangzi is in the country, although the environment is good, But it can't compare with the rich clothes and jade food of the prime minister's mansion.

"Master, don't worry, the servant will inquire carefully."

"Okay, the kitchen will come in a while, you just send it in!"

"Yes, sir!"

After ordering, Su Qinglan continued to go back to the study, thinking about what happened today, Su Zhenhua couldn't help shaking her head, and thinking about what Laifu said just now, Su Qinglan also made up her mind.

If Su Zhenhua didn't repent and kept doing this, then he could only keep Su Zhenhua locked up in Zhuangzi, so as not to make trouble in the future.

Now, I only hope that the one in Yan'er's belly is really a boy. Although he doesn't prefer a boy, if it is him, Murong Yan, or Su Lanzhi, it will be easier and easier for him to have a boy. I'll be more relaxed.

Thinking about it this way, Su Qinglan didn't want to be annoyed by Su Zhenhua anymore, anyway, it's useless for him to be annoyed, he was negligent all these years.


At this time, the night was quiet, and the whole Xiangfu also returned to calm, but the two aunts were not at peace.

Aunt Zheng, "What did you say? The young master was sent to Zhuangzi? How is this possible?" No one thought that Su Zhenhua, who had been ill recently, would be sent to Zhuangzi suddenly. How could Aunt Zheng not be worried? Woolen cloth?

"That's right, auntie, the servants have inquired clearly. Today, the master seems to be very annoyed with the young master. Without saying a word, he sent the young master to Zhuangzi immediately. The young master just packed up and left immediately. There is no chance to refute!" Shao Yao also sensed that the matter was of great importance, and she was also a little anxious.

"How could it be? Isn't the young master very much loved by the master? Recently he was ill, and the master was also very worried? How could he be sent to the village all of a sudden? Do you know what's going on?"

"Auntie, the people in the young master's yard, those who sell, those who beat, those who are fined for money, how can the servants find out? The servants only know that besides the people in the young master's house, they are the people in the second young lady's yard. , have also been sold out a lot, all the maids around Second Miss have been sold out!"

"How could this happen? What can I do?" She was so anxious that she kept spinning around the room. Aunt Zheng never thought that Su Zhenhua, who thought she had regained her favor, suddenly took a sharp turn and was kicked out just like that. ?

"Auntie, now that the Eldest Young Master is gone, this slave feels that this is really weird, what should we do?" Even Su Zhenhua, who has the most status, has been sent to Zhuangzi. Woolen cloth?

This matter was obviously aimed at them, and even Su Zhenhua, who they thought was the most unlikely, was suppressed, and everyone felt a little insecure.

"We must quickly find a way to inform the old concubine about this matter!" If something happened to Su Zhenhua, then what hope did they have?

"But now the madam and the young lady's housekeeper are stricter in getting in and out than in the past. It's really hard for slaves to get out!" It used to be easier to go out of the house, but now I don't know if someone has discovered something, as if As if deliberately preventing them from spreading the news, Shao Yao felt very uneasy.

"How could this be?"

"Auntie, think of a way. Now the old concubine is sending only Auntie. The second young lady is also stuck in Prince Qing's Mansion and can't come back. If we don't think about it, it will be really bad!"

"Let me think about it, think about it!" Keeping walking, Aunt Zheng couldn't understand the current situation, but she is a weak woman, what can she do?

"Auntie has to think hard, otherwise we will soon be like Aunt Liu!" When she said this, Shaoyao's eyes were full of panic. Thinking of Aunt Liu's fate, she was so frustrated that she was really cautious. Very human!

"Don't rush me, let me think about it, think about it!"

++++++++++++++ I am the dividing line of Aunt Zhang's reaction

"The young master has been sent to Zhuangzi?" After hearing the news, Aunt Zhang understood a little bit. Thinking about the recent drastic changes in the mansion, Aunt Zhang also felt that things were out of control.

"Auntie, the master seems to be very determined this time. The young master is the only son of the master, but the master sent the young master to Zhuangzi, and the time is extremely short. Auntie, what should we do?"

"This young master is also a no-brainer. At this juncture, he actually offended the master."

"Auntie, why do you think the master is so cruel to the young master? I have heard that the master has always loved the young master very much."

"No matter how much you love her, but so many things have happened, there will be fewer things. What's more, now that the master wants to ask his wife for forgiveness, the master will naturally care less about the young master."

"But the young master is the only son of the master after all. In the future, the master will need the young master when he gets older. Now that the troubles are so tense, doesn't the master think about the future? How can the young master hate the master? How can the young master hate you?" The future life of the young lady and the madam may not be easy, the master can't always protect the young lady?" Qing'er can't say too much about the master's affairs, it's not in the etiquette, but Qing'er still expresses it very cryptically I have my own doubts.

"You're right, maybe, the master has a new plan now." Thinking of the recent ailments in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Aunt Zhang was a little confused.

Yes, the young master is the only son of the master. If the relationship is too tense, it will not end well in the future. Why did the master do this?

Aunt Zhang was puzzled.

"Auntie thinks, what is the master's plan?"

"Qing'er, pay close attention to Madam now, and see what's different!" Her intuition told her that this matter had something to do with Murong Yan, and she couldn't figure it out for a while, but now, she had to slowly checked.

"Madam has not been out of the courtyard recently, and the people around Madam have changed several times, and they have become more and more strict. It is really difficult for servants to inquire about news."

"It seems that there must be something wrong with Madam." But, what exactly is it?

"Auntie, should we tell the Empress about this?"

"Such a big matter must be told to the Empress. I think the Empress will be prepared!"

"Now the mansion is surrounded like an iron barrel, and it is extremely difficult to get in and out. Miss and Madam, do you know something?"

"I don't know what, but I can't say for sure, but they must have some doubts? So be careful, you should find a way to tell the empress as soon as possible. Now, we can only stand still and see what's going on!" When everything around her is unclear, Aunt Zhang can only wait and see the changes.

"Auntie, the water in this Xiangfu is so deep, it's really..."

"You will tell the public that I am sick tomorrow, and now we will wait and see what happens!"

"Yes, auntie!"

"I'm tired, I'm going to take a shower, I'm going to sleep!"

"Slave, go here!"

Aunt Zhang took a bath without haste, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep. When everything was quiet, she who was supposed to be asleep suddenly got up, put on a dark night clothes, and quickly disappeared into the out of the yard.

After walking for a long time, I came to a house. It looked inconspicuous from the outside, but inside, there were guards everywhere.

The black shadow quickly found a room, entered through the window, saw the man sitting by the window, and knelt down respectfully, "Master!"

"But what happened to the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Under the faint moonlight, the man's fuzzy facial features were as flawless as if cut by a knife, but with a cold temperature, his lips were coldly pursed, and his slender hand was holding a teacup , gently sipping tea, she looked leisurely and indescribably elegant, if the other party's breath was not too cold and hard, the picture in front of her would indeed be very pleasing to the eye.

"Master is very predictable. Today, the young master in the mansion was sent to Zhuangzi by the master."

"Oh, is that so?" The other party raised his brows, but he didn't expect such a thing, "What's the reason?"

"Master, the Eldest Young Master pretended to be sick, and wanted the Master to pick up the Second Miss, but was discovered by the Master. The Master was furious, so he was sent to the Zhuangzi."

"I really didn't expect Su Xiang, who is always gentle and refined, to be angry now. I thought that he has always looked like a clay bodhisattva and won't get angry!"

"Master, I still have something to do..."


"Ma'am, there seems to be something wrong. It's just that the subordinates have asked some people, but they can't find out."

"Well, the king knows, but there is something else?"

"Master, now Aunt Bai, Aunt Li, and Aunt Liu have all gone inexplicably. This subordinate suspects that someone is secretly contributing to the flames! And this subordinate suspects that this person is..." Before finishing speaking, the other party Interrupted, "Okay, this king knows, you stay in the prime minister's mansion well, play your role well, and don't make people suspicious."

"Yes!" Feeling that the other party's icy breath was a little colder, Aunt Zhang didn't dare to say anything, but just knelt down respectfully.

"The queen, did you send the news?"

"This subordinate will tell the empress about the news that Qing'er has inquired about!" What Qing'er inquired about was just speculation, without any real content. Aunt Zhang said so, it is self-evident what kind of identity she is. up.

"Go back, there is nothing important, you don't have to come in person, just find a way to spread the word, so as not to be seen by others."

"Yes!" Glancing at the man with some remembrance, Aunt Zhang quickly disappeared into the room. The cold man put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at the table with his slender and beautiful fingers. His eyes, which were as cold as a cold pool, were full of coldness, like an ice cellar, which made people feel the coldness in their bones.

Thinking of Aunt Zhang's words just now, the corner of the man's mouth rose slightly, "Su Lanzhi, it seems that this king really underestimated you, but I don't know if you will fall in this king's hands in the end. Already?" The tone was full of arrogance and confidence, Su Lanzhi's young but beautiful face flashed across the man's mind, and there was a warmth in his eyes that he didn't know.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting, so that's fine, otherwise, wouldn't there be no challenges in life?

++++++++++++++++++ I am Su Lanzhi looking at the dividing line outside the window People give people a feeling of being out of reach, and I feel a little anxious.

Miss has really changed a lot, since when?She is no longer the dull young lady who kept everything out of her heart.

Although such a lady is much smarter, her thoughts have become more and more unpredictable.

"it is good!"

"Miss, the hot water is ready. Miss, go take a bath, warm your body, and sleep warmer!"

"Hmm!" Lying in the bathtub, thinking about what happened today, Su Lanzhi only felt relieved.

Now, there are only two aunts left in the mansion, and the people in Su Zhenhua and Su Lingyue's yard have all been dealt with. Even if Su Lingyue wants to come back, there is nothing to worry about.

It's just better to be careful, my mother's body is not stable now, all these things can be delayed, but Su Lingyue can't let Su Lingyue come to make trouble early. <Nuan didn't wait for Su Lanzhi's response, worried that the water would get cold and Su Lanzhi would catch a cold, "Miss, are you alright?"

Because Su Lanzhi doesn't like to be served close by, so whenever Su Lanzhi takes a bath, the few people can only stand outside and wait for orders. <Nuan hurriedly handed in the clothes, Su Lanzhi put them on, and then ordered, "Okay, let's get out, and you should go to bed early!"


Lying on the bed, Su Lanzhi couldn't fall asleep for a long time. She always felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't tell what it was.


In the next few days, the Prime Minister's Mansion was rarely peaceful. In the past few days, Aunt Zheng tried to get Qing'er to spread the news, but she couldn't spread the news, and she was anxious. On the third day, she finally couldn't sit still , Came to Murong Yan's yard, but Murong Yan closed the door these days, Aunt Zheng had no choice but to go to Su Lanzhi.

"Miss, I heard that my mother is not feeling well, so I want to go back and have a look." Her face was worried and haggard, which was in line with what Aunt Zheng said, but that's not all she was worried about.

"My aunt knows that you are Daddy's concubine, so you can't go home casually." Of course, this concubine is different from the main wife. where to look?

Su Lanzhi knew what Aunt Zheng meant, so of course she didn't show face to the other party, she refused in front of Aunt Zheng, which made Aunt Zheng blush, she was really ashamed and angry.

"Miss, this concubine knows that this is unreasonable, but this concubine is worried about my mother, and wants to go back and have a look, and I hope that the eldest lady will do it!" If you don't tell the news to Old Princess Qing, she will be in danger. The princess heard it from other people's mouths, and she couldn't afford to walk around, so today she has to go out no matter what!

"Auntie, it's not up to me to decide this matter, you'd better ask your mother!" Kick this matter to Murong Yan, anyway, Murong Yan has been staying in her yard recently, and no one is allowed to enter, Su Lanzhi is so Said, but also for nothing.

Aunt Zheng was in a hurry when Su Lanzhi played Tai Chi, but she didn't dare to attack, "Miss, Madam is not in good health now, and the concubine doesn't dare to disturb her. I hope that Miss will be considerate and let the concubine go back and have a look. The concubine can be kept, the maid and concubine will just take a look and come back immediately. The eldest lady is also a person who is a child. Now that the wife is sick, the eldest lady goes to visit every day. The eldest lady will care for her mother. For the sake of being the same children, let the servant girl go back and have a look, the servant girl will definitely be grateful, and if the eldest lady needs anything in the future, the maidservant concubine will definitely repay the eldest lady!" Xiaozhi expressed affection and moved it with reason, Aunt Zheng is now , and can only use a sympathetic offensive, otherwise Su Lanzhi really won't let her go back, so what should I do?

"Auntie, I have no control over this matter, you should ask your mother!" Unmoved at all, Su Lanzhi wished that Su Lingyue would not come back, and also wished that the old Princess Qing would not come to meddle in the Xiangfu's affairs, of course it was Aunt Liu will not be allowed to go back.

"Miss..." I didn't expect Su Lanzhi to be so cruel at such a young age. A gleam of anger flashed in Aunt Zheng's eyes, but she quickly suppressed it, and with a smile, "Miss, now the maidservant in the madam's yard I can't get in, if the young lady feels pity for the concubine, can you tell the madam on behalf of the concubine, begging the madam to let me go back?"

"Why should I help you?" As soon as Su Lanzhi said this, Aunt Zheng was immediately speechless.

"Miss, you are also a man and a child. Do you just have the heart to watch your concubine anxious and worried? Miss is lucky, you can always be by your parents' side and honor your parents, but your concubine is just an ordinary person with a poor family. Maybe, maids and concubines don’t want to be concubines, but they are forced to. This life of maids and concubines is already miserable, and the eldest lady is now following his wife to study Buddhism honestly. I think it is also a compassionate heart. Could it be that the eldest lady just has the heart to watch the maidservant Riri worry about her mother? Are you thin and sad?" Tears fell down, this Aunt Zheng was indeed made of water, she looked soft and weak, and when she cried, I felt pity for her.

"Aunt Zheng, don't you want me to remind you of the rules in the house? Have you ever seen a concubine who can go home at will?" These words really stabbed Aunt Zheng in the heart with a knife. Aunt Zheng looked at Su Lan Zhi looked unmoved, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, which could not fall for a long time.

"Miss, can you make an exception once, can't you? The servant girl will definitely be grateful. From now on, if the lady asks the maidservant to do anything, as long as the maidservant can do it, the maidservant will definitely do it!"

"I've already said that I have no control over this matter. You are Daddy's concubine. Even if you want to go out, you can only ask Daddy or Mother. Mother is not in good health now, so don't bother her. Go beg your father yourself!"

"This..." How dare she ask Su Qinglan?

"Yunzhu, see off the guests!" Without giving Aunt Zheng another chance to speak, Su Lanzhi drove them away. Seeing that Su Lanzhi didn't give her face so much, Aunt Zheng's face turned red and white, and her complexion was special It looks good.

"Miss, don't disturb the concubines!" Bite the bullet and said goodbye. Aunt Zheng originally thought that Su Lanzhi was easy to talk to, but she never thought that Su Lanzhi would not let go at all!

Now, what should she do?

Are you really going to ask the master?

She always felt that she would definitely not see Su Qinglan, Aunt Zheng thought about it, and she valued Murong Yan's kindness, so she went directly to Murong Yan.

Madame has sincerely worshiped the Buddha these years, and I think she has a compassionate heart. I said it in a moment, and my words should be more sincere. Madam will not let me go?

Thinking of this, Aunt Zheng saw a little bit of hope, and her pace became much faster.

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